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<abliss> "programming experience" is pretty vague ... i suppose by this day in 1990 I had probably written my first line of GW-BASIC...
<kentonv> yeah well considering his attitude I figured it was a safe assumption he was counting all the way back to his first line of BASIC, so I did to... :)
<JacobWeisz[m]> **** ADFS
<JacobWeisz[m]> LDAP is so easy
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<sesscon> Jacob, any tips on your setup
<kentonv> JacobWeisz[m], but I spent soooo much time figuring out and writing step-by-step ADFS docs... :P
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<JacobWeisz[m]> Yeah, I still can't imagine a Windows admin preferring SAML over LDAP even if it's technically a more secure setup.
<JacobWeisz[m]> SAML is what you'd need for the zero trust model, but a lot of Windows domains are definitely a more traditional firewall inside/outside setup.
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<abliss> sesscon: in lieu of shipping a case of beer, perhaps you'd be willing to post your working example config on a wiki page for others to find (and maybe reply to your own email with a pointer to it)?
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<sesscon> Hey everyone, hope all is well..
<sesscon> so far everything is coming together with my setup. Curious is there a way to have some grains default across all members...
<sesscon> For example have a Rocketchat grain, that already allows all users to join vice being invited into to accept?
<JacobWeisz[m]> I am pretty sure we have a feature request for it already, but currently there's nothing.
<JacobWeisz[m]> Best you can do is use a Collections grain to give someone access to a bunch of grains at once, and give everyone that link.
<JacobWeisz[m]> If they use that share link to access the server, then log in (creating their account), they keep access to that grain.
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