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<isd> Reminder: office hours in 20 min.
<abliss> ok, i uploaded my pty hack-in-progress to . I'll be shocked if you are able to use it for anything yet, but at least I have a place to push my checkpoints now.
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<CcxWrk> abliss: ewww! Good job though! :D
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<isd> The way humans keep track of time is utterly insane.
<isd> (context: working on calendar app)
<abliss> maybe this is the best moment in history to try switching to decimal time again.
<abliss> schools are closed, tens of millions out of work, fewer scheduling appointments than ever
<isd> Killing time zones would be sufficient. I'd be okay with everyone being on UTC and folks who are currently in US/Eastern eating lunch around 16:00.
<isd> That alone would be a massive simplfiication
<JacobWeisz[m]> Yeah, time zones seem pointless to me.
<isd> Getting rid of DST would also be a massive simplification
<isd> Like, DST makes it so that it's actually not even possible to convert from one time zone to another unambiguously.
<isd> So, I'm very glad the Haskell packages for dealing with this stuff force me to think about what I really want here. I just wish the domain they're modeling wasn't so ridiculous
<abliss> I used to be anti-timezone, but i've softened over the years. But I still think we'd be much better off without weeks, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds, and of course DST.
<abliss> For my money wey should call jan 1 2000 the new zero point, and track years+days+decimal days from then (in local time). we can work 7 out of 10 days (say 5 on, 2 off, then 2 on and 1 off)
<isd> I would be happy if I didn't have to deal with the fact that a date & time stamp in local time isn't actually isomorphic to a specific point in time.
<isd> Everything else is vaguely annoying conversion math, but that's actually a deeply absurd thing to have to model
<abliss> here's one of the best defenses of timezones i've seen for nerds who want to redesign timekeeping:
<isd> As someone who's parents go to bed are a 15 minute drive away yet go to bed 7 or 8 hours before I do, I'm not totally convinced.
<isd> ...but DST is the big problem.
<isd> I think there's a strong case to be made that most things time zones are good for are themselves dumb societal conventions.
<isd> I'm not sure I buy it, but I think you can make the case.
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<kentonv> I once wrote some forum software in which I wrote my own handling of American DST rules for rendering timestamps of posts, and then Congress promptly changed the rules the following year (after being stable for decades).
<abliss> if you were only handling North American DST rules, you had it easy. there are some harrowing stories in the tz database about morocco, turkey, kazakhstan etc
<abliss> golang seems so nice and simple when you're just compiling files in one package, but every time i have to interact with the import/package/module/goroot/gopath mess, i end up crying into fistfuls of my own hair
<isd> go modules bring much needed sanity to the package management story.
<abliss> so far all i'm seeing is increased insanity caused by the variety of different and conflicting docs
<isd> I've basically learned to do go mod init <pkgpath> as soon as I need to import something outside the stdlib. From there things are pretty good
<abliss> is there a separate magic incantation to make protobuf imports work?
<isd> Where does pb come into this?
<abliss> i honestyl don't know where it comes in, but every time i try to make use of any gvisor code, my `go build` commands all fail on