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I'm really pleased with how easy it was to add the clone grain thing.
no server-side changes even.
I'm so excited.
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Hey guys! I have kind of an unique use for Sandstorm. Basically, I want to start an organisation of volunteers that create projects for a certain cause. I've done this before with a previous organisation, and we just limited ourselves to using Laravel, so Laravel Forge was perfect for that. Now I want to actually cater to a multitude of stacks,
including Django, Next.JS, and so on. Is there a good way to do that in Sandstorm? I figured that for every stack I can make my own Sandstorm app, but also setting up Github hooks for automatic deployments and so on just feels like I'm reinventing the wheel.
I'm not very experienced with containers such as Docker, so I'm a little lost here. I feel like this could be super easy if I had something to bootstrap my apps with, but I'm not sure what.
vagrant-spk comes with a number of "stacks" to get started with; for frameworks you want to use that aren't already there contributions would be very welcome
We don't really have a great story for building apps as part of CI pipeline currently. So maybe it's not "re-inventing" the wheel so much as just "inventing" it; another place where contributions would be welcome
It might be easier to build that on docker-spk than vagrant-spk though, just because it's harder to get a CI environment where you can run vagrant...
Yeah, I was afraid of that. I might just go with a generic server management tool like RunCloud and just setup nginx as a proxy for other stacks
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I really hope that in the long run, setting up a sandstorm server will be a slam-dunk against runcloud/nginx. Single-sign-on with effortless coordination of capabilities between apps has such great promise. I'm not sure we're quite there yet today, though I think if you look in the App Market, you'll see we already have some pretty compelling offerings that ought to put sandstorm at least competitive with your other
(also, of course, sandstorm is going ot be way way more secure, but that might not be a big issue for your specific use-case.)
It also makes sense to consider what kinds of projects you'll be building; Sandstorm is currently great for some kinds of apps (it really shines for colaborative document stuff) and less so for others (We don't really have a great story for "public facing" apps, though lots of us are interesting in improving that).
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