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Office hours in 1 hour.
...we should find some way to automate updating of the wiki. It's surprisingly tedious and we seem to be slacking on it more and more.
Ok, I updated it.
ocdtrekkie: heads up, just submitted an update to yata.
I figured it was about time I got around to fixing that bug. Yata is about as close to "done" as software gets.
ugh I keep forgetting about office hours. :(
I know DokuWiki's first update in three years is around the corner too.
I totally forgot about office hours today, I was actually at my PC that whole hour.
WTB an Office Hours SandCal I can subscribe to.
Ended up only being 15 min because it was just me and abliss
we have CalDav, I think you can subscribe there.
(Actually, you could import the event into sandcal if you craft it elsewhere...)
sandcal is in this weird state where it's replaced the thing I was using before, but is still incredibly janky.
I mean, we have plenty of janky apps...
Slap a beta label on it and ship it. ;)
abliss: Do we have anything besides radicale that does caldav right now?
ocdtrekkie: I think alpha is maybe the best I can begin to claim
I can upload an spk somewhere though if you want to play with it...
I would definitely play with it. But yeah, I mean, at the point where you're not losing data and you're not going to break upgrades... It's good to get more eyes on it.
Storage format isn't changing much, I don't anticipate it will be hard to keep existing grains working.
I filed my first jank report. ;)
Yata updated approved too
I switched my shopping list grain over to it too.
I really want to try migrating some old PHP sites of mine into Sandstorm, the scaffolding shared hosting gives you to work with is so nice though.
I feel like shoving phpMyAdmin into a grain for management would be silly, but it's so handy.
To move stuff into Sandstorm, my app's code has to be able to do all the stuff I'd just pop into the database editor for.
I wonder... If we had a phpMyAdmin app, that of course, accessed it's own database, and I had a way to flip a grain to open with a different app... (which can be done at worst by manipulating metadata of a backup)... I could have the ability to service the grain's database within Sandstorm.
You could maybe just map it to a different path within the grain?
It just feels really heavy to pack that in with my website...
Does it even impose any overhead besides making the spk bigger?
Though more broadly it would be nice if it was easier to unbundle the notions of code and data in sandstorm.
Another tack to experiment with would be to make powerbox requests for mysql connections. So supporting grains could allow other grains to request a connection to their mysql db.