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<abliss> i'm having a problem with vagrant-spk on buster where every time I try to provision a new VM, it gets stuck waiting for input configuring openssh. Despite me attempting every way I can to make it noninteractive . anyone solved this already?
<abliss> oh, hm, I think that before my script even happens, there's an apt-get upgrade going on that lacks the right flags
<abliss> oh yeah it's in
<isd> That would do it.
<isd> Did you modify that file?
<abliss> no, but i'm probably using an old one created by vagrant-spk init that was targeting strech, and i manually changed to buster afterwards
<isd> If you do vagrant-spk setupvm the call to upgrade in that file has a -y.
<isd> Maybe upgradevm would have fixed it.
<abliss> yeah, -y isn't enough anymore apparently. you need bigger guns: `apt-get upgrade --yes --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"`
<abliss> otherwise the upgrade of openssh complains about some locally-changed config file and wants interactive resolution of the conflict
<isd> Ok, so we'll have to address that when we upgrade the Vagrantfile upstream.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I'll review now
<JacobWeisz[m]> Looks good to me!
<JacobWeisz[m]> abliss, can you document that on the issue about upgrading to buster? Or can we make that change now? Will stretch choke on it?
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