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people still having IE have the choice to install an up to date browser which is both more secure and faster. I don't think actually supporting IE is doing them a favor. It may be better to educate people with a message telling them to download freely something better.
blowfist: I mean, the main concern would be enterprise users who don't have a choice.
But as someone who works in enterprise IT, we already have tons of "Chrome-only" solutions in place, so I'm wondering how many enterprises are really still locked to IE.
("Chrome-only" means it works fine on any modern browser but the lousy support team won't support you unless you're using Chrome, even if the problem also happens on Chrome.)
JacobWeisz[m]: btw, did you have the time to test, did it work correctly for you?
I starred it so I can find it, but I haven't had a lot of time to play on my Linux box.