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I'd like to have a default "here's how backing up sandstorm & grains works," and I think anything that fills that role has to be configurable through the Sandstorm UI somehow. So if we were to integrate kopia we'd probalby build some UI around it I think. But I noticed it had a webdav backend and was like, "oh, I could use this to back up my laptop to a davros grain"
But yeah, I think being able to use a remote grain as your backup storage for sandstorm would be a great way for users to provide one another with off-site backups; just sync them to a friend's Sandstorm box
In this context kopia is nice since it already does encryption.
well as we speak, is there a mean to backup all the grains you own?
As a server admin you can stop Sandstorm and then back up the file system.
As a user, you could mass transfer to another Sandstorm server.
(Mass transfer probably could be used as the basis of a Sandstorm aware backup system... Your backup location could be a non-publicly accessible Sandstorm server.)
ah yeah, the mass transfer button
JacobWeisz[m]: it would indeed be interesting to know how the mass transfer button works so we could try to make some external program to get all the grains data
or an alternative means similar to the mass transfer button that would make it possible to use either davros directly or some more elaborate backup solutions like kopia
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isd: would it be possible to add standard commands to the HTTP interface? It would be interesting to be able to backup grains that way, no?
You mean exposing an API?
Yeah, I think that's something we'll want to do at some point.
There are a few issues where it's been mentioned.
I kinda want it to be a capnproto-over-websockets thing, just because I only want to support so many disparate rpc mechanisms as public APIs.
as long as it doesn't add too much burden to the app devs
Relatedly, some day I'd like to deprecate (but not remove) the postMessage API used by grains in favor of something capnp -- but we need an implementation of capnp that runs in the browser first for that.
the postMessage API, the webKeys?
Not sure what you're asking?
ocdtrekkie: btw, do you know if we have a full listing of the stuff available through postMessage in the docs somewhere? individual mechanisms are documented, but I'm not sure if there's just a central index somewhere.
isd: I don't know what the postMessage API is exactly. I was just hoping it wasn't the interface exposed with the webkeys
There are a handful of ad-hoc calls like that that you can invoke via the browser's postMessage mechanism. Ideally I'd like to have somehting a bit more structured, maybe just using postMessage as a transport for capnproto
It's a relatively minor thing
Ah, I haven't used those.
But extending APIs like that is always a little weird in that there's no explicit "here's how you do protocol evolution"
whereas with capnp we can add new methods & interfaces, and there's a clearly defined way that the protocol can evolve.
powerbox requests also currently go through postMessage, as does setting the url path
Like I said, there are a handful of one-off things you can do by sending postMessage calls to the parent window.
It's just a little too ad-hoc for my tastes.
We've also got the meteor methods, but those aren't exposed to grains in any way, and not really considered 'public'. And I don't really want to make them public, because then we have two entirely separate rpc mechanisms we're exposing to developers...