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Ooh, I have a Powerbox question. Can something like TTRSS still interact with something on a nonstandard port? Like if my published articles feed (when Adam gets that merged in), is on my Sandstorm server in https://domain:6080
Offhand I don't know whether sandstorm restricts you to standard ports or not. You could check.
I might not find out until Adam contributes said feature. Though I guess I could spin up a Ghost grain and subscribe to it?
Yeah, that's how I'd test.
or gitweb-pages of course :)
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Is today the thing?
According to the wiki our last meeting was the 28th, so I guess so?
I'd lost track and thought it was Tuesday but the wiki says I'm wrong.
Do we have stuff we wanna chat about?
Wait, but the actual notes say it was the 26th? So I'm confused.
I have not done squat in the past four days (except painting my old place)
I don't really have anything to mention except stuff that's been on the issue tracker.
Jitsi says the 26th was my last call.
So the wiki is wrong.
Ok, so the wiki is wrong, and this is an off sunday
So Tuesday is our next meeting
We also stll haven't copied over the notes from either the 21st or the 26th...
we've been bad at notes lately too.
I mean, even just taking them, not just copying them over.
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