azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<azonenberg> monochroma: there should be a scopehal issue for more expanded trigger APIs
<azonenberg> a scopehal issue for making the lecroy driver implement them
<azonenberg> and a scopehal-apps issue for the ui to call those apis
<azonenberg> defining the APIs is likely to be the hardest part
<azonenberg> in a way that makes the API generic and not lecroy specific, while still exposing the advanced features of the lecroy firmware in particular
<azonenberg> we may want to consider, say, a polymorphic Trigger class that has EdgeTrigger, GlitchTrigger, etc derived from it
<azonenberg> and then an Oscilloscope::SetTrigger(Trigger* trig)
<azonenberg> or similar
<azonenberg> not saying thats the way to go, just an idea. Should be a topic of discussion when i get back from doing some sar administrative stuff i'm about to head out to
<azonenberg> what i want to avoid is a combinatorial explosion of apis that every scope has to implement default "unimplemented" overrides for
<azonenberg> and given that i'm about to implement ILA trigger stuff this is a good time
<azonenberg> i figure if we do a polymorphic trigger object (and blow away all of the old trigger APIs in the process) you can just use RTTI to figure out what kind of trigger you got
<azonenberg> and error out on anything you dont understand, without having to special case every trigger mode
<apo> azonenberg: can't you just have the base class for the scope implement that?
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] lainy opened issue #79: Add busy indicator in UI. -
<azonenberg> apo: I could. It's more a question of what would be the cleanest API
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<monochroma> azonenberg: tested your 4.3 core profile code with my version check code, works! will clean my code up and make it more useful, and merge it into master tomorrow probably
<monochroma> hmmm
<monochroma> though
<monochroma> i suspect on anything that doesn't have the 4.3 profile, it will fail when attempting to create the context and not even get to my code :P
<monochroma> probably just redo how i do the version check to be based on that failure mode
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<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 9e5b961 - LeCroyOscilloscope: fixes to digital channel handling
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 7d1d7df - Initial implementation of ParallelBusDecoder. Fixes #97.
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #97: Add "digital bus" protocol decoder -
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 1c9b4d6 - Made protocol decode dialog not crash when given weird channel setups
bvernoux has joined #scopehal
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 0411814 - ParallelBus: should not be an overlay, fixed incorrect comparison
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 43c6005 - Digital overlays now are packed properly
<azonenberg> oh so another issue i have to work on is the fact that most of the time based measurements (frequency etc) assume analog inputs
<azonenberg> meaning they're useless on LA channels
<bvernoux> azonenberg, do you have bought the during crowdfounding ?
<bvernoux> it was an amazing offer/price for that hw
<bvernoux> with -120dBm noise floor and dual channel spectrum analyzer up to 22GHz ;)
<bvernoux> and fully portable ;)
<bvernoux> The only bad things about it is the firmware will be not open source and schematic will be not open too ...
<bvernoux> Anyway I do not know any Spectrum Analyzer open source so far with such capabilities
<azonenberg> Interesting
<azonenberg> i do not have a specan whatsoever
<bvernoux> the crowdfounding is now finished
<bvernoux> final price will be >3999USD ...
<azonenberg> It's one of those things i would like to have, but don't actually need enough to justify the cost
<bvernoux> It is nice for any HW in fact
<bvernoux> at least to check EMI/EMC
<bvernoux> and to check cross talk ...
<azonenberg> isnt a VNA better for crosstalk?
<azonenberg> just plot S212 between the two signals
<azonenberg> S21*
<bvernoux> yes when you can do the measurements ;)
<bvernoux> the hard part with VNA is to do the measurement with final HW at full power
<bvernoux> which is not always possible
<bvernoux> and VNA does not help to find where does come the problem with location
<bvernoux> which can be done with SA + RF Probe
<azonenberg> this is the probe calibration board i will be sending out to multech shortly, i need to miter the junctions where the CPWs meet the SMAs/probe headers still
<bvernoux> to locate accurately where is the issue in different spots
<bvernoux> or issues
<azonenberg> and add stitching vias to the lower ground plane
<azonenberg> but otherwise i think it's done
<bvernoux> ha great
<azonenberg> Look good? plan is you'll stick a short machine pin in the probe socket and connect directly to the probe
<azonenberg> then just have the ground blade touch that exposed silver area
<azonenberg> i have one with a 50 ohm termination at the point of probing and one without
<bvernoux> personally depending on freq required I will change the SMA with the one I use up to 26.5GHz
<bvernoux> they are really better for about 4.1USD per unit
<azonenberg> My probe was only simulated out to 10 GHz and i'm expecting usable freq after tips etc is going to be closer to 2-5 GHz. but we'll see
<bvernoux> if you have caracterized the SMA anyway it shall be good
<azonenberg> anyway the point of the integrated standards here is to de-embed the test board and get s-parameters from the probe itself
<bvernoux> I can check it for you
<bvernoux> as I plan to characterize different SMA connectors
<azonenberg> Ok
<azonenberg> My plan was to send you one assembled board plus one probe, and maybe throw in a blank board if you want to test with other connectors?
<azonenberg> gonna send the same to the harmon instruments guy so he can do some data as well
<azonenberg> When i send you think i can throw in the pile of other stuff i've been meaning to send you too :p
<bvernoux> yes perfect
<azonenberg> send you this*
<bvernoux> Do you have simulated the ?
<azonenberg> I did not simulate the entire board as i dont have enough capacity in my Sonnet edition
<azonenberg> i simulated the CPW to model the dimensions and stackup
<azonenberg> as well as the transition to the SMAs and probe. This render doesn't include mitering of the junctions
<azonenberg> i havent actually drawn that in the kicad layout yet
<bvernoux> sma-match5.png Not found
<azonenberg> try again
<bvernoux> ok
<azonenberg> The board will be 1.6mm RO4350B
<azonenberg> immersion silver finish
<bvernoux> -30dB is not bad
<bvernoux> for worst case
<azonenberg> S11 of the probe tip socket is a bit worse than that. I had a harder time matching it
<azonenberg> it got up to -25 dB at 5 GHz
<azonenberg> and is over -30 from 2 - 9 GHz
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> I would like to test Rogers RT5870
<bvernoux> DK is 2.33 ;)
<azonenberg> But yes i'm simulating basically all of my RF boards moving forward
<azonenberg> it's quick enough to set up it's silly not to
<bvernoux> do you have the graph with Impedance ?
<bvernoux> as advantage of 142-0771-831 is it shall be nearly perfect
<azonenberg> line impedance or input impedance?
<azonenberg> helps if i spell the filename right
<bvernoux> impedance of connector over freq
<azonenberg> oh of the connector itself
<azonenberg> not the footprint
<bvernoux> yes or connector with line
<bvernoux> really not bad if you have just max about 50.5 and min 49.9
<azonenberg> Let me look...
<bvernoux> especially with those SMA which have big mismatch and it is not corrected
<bvernoux> -and+when
<bvernoux> do you have pushed those details on github ?
<bvernoux> with probe-cal3 design ?
<azonenberg> the sonnet model is in the starshipraider repo (i may not have pushed the latest version of it)
<azonenberg> i didnt export s-parameters or anything yet
<bvernoux> for microwave PCB I plan to test &
<bvernoux> I need to send them a quotation to check the price ;)
zigggggy has joined #scopehal
<azonenberg> o/ zigggggy
<zigggggy> hi
<azonenberg> Continuing our conversation from earlier: xdev, fastwaveport, and com apis are all things i am starting to look into
<azonenberg> the ultimate goal being to get higher wfm/s from lecroy instruments than is possible via the scpi api
<azonenberg> I have not had the time to actually do any kind of benchmarking of the various possibilities
<zigggggy> yeah
<azonenberg> i am not looking to replace the scpi stack entirely and will probably still use it for configuration and control, as well as a fallback if the scope doesn't have my custom thing on it
<azonenberg> i just want something that i can use to grab waveforms
<azonenberg> ideally, in fact, i'd want a push-based system where i set up a socket and subscribe to notifications on a channel
<azonenberg> then every time the scope triggers it will push the waveform for all active channels to me without any polling being needed
<azonenberg> this would greatly improve responsiveness especially when using a remote instrument over VPN, saving a round trip time would help a lot
<azonenberg> it also would allow control-plane traffic to take place while downloading a large waveform
<zigggggy> yes this can be done fairly easily in C#
<zigggggy> subscription model
<zigggggy> pub/sub
<azonenberg> Awesome. We'll need to discuss a bit to figure out what is the best way to integrate it into my software stack, as well as what the over-the-wire protocol should look like
<azonenberg> But you're definitely better positioned to write such a bridge than me
<zigggggy> it should be completely decoupled.. just a server that adapts COM to something else
<azonenberg> i meant at the other end
<zigggggy> im not sure what the server API looks like
<azonenberg> figuring out the protocol, encapsulation, etc
<zigggggy> you can provide suggestions
<azonenberg> Yeah i'll think about it tonight, my lunch break is almost over and i should get back to billable work doon :p
<azonenberg> soon*
<zigggggy> C# should be pretty easy write this
<azonenberg> lain/monochroma: fyi zigggggy is the friend at lecroy i mentioned, he's possibly interested in writing a C# bridge app that runs on the scope and provides more efficient waveform access via a pub/sub model instead of polling over scpi
<azonenberg> zigggggy: yeah. again the ultimate goal is to get higher wfm/s for remote operation
<zigggggy> there are cross platform serializer libraries
<azonenberg> yes, like protobufs
<zigggggy> i forgot the name
<zigggggy> so we can serialize objects
<zigggggy> right?
<azonenberg> it's more a question of, given how simple the data structure is (basically an array of samples) is that even needed?
<azonenberg> or just raw binary with a header
<azonenberg> I'm thinking at a high level, you'd be writing a standalone tool that lives in the scopehal-apps repository. It would connect to the scope via com and then listen on a TCP socket server
<azonenberg> at any time the client can send a command requesting to subscribe or unsubscribe from a channel
<azonenberg> every time the scope triggers the server loops over all subscribed analog or digital channels for all connected clients and sends them the waveform data
<azonenberg> For a first test, let's say the client-to-server protocol consists of messages structured as follows
<azonenberg> 1 byte opcode, 0x00 = subscribe, 0x01 = unsubscribe
<azonenberg> 1 byte channel name length
<azonenberg> (length) bytes of ascii channel name, e.g. C1 or Digital2
<zigggggy> how does it send a command? does it send a serialized object? a json?
<azonenberg> just directly written to the socket as bytes of data
<zigggggy> i think higher level would be better
<azonenberg> ok, suggest something else then. Protobuf?
<zigggggy> using a library to make it more transparent
<azonenberg> (protobufs still need external length framing )
<zigggggy> let me find the library i've seen that is very popular.. dont think it is protobuf
<azonenberg> capnproto?
<azonenberg> basically the main thing i want to avoid is requiring a heavy parser to run on the incoming MB of waveform data
<azonenberg> i dont mind more complex framing on the control link but i want the stream of waveforms to require as little processing as possible
<azonenberg> because if you have 16-bit samples * 32M points * 4 channels that's 256 MB of data per trigger that has to be parsed
<azonenberg> so if i can just have a minimal header (serialized using any framing you want) followed by a length and then raw waveform data that would be great
<electronic_eel> couldn't the control channel be something very common, where lots of libraries exist for client & server? I think of HTTP+REST or something like that
<zigggggy> but that's not what i remember seeing
* zigggggy keeps looking
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: well i was thinking it should be over the same socket
<electronic_eel> the actual data sent from the scope should of course be packed tightly
<azonenberg> since this is for pub/sub subscription itself
<azonenberg> i would be using the existing SCPI commands for things like changing trigger config or offsets
<azonenberg> this is an experimental idea for bypassing the heavyweight scpi stack and vicp protocol for waveform data only
<electronic_eel> if it is the same socket it will not be easy to tell the scope to stop sending data or send other control commands
<azonenberg> the "control plane" is literally just sub/unsub requests going one way
<azonenberg> and waveforms going the other
<azonenberg> via a single socket
<azonenberg> then a second scpi socket for everything else
<electronic_eel> is sub/unsub really the only thing that needs to be sent to the c# agent on the scope?
<azonenberg> i cant think of anything else
<azonenberg> like i said this is just a performance accelerator
<azonenberg> it's not a replacement for the existing control link to the scope
<azonenberg> what i want to avoid is two things
<electronic_eel> maybe you'll need to verify if the c# agent has the same idea of data sources as the scopehal driver
<azonenberg> first, scpi link is monopolized when downloading a waveform and prevents you from e.g. querying channel offset until the download is done
<azonenberg> second, lots of number crunching and software overhead when pulling waveforms causing WFM/s performance to suffer
<azonenberg> I don't know how big a boost this will be, or if it's even worth doing. Just experimenting right now
<electronic_eel> yes, I understand the reasoning behind it
<azonenberg> If successful i'd love to write similar bridges for other scope firmware if possible
<azonenberg> lecroy being the highest priority because we have both a friendly guy working there and a lot of folks in the channel using their products
<electronic_eel> not easy if the scope isn't designed to have programs installed on it
<zigggggy> over time we can adapt more commands in the server app
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: yes, thats another advantage of lecroys wrt customization
<azonenberg> at least the higher end ones not running winCE etc
<azonenberg> its just a windows OS you can install custom tools on
<zigggggy> its not that either but i found this just now
<electronic_eel> one thing I'd look for in the protocol is if you can abort a transfer
<electronic_eel> if you connect through a vpn and the connection is completely stalled due to all the data being sent, I think it would be good to be able to send an abort command and have the agent abort immediately
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: hmm yeah probably a good idea
<azonenberg> zigggggy: ok well do some research and we'll figure things out. To start, do you have access to a waverunner 8k or hdo 9k to test on?
<azonenberg> So our results are comparable between you and me
<electronic_eel> if the protocol goes like "length of blob"+blob it won't be easy to abort
<azonenberg> (i assume you've got to have some floating around the lab)
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: maybe divide blob into smaller sub-blobs which can't be aborted, but you can abort between them?
<zigggggy> this is kind of cool but may have a lot of overhead
<electronic_eel> yes, that would be one way to do it
<monochroma> azonenberg: oh cool!
<azonenberg> zigggggy: i figure the first step would be to write an app that pulls the waveform from say channel 1 of the scope only and sends it out
<azonenberg> and benchmark how many WFM/s you can get on, say, 1M points @ 8 bit precision
<azonenberg> then compare that to what i get now with scpi
<azonenberg> then decide at that point if it's even worth the effort to go further
<azonenberg> dont worry about framing the data, just spit out a raw uint8_t[1000000]
<azonenberg> nothing will be on the other end :p
<zigggggy> azonenberg ok
<zigggggy> azonenberg one nice thing is we can maybe optimize it before we send it
<azonenberg> Yeah some level of compression or delta coding may help
<azonenberg> but right now my assumption is that, at least on a LAN, it's the scope getting cpu bound
<azonenberg> not the network as the limiting factor
<zigggggy> could be
<azonenberg> so i think less processing is better than more, I have not got close to saturating gigabit with any of my scopes yet
<azonenberg> But again, we'll need to run some experiments and see. I don't know where the bottlenecks are yet
<azonenberg> i just know i want faster :p
<zigggggy> when accessing COM objects, i should get a reference to the data instead of a copy?
<zigggggy> a copy would be pretty inefficient
<azonenberg> That would probably be faster. But I have very little experience with COM in general
<azonenberg> i haven't done windows dev since vista was the new hotness
<zigggggy> i could keep a buffer in C# for doing processing on it and keep it alive so it there is less pressure on the GC
<zigggggy> and do memory level copy from the com object to the buffer
<azonenberg> yeah that sounds like the sort of stuff you'd want to be doing
<zigggggy> i havent done that before because i never cared too much about speed
<azonenberg> On my end, i am looking at seeing how little overhead i can get, with the ultimate goal of being able to DMA direct from the ethernet card into GPU memory
<zigggggy> in C# by default memory management is handled by the run time
<azonenberg> that's a long ways out and at least for the moment i will be doing two copies from nic-main ram and ram-gpu
<zigggggy> so if you copy data from say one array to another, it will create new space on the heap and then GC it
<azonenberg> but down the road i will be doing protocol decodes on the GPU too
<azonenberg> at least for things like math functions that don't depend on earlier results
<azonenberg> obviously something like a CDR PLL will be hard to parallelize
<zigggggy> but you can instead ask for a buffer to be created and use a lower level of copying
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> But what i might be able to do, if waveforms are coming in fast enough, is run CDR on several different waveforms on different GPU/CPU threads in parallel
<azonenberg> then integrate those all into say an eye pattern
<zigggggy> but we can also benchmark the C# stuff to see where to optimize..
<azonenberg> Yeah
<zigggggy> if i've hit the limit of C#, then we can even move some of the processing to C++ and marshall
<azonenberg> BTW, you probably know maui better than i do...
<zigggggy> C# does interop with C++ very well
<azonenberg> Does SDA have a feature that lets you cross-probe from an eye pattern back to a time domain waveform?
<azonenberg> i.e. given a mask violation or even just an interesting region of an eye, can i find what the time domain view of the signal producing that was?
<zigggggy> no idea
<zigggggy> i know very little about sda
<azonenberg> that's a feature i have planned for my software that i havent seen elsewhere
<zigggggy> i would think not
<azonenberg> each pixel in the eye pattern will store a timestamp
<zigggggy> because i dont think the data is stored
<zigggggy> its a lot of data
<zigggggy> just the bitmap
<azonenberg> so if you select the pixel you'll be able to jump back to the history and see the waveform in question
<zigggggy> or maybe a bin of the data is stored
<zigggggy> and the bitmap is updated each time
<electronic_eel> azonenberg: that looks like a very useful feature to me
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: yes exactly
<zigggggy> azonenberg i think you will run out of memory very quickly if you did that
<azonenberg> it will use a lot of ram though, at least if you want deep eye captures
<azonenberg> zigggggy: my workstation has 192GB of ram
<azonenberg> i think i'll be ok for a while :p
<electronic_eel> ram on the pc isn't that much of an issue anymore, with the current ryzen/epic systems you can upgrade into the tb regions
<zigggggy> but arent processes limited?
<azonenberg> zigggggy: on linux you can use basically all of the ram in one process, you might have to poke some setting to enable it
<zigggggy> you're also gonna make a mess of the heap :P
<azonenberg> and it's not going to be one huge buffer
<zigggggy> and it will prob take a while to eve allocate that much space
<azonenberg> it's one buffer per waveform
<zigggggy> you're going to allocae on each waveform?
<azonenberg> i've run glscopeclient into the tens of GB ram usage with deep history already
<zigggggy> that's a lot of calls to the kernel
<zigggggy> and will fragment memory badly
<azonenberg> Reducing overhead per waveform on my end is definitely a TODO
<azonenberg> i am considering having a pool of some sort preallocated once you set the max history depth
<zigggggy> i would think its better to allocate in chunks
<zigggggy> maybe 500M chunks
<azonenberg> if anything i'd allocate waveform-sized chunks and then have a pool of however big a waveform is
<zigggggy> yeah
<azonenberg> but so far my performance bottleneck has been getting data from the scope fast enough
<zigggggy> can also have a feature where if you run out of memory you start overwriting the oldest wfm
<zigggggy> since most will not have nearly that much ram
<azonenberg> Well i already have a cap to history depth
<azonenberg> but right now it's not "smart" and you have to specify the cap yourself
<azonenberg> i have no "cap below 100% of ram" feature yet, although that would be good to have
<azonenberg> if you set the history depth to thousands of waveforms glscopeclient will happily use all of your ram
<monochroma> i'm guessing getting this working on my ancient DDA-5005 scopes might be a no-go? :P
<azonenberg> monochroma: i think you can install current .net framework on XP
<azonenberg> or maybe just recompile the source for an older framework
<azonenberg> the com objects shouldnt have changed too much wrt accessing a waveform
<monochroma> yeah, worst case i could do the Windows 7 upgrade path that is uhhhh kinda crazy
<azonenberg> win7 on a DDA-5005? um
<azonenberg> that sounds a bit wrong :p
<monochroma> it requires a motherboard replacement (with something more modern but still has a PCI slot)
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> what is the pci connection, a cable or something?
<azonenberg> or does it assume the card is in a specific plaec?
<azonenberg> do you need an AGP slot too?
<azonenberg> monochroma: anyway i think the bigger issue would be the maui version you're running being too old, not the OS
<monochroma> yeah that too
<electronic_eel> did lecroy always route outputting the graphics through the pc and windows to the graphics card or did they also have a setup with an fpga writing into the graphics card?
<electronic_eel> with "always" I mean the scopes running windows
<azonenberg> does windows ce count? i think, not certain, the wavesurfer 3000 series use fpga accelerated graphics
<azonenberg> zigggggy would know
<azonenberg> oh speaking of accelerating graphics
<azonenberg> Anybody want to look into implementing antialiasing in the new compute shader line renderer?
<monochroma> oh that reminds me, what's the status of the eye diagram with the horizontal lines through it?
<azonenberg> i mostly see them vertical not horizontal. I think it's a rounding/quantization issue
<azonenberg> but i havent had time to work on it
<azonenberg> Been busy trying to get MSO stuff up and running
<monochroma> azonenberg: uhh i might have to send you a screenshot in a bit
<azonenberg> but i know the issue you're talking about
<zigggggy> we can write a schema then generate code in the appropriate language
<azonenberg> zigggggy: i like it
<zigggggy> so do i
<zigggggy> serialize it into a stream of bytes, send, receive, deserialize into objects/structs
<zigggggy> we can start with a simple case of just c1 wfm
<azonenberg> We dont even need to use it for the very first test
<zigggggy> now i need to find a pub sub library
<zigggggy> we dont?
<azonenberg> just send out raw waveform data with no framing and on the other side i'll just netcat it to /dev/null or something
<zigggggy> oh
<azonenberg> i just want to see how fast you can get data out of maui to start
<azonenberg> because if that's not significantly faster than what i have now, this whole thing is pointless
<azonenberg> if we DO see a speedup, the next step is to figure out how to keep said speedup while making the data actually useful
<zigggggy> maybe i'll use this to create/manage the socket
<lain> zigggggy: you could target .net core or .net standard
<zigggggy> .net standard is for libraries.. for executables you have to target .net core or .net framework
<zigggggy> .net standard libraries can then be used in .net framework or .net core
<lain> ah right
<zigggggy> .net core is preferred since .net framework dev is over
<lain> yep
<zigggggy> but there are things .net core does not yet support
<zigggggy> COM could be one of them
<zigggggy> although with .net core 3 a lot of stuff is there now
<lain> the way I've typically handled that in cross-platform code is to have windows-specific code target .net framework as a separate assembly, loaded by the .net core main program
<zigggggy> the supersocket library looks pretty nice though.. very high level control of socket comm
<lain> ah
<zigggggy> that is typically how you structure it, yes.. you create library projects and put most of your code there
<zigggggy> the exe project is pretty bare bones.. just does bootstrapping for the most part
<zigggggy> maximizes code reuse and decoupling
<azonenberg> lain: keep in mind we are talking about something that runs on the scope itself, not a client app
<lain> yep. I only point it out because, at least from the landing page, it looks like SuperSocket targets Mono, not .NET Core?
<zigggggy> i like to have a core library with no dependencies and then if i need a 3rd party dependency i might make a separate library.. this way the core could be used for other things without dragging in a bunch of 3rd party dependencies
<zigggggy> but if its a small project, i wont do that
<lain> azonenberg: ahh ok, I haven't read all the scrollback
<azonenberg> lain: we're talking about a com app that runs on the scope and bridges directly from the internal com objects to a lightweight protocol bypassing all of the maui scpi stack
<azonenberg> to see if we can get higher wfm/s that way
<lain> aha
<azonenberg> keeping the normal scpi interface for control plane stuff
<zigggggy> lain no, it targets .net core 3 too
<zigggggy> here is an example for creating a telnet app with it
<zigggggy> i like it.. its pretty high level.. dont have to muck around with the .net sockets library
<lain> fair enough
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<electronic_eel> do the lecroy scopes usually have a free pcie slot where you could plug in a 10gbe card?
<azonenberg> they do not have an opening in the chassis for one, although if its an older scope you dont mind cutting holes in that might be possible
<azonenberg> that being said, i havent even managed to saturate gigabit
<azonenberg> so far the bottleneck is elsewhere