azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<Famine> o.O this is seriously a hammer in search of a nail. reading a paper on low noise preamps, the design calls for 10 ADA4898-2 op amps in parallel. that's only ~$100 in op amps
<azonenberg> lol
<Famine> azonenberg, although he is down to 200 pV/root Hz
<azonenberg> what is he using it for?
<azonenberg> Most of my research on frontends etc has been going for bandwidth, not super weak signal performance
<Famine> doesn't say, but he does RF/DSP design:
<Famine> azonenberg, right now i'm debating matched npn pairs, for a 200% price increase i get <3% better current matching lol
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 8ed7dc9 - Fixed bug causing risetime measurements to not work on waveforms with only a single edge
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg c6cd6da - Oscilloscope: implemented SerializeConfiguration
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg f66b35c - ProtocolDecoder: initial work on SerializeConfiguration()
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 1e68481 - Continued work on serialization. See #3.
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 78d10f9 - ProtocolDecoder: added GetProtocolDisplayName
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 3d123c4 - Fixed regression in digital waveform overlay rendering
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 21c04bb - ProtocolDecoder: continued serialization
<azonenberg> latest test file-save schema
<azonenberg> i think i have basically all of the metadata for (supported subsets of) scope and channel config, UI layout, etc. What's missing is the descriptors for the WaveformArea objects (right now i define the tree hierarchy of splitters, but not what goes inside each pane)
<azonenberg> as well as waveform data itself
<azonenberg> may make a few minor tweaks but how's it look?
<azonenberg> (ping: lain)
* lain looks
<lain> azonenberg: uhhhh I'm sleepy but it looks quite good!
<awygle> request ability to save just the waveform data as well
<azonenberg> awygle: that's already there
<azonenberg> well, the arhcitecture is
<monochroma> i think that was the plan, you can save the layout + waveform or just the waveform
<azonenberg> well, ok
<azonenberg> You can save layout only, or layout + waveform
<azonenberg> When *loading* you can choose to import layout, waveforms, or both
<azonenberg> but the file will always contain layout
<awygle> right, i may not want layout on occasion
<azonenberg> Yes that's a load-time decision
<azonenberg> But the layout is there in the file if you want it
<awygle> i'm envisioning exporting to some other program
<azonenberg> So, there will also be a mode to export raw waveforms as CSV or similar
<awygle> okay, that's all i really want
<azonenberg> The overall hierarchy will look like this
<azonenberg> foo.scopesession: metadata for the instrument setup and UI config, protocol decoders, etc
<azonenberg> foo_data/$instrument/waveforms.yml: metadata for each waveform (probably just timestamp)
<azonenberg> foo_data/$instrument/waveform%d/$channel.wave: raw binary waveform data
<azonenberg> basically int64_t offset, int64_t duration, [float voltage | bool digitalvalue | bool[] digitalvector]
<azonenberg> oh and waveforms.yml will also include sample rate metadata for each waveform in case you reconfigured the scope halfway through a session
<azonenberg> offset and duration values are in sample-clock units
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<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg opened issue #3: Document file load/save commands -
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg opened issue #4: Document save file format -
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg b33d998 - WaveformAreas are now mostly serialized. Still need to do measurements but UI config is otherwise done.
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 202ff55 - Refactored configuration serialization for WaveformGroup out into a separate function. Began work on measurement serialization. See #3.
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #83: Allow measurements to return one value per UI instead of just one for the whole waveform -
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #83: Allow measurements to return one value per UI instead of just one for the whole waveform -
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal] azonenberg 419dc0f - Measurement: initial serialization support
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-3> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg a0bab26 - WaveformGroup: now serialize measurements (see #3)
<azonenberg> ok i think this is just about all of the config left
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<azonenberg> Getting 50 ohm traces on 1.6mm RO4350B is turning out to be a bit of a chore. I'm now using 0.8mm trace with 0.1mm gap as a GCPW
<azonenberg> and the SMA match is being rather fun too
<azonenberg> Seems i get the best results with 0.15mm wide gap inside the SMA footprint. So kinda like one of those fancy Rosenberger connectors bvernoux is a fan of
<azonenberg> while it's technically a GCPW, the ground is of almost no importance at this substrate thickness
<azonenberg> Substantially all of the return current flows in the top layer
<azonenberg> I get better than -30 dB return loss from 100 MHz - 10 GHz so that is probably good enough for the characterization board
<azonenberg> optimizing impedance further seems futile as the fab can't control to +/- 0.1 ohm anyway :p
<azonenberg> I should probably sleep soon, but tomorrow after work i hope to get the characterization board banged out. It should be quick... eight SMAs and four resistors plus a probe connector
<Famine> i have no idea why i'm up this late either, drooling over some rosenberger SMAs
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> because i mentioned them, or independently?
<azonenberg> if you just happened to be drooling over them without me mentioning them that would be impressive
<azonenberg> and a sign that you're as huge of a nerd as me :p
<azonenberg> (this footprint is designed for SMA-J-P-H-ST-EM1 which is a whopping $3.80 @ qty 25)
<Famine> azonenberg, independently, 32K243-40ML5 and 32K242-40ML5
<azonenberg> shows just how little return current actually flows in the ground plane
<azonenberg> The standard samtec footprint is clearly designed for microstrip with a ground plane << 1.6mm from the signal layer
<azonenberg> but i didn't feel like paying for *multilayer* rogers
<Famine> the 32K242-40ML5 is 4.19 @ 10 pieces
<azonenberg> So i decided to engineer a match that would work on 1.6mm RO4350B
<Famine> i'm pretty comfortable <200MHz, you really can't screw up when your this slow lol
<azonenberg> yeah at that frequency you can send your signal over barbed wire and it wont care :p
<Famine> who do you think i am ? i only use the highest quality chicken wire!
<azonenberg> lol
<Famine> so you were saying you had a bunch of issues with over etching ?
<azonenberg> When? on what process?
<azonenberg> i had overetch issues on oshpark in 2011, yes :p
<Famine> i'm a little behind the times then :P
<azonenberg> Or you were thinking of somebody else
<azonenberg> but no, what i'm trying to do here is make the characterization board for fine tuning the transmission line probe
<azonenberg> The probe uses a mixed RO4350B + cheap FR4 stackup because I wanted to keep the transmission line at 0.5mm width for matching to the resistors
<azonenberg> Perhaps not strictly necessary but it did keep layout simple
<azonenberg> with 0.1mm ground i needed a fairly thin prepreg
<Famine> quite possibly, i've been reading a ton of papers/blogs on RF design and low noise measurements
<azonenberg> 0.1mm spacing to ground*
<azonenberg> then a cutout under that for the large, fat sma center conductor
<azonenberg> on the characterization board i have a very different problem, the ground plane is so far away as to be practically nonexistent
<azonenberg> almost all return current flows in-plane
<azonenberg> And i had to enlarge the signal conductor to 0.8mm in order to get a reasonable impedance without having the ground be super close, 0.1mm is already tight
<azonenberg> then i just had to tune for the center conductor, which needed 0.15mm space
<Famine> i need to keep reading more books until its not black magic voodoo
<azonenberg> i've found running lots of simulations helps to get a more intuitive feel for how things work as well
<azonenberg> not in terms of being able to get exact numbers or anything, but in terms of being able to predict cause and effect of various changes to layout
<azonenberg> even the lite version of sonnet is likely going to be helpful for that
<azonenberg> (btw did you register it? the ram cap is 1 MB unregistered and 32 registered... yes, they get your email address, but they don't really spam you)
<Famine> yea, i had to manually email them the automated registration was down
<Famine> interesting NIST still hasn't changed its recommendation on RSA key sizes, but these are the same guys that argued for smaller symmetric keys for years
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<awygle> yeah at 1.6mm thickness the backside is so far away as to be irrelevant for TL purposes
<awygle> also you shoulda used SMA-EM3 :p
<awygle> and SMA-EM1 is $2.48 @ qty1 direct from Samtec. always buy samtec direct, digikey et al appear to be re-selling at a markup
<azonenberg> that is their entire business model :p
<azonenberg> when you're not buying a lot, saving shipping is worth it. and will samtec sell you less than like case quantity direct?
<azonenberg> most part vendors only sell by the reel etc
bvernoux has joined #scopehal
<awygle> yes but usually they're authorized distributors not just dudes that buy from the Samtec website, which seems to be hte case here
<awygle> yeah they'll sell you whatever qty. i order 5 SMAs from them all the time (or did in a former life)
<awygle> and i don't think they ever charged me shipping, and it was there in 2 days
<azonenberg> oh cool
<awygle> one of many reasons i always recommend them
<awygle> but anyway yes, SMA-EM3 is much cooler :p
<bvernoux> Hmm I think I will buy this Spectrum Analyzer Beta Version
<bvernoux> Price is interesting if it respect the specification
<monochroma> ooo i love the way that looks :o
<bvernoux> Does anyone have seen some feedback about it with delivered 1st batch of beta ?
<bvernoux> it is planned to work up to 22GHz which is interesting even if it is described as performance will be bad for freq > 15GHz
<bvernoux> deadline is 8 march to buy it at 1513USD unlocked beta version
<bvernoux> retail version with same features is planned to be sold for 3999USD
<monochroma> :O
<bvernoux> very old SA with such feature cost more than 5KUSD used without any warranty ;)
<bvernoux> Like my defective Agilent E4405B ;)
<miek> is there a proper spec for it somewhere? like.. with some actual numbers? :p
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> it is not a full spec ;)
<miek> aha, thanks
<bvernoux> It seems based on AD9361 USB 3.0
<bvernoux> as it is compatible with USRP B210 Gnu Radio
<bvernoux> also there is interesting blog/test of the author
<bvernoux> it is translated from chinese to english as I'm not fluent in Mandarin ;)
<azonenberg> welp, in case there was any doubt i've been bitten by the RF bug
<azonenberg> i just ordered a rosenberger sma-bnc adapter
<azonenberg> $20 for one adapter :o
<awygle> lol
<azonenberg> But i'm having an issue that i think might in part be due to mismatch of my current sma-bnc adapters
<azonenberg> And i want to eliminate variables to narrow down the source of it
<miek> the sonnet license was a bit of a giveaway too :p
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> the bigger giveaway isn't that i bought sonnet, it's that i want more after buying the basic edition :p
<miek> hah
<awygle> time to design a PIFA
<azonenberg> a what?
<azonenberg> power isolated foobar array? :p
<monochroma> a pain in the fscking a$$?
<miek> planar inverted f antenna
<awygle> ^
<monochroma> what for? :o
<awygle> ionno. flex?
<awygle> just seemed like a good use of sonnet
<monochroma> hehe
<azonenberg> i dont actually have the far field radiation feature
<azonenberg> So i couldn't if it wanted to
<azonenberg> Although they'd gladly sell me the option if i asked
<awygle> design me a coplanar waveguide for PCIe on 2L FR4
<awygle> i long to use differential CPW on a cheapo 2L board someday.... just need to make time for one of the projects that could use that
<azonenberg> awygle: give me detailed info on stackup etc (is there a ground plane? how far out? soldermask? what Er? what copper thickness?)
<azonenberg> do you just want 100 differential or does it have to be 50 single ended too?
<azonenberg> min trace/space i can use?
<awygle> 100 ohm differential (SE not important), 1.6mm thickness, 4/4 min (6/6 would be better but :shrug:), soldermask, Er 4.6, ground plane on opposite side, 1oz copper on both sides
<awygle> +/- 10%
<awygle> huh actually 6/6 with 2oz copper is pretty close to dead-on
<azonenberg> Does that model thick metal?
<awygle> yeah'
<awygle> i'm winging the roughness at 0.1 um but the rest of hte params seem to be reasonable. this is at 1 GHz which is probably the wrong frequency tho
<awygle> doesn't matter too much
<awygle> i would be interested to see if a sim of this came out comparable
<azonenberg> i have a sweep running with a few different parameters, give it a bit
<awygle> with 4/4 space and 1oz copper i get W=5mil as a pretty good answer
<awygle> or 6 space, W=10 on 1oz, which is also fairly reasonable if a bit wide
<azonenberg> are you doing outer ground plane too? or just edge coupled
<azonenberg> CPW implies a ground on the outer layer, otherwise it's differential microstrip
<awygle> yes, outer ground plane too
<azonenberg> So there's 3 parameters: trace width, trace-trace spacing, trace-ground spacing
<awygle> keeping inter-pair spacing == pair-to-pour spcaing
<awygle> == minimum spacing
<awygle> because my problem is always to get _down_ to 100 ohms, not _up_ to it
<awygle> at least from what i've run so far
<azonenberg> right now i'm doing a sweep with fixed trace = 0.125 mm
<azonenberg> sweeping ground gap 0.1 - 0.25 and trace-trace 0.1 - 0.3
<azonenberg> and plotting from 100 MHz - 10 GHz for each
<azonenberg> 17/20 models done
<azonenberg> and done, lets see what this got me
<azonenberg> this is with 1.52mm thick FR4 Er=4.4 substrate (typical for 1.6mm finished thickness after copper and mask)
<azonenberg> 35um (1oz) copper using a 2-sheet thick metal model and assuming vertical etch sidewalls
<azonenberg> and 50um of Er=3.5 soldermask over the traces
<azonenberg> 50 is a bit thick, i'll try thinner mask in a bit
<awygle> oh i wasn't running solder mask in my analysis
<awygle> ... cuz i don't know how
<awygle> so that may result in differences between our results
<awygle> should be interesting
<azonenberg> interesting, it likes thinner gaps (closer to 0.1 mm)
<azonenberg> let me bump trace width up to 0.15 to drop the impedance and thin out the mask
<azonenberg> let's say 15 um
<awygle> can't you speak mil like a normal person :p
<azonenberg> can't you use SI like a normal person? :P
<awygle> in other contexts i do
<azonenberg> pcb design especially
<awygle> pcb design is goofy
<awygle> consider how many vendors quote trace/space in mil and drills in metric
<azonenberg> not the ones i deal with :p
<awygle> lies
<awygle> i'm on multech's website right now
<awygle> 2.5mil/2.5mil, 0.1mm
<awygle> azonenberg: where'd you get your two-post racks?
<azonenberg> amazon i think
<azonenberg> i wanna say they were just a generic 16u startech or something
<azonenberg> assuming you mean the 16u desktop racks and not the 24u 2-post switch rack i sold to... i think it was monochroma
<awygle> looking at, sad about lack of cage nuts
<azonenberg> the racks i have have round holes for... not the usual square cage nuts but same idea
<azonenberg> i.e. threads are replaceable, but you have to get round-hole cage nuts and not the normal square ones
<awygle> i did not know that was a thing
<azonenberg> There's 3 styles of rack
<awygle> ah i see it now
<azonenberg> small round threaded holes (old school), large round holes for cage nuts, large square holes for cage nuts
<azonenberg> the latter being the most common
<awygle> well then, guess i'm in (despite already owning ~100 square cage nuts but oh well)
<azonenberg> but i had an old DEC rack that had round cage nuts
<azonenberg> so they've been around since the vax era
<awygle> do kinda wish it was cheaper. stamped and bent sheet metal doesn't seem like it should cost this much.
<azonenberg> What are you racking?
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<awygle> test equipment. PSU, SA, scope
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<azonenberg> seems like everyone who sees my lab decides they have to rack their test eq lol
<awygle> related: if anybody wants to buy a 12U or 8U 2-post rack, get in touch
<azonenberg> oh you already had stuff racked and are just bumping to a taller one?
<awygle> yes, because the PSU is new
<azonenberg> what psu did you get?
<awygle> siglent 3303D
<awygle> C?
<awygle> C.
<electronic_eel> I would just buy racks with square cage nuts now. Because some vendors have rackmount kits which don't screw into the cage nuts, but have some clever snap-in mechanisms that replace the cage nuts
<azonenberg> awygle: ah nice
<electronic_eel> and those usually just work with the square ones
<awygle> true. fortunately none of my present equipment has that problem though.
* azonenberg was just drooling over the R&S NGP800 series. I have no rack space for it and absolutely can't justify the money
<azonenberg> but it's a sexy piece of hardware
<awygle> and i'm at the limit of the single-rack lifestyle
<awygle> so it'll be fine, if i get something new it'll just go in the 8U or 12U, or a new rack
<azonenberg> yeah i have two racks now
<azonenberg> left rack has the HDO, right has the waverunner, then a HMC8012 + HMC8042 side by side below the scope
<azonenberg> it's a bit bulkier than it strictly needs to be due to cable management panels but they're absolutely worth it
<azonenberg> when you have scope probes NOT dangling in front of your psu :p
<awygle> SA: 6U. Scope: 4U. PSU: 4U.
<azonenberg> 4u psu? o_O
<azonenberg> well that's your problem
<azonenberg> also 4U scope is quite short, even my old rigol was 5 or 6 when racked
<azonenberg> although it was admittedly not a very dense rackmount
<awygle> yeah all the rigol/siglent rack mounts are really just like... shelves with some fiddly bits
<azonenberg> meanwhile my psu is half width 2U, lol
<azonenberg> I guess thats what you get for getting a switcher with a linear postregulator instead of a pure linear
<awygle> we had these half-rack-half-u sorensons at planetary, they were great
<azonenberg> yeah i have 2ch psu + 5.75 digit dmm side by side in 2U
<electronic_eel> my PSUs are 1/3 of 19" and 3U, so they line up nicely left of my scope (on the same shelf, not racked)
<azonenberg> My scopes are something like 8-9U *each*
<azonenberg> which is one of the reasons why i want to build a proper headless DSO
<azonenberg> that's a LOT of bench space to be wasting
<awygle> they were also literally an order of magnitude more expensive than mine lol
<awygle> if not two
<azonenberg> Unless you have a $150 scope, probably not two
<azonenberg> maybe 1.5
<awygle> 350$. not quite.
<azonenberg> "your scope is ~17 dB cheaper than mine"?
<awygle> ha
<azonenberg> But no that was not me bragging about having nice hardware, that was me complaining about how big it is
<azonenberg> If i could get the same scope electronics in a 2U headless i would
<electronic_eel> yeah 9U is enormous. replacing that with regular monitors, maybe on some holding arms, would improve that a lot
<awygle> course
<azonenberg> in fact, lecroy *makes* the waverunner 8000-R series but it's the same exact scope sans monitor
<azonenberg> and i couldn't find one secondhand for the same price i could the full unit
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: this thing literally has a 720p 15" touchscreen on it
<azonenberg> its a laptop lcd basically
<azonenberg> this is an older shot of my bench with the old scope on the left rack
<electronic_eel> hmm, but would you want a touchscreen in front of you? wouldn't some monitor on an holding arm above you, and mouse+keyboard, be better?
<azonenberg> 10" display instead of 15" that the new one has and i think 1 or 2U shorter
<azonenberg> that's the whole point of glscopeclient, lol
<azonenberg> i dont like touchscreen scopes
<azonenberg> i want to replace these scopes with a headless 1U/2U that's just AFEs, ADCs, and a 10G or 40G ethernet controller
<azonenberg> and free up all that rack space for more gear
<electronic_eel> aren't the lecroy scopes effectively windows pcs with a scope app and a internal interface to the scope hw?
<azonenberg> Yes
<azonenberg> typically it's pcie via a custom riser card etc
<azonenberg> these run win 7 embedded pro, newer are win10
<azonenberg> both of my current scopes have dual core i5s, one is 8GB DDR3 the other is 16
<azonenberg> which is an awful lot of fluff, because they're running the whole scope UI etc there too
<azonenberg> i like the unix philosophy of test equipment: a scope should be an ADC going to a pipe
<azonenberg> :p
<azonenberg> you should not have UIs on the hardware, you should have APIs
<miek> i think my scope has a PowerPC 405
<azonenberg> And when i build one it won't even have a cortex-m0 :p
<awygle> i thought $work was gonna pay you to work on starshipraider
<azonenberg> awygle: there was discussion of it. But billable stuff takes priority
<azonenberg> i want to get back to SSR soon and try to plug it into scopehal as a LA
<awygle> sure
<azonenberg> among other things
<awygle> what happened to latentred and integralstick? did those cross the finish line?
<azonenberg> now that i have a higher b/w scope and such i should have a much easier time characterizing the i/o boards
<azonenberg> integralstick is substantially done, i'm using it on several projects now
<azonenberg> The pcb needs a tweak at some point to fix the bad mac address eeprom footprint but i have a big stock of pcbs i'm just reworking with deadbugged eeproms on an as needed basis
<azonenberg> so i'm in no hurry to respin
<awygle> and that ended up being a spartan 7 and a cortex m3 or something?
<azonenberg> artix7 + cortex-m7
<awygle> ah
<azonenberg> ftg256 artix7 your choice of density, stm32f777 (not sure what else might be pin compatible, i've only used that), dual channel 1.8v hyperram, spi flash, rgmii phy, dc-dc to run on a single 5V supply
<azonenberg> and a wide range of 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, and lvds io
<azonenberg> latentred will use integralstick as the management engine
<azonenberg> i've written a decent bit of the CLI already
<azonenberg> a fair fraction of the switch fabric IP was developed and tested on a virtex devkit, i have yet to spin the PCB with the final FPGA on it but hope to do that this month into next
<azonenberg> the line card pcb is ~90% complete but needs to have the backplane connector swapped around
<azonenberg> i'm switching from a star to daisy chain topology to simplify the pcbs and not need a 19" wide PCB
<azonenberg> there will be a passive jumper board kinda like a SLI bridge that straddles the switch engine to the first line card, first to second, and second to third
<azonenberg> each line card will have 8 sgmii phys and have connections for 24 lanes of sgmii
<azonenberg> first 8 go on chip, the other 16 get pushed to the line card at left
<awygle> are you redriving? sounds like you could have SI problems if not
<azonenberg> I have two different redrivers in mind, one is just a buffer and the other does full CDR+retiming with equalization and preemphasis
<azonenberg> my plan is to do the switch engine board first then make some passive boards with long backplane traces to measure actual SI in system through a bunch of connectors etc
<azonenberg> then make the final decision as to what buffering, if any, the line cards will have for the passthrough sgmii lanes
<azonenberg> that was the other holdup, i was originally going to wait until freesample was ready
<azonenberg> but my new lecroy has the bandwidth to do sgmii SI work
<azonenberg> i routinely reshuffle projects' relative priorities as the dependency graph changes
<azonenberg> the nearest term priority now is the probe because i will be using it to take SI measurements on the backplane etc
<azonenberg> next priority once i've got that under control is the switch engine board because i need something to do dev on for the rest of latentred, plus some openfpga folks are interested in using it as a testbed for symbiflow on 7 series
<azonenberg> it will also give me a data source for lots of fun stuff to write scopehal decoders for, like sgmii and 10gbase-r
<azonenberg> as well as lots of random i2c sensors etc i can use to test some of that side of the framework
<azonenberg> also a good testbed for multiple phys on one mdio bus
<azonenberg> Which is something i've needed to improve support for for a while in scopehal, i just lacked any data to test on