azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<Bird|otherbox> azonenberg: were you thinking that the sub-boxes within the about box would match the rest of the app theme, or use the stock text/background colors? (black text on white background)
<azonenberg> I think matching the rest of the app makes sense
<azonenberg> I expect glscopeclient to be used fullscreen a lot
<azonenberg> the whole point of the dark theme was to avoid jarring contrast between dark plots and light UI chrome
<Bird|otherbox> fair enough
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<Bird|otherbox> pushed a style fix, let me get you a screenshot or two
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<Bird|otherbox> azonenberg re: about box theming
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<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: looking
<azonenberg> At some point we need a logo/icon
<azonenberg> let me make a ticket for that
<azonenberg> I have an artist i've worked with in the past for such things but i have to figure out what i want the icon to look like
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #204: Commission a logo/icon -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #204: Commission a logo/icon -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #204: Commission a logo/icon -
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: Looks good, send a PR. I have a few little tweaks i want to make to content etc but that will be a good starting point
<Bird|otherbox> okiedokie, wilco
<azonenberg> I also need to poke folks and see what name they want to be credited as
<azonenberg> for example If the github username is obviously their real name (tomverbeuere) it probably makes sense to format it like a proper name
<azonenberg> For others, i need to ask everyone if they want to be listed as real name, IRC handle, github username, or what
<azonenberg> But we can take care of that after the merge
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik opened pull request #205: Implement about box (#175) -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #206: Add build system glue to display git hash in the about dialog -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #206: Add build system glue to display git hash in the about dialog -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #175: Add "about" dialog -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±6]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik e72839b - Initial about-box implementation for #175 using Gtk::AboutDialog as a modal. Note that the credits box doesn't yet work correctly, perhaps due to theming issues.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik ae0c664 - Fixed about-box theming for #175 so that everything shows up, at least.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 877bf76 - Merge pull request #205 from tarunik/about-box Implement about box (#175)
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #205: Implement about box (#175) -
<azonenberg> monochroma, Degi, miek, tnt, Error_404, noopwafel, pepijndevos: How did you want to be credited? Right now i have github usernames
<monochroma> github name is fine, don't really care if i'm credited or not
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg a9b4376 - Minor tweaks to about dialog. Added artists and hardware section.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik commented on issue #206: Add build system glue to display git hash in the about dialog -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik edited a comment on issue #206: Add build system glue to display git hash in the about dialog -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 8c5ed87 - Added tarunik to authors list in about box
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik deleted a comment on issue #206: Add build system glue to display git hash in the about dialog -
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: so what do you plan to work on next?
<Bird|otherbox> hm, looking at the git-describe stuff right now
<Bird|otherbox> do you mind having just a git hash and not a version number for the time being?
<azonenberg> Yes. That's what i intended to have to start, then add a version number once we've tagged a release
<azonenberg> Right now it's not mature enough for me to be willing to give it a number :p
<Bird|otherbox> yeah, git describe --always seems like exactly what we want then
<azonenberg> Perfect. Then we can remove the --always once we've tagged a release?
<Bird|otherbox> it's pretty harmless once the tag's in place
<azonenberg> --always means hash all the time even with a version tagged?
<azonenberg> i'd prefer to remove it once we have the tag so it's easy to ID releases vs dev versions
<azonenberg> But that's for the distant future, we're a long ways from me being ready to call it a release
<Bird|otherbox> --always means display a shorthash for the commit even if there's no tag to be had
<azonenberg> ah ok
<azonenberg> but if it's an exact tag match it shows the tag name?
<azonenberg> and no hash?
<azonenberg> Or tag+hash
<azonenberg> Anyway my main priorities for being release ready are an install process, much more complete and up to date documentation, and general improvements to stability and testing
<azonenberg> including graceful detection of situations we can't run, better error handling in general, a stable and documented save file format that includes all supported instrument settings (right now lots of stuff like timebase and trigger aren't serialized)
<azonenberg> and of course the preferences stuff and all of the things that are blocked by that
<azonenberg> Unrelated, the tek 5/6 series programming manual is woefully incomplete
<azonenberg> A lot of settings i need to use aren't documented
<azonenberg> But SET? allows you to query all settings
<azonenberg> So i've managed to figure out a bunch
<Bird|otherbox> it shows the tag name and no hash if you're on a tag
<Bird|otherbox> also, it may have to be git describe --always --tags
<Bird|otherbox> (GitHub's release mechanism uses lightweight tags instead of annotated tags, and git describe needs --tags to pick up on those)
<azonenberg> Well, for now a hash is fine and we can always tweak it later on once we have a release
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<Bird|otherbox> which would you prefer: requiring Git to build from source snapshots in the future, or having a generated header in the source code tree?
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: I'd prefer to have CMake generate a header in the build directory which is included by the about dialog
<azonenberg> CMake should detect the presence of git and, if not present, emit a dummy file (for example, if you are building off a tarball without revision metadata)
<Bird|otherbox> ah
<azonenberg> You might have to do a bit of coding in the cmakelists to do that but i think it's the best overall solution
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<Bird|otherbox> yeah, the only issue with that approach is "what should go in the version field if we couldn't find Git?"
<azonenberg> A generic default version string, for now "v0.1"
<azonenberg> or better yet "v0.1-unknown"
<Bird|otherbox> okiedokie
<azonenberg> to make it clear it's not the v0.1 release
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik opened pull request #207: Add Git hash/version support to the CMakeLists.txt. Fixes #206. -
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: hmmm
<azonenberg> think it would make sense to add a libscopehal version separately?
<azonenberg> Probably not
<azonenberg> at least at this stage
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 1788668 - Oscilloscope: initial APIs for span, center freq, and RBW. Fixes #278.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 759145f - PeakDetectionFilter: fixed detection of peaks when spectrum doesn't start at DC
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 1b90822 - TektronixOscilloscope: added support for getting/setting span and RBW. See #269.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #278: Design APIs for spectrum analyzers (can we just treat it as an oscilloscope where X axis unit is Hz? separate controls for RBW etc?) -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #208: Hide/gray out statistics menu for digital channels -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #208: Hide/gray out statistics menu for digital channels -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg edited issue #208: Hide/gray out statistics item in context menu for digital channels -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg d8bd049 - TimebasePropertiesDialog: added settings for frequency domain span and RBW
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #207: Add Git hash/version support to the CMakeLists.txt. Fixes #206. -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] tarunik efc55ce - Add Git hash/version support to the CMakeLists.txt. Fixes #206.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 7a0327e - Merge pull request #207 from tarunik/about-version Add Git hash/version support to the CMakeLists.txt. Fixes #206.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #206: Add build system glue to display git hash in the about dialog -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 6587971 - Added "Version " text before git revision in about dialog
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: Ok, merged. what's next on your list?
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #293: SWD protocol decode -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #293: SWD protocol decode -
<Degi> Hmm, credit... Idk I guess being in the commit history is fine?
<Degi> Kinda find it sad that the rigol is so bad for this... Maybe I'll send a MCVE of the crash bug to rigol sometime.
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<Katharina> Good morning
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<bvernoux> hello
<bvernoux> I have found a bug with all windows in glscopeclient in fullscreen
<bvernoux> for example open or about
<bvernoux> are displayed in background
<bvernoux> I suspect it is the same on Linux to be confirmed
<bvernoux> so fullscreen cannot be used when using a DialogBox ...
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux opened issue #209: glscopeclient Fullscreen issue with dialog box -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux edited issue #209: glscopeclient Fullscreen issue with dialog box -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux commented on issue #180: Look into static analysis options -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux commented on issue #209: glscopeclient Fullscreen issue with dialog box -
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<azonenberg> bvernoux: I had a lot of problems with fullscreen on linux but i think i finally got them solved
<azonenberg> seems windows hasnt fixed them
<pepijndevos> azonenberg, I feel like playing a bit with analog design in Sky130, but don't really have an analog IC that I personally want. So if you feel like drafting up some minimal/desired requirements for a scope input stage, I think that'd be fun to play with. No guarantee I'll get anywhere, but seems more fun than building some random thing nobody needs.
<azonenberg> pepijndevos: i guess the basic requirements would be 50 ohm input termination, a fixed gain offset amplifier that takes in an offset voltage from an external DAC
<azonenberg> then a variable gain amplifier (preferably continuously variable via external DAC reference, but fixed digital steps are probably tolerable worst case)
<azonenberg> and then a differential output suitable for driving an ADC
<pepijndevos> uhu uhu
<azonenberg> Also, is anybody interested in a factory refurb WaveRunner 8104-MS for about $7K (MSRP $22.6K) with full warranty and accessories?
<bvernoux> azonenberg, ha interesting
<azonenberg> I know it's a good scope because it used to live in my lab :p
<azonenberg> It's my old 1 GHz scope that i traded in, lecroy has finished refurb and is now offering it for sale
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I want a Tek 6B refurbished ;)
<azonenberg> (the serial number matches)
<bvernoux> even just the 1GHz BW version ;)
<pepijndevos> Probably for linearity fixed steps are a lot better. The DAC is going to be discrete anyway right, so doing weird triode stages is probably not a great idea
<azonenberg> pepijndevos: well my thought was to allow continuous fine steps rather than like 1 dB steps like we have in the BLONDEL frontend
<azonenberg> but i dont know how hard it is to design a variable attenuator with good linearity in CMOS
<azonenberg> presumably you'd have a bunch of fixed gain stages then a variable attenuator for fine resolution
<pepijndevos> hmmm okay, well, it's an interesting idea. We'll see how implementation turns out.
<azonenberg> bvernoux: the waverunner is only 1 GHz but it's 10 Gsps in 4ch / 20 Gsps interleaved on 2ch
<azonenberg> so that's a nice bit of sample rate for lowish bandwidth
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes clearly a good deal but I really prefer Tek 6-Series ;)
<azonenberg> Anyway i have no financial stake in the matter, lecroy already bought it from me. Just figured i'd let you guys know because i was very happy with that exact scope
<bvernoux> azonenberg, it is 50GSPS ;)
<pepijndevos> What kind or range do you need on the gain for it to be useful? Like... you want to be able to handle pretty tiny and pretty huge inputs, I assume. Combined with a fixed gain, which I assume is just for noise reasons?
<bvernoux> azonenberg, but so far any Tek 6 refurbished are something like 15KUSD ...
<bvernoux> or more
<azonenberg> pepijndevos: So, as a data point: The BLONDEL frontend is designed for +/- 5V input range max
<azonenberg> I attenuate by 6 dB right off the bat which gives +/- 2.5V range
<azonenberg> Then I apply a +/- 2.5V offset and clip, to push the signal into 0-5V with a 2.5V common mode (so i can use single rail parts)
<azonenberg> i believe i have a 12? bit DAC for the offset
<azonenberg> or is it 16, i cant remember
<azonenberg> anyway, then comes the gain stage which applies -9 to +26 dB of gain, for a net of -15 to +20 including the frontend attenutor
<azonenberg> That gives you 0.177 to 10V/V gain
<pepijndevos> and you apply the offset before the variable gain? I'd think doing it after the gain would give you potentially better resolution at the lower range.
<azonenberg> pepijndevos: offset has to be done first. You don't want to peg the amplifier
<azonenberg> imagine adding 20 dB of gain to a signal with a strong DC offset
<azonenberg> you'd need immense supply voltages to handle that
<pepijndevos> heh fair enough
<azonenberg> Finally, I have one more amplifier that adds a fixed 2 dB of gain and applies a common mode shift form the 2.5V the gain stage amplifier expects down to the 900 mV the ADC wants
<azonenberg> Which gives you a net gain through the frontend of -13 to +22 dB or 0.223 to 12.59 V/V
<azonenberg> The HMCAD1520 has a +/- 1V full scale range (differential, with a 900 mV common mode offset)
<azonenberg> assuming we run it in 12 bit mode, at minimum gain we have a 10V full scale input range and get 2.4 mV/LSB resolution
<azonenberg> assuming a standard scope grid of 10 divisions that would be 1V/div
<pepijndevos> uhu uhu
<azonenberg> At maximum gain we have 159 mV full scale range and get 38.7 uV/LSB resolution, which is 15.9 mV/div on a standard scope grid
<azonenberg> although with 12 bit resolution we could apply a fair bit of digital gain to scale weak signals
<azonenberg> I'd like a little bit more gain at the low end but that would mean a second variable gain stage since i had already maxed out the amplifier i wanted to use
<azonenberg> and honestly this is probably enough
<pepijndevos> Do you have any specific noise and linearity requirements? I guess you can somehow relate it to ENOB of the ADC...
<azonenberg> I'm not good enough at analog stuff to be able to comment :p
<azonenberg> The more linear/lower noise the better :p
<azonenberg> As a general rule, total noise less than 1 LSB would be ideal
<azonenberg> The HMCAD1520 is 2V range and 12 bit so that's 488 uV/LSB
<azonenberg> so i'd target 500 uV/LSB noise at the output, at max gain, if possible
<azonenberg> 500 uV total noise*
<pepijndevos> makes sense...
<pepijndevos> and bandwidth? DC to.... a few GHz?
<azonenberg> So there are fundamentally two unique "lines" of scope being developed under the STARSHIPRAIDER project umbrella
<azonenberg> the first is BLONDEL, DUDDELL, and ZENNECK which tops out at 500 MHz 4 Gsps and uses the HMCAD1520
<azonenberg> the only difference is the antialiasing filter in the frontend and how many ADCs are used
<azonenberg> (BLONDEL = 1 ADC/4 channels, DUDDELL = 1 ADC/channel, ZENNECK = 4 ADC/channel)
<azonenberg> The second line, which will cost a lot more and may never happen because the ADC is $3500 and I don't even want to know what the FPGA and PCB will cost
<pepijndevos> lol
<azonenberg> is VOLLUM and MURDOCK, one and four AD9213's per channel respectively
<azonenberg> targeting 1-2 and 6 GHz bandwidth
<pepijndevos> oops haha
<azonenberg> I fully expect these will be completely different frontends
<azonenberg> Right now I have a working version of the low end frontend, 50 ohm only (1M might be nice to in the future but is NOT a priority)
<azonenberg> needs more complete testing, the current version isn't as characterized as i want yet but looks good in the limited experiments i've done
<pepijndevos> Right... I'll focus on the "low end" for now. Seems hard enough for a novice chip designer. Not sure it'll offer anything over your current setup if it works lolsob
<azonenberg> Trying to reproduce this in ASIC, preferably with finer gain resolution, would be a great project
<azonenberg> Even if it doesn't beat what i have i expect you'll learn a ton
<pepijndevos> yah hopefully
<pepijndevos> I also expect... to run into a lot of problems and hopefully make the tools a bit better.
<azonenberg> That's the whole point of google's free fab thing
<azonenberg> The free fab is meant to attract people to use the tools and have them fall on their face due to toolchain problems
<azonenberg> then fix the toolchain
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 9a27ea7 - TektronixOscilloscope: allow setting and querying center frequency of specan channels. Fixes #269.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #269: Support for Tek 5/6 series spectrum channels -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg ebf06cd - ChannelPropertiesDialog: allow control of center frequency for specan channels
<bvernoux> azonenberg, do you have a session to share with Tek5/6 including specan stuff ;)
<bvernoux> ?
<azonenberg> No. I actually think this isn't possible
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> Because i don't yet save the X axis units of a waveform
<azonenberg> The save file format is far from complete
<azonenberg> So i have to add that for it to work
<bvernoux> it will be interesting when you will have rent a Tek5 to have interesting signals ;)
<azonenberg> Yeah i will definitely have fun with that
<bvernoux> I hop you will record some sessions ;)
<bvernoux> hope
<bvernoux> It is interesting for non regression tests also on some features
<bvernoux> I saw you ask for some scopesession on Twitter
<bvernoux> it will be amazing to create a repository for that like sigrok ;)
<bvernoux> for each protocol
<bvernoux> so far I cannot contribute but when I will have a scope supported by glscopclient I could push some I2C, SPI fun stuff ...
<azonenberg> I have an internal data collection
<azonenberg> part of the probelm is just that waveform captures are large especially at high sample rate
<bvernoux> yes it requires some short capture
<azonenberg> I have 10 GB of test data right now
<azonenberg> so i'm certainly not putting that on github etc
<bvernoux> yes ;)
<azonenberg> also not all of the test data is necessarily sanitized for public release
<azonenberg> i have at least one for qspi flash that came from $work
<bvernoux> from a reverse engineering mission ;)
<bvernoux> For information KiCad 5.1.7 Release is available since yesterday
<bvernoux> there is very few modification only bug fix
<bvernoux> everyone is waiting KiCad 6.0 first release ;)
<bvernoux> I'm using the nightly on non critical project ;)
<azonenberg> Yeah i'm sticking with 5.1.4 for maxwell
<azonenberg> (Speaking of which i need to finish it)
<bvernoux> you should update to 5.1.7
<bvernoux> they have fixed few bugs since 5.1.4
<bvernoux> and the risk to break something is very very small
<azonenberg> maxwell is 99% done, i want stability
<bvernoux> ha yes ;)
<azonenberg> i'll update to probably nightly after
<bvernoux> nightly is sometimes dangerous ;)
<azonenberg> Also i'm probably going to be sending the v1.3 probe out to fab later today
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> do you have done test with the small tip ?
<bvernoux> I have not seen any photo test with it
<azonenberg> No i decided not to
<bvernoux> ha
<azonenberg> i would need to adjust the filter for the new resonant frequency
<azonenberg> while i probably could tweak it with my mill i have better things to do with my time
<bvernoux> yes it was just to see the drift of the frequency ;)
<azonenberg> like finishing maxwell
<bvernoux> a fun project will be to try to do a version (active) with perfect linearity
<azonenberg> My current strategy is to flatten the response by de-embedding extracted s-parameters
<bvernoux> so including some filter and some amplifier at end ;)
<bvernoux> but it is clearly an other type of project
<azonenberg> In postprocessing
<bvernoux> anyway a nice 5GHz passive probe is what we need ;)
<azonenberg> Working on it
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> I mean the S21 curve is already very good for 5 GHz
<azonenberg> It's S11 that i'm trying to optimize still
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> it is already the best open source probe available
<bvernoux> even the 1.5GHz was already the best open source passive probe ;)
<azonenberg> Yeah lol
<azonenberg> i was gonna say, this beats most of the commercial probes i've tested it against
<bvernoux> as there is some open source probes but they are active and go only up to 1GHz
<azonenberg> The only probe i have left that's better is the >$1K pico
<azonenberg> And probably the 4 GHz LeCroy active probe i'm buying soon
<azonenberg> but that's a $3.5K used probe which probably means $7K new
<bvernoux> yes crazy price for any probe > 1GHz
<azonenberg> I want to try building an active differential probe of my own. I think i can get much much cheaper
<bvernoux> the probe are even more expensive than oscilloscope ;)
<bvernoux> yes an active diff probe is a must have
<bvernoux> so far I have only one with my CHipWhisperer ;)
<bvernoux> but it is < 100MHz IIRC
<bvernoux> and it is manual ;)
<bvernoux> I'm very tempted to buy this cheap Rigol MSO5074 ;)
<miek> i think a lot of the used list prices are pretty inflated, i don't see them ever sell for that sort of money
<azonenberg> I'll let you know how my friend likes it
<bvernoux> until I can buy a good 40GSPS+ scope ;)
<miek> i got 1 faulty (that i then repaired) and 2 used 1.5GHz active probes for £500 total
<azonenberg> miek: The $3.5K is what i plan to buy it for next month. But this is a factory refurb with 3-year warranty and current traceable cal
<azonenberg> You pay more for that than getting a rando off ebay and hoping for the best
<bvernoux> Yes I have stopped to buy things on Ebay very old no warranty and expensive for the risk behind to have something which break quickly ...
<miek> right yeah, it's more reasonable for refurb
<bvernoux> yes clearly refurb is the way to go for things like scope/SA ...
<azonenberg> I've found for my use case, factory refurbs are the best choice. About 50% discount from new, and a bit beyond the bleeding edge, but you get really solid hardware in like-new condition with full warranty and such
<azonenberg> If you go older with no warranty you can get really good deals but it also might break at any point and you've got no recourse
<miek> i'm fine with the rando ebay deals, you just have to weigh in the risk to the price you're willing to pay
<bvernoux> miek, yes ;)
<bvernoux> miek, I played few time on Ebay ;)
<bvernoux> miek, my VNA I'm still very happy with it
<bvernoux> miek, my SA a total fail ;)
<azonenberg> bvernoux: what SA?
<miek> that's part of why i go for a lot of HPAK gear - you can get a lot of service info
<bvernoux> my HP 53150A Microwave counter very nice so far ;)
<azonenberg> I am seriously considering buying one of the signalhound 10gbe RTSAs
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes it is a beast ;)
<azonenberg> if i'm lucky i'll find one on the secondhand market
<azonenberg> but it's new enough that might take a while
<bvernoux> azonenberg, and their software seems great too
<azonenberg> Yeah. And it's a RTSA so you can use it as a 20 GHz rx-only SDR too
<bvernoux> yes it is clearly a SA+SDR all in one ;)
<bvernoux> but only RX
<azonenberg> Literally my ONLY complaint is that power and SFP+ are on the same side of the device as the signal input
<azonenberg> I prefer RF ports on the front panel and power/control on the back
<azonenberg> But if that's the only problem with it, i can live with that lol
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I would have loved they go further up to 26.5GHz for radar stuff
<bvernoux> as it is limited to 20GHz :(
<bvernoux> even with decreased performance it will be nice to 26.5GHz
<azonenberg> 20G is more than enough for me
<miek> everything on my bench was bought used or faulty. the first thing i've had major problems with is this sampling scope mainframe, but at £100 it's worth a punt
<azonenberg> miek: yeah if you value your money more than your time that's the best choice
<azonenberg> in my case i have a good salary and nowhere near enough time
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes 20G is clearly enough for 99.999% stuff ;)
<azonenberg> bvernoux: now i just need a 20 GHz scope to go with it :p
<bvernoux> azonenberg, haha 20GHz BW scope ;)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, it is 100GSPS minimum ;)
<azonenberg> Oh, speaking of equipment dreams
<bvernoux> the price of a house ;)
<azonenberg> I currently have no signal generation capability
<azonenberg> other than the dinky sine generator on my VNA
<azonenberg> It looks like fundamentally there are three classes of generator
<bvernoux> analog sig gen are still very expensive I do not even speak about RF SigGen ;)
<azonenberg> there's the stupidly low end sine/square/triangle etc generators, some with arb, that top out at ~25 MHz
<azonenberg> those are a few hundred bucks
<bvernoux> yes like the one Rigol include in their scope
<azonenberg> then there's the high resolution (12-16 bit, 1+ Gsps) ones like the Rigol DG2000 or the LeCroy T3AWG series
<azonenberg> which cost around $10-15K for ~350 MHz
<bvernoux> yes :(
<azonenberg> Then there's vector signal generators that do I/Q modulation but are RF only and can't go down to DC, and often don't actually have that high *bandwidth*
<azonenberg> so they're basically a low speed i/q baseband and a variable upconverter
<azonenberg> Then i guess the fourth class is stuff like keysight's stupidly expensive 100 Gsps AWG :p
<bvernoux> yes RF SigGen are clearly other beast
<bvernoux> for specific stuff ;)
<bvernoux> and also ultra expensive especially for something >3GHz
<azonenberg> In particular, it seems like a DC to ~1 GHz signal generator that does full arbitrary scalar and vector modulation doesn't exist
<azonenberg> What I want is an AWG that can do DDS sine, square, ramp, etc
<bvernoux> an alaternative is to buy ERASynth Micro with a very nice filter behind ;)
<bvernoux> but it is also for RF stuff
<azonenberg> but can also mix complex baseband data with DDS'd I/Q carriers
<bvernoux> but can be useful for some analog stuff too
<azonenberg> i.e. use a single 2+ GHz DAC for direct RF synthesis of a QAM signal
<bvernoux> azonenberg, anyway to validate the different scope especially 50Ohms you need more a RF SigGen to check different RF properties
<azonenberg> Yeah i'm thinking for general testing purposes
<azonenberg> But it seems like i can't get what i want in one instrument
<bvernoux> yes never see an all in one Analog+RF SigGen ;)
<azonenberg> I'm wondering why that is
<azonenberg> basically i want an inverse oscilloscope
<azonenberg> just a fast DAC hooked up to a frontend
<bvernoux> hehe
<azonenberg> that will spit out anything i give it
<azonenberg> A scope can look at DC or RF or vector modulation etc and decode it in post
<azonenberg> so why can't i have a siggen that can output a constant DC level or 900 MHz QAM16 equally well?
<bvernoux> my Agilent E4432B have LF ;)
<bvernoux> too
<bvernoux> but it is quite limited for Analog stuff ;)
<bvernoux> +5V ;)
<azonenberg> voltage range isnt the big issue for me
<azonenberg> it's that i want the ability to do things like 1 kHz PWM
<azonenberg> or even a constant DC level
<bvernoux> it can
<azonenberg> then switch to OFDM for the next project on the same generator
<bvernoux> I have such features on mine
<bvernoux> with LF port
<azonenberg> (most vector siggens i looked at had AC coupled output and couldn't do DC)
<bvernoux> and the RF port is an other one
<bvernoux> but signals on LF are quite limited
<azonenberg> yeah I think what i'm going to do, whenever i get around to it
<azonenberg> will be building a full AWG that does like 2 Gsps
<bvernoux> mine do DC ;)
<azonenberg> DC coupled output, probably with a variable gain and offset stage after
<bvernoux> but it shall be not used as a power supply ;)
<bvernoux> else it burn in hell after 50mA ;)
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> And then add complex DDS support to it
<azonenberg> so basically have two FPGA DDS cores for each DAC and multiply their output together
<bvernoux> yes it is clearly something which could be done
<azonenberg> or better yet, four
<bvernoux> I think the industry is very old in mind
<azonenberg> Baseband I, baseband Q, carrier I, carrier Q
<bvernoux> and they want to do 2 separate stuff
<bvernoux> RF & Analog for SigGen
<azonenberg> then just disable the ones you don't want to use
<bvernoux> even Rigol do the same
<azonenberg> Yeah. Meanwhile, i see all instruments as being software defined these days
<azonenberg> they're basically just a bunch of ADCs and DACs hooked to a frontend
<azonenberg> So i want to unify stuff as much as physically practical
<bvernoux> yes ADC/DACs + Custom ASIC/FPGA ;)
<bvernoux> like all latest oscilloscope ...
<bvernoux> I'm not sure SigGen are so advanced
<azonenberg> They're not :p
<azonenberg> Which is why i think i can do better
<bvernoux> as anyway it load some point in the dac and do the stuff in loop ;)
<azonenberg> I see no reason why a modern FPGA can't do complex RF synthesis in real time with some DDS's
<azonenberg> you can pipeline it nice and deep, you have zillions of multiplier blocks
<azonenberg> you could even do multi-carrier
<bvernoux> yes at least up to 300MHz ;)
<azonenberg> have several different DDS blocks that multiply together
<bvernoux> it is ultra expensive to have ARB
<bvernoux> today for SigGen
<bvernoux> mine is defective in fact in my Agilent
<bvernoux> but anyway there is no any software working today to do that
<bvernoux> the HW is from 1990 ;)
<bvernoux> working on Windows 95 ;)
<bvernoux> NI have some expensive card to do that
<bvernoux> you can stream stuff with DAC ...
<bvernoux> We was using that at my previous work
<bvernoux> they was crazy expensive for what there is behind
<bvernoux> just to generate ARINC429 signals what a shame ;)
<bvernoux> the things behind was a Corei7 with a pseudo realtime OS from LabView a pure joke
<bvernoux> it was not realtime as all as their was some PCI interruption which disrupt the pseudo realtime ;)
<bvernoux> a total shame it cannot even maintain 1ms realtime
<bvernoux> things we can do easily with a poor CortexM0@48MHz ;)
<bvernoux> so at the end it was something like 6 channels ARINC429 which cannot maintain realtime to generate data ;)
<bvernoux> and with a Corei7 Quad Core @2.5GHz haha
<bvernoux> it was WindowsXP Embedded or something like that ;)
<bvernoux> Conclusion NI+ LabVIEW Real-Time stuff is just bullshit ultra expensive ;)
<bvernoux> for non developer ;)
<azonenberg> Lol yes
<azonenberg> That's what i hope to fix with the scopehal ecosystem
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> I'm tired of all that marketing BS we see with LabView and other stuff like that ;)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I see Kate advancement with USB3.0 on ECP5-5G Amazing
<azonenberg> Yeah
<bvernoux> next step shell will need glscopeclient with a good 20GS scope and Eye Diagram ;)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, maybe she will be interested by your 2nd Lecroy Scope you sell
<bvernoux> it can do Eye Diagram with USB3.0 ?
<bvernoux> with repetitive signal of course
<azonenberg> bvernoux: I'm not selling it myself. LeCroy already bought it
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> They're selling it after a refurb (which was probably just a cal job, it was in good shape)
<azonenberg> I just saw the listing and figured i'd let folks know. It's 1 GHz BW which is probably a bit slow for usb3
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> a nice stuff will be to have the features of dslogic-u3pro16 or even the u3pro32 is glscopeclient ;)
<bvernoux> when you see the price of the u3pro16 it is amazing for 299USD ;)
<bvernoux> and it clearly work nicely
<bvernoux> would be fun to try to sniff Etron RPC DRAM with it ;)
<bvernoux> I saw that GreDavill is testing one
<bvernoux> Etron RPC DRAM is clearly amazing for nice upgrade of SDRAM for MCU ;)
<bvernoux> or FPGA ;)
<bvernoux> I have the datasheet of RPC DRAM ;)
<bvernoux> it is not SDRAM it is DDR3 ;)
<bvernoux> clock frequency 800MHz or 933MHz
<bvernoux> anyway the package is impressively small WLCSP 1.96x4.63x0.545mm !!
<miek> maybe it's just me, but it's hard to summon up any motivation to improve dlogic's product for them when they've been so hostile so far
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #270: Support ultra cheap Logic Analyzer USB 2.0 HS with 24MHz 8 Chan based on Cypress FX2/FX2LP chips -
<azonenberg> miek: i'm thinking more like cheap saleae clones as a target
<azonenberg> those would be easy to support and open up low end scopehal access for a lot of people
<azonenberg> The things that are just a fx2 and maybe not even any io buffers
<miek> oh yeah, fully on board with that. i was just responding to the comment about dslogic specifically
<miek> i guess one hurdle is demonstrating how a streaming device like that should fit into the api
<azonenberg> My thought was to do triggering in the server that would make it look more like a normal LA
<azonenberg> since streaming is not the typically intended use case
<azonenberg> run it as a separate application that talks to libusb then streams waveform data over a socket to glscopeclient using a modern push-based protocol (no polling roundtrips)
<azonenberg> do software triggering in the application. we could probably do pretty basic i2c/spi/uart protocol triggers realtime in software with a modern PC
<azonenberg> it's only a few Mbps of data
<miek> i guess so, it feels a bit backwards though. the streaming LAs are so useful because you can capture everything. triggering kinda exists just because proper streaming usually isn't possible, right? :p
<azonenberg> miek: well you can always set the trigger condition to "true"
<bvernoux> miek, yes dslogic is closed and bad toward open source
<azonenberg> my thought is that as a user i normally want to see specific events
<bvernoux> I totally agree
<azonenberg> and not long periods of downtime
<bvernoux> but unfortunately their HW is the best for the price
<bvernoux> azonenberg, for LA use case I usually want to capture long stream and analyze it after the use case is very different vs Scope
<bvernoux> but realtime could be nice too
<azonenberg> bvernoux: Yeah, well there's nothing stopping us from not using the trigger on the instrument. I normally find when using a LA I want to look at specific bus packets etc that have long periods of downtime between them
<azonenberg> so a preprocessing trigger makes sense
<bvernoux> yes it is useful of course for such type of use case
<bvernoux> for me i'm more using it to analyze lot of frames and "reveng" the stuff ;)
<azonenberg> Yeah but what i find more useful for that is to ahve a trigger on each packet/burst of data
<azonenberg> then use the glscopeclient protocol analyzer to crunch it
<bvernoux> Ha yes to crunch it in background to have all at end anyway ;)
<miek> ideally as a user i want to capture everything, then do some processing afterwards
<bvernoux> so we have advantage of both
<bvernoux> miek, like me in 99% of use case with LA
<azonenberg> miek: yeah. my proposal is to have a "null"/"auto" trigger that just returns fixed size data blocks back to back with no gaps
<azonenberg> (user configurable size)
<bvernoux> as anyway we have no choice with actual poor GUI ;)
<azonenberg> but then allow you to also sync to a trigger event on request
<bvernoux> PulseView, Salae stuff does not support realtime display like scope
<bvernoux> it is mainly a limitation on PC side...
<miek> ok yeah, that sounds good to me
<bvernoux> azonenberg, do you plan to support cheap LA soon in the long list of things to do ?
<azonenberg> bvernoux: soonish would be handy because it would let me prototoype some architectural stuff i need for maxwell etc
<bvernoux> ha yes great
<azonenberg> Current priority is finishing tek 5/6 series support though as far as drivers go
<bvernoux> and it will bring lot of people I think
<azonenberg> then i have a few more LeCroy trigger types to implement still
<bvernoux> to gain popularity
<bvernoux> especially with cheap LA for 7USD ;)
<bvernoux> which can do amazing stuff even just at 24MHz ;)
<bvernoux> I could release a secret project for that to have USB 3.0 streaming for less than 99USD for LA ... ;)
<azonenberg> using kate's ecp5 usb3 stack?
<bvernoux> as what is missing is a USB 3.0 Ethernet Gigabit LA which is cheaper than 200USD ;)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, no using an ASIC ;)
<azonenberg> Lol
<bvernoux> it is a secret project ;)
<azonenberg> I see
<bvernoux> a cheap chinese asic ;)
<bvernoux> I still do not know what is the price
<azonenberg> well, if hardware shows up i'll work on support as time permits
<bvernoux> it is the one which do all ;)
<bvernoux> Ethernet Gigabit SerDes, USB 3.0 Device/Host ;)
<bvernoux> all embedded in a RISCV
<bvernoux> the RISCV is just a controller
<azonenberg> but right now what i need more than anything else is core development. There's a lot of work needed on rendering, file load/save, general application stability, etc
<azonenberg> And documentation
<bvernoux> yes more user does not means more developers/contributors ;)
<bvernoux> I have seen that on AirSPy project
<bvernoux> more than 10K units sold and not even 5 contributors ;)
<bvernoux> and the Firmware is fully open source with tools ;)
<bvernoux> So it is a good lesson ;)
<bvernoux> It could have been totally closed source in such area (mainly HAM guys and few SDR guys/hackers)
<bvernoux> It is also why I will probably never release the schematics/board I have done on KiCad since the start ;)
<bvernoux> What for as there is no any contributors/developer ...
<bvernoux> maybe that will help the bad cloner to do something better ;)
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #294: Add "fan tachometer" protocol decode -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #294: Add "fan tachometer" protocol decode -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±6]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg d3a0f1f - Added TachometerFilter. Fixes #294. Fixed bug causing frequency measurement to have incorrect sample duration
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #294: Add "fan tachometer" protocol decode -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 7d17554 - Improved rendering of sparse traces
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