azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux commented on issue #249: Rigol MSO5074 crashes when we try to do stuff with glscopeclient -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #48: Add MIPI D-PHY protocol decoder -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #175: Crash with Rigol DS1104Z connected via USBTMC -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #175: Crash with Rigol DS1104Z connected via USBTMC -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #167: Add 1000base-X autonegotiation decode -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg assigned issue #140: cmake doesn't check for presence of yaml-cpp -
katharina has joined #scopehal
<katharina> azonenberg:
<azonenberg> ooh very nice
<azonenberg> I would change 'decoders' to 'filters' since that's the new term we're using
<azonenberg> but in terms of the UI setup in general i like it
<azonenberg> katharina: Ready to merge yet? if not, what's left?
<katharina> just a few bugs, then its ready
<katharina> ill do colours and units today aswell
<azonenberg> Excellent
<katharina> next weekend, ill improve the looks.
<azonenberg> Great
<katharina> regarding the settings, those are all placeholders :) i think we should do separate PRs for the actual settings
<azonenberg> yes i agree
<azonenberg> we have several tickets for those already
<azonenberg> once you have the core of the prefs system working we can discuss what makes sense to implement first
<katharina> theyre very easy to add, i kinda have a "schema" function so the app knows which settings to expect, which types they have etc. Its all strongly typed
<azonenberg> great :)
<katharina> and of course, the unit, once thats implemented
<azonenberg> I want to think more about overhauling the unit framework eventually
<azonenberg> not that it will matter for you since it's just a unit object
<azonenberg> but two of the longish standing filters are derivatives and integrals
<katharina> i also took care to handle the scenario where a user has an old yaml settings file and opens the app after an update that adds a new setting
<azonenberg> yeah there should be a default specified somewhere for each pref for exactly this purpose
<katharina> using the schema, the manager basically sets settings to their defaults if they are missing
<azonenberg> Great
<azonenberg> Anyway, doing derivatives/integrals properly will involve overhauling the units framework to allow derived units
<azonenberg> like "volts per second"
<katharina> ah yea
<katharina> funnily enough im doing something similar at ${DAYJOB} right now
<azonenberg> it will still have the same API for parsing/printing, but i need to think about the internal object model will work
<katharina> with funny units like atoms per square centimeter
<azonenberg> lol
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #322: Add support for units defined in terms of other units -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #322: Add support for units defined in terms of other units -
<katharina> im just wondering how far you want to go - do you want to be able to multiply units and automatically derive the new unit of the result?
<azonenberg> I actually already have that. but only for a few hard coded pairings
<azonenberg> Since we have a multiplication filter
<azonenberg> right now the only implemented pair is volts*amps = watts
<azonenberg> in all other cases, unitA * unitB resolves to unitA
<azonenberg> but again the API is there to allow much more complete processing in the future
<azonenberg> The use case is being able to multiply a current probe's reading by a voltage probe's reading to get power consumed by the DUT
<katharina> I see
<azonenberg> This works now
<azonenberg> But only for that one specific pairing of units
<azonenberg> and there's no division operator yet
<azonenberg> so we can add integral support with no API changes, just internal object model changes to the unit class
<azonenberg> but we can't differentiate without a divide operator to be able to divide units by dT
<azonenberg> or dF, for that matter
<katharina> yea that makes sense
<azonenberg> But that had always been the endgame for the unit system
<katharina> i also have a feature request
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #251: Windows CI builds are failing during mingw setup -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #251: Windows CI builds are failing during mingw setup -
<azonenberg> oh?
<katharina> what i really like about the tools I use at ${DAYJOB} is that they allow you to specify a different preferences file on the command line
<katharina> i use that feature a lot if i have a specific setup that i want to use and have created a preferences file fo
<azonenberg> So you can have different profiles for specific projects or something?
<katharina> yea
<azonenberg> Makes sense
<azonenberg> go file a ticket for that and work on it as time permits
<katharina> great
<azonenberg> But obviously getting prefs working for basic use is the top priority
<katharina> it will especially be useful if we end up putting UI configuration into that file
<katharina> sure
<azonenberg> Right now UI config is only saved in scopesession files, but having a default window setup or something in prefs might be worth thinking about at some point too
<azonenberg> and yeah i just checked, right now we have 13 of the 94 open tickets against scopehal-apps blocked on the preferences work lol
<katharina> whats currently blocking me from merging this i want to disallow the user from clicking on tree nodes that dont contain settings
<katharina> but that might not be so much of an issue tbf
<azonenberg> I would say that's fine, just display an empty settings window
<azonenberg> if you find a way to improve it later, do it - but don't block the merge on it
<katharina> got it
<katharina> last bug is that sometimes, the order of settings gets corrupted, ill investigate that now
<katharina> might be able to merge today if i fix that
<azonenberg> Ok
<katharina> ill rebase the guidev branch on master and work on units and colours afterwards
<azonenberg> Great
<azonenberg> also fonts
<azonenberg> not sure if i remembered to assign that ticket to you
<azonenberg> the primitive type is a Pango::FontDescription
<katharina> is there a some kind of standard font selection dialog?
<azonenberg> Gtk::FontChooserDialog
<azonenberg> you just need to add a widget that displays the currently chosen font and a button to invoke the dialog to change it
<azonenberg> actually
<azonenberg> Gtk::FontButton
<azonenberg> seems to do this for you
<azonenberg> So it should be quite easy to implement
<katharina> alright
<azonenberg> There's also Gtk::ColorButton for choosing colors
<azonenberg> Also unless anybody has a better idea my next focus will be scopehal:#249, I2C trigger support for LeCroy
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #323: MIPI DSI protocol decode -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #323: MIPI DSI protocol decode -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat opened pull request #252: Implemented Preferences System -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat edited pull request #252: Implemented Preferences System -
<katharina> azonenberg: the PR is open now. I wont be on IRC for the rest of today because of bad internet, but feel free to comment any change requests on the PR and ill implement them
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bvernoux has joined #scopehal
<bvernoux> hello
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux edited a comment on issue #249: Rigol MSO5074 crashes when we try to do stuff with glscopeclient -