scymtym's is a lot more advanced, but I don't know if it's public anywhere or if you even need everything it aims to provide.
Having swank depend on more standardised libraries to avoid code duplication would be really nice if it weren't for the version conflicts that arise from it.
Shinmera: that /is/ the conundrum.
I do have some of the stuff that Swank does in separate libraries alread (dissect, definitions, trivial-arguments) but I reall don't know if using them would be the right thing to do.
I want to note, that having swank depend on more standarised libraries is fine, but that will probably induce dependency on ASDF and/or QL ecosystem (maybe not unreasonable, but not very nice either)
Shinmera: do you know Conium?
Haven't heard of it, no
Ah, I see.
Shinmera: it's swank but using libraries like that.
swank is already organized in a fashion where interfaces and implementations are defined separately. some work could make it possible to be able to load different implementation at runtime
i.e default implementation on ecl is :ecl, but you could suck from ql implementation :octopus
at your own risk of course
That wouldn't really alleviate the maintainer's burden though
ah, that was a goal. I thought we talk about some fancy extensions taken from remote libraries
Well, having both would be great :)
yet another perspective: being forced to chase many (potentially abandoned) libraries to improve swank coverage for your implementation will be a pita
it is easier to work on swank locally (and I'm saying it as an implementer)
Oh definitely.
and make a single PR which is either accepted or not by slime team (not some 3rd party)
I have nothing witty to add beyond this so I'll get back to unicode line breaks in McCLIM ;)
Good luck
jackdaniel: you make good points and I agree with all of them. At this stage, I'm just wondering if I can avoid manually copying Eclector into SWANK and renaming it.
Using the backend idea would at least provide a way to get things done in the interim
Having swank-ng as a ql system
Although then you have more code to maintain, not less. Heh.
Right. Though with Swank being pretty mature I'd hope there's not that much to work on the old stuff while the new is coming along.
Of course I'm ready to get my hopes crushed :)
Oh, exactly. There's so many cool features to implement in SLIME and SWANK!
luis: Cheers
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with respect to reading security: eclector can be configured to not intern, to evaluate #. in a client-defined way and to execute reader macros under the client's control. the last part doesn't help too much, of course, unless a secure interpreter or similar is available
regarding code walking CSTs: i'm working on a system for s-expression syntax based on pattern matching that can handle ordinary s-expressions as well as CSTs with non-native symbols: https://techfak.de/~jmoringe/s-expressino-syntax.ogv . but i don't think it will be ready in time for slime. the dependency footprint also makes it inappropriate
scymtym: Hi there. o/
scymtym: Eclector does seem quite interesting. I'm going to try and integrate it with the standard readtable. I think that, in some sense, I'll be doing something for reader macros that is similar to what you guys do for regular macros in cst:reconstruct.
So, micro asks: "make compile fails on slime-macrostep.el due to ../lib/macrostep not existing."
micro: I think it's a bug that the melpa package includes a Makefile at all.
micro: so, if you want to do things like that, you should grab the source tarball or, even better, git clone the repo.
luis: Cheers
luis: interesting idea. maybe you could use an adjusted standard readtable instance and a custom stream that, together, tell you approximately which input ranges were read with CL:READ, read the same ranges with eclector, then reconstruct
scymtym: right. I have such a stream + readable already!
luis: great. let us know how it goes
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luis: random question, I've occassionally wanted a stream that works like the repl io streams, but has its own dedicated buffer
i.e. so that (princ foo *s*) goes to a dedicated buffer
Is there anything generic like that in SWANK?
I've looked around a bit, but I didn't see anything obvious
luis: as far as the dependency issue goes, I wonder how far you could get by keeping a list of packages before loading dependencies and then renaming all the new packages
You might have to patch some dependencies that do things like (intern "FOO" "BAR"), but I think it would work pretty well for 80%
... of the dependencies you want to include
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micro: good news!
fiddlerwoaroof: slime-redirect-trace-output is probably the closest thing we have, and... it doesn't seem to work.
fiddlerwoaroof: it seems like (swank-repl::make-output-stream-for-target swank::*emacs-connection* "buffer-name") or something along those lines should do what you want, but it doesn't.
fiddlerwoaroof: (swank/backend:make-output-stream (lambda (string) (swank:eval-in-emacs `(with-current-buffer "buffer-name" (goto-char (point-max)) (insert ,string))))) sort of works, but you have to call finish-output.
Using a proper swank message instead of eval-in-emacs would be a better way to do it, of course.