margaritamike: so, you'd do something like: (define-key slime-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'slime-fuzzy-indent-and-complete-symbol)
luis: Is that what you bind to tab?
I wanna be as efficient as possible with SLIME
link not found
oh forgot the l
margaritamike: I don't. But TAB indenting, and C-c TAB completing is hard-coded into my muscle memory by now. I might give slime-fuzzy-indent-and-complete-symbol a spin, actually. :-)
* luis
sends a note to his work e-mail
margaritamike: I use slime-company for completion, because I like how company works
I also have it set to complete on TAB or after pausing a second or so after typing
fiddlerwoaroof: Is it fast?
I used ac-slime and it was pretty laggy.
I've found it find
There are a couple issues: in the repl it sometimes gets confused if the output includes an unpaired double quote
And it's a bit tricky to get the initialization sequence right in your init.el
cage_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
margaritamike: here's a screenshot (r-h-u)
Yeah, I spent a while trying to get travis to work for one of my projects and then I gave up and switched to circleci
which was a lot nicer
The travis bits seemed to work fine, but there are some REPL tests failing on the newer Emacs versions. Will have to look into that later this week.
The test suite behaves very differently when executed interactively and non-interactively and it doesn't always recover from previous errors. It's a bit of a nightmare.
sounds like a typical test suite :)
luis: CI is still running, but here's what I think is a minimal viable implementation of the output stream concept