<stellar-slack> <scott> @sacarlson: I think I don’t quite understand what you are asking: To me it seems obvious that the memo helpers will not work in 0.6.1 since they did not exist in 0.6.1, so that makes me think you are asking something else. could you rephrase your question?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> no I think that answers it. as I seemed to see that memo in js-stellar-sdk but not in ruby so I assumed it was just missing
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> oh I ment can I modify version 0.6.1 to have that feature
<stellar-slack> <scott> ah! yeah, definitely
<stellar-slack> <scott> you should be able to just cherry-pick that commit into your local code if you want it available
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> aah ok
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya that's what I was about to try
<stellar-slack> <scott> i think it will apply cleanly
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I looked in changes in xdr and didn't see it so I was hoping so cool. thanks
<stellar-slack> <scott> anytime :)
<stellar-slack> <scott> alright, time to head home for the day. Cheers!
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<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> I just build stellar-core on windows, and run the test, it shows "test cases: 95 | 89 passed | 6 failed", "assertions: 100196 | 100190 passed | 6 failed", is this normal?
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> all tests should pass. did you build using visual c++? are you running postgresql?
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> yes vc2015
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> do I need stellar-core.cfg, as I saw it's not there
<stellar-slack> <jed> not for the tests
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> you don't need it to run tests
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> I build stellar-core, then run "stellar-core --test", that's it. how do I know using sqlite or postgresql?
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I must be doing something wrong but I can't seem to get a version return on hash["stellar_base_version"] = Stellar::Base::VERSION I get /home/sacarlson/github/stellar/stellar_utility/lib/stellar_utility/stellar_utility.rb:67:in `version': uninitialized constant Stellar::Base (NameError). but this works hash["stellar_network"] = Stellar::Networks::TESTNET
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'm not totally sure but it seems that this line is missing from ./lib/stellar-base.rb ; require_relative './stellar/base/version' ; in all versions for ruby-stellar-base. @scott can you verify?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I've opened issue for the above https://github.com/stellar/ruby-stellar-base/issues/21
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<stellar-slack> <scott> sacarlson: I don’t really consider that a bug. If you would like access to `Stellar::Base::Version`, simply `require "stellar/base/version”`. 99% of the time it is not used, and adding a explicit require just adds file i/o for no real gain. I’d be happy to accept a pull request adding an autoload, but it’s not something I’m going to spend my time on.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> well I already submited a PR fix for it https://github.com/stellar/ruby-stellar-base/pull/22
<stellar-slack> <scott> ok, sure. Thanks!
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<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> I just build stellar-core on windows, and run the test, it shows "test cases: 95 | 89 passed | 6 failed", "assertions: 100196 | 100190 passed | 6 failed"
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> I saw bunch of errors in the log file --- "failed to get history/00/00/02/history-0000027f.json from history archive 'test'
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> TCPPeer::drop shutdown socket failed: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied. [TCPPeer.cpp:411]
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> [Overlay ERROR] Message-auth check failed [Peer.cpp:515]
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> TCPPeer::drop shutdown socket failed: The file handle supplied is not valid. [TCPPeer.cpp:411]
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> readHeaderHandler error: End of file : [TCPPeer.cpp:312]
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> [Overlay ERROR] TCPPeer::drop shutdown socket failed: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied. [TCPPeer.cpp:411]
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> anyone knows how to solve those errors?
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> you need to allow stellar-core.exe to bind to your network interface maybe?
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> which tests are failing?
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> if you run `--test -r xml ` the output is easier to understand
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> stellar-core --test
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> otherwise, you look for `FAIL` in the logs
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> how to bind to network interface?
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> I can't find any FAIL with match CASE.
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> a failing test looks like this ``` stellar-core is a Catch v1.2.1 host application. Run with -? for options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- standalone basic ledger close on valid txs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ../../src/herder/HerderTests.cpp:29 ...................................................
<stellar-slack> ../../src/transactions/TxTests.cpp:218: FAILED: REQUIRE( res ) with expansion: false ```
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> is there any requirement to run stellar-core? (such as need "admin" account, web service...?)
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> you can run as regular user. only dependencies are what is in the read me
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> so it should pass all the tests, right?
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> yes
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> <OverallResults successes="100401" failures="6" expectedFailures="0"/>
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> above that you can see which test is failing by looking at the blocks that have `success="false"`
<stellar-slack> <zhima2006> it dump on the console how can I redirector to a file?
<stellar-slack> <jed> on windows: `stellar-core --text -r xml > out.txt` should probably work