<irisli> I looked at the Change Trust operation and in the xdr struct, it says that the `limit` to a trust line is a `int64` value. What is the intended meaning of this over using `uint64` here?
<irisli> would you have any insights to this @graydon?
<graydon> you mean why is it signed rather than unsigned?
<graydon> if so, I believe just consistency with other uses of amounts. all amounts (of assets) expressed anywhere in the XDR are signed types. balances, offers, payments, fees, limits, etc.
<graydon> unsigned types are only used for timestamps and identifiers / indexes
<irisli> Ah okay. It makes a lot of sense now because it would be weird to have a limit twice the maximum possible for the value being limited
<graydon> yes, mixing signed and unsigned within the same domain of discourse tends to produce terrible boundary-condition bugs
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If I write a test case which round trips stellar transaction from internal db account to the network and then back to another internal db account what would be best way to do it?
run against a test network or run my own node?
<bartek> it creates an isolated single-node network with horizon.
bartek: perfect!
I would almost say its joy to work with stellar
compared to some drug dealing cryptocurrency networks
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<sacarlson> so I take it http://stellar.github.io/ repository is hidden on purpose? 12 hours with no response. What are you guys hiding in there?
<bartek> @sacarlson: sorry, I missed you message. check this out: https://pages.github.com/ there are two types of github pages, for project and for organization. we don't have organization pages. and project page source is always in `gh-pages` branch
<sacarlson> ok IC thanks @bartek
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<danielpauljones> @jed: @raymens Thanks for the help, much much appreciated. I have created the tx XDR but when I test in the laboratory post transaction it gives error "Unsupported Media Type" - tried url-encoding and then says that "Input is not valid base64" and gives the same error.
<bartek> looks like a bug in laboratory ^ @iris
<bartek> @danielpauljones: you can try to submit it from JS like this: ``` var server = new StellarSdk.Server('https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org'); server.submitTransaction(_transaction) .then(function(transactionResult) { console.log('Success!') console.log(transactionResult); }) .catch(function (err){ console.log('error') console.log(err); }); ```
<danielpauljones> I will try, can I also do it through a direct POST? That is what I would to do (I think).
<fredolafritte> is there a recent config file for prod somewhere ?
<jed> you can use `stellar-core --inferquorum` and that will tell you who has been externalizing
<fredolafritte> that's much better now
<jed> ok cool
<fredolafritte> oops, after a ctrl-c:
<fredolafritte> 2016-01-22T20:45:47.921 GDE6S [Fs DEBUG] deleting: tmp/catchup-complete-001e6500-879f3059792be51c/ledger-0000457f.xdr.gz 2016-01-22T20:45:47.921 GDE6S [Fs DEBUG] deleting: tmp/catchup-complete-001e6500-879f3059792be51c libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: rmdir failed Abort trap: 6
<fredolafritte> is there any doc on `externalizing ` and -`-inferquorum`
<fredolafritte> ?
<jed> inferquorum was just added so we still need to document it in the admin guide
<jed> externalizing is just who has been acting as a validator
<jed> externalizing is the last step in SCP
<jed> saying I attest this value is correct
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<fredolafritte> 2016-01-22T20:46:52.320 GDBZH [default INFO ] Inferred quorum [QUORUM_SET] [ "$lab3", "$lab1", "$nelisky1", "GABMKJM6I25XI4K7U6XWMULOUQIQ27BCTMLS6BYYSOWKTBUXVRJSXHYQ", "$sdf_watcher2", "$sdf_watcher1", "$nelisky2", "$eno" ]
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<fredolafritte> is there any potential issues running prod and testnet on the same machine ? no conflict with tmp dir for instance
<jed> graydon ^
<john> I read that I can run a node on a Mac... But before I Just to get my hands dirty, may I know how much GB the installation and ledger would approximately takes?
<fredolafritte> horizon=# SELECT d.datname AS Name, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) AS Owner, horizon-# CASE WHEN pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(d.datname, 'CONNECT') horizon-# THEN pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_database_size(d.datname)) horizon-# ELSE 'No Access' horizon-# END AS SIZE horizon-# FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d horizon-# ORDER BY horizon-# CASE WHEN
pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(d.datname, 'CONNECT') horizon-# THEN pg_catalog.pg_database_size(d.datname) horizon-# ELSE NULL horizon-# END DESC -- nulls first horizon-# LIMIT 20; name | owner | size ----------------+----------+--------- stellar | frederic | 2485 MB horizon | frederic | 1641 MB
<jed> but that is a full node
<jed> you don't need to run a full one
<john> Would you recommend me to install the "archiver" version instead?
<john> @fredolafritte: so that's a total of approx 4GB
<john> Which version do you run
<fredolafritte> it's a version compiled yesterday
<john> which one? I'm just trying to figure out the diff between "watchers" "basic validators" "Archivers" & "Full validators" . The full validators publish into an history archive *which has additional cost.* What does that mean?
<graydon> fredolafritte: you'll want the two different networks to use separate databases (in their connection string) and separate bucket dirs and tmp dirs. also they'll need to use separate ports for their p2p and http connections. otherwise they should be able to coexist.
<graydon> john: the additional cost is that of storage. you're paying to store history (potentially indefinitely) wherever you archive it.
<graydon> john: so for example if you run a watcher or basic validator you'll only be tracking the current ledger, and only paying for the disk space to store the local current state of the ledger as it changes. if you run an archiver / full validator, you're saving checkpoints of all the transactions that occur and all the states that the ledger passes through (delta-compressed) over time. that data set grows withou
even if the ledger isn't growing.
<graydon> (you might be saving history to colder / cheaper storage than the node itself uses, though, like S3. that's what we usually do.)
<john> @graydon: Thanks! Really appreciate your time & explanation. Going to give a try with Google Cloud.
<graydon> np, let me know if you get stuck, happy to help
<fredolafritte> @graydon: running prod and testnet side by side works fine with the parameters mentioned, thanks