1TRyCQnOEAAAAAAAAAAdDwfOcAAABA2RnTydlJlw9h6Ul8uE8F%2Fottam6UJLBXg6WE0bk9b0wzqyWpzCP1ZyR8FstB4qty636kG8sYouqMt8FaVrqcCQ%3D%3D&type=TransactionEnvelope . becomes this (bellow) from best I can tell by looking at effects on this account in stellar laboratory determined by the later transaction event. The problem is I can't figure out how I can pull these results from the transaction history above. And without date inf
can't use that to create a history report eather. I'm guessing this only happens in pathPayment transactions.
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<sacarlson> I'm finding some solutions to my problem above by looking at the Centaurus code that has a method to also get the tx info from the effects stream