<stadja> I am struggling with a simple problem...
<stadja> I don't understand the concept around creating a personnal currency
<stadja> how can I do that ?
<stadja> do I have to setup my own gateway for that ?
<stadja> or is there an easier way ?
<sacarlson> you can create an asset other than the default stellar Lumens. is that what you want to do?
<stadja> Yep
<stadja> I want to say, maybe 1 CW1 is 100 lumens
<stadja> 1 CW2 is 10000 lumens
<sacarlson> no gateway required. you basicly just become a debter to those that have setup trust for your asset
<stadja> and I want to send 10 CW1 to a guy using CW2 (for example)
<stadja> ok
<stadja> so the keyword here is "asset" right ? I'll read about it in the doc :)
<stadja> thanks mate :)
<sacarlson> for that you would issue your asset to a second account that could then put your asset for sale in the stellar market at what ever price you offer it for
<stadja> Ah !
<stadja> So each time someone make an offer, you have to ensure that for your own circle of trust every offer has the same value for a particular asset ?
<sacarlson> you over complicate. first learn how to setup trust and send assets. then look at what's required to buy and sell and trade them. but yes you must first allow trust before you can receive an asset from an issuer or holder
<bartek> you need two pieces of software: horizon-importer (will import stellar-core data to horizon DB) and horizon (will start a server). sc.ott's working on merging these two project into one but it will take some time.
<armed10> ahh
<armed10> thanks a bunch
<armed10> I thought I could do without, since importer gave me some issues.
<armed10> Does the bundle install usually take very long when installing the horizon-importer?
<bartek> yes, a couple minutes
<bartek> not sure if there's a verbose mode
<bartek> oh, there is one :) ``` bundle install --verbose ```
<armed10> haha thanks
<armed10> Hate to keep bothering you like this, but after 10 minutes it doesn't do anything past this: Cloning into bare repository '/home/chain/.bundler/cache/git/dotenv-144e50b5b44d79bf4881c97e23671703b3ecbdf0'...
<armed10> trying with sudo
<bartek> what happens when you try: `git clone git://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv.git`?
<armed10> an empty dotenv folder and a terminal stuck in cloning into: ...
<bartek> it worked for me. maybe you have some issues connecting to http://github.com|github.com ?
<mvaneijk> Are there testnet nodes which allow for direct connection?
<armed10> I've found the problem. The company network blocks the connection. I've modified the gemfile to use :git => instead, but it says the stellar-base version is not high enough.
<armed10> can I manually update it?
<bartek> what's the exact error message?
<armed10> Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "stellar-base": In Gemfile: stellar_core_commander (>= 0) ruby depends on stellar-base (>= 0.10.0) ruby stellar-base (0.9.0)
<armed10> I get that this is a suboptimal way of installing. I'll probably try installing it the official way when I get home.
<bartek> can you try: ``` bundle install --without development test ```
<armed10> Gives me the same error
<bartek> and when you remove `Gemfile.lock` file?
<bartek> sorry, my experience with ruby is quite limited
<armed10> As is mine :)
<armed10> it does seem to get further now
<bartek> :thumbsup:
<armed10> Maybe altering the ruby file wasn
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<scott> Instead of deleting the Gemfile.lock, I would try opening it up and manually change the git urls to http based ones. In that way, bundler won’t have to go through the entire resolution process again
<jed> mvaneijk: yeah all the SDF testnet nodes allow you to connect directly
<mvaneijk> do you now if the nodes in the testnet.cfg are ok then? http://core-testnet1.stellar.org|core-testnet1.stellar.org does not work for me
<mvaneijk> port 11626 or 8080 time out
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<jed> how are you trying to connect to it?
<jed> you can only connect to it with another stellar core
<mvaneijk> ah k, I meant the http connection
<mvaneijk> but I was thinking it's not logical to open it to outside.. so I was already using a local test node
<stadja> Hello guys :)
<stadja> I am currently trying to create a trustline for a new currency issued by my gateway
<stadja> and so I am trying to submit the following operation
<stadja> but I don't understand why...
<stadja> any idea ?
<sacarlson> did you try the change in the stellar lab?
<stadja> ah
<stadja> nop...
<stadja> UUUUH... I just have a hinge...
<dzham> stadja: do you need to have an explicit limit? there’s a default value if left out, 9223372036854775807
<stadja> ha ! cool I'll try that
<stadja> but a little dumb question but
<stadja> to create an asset
<stadja> except doing something like var asset = new StellarSdk.Asset('CWB2', 'GBO5HHN...YBJ');
<stadja> do I have to send an operation in order register it before creating a trustline ?
<armed10> Regarding the stellar-core-horizon docker. It doesn't seem to be able to starts postgres, due to a Permission denied error "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
<armed10> Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
<dzham> @stadja: assets only exists within a trustline
<stadja> ok so I do understand what I am doing and I didn't forget anything trivial
<stadja> :)
<stadja> And yes, If I don't put any limit in my trustline it works !
<stadja> so cool that's a first step :)
<stadja> now with a limit... aaaaaah
<stadja> anyway,
<stadja> thank @dzham for the 'no limit mandatory' hint... I can go from there and I'll check on the limit later !
<dzham> no worries
<bartek> @armed10: when do you get this error?
<armed10> I switched to the docker, thought maybe get it working that way. So I run the docker but couldn't connect to it.
<armed10> Then I checked the logs
<armed10> Starting PostgreSQL 9.4 database server: mainRemoved stale pid file. The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output: 2016-02-08 15:46:21 UTC [26-1] FATAL: could not access private key file "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key": Permission denied ... failed! failed!
<stadja> HEY thanks to you @dzham I understood my error... and it wasn't the limit :) I didn't understood the concept of trustline correctly (yeah, so yes in the end I lacked basic understanding). I was trying to set a limit to the issuer not to the recipient
<bartek> @armed10: that's stange, we're using this docker image in multiple places right now and it works.
<stadja> A new question: once you've issued asset with the "authRequiredFlag" flag on, is it possible to clear it ? because I am sending a transaction to clear that flag... but I still can't issue the asset to a non allowTrust account ...
<bartek> @stadja what's your account ID?
<bartek> what happens when you try to send the payment?
<scott> Your issuer has not posted an AllowTrust operation for the new account, I bet
<scott> Did “new account” extend trust during a time when the issuer has “auth required” flag on?
<stadja> I am sorry, what is extend trust ?
<scott> changeTrust operation
<scott> I would try removing the trustline from “new account” to issuer by posting a changeTrust operation with a limit of 0, then re-create it by setting a non-negative limit
<stadja> ok ! I'll do that
<scott> If that doesn’t work, there might be a bug in stellar core
<stadja> Mazel tov! It works !
<stadja> you guys rock :)
<stadja> so I had to remove the trustline and reset it again and it worked
<stadja> should have to know that I had to switch it off and on again
<stadja> :P
<bartek> @stadja: BTW can you share what browser/node/operating system are you using? one of transaction created by you is strange, given the code you shared and I'm wondering if it's a bug.
<scott> stadja: happy to help
<stadja> well I am on firefox
<bartek> version?
<stadja> dev edition: 46.0a2 (2016-02-07)
<bartek> and I saw very similar issue on Atom/Electron on RaspberryPi
<stadja> nop I am on windows 10 64bits
<scott> @stadja: Are you positive you used the limit of ‘10200’, and not some other number (perhaps ‘1013.7993’) to go along with the error you response you posted?
<scott> (just trying to eliminate the simple explanation before we dig into the much harder to pinpoint issue)
<stadja> haha I did a lot of test
<bartek> it was rather: `10137.9993`
<stadja> and yes I used 1013.7993
<bartek> ok, cool
<scott> awesome, thanks (that could have cost bartek a lot of time tracking down)
<stadja> but for the sake of my explaination I prefered to put 10200
<stadja> Sorry for the false fright :)
<bartek> good, otherwise it would be very dangerous bug :)
<scott> no worries!
<stadja> Well yeah, I guess that if the limit are not registered correctly that would be hell
<stadja> anyway, today I made a big step of my understanding of stellar and therefore I start to have some cool ideas for using it :)
<stadja> rIght now I am making some r&d for a swiss university and we are trying plenty of blockchain based technologies to see what we can use and for what
<stadja> the 3 main ones are you guys / eris / ethereum
<scott> I haven’t read anything about eris, what’s it like?
<stadja> Eris industries ?
<fredolafritte> EPFL ?
<stadja> that is really really cool
<stadja> Well I am from EPFL but I am working for the HEG Geneva :)
<scott> oh, wait, I have seen Eris! I just lost the name. I’ve been meaning to play with that
<stadja> with eris you can create a new distributed + administrable + permissioned blockchain in les than 10 minutes
<stadja> and that's cool
<stadja> what is not cool... and kinda hard to understand when you are new to blockchain technologies like me, is how to publish your smart contracts on your newly created chain
<scott> ah.
<scott> I remember being really impressed with their site and docs
<stadja> and the other part is that smart contracts language are still fairly... basic
<stadja> yep
<stadja> but they are making very big improvement very quickly
<stadja> and they are cool people, so you can talk to them and they answer no worry
<scott> that’s awesome. We try to be the same way as well
<stadja> haha and you are don't worry :)
<scott> :)
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<stadja> Ok, now time to report. See you later and thank you for your help !
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<stadja> A last question for the day: what is the current reserve balance amount ?
<stadja> (or where can I check that ?)