<eva> Would anyone here be interested in testing out/ giving feedback on my new tutorial (not yet published)? The tutorial is on how to create your own asset on the (test) network (ex: EvaBucks). I’m intending the tutorial to be at a very basic level, so someone who’s never used *any* API before could do it. I’d love to get some input/review on it, especially (but not necessarily) from people who are new to the
though! Just let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you a link to the google doc.
<john> Can I merge two accounts with the Laboratory?
<irisli> Yes you can. Just make a transaction with an operation Account Merge
<john> Thank you @irisli can I merge a native account to an account that need a memo? I noticed that I can add a MEMO in the transaction builder
<sacarlson> my wallet also supports memo in text and number mode
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<irisli> @john memos are optional and are per transaction. You dont need it to merge. Memos are useful only if you want to let someone else know about the transaction
<garth> Hi @eva I am definitely interested in trying your tutorial.
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<brian.ebert> @eva: same.
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<armed10> on submit i get these result_codes: { transaction: 'tx_bad_auth' },
<bartek> http://localhost:8000 is horizon from docker-stellar-core-horizon?
<armed10> Is this because the source account is the root account ?
<armed10> installed local without docker
<bartek> have you changed network-passphrase in stellar-core?
<armed10> yes
<bartek> so you need to add this code in the top of your code: ``` StellarSdk.Network.use(new StellarSdk.Network("your passphrase")); ```
<bartek> StellarSdk default is testnet with the following passphrase: `Test SDF Network ; September 2015 ` signature contains network passphrase so that's why you're getting bad auth error.
<armed10> Thanks the error is gone. It's getting through now.
<bartek> :thumbsup:
<armed10> Any common cause for the socket to hang up (connection reset) after a request?
<armed10> { [Error: socket hang up] code: 'ECONNRESET' }
<bartek> check horizon log for errors
<bartek> btw. what endpoint gives you this error?
<armed10> Can't find where horizon logs to..
<bartek> to console
<armed10> there's no error in the console
<armed10> it just says request finished
<bartek> can you publish the full log somewhere? gist maybe?
<armed10> The host rebooting, give me a minute
<armed10> I'll reproduce the results
<bartek> and both request were reset?
<armed10> yes
<armed10> It does say 504, but I can't imagine the local network here being that slow
<bartek> have any of your transactions succeeded?
<bartek> sent to this horizon instance
<armed10> no we've just succeeded in setting up stellar-core with horizon/importer and a few nodes
<armed10> also, installed the SDK, wich sends the requests
<bartek> I think horizon has problem communicating with stellar-core. can you try to submit your transaction to stellar-core directly to find out where's the problem?
<armed10> I'll try, give me a minute to figure out what the transaction looks like in stellar
<bartek> when your transaction is build run this code to get it's b64 blob: `transaction.toEnvelope().toXDR().toString("base64"))`
<armed10> Do I need to html encode the base64 string?
<armed10> probably with all the + symbols in it
<bartek> yes
<bartek> you can use JS `encodeURIComponent` function
<armed10> I'm going to try again with a new key (stellar is giving me a duplicate response)
<bartek> what do you mean by duplicate response?
<armed10> just the response has a status duplicate
<bartek> can you copy it here?
<armed10> it overwrote the response but it went like this: {status: "DUPLICATE" }
<bartek> > tx /tx?blob=Base64 > submit a transaction to the network. blob is a base64 encoded XDR serialized 'TransactionEnvelope' returns a JSON object with the following properties status: > > "PENDING" - transaction is being considered by consensus > "DUPLICATE" - transaction is already PENDING > "ERROR" - transaction rejected by transaction engine error: set when status is "ERROR". Base64 encoded, XDR serialized '
<bartek> in your code: ``` var an_account = new StellarSdk.Account("GBPUMAN7QSPGBDNQQFIG7W224FS3RQPPE355EHKB7E2QNVXI2SCCJLLZ", "0"); ``` I understand 0 is the current sequence number but you need to increment it by one everytime. so it should be 1
<sacarlson> have you already tested a system with horizon and your test trans with at least a standalone system?
<armed10> I have not
<armed10> well I did read the configuration part.
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<armed10> We've tried setting up nodes that connected before trying to do transaction on it
<armed10> We'll take a step back and try a standalone first
<sacarlson> otherwise the experts on stellar-core should be able to help with that part. sounds like some kind of config problem
<armed10> If anything it will narrow down the issue. Thanks guys!
<jed> Armed10: lmk if you want me to help you get the 4 nodes synced.
<armed10> I will, thanks @jed
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<john> @jed still struggling trying to merge 2 accounts... Could you please help me out?
<jed> what is the error?
<john> in the laboratory, I build the transaction with the Source Account, Transaction Sequence Number, Operation Type & Destination. I than Add Signer in the transaction signer but what should I do than??? Sorry I'm a real novice...
<john> of course... the missing step... Let me give a try. One more question: since I'm merging an old Stellar account to an address that belongs to an exange and that MEMO are compulsory, can I add it somewhere?
<john> BTW thanks for your precious time
<john> really appreciate it
<jed> hmm I wouldn't do that. Not sure if the exchange supports it
<jed> but yes you can add a memo when you make the tx
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<john> OK I give a try, it's only 20XLM.... Re-building the transaction.... Talk to you soon
<john> Hmmm no it doesn't work.... "tx_no_source_account"