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<mithro> litghost: I think there might be something wrong with the fuzzers? It looks like they might be taking 8h+ to run now?
<tpb> Title: Fuzzers taking +6h to run now? · Issue #972 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at
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<mithro> litghost: What is the state of the build at the moment? Should I try and flush the kokoro queue or something?
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<litghost> mithro: Something is causing 049 and 054 to periodically fail, and when they fail they fail slowly
<litghost> mithro: Over time, more and more of the runners are stuck executing the slow fail
<mithro> litghost: Any idea why we don't have a timeout?
<litghost> mithro: It does timeout
<litghost> mithro: That is what is happening
<mithro> litghost: I was thinking the kokoro machine should time out after Xh ?
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