Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence (at travis-ci.com)
<acomodi> I believe it is related to the following error: `EZGL: Failed to find required GTK3 library (on debian/ubuntu try 'sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev' to install)`
<acomodi> I have added the `libgtk-3-dev` package to the travis.yml config file, but with no success
<pgielda> We are using gtk3 somewhere?
<acomodi> As far as I understood it is used in the latest VTR updates (relative to GUI stuff)
<acomodi> I had the same issue on my local machine and, after installing the gtk3 package the build completed successfully
acomodi: Shouldn't the vpr package be disabling the GUI anyway?
<acomodi> mithro: Yes indeed, the CI builds should not enable GUI-related compilation, but apparently those source files are still compiled, producing the error
<acomodi> `...-really-long-path/conda/conda-bld/vtr_1564408620840/work/libs/EXTERNAL/libezgl/include/ezgl/graphics.hpp:27:10: fatal error: cairo.h: No such file or directory`
acomodi: That seems like someone broke the non-gui config upstream
<acomodi> mithro: agreed, I'll see if this can be easily fixed, otherwise I'll open an issue upstream