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<mkurc> @hackerfoo Well, it works for me. I started with a clean build directory.
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<acomodi> I have successfully routed and created a bitstream using the BUFG and BUFHCE primitives. The only problem now is that it does not run on HW
<acomodi> The test I have been doing is `counter_basys3`. What happens is that some random leds are switched on (and they are not supposed to be) and there is no blinking happening.
<acomodi> My thought is that there is an issue when generating the frames as maybe the roi_harness is overlapped with the generated FASM, hence the strange behavior of the leds.
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<mkurc> @hackerfoo: I'm currently working on making import all sites and generate correct fasm prefixes for them. I'll try to finish by the end of the day.
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<mkurc> @hackerfoo: I've pushed my changes. The import works except for the inner_pins which is broken now (interconnect generation)
mkurc: Why did you decide to un-split (Y0/Y1) IOPAD? My understanding (from talking to litghost) is that this will make it difficult to select between the two pads in an IOPAD.
Bertl is now known as Bertl_zZ
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acomodi: I would definitely run bit2verilog on your results and see what is going on
hackerfoo: Did you resolve you packing issue?
litghost: No
mkurc: Adding back "SELECT_Y 1" fixes the build.
hackerfoo: Which packing step is failing? wire.eblif?
hackerfoo: So wire.eblif assumes that "assign out = in" will work. We can simulate that same way we support a passthrough ILOGIC, with a mode that defaults to a straight wire
I plan to add a script to generate the map at some later point.
From tileconn.json + channels.db
hackerfoo: There shouldn't be a need to use tileconn.json at all
hackerfoo: The nodes are present in channels.db
It is, but it's elaborated *too* much, there are nodes for every IOI<->IOB tile edge. I only need one.
I could still write a query, even if it's slow. Or maybe pick an arbitrary pair of tiles.
It might be worth splitting nodes by direction, and precomputing for each tile pair, at least when they only cross the tile in one direction.
Not now, though.
*tile type pair
> there are nodes for every IOI<->IOB tile edge. I only need one.
I'm not sure your conclusion is valid. For any given site pin on an IOB or IOI, how do you know if it connects to another site pin?
Don't IOBs and IOIs always connect the same way, at least on the same side of the chip?
hackerfoo: The whole exercise is to not assume a structure, but infer the right thing from the underlying data
hackerfoo: Consider that there may be variation across other chips
The same structure is in the DB, in tileconn.json
hackerfoo: There is also some form of variation within the chip, with the TTERMBYTE, etc
Yeah, but that's a different tile-type pair.
hackerfoo: tileconn.json only provides adjacent tile information, if there is every an intermediate tile, then tileconn is unsuitable for the query you want
At least, nodes-per-tile-type pair would have been exactly what I need for this task.
I can just pick a tile pair, though. That should work, since they will all be the same.,
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<mkurc> @hackerfoo: I did the un-split because in the end we will need to use both IOBs and they have to be in the same tile. Unless we want to merge IOB+IOI and then split the resulting tile horizontally...
<mkurc> setting SELECT_Y fixes the build because when on there is only one site of each kind
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mkurc: I don't believe for differential IO we want 1 cluster
mkurc: I believe we want two clusters that share a relationship, either via place macro (e.g. direct inter-tile connection) or via placement io constraints
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Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl
mkurc: My intention was to use SELECT_Y to make IOPAD_Y0 and IOPAD_Y1, and then we can make those tiles equivalent.
But for now to just work on one of them.
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litghost: Do you know where I should look to get Yosys to infer IBUF/OBUFs?