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<kgugala> I don't have access to this one
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mkurc: Would you like to work on creating the other IOPAD variants? (containing IOB33S, IOB33 (single))? IOB33S should be the same but with "SELECT_Y 0", the single pads might not be much more work.
I'm not sure what's involved in getting VPR to treat the tiles as equivalent.
And then we'll need the left variants eventually.
<mkurc> @hackerfoo: I can work on that. From my understanding if those tiles are to be equivalent then we do not need to have different models for them. Just a generic one. I'll do some research on that starting from tomorrow.
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mkurc: Thanks
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Hello everyone, I was wondering what synth_tiles_pinmap.csv contains. Could someone give me a brief explanation?
It maps pad locations to the VPR grid locations, which is required for IO placement constraints
thanks! Noted
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Thanks! I have everything built locally so it won't be a problem. Could you elaborate why there's an effort of removing the ROI? What does that mean?
Currently we have Vivado build us a "harness" that handles the IO stuff so we could initially focus on LUTs/BRAMs/FFs, etc
We no longer require the harness, and are working on removing it, which would allow mapping of any available pin without modifying the harness