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<pixelherodev> I was disidentified all day lol. I didn't even notice.
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<ikskuh> hey pixelherodev
<pixelherodev> ikskuh: hello
<ikskuh> i might do a stupid thing :D
<pixelherodev> Oooh, let's hear it!
<ikskuh> spu-2 backend for LoLa :D
<ikskuh> which completly changes the semantics :D
<pixelherodev> ... okay, I get the first part
<pixelherodev> How does the backend influence semantics?
<ikskuh> how do you implement a garbage-collected, memory-automated language to native? :D
<ikskuh> LoLa allows this: [ "a", "b" ] + [ "c" ] == [ "a", "b", "c" ]
<ikskuh> this isn't really … viable for the target platform :D
<pixelherodev> Huh
<pixelherodev> Maybe implement a GC / runtime that runs the generated native code?
<ikskuh> but i can do a semantic reduction, remove all types and only allow a single type: "u16"
<pixelherodev> I joked about writing a kernel-level full-memory GC a while back
<pixelherodev> For SPU II, that might actually be feasible
<ikskuh> where 0[x] is memory access :D
<ikskuh> and x[y] is pointer offsetting
<pixelherodev> There a channel for this?
<ikskuh> for what? i have created #lola-lang here :D
<ikskuh> if you mean this
<pixelherodev> Either there or #spu-mark-ii is probably better for this
<ikskuh> yeah
<ikskuh> if someone wants to follow: join us!
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<ifreund> what's the overhead of using the async with the std event loop in single threaded mode?
<ifreund> is all the synchronization code disabled/optimized away?
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<cren> hey all!
<cren> If I have a struct that represents a connection to a server...
<cren> via a socket
<cren> what should be in the struct?
<cren> Do I even need the struct?
<cren> I suppose I could put the hostname of the server and things
<ifreund> you should only put what you need
<ifreund> which may be nothing more than the fd of the socket
<cren> ifreund: yeah that seems right, thanks
<pixelherodev> ifreund: yes
<pixelherodev> with --single-threaded, there should be zero overhead to async IIRC
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<ifreund> nice
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<KoljaKube> If I have the following in C: `typedef struct foo { union { int a, int b }; } foo;`, does that basically mean that instances of foo have members a and b sharing the same space?
<KoljaKube> Haven't encountered unnamed unions in this fashion before
<fengb> Yep
<fengb> We have to name every field, so this style doesn't work in Zig
<KoljaKube> That would have been my next question, thanks :D
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<Barabas> Hello
<Barabas> Can someone help me with a networking question I have.
<Barabas> I basically did on socket a: bind, listen. Then on socket b: connect. And then on socket a: accept. (all in one simple test app) But it hangs forever on the accept. Even if I connect from a console to the port, it never returns from the accept call. (I'm on windows.)
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<DarkUranium> alexnask[m], this might be of interest to you for Zig.
<DarkUranium> I just talked to the guy who implemented the lexer & parser for TypeScript and Roslyn (the compilers in that video I mentioned!).
<DarkUranium> We're not done yet, but I got a *LOT* of insight into LSP-related stuff.
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<companion_cube> when it comes to error-recovering parsers?
<DarkUranium> Haven't gotten around to that yet.
<DarkUranium> The conversation was about partial parsing, for situations where you have a language server, and want fast parses.
<DarkUranium> E.g. if user inserts "foo" at position 500.
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<companion_cube> I hope it's the right talk:
<companion_cube> basically, sorbet (a typechecker for sorbet) ignores this stuff
<companion_cube> and just focuses on being super fast
<companion_cube> rha
<companion_cube> <-- at least, the blog posts are detailed
<companion_cube> anyway, if your parser and typechecker are slow, you need complicated incremental techniques; if it's really fast, maybe you can just reparse the whole buffer
<DarkUranium> For LSP stuff? I think reparsing gets too expensive *very* fast.
<fengb> Barabas: I think stdlib's TCP is buggy in Windows. zig-network was created to work better in Windows:
<companion_cube> DarkUranium: well, how fast is zig's current parser?
<DarkUranium> No clue.
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<DarkUranium> I'm mostly interested in this for my own lang, but I know alexnask[m] would like to know about my findings.
<companion_cube> if you write a parser in typescript, sure, it'll be slow
<DarkUranium> Roslyn's is written in C#.
<DarkUranium> (Roslyn is the C# compiler)
<companion_cube> if you write it in C++ or Zig… it should be a few ms on a normal buffer at most hopefully :p
<DarkUranium> It needs to handle files up to 5MB or so.
<DarkUranium> 135k LOC. They have one like that in the codebase.
<DarkUranium> No computer can handle 5MB in a few ms.
<DarkUranium> Consider that reparse also needs to do a ton of heap allocs.
<companion_cube> one file of 5MB ?!
<DarkUranium> Yup.
<companion_cube> heap alloc -> use an arena
<DarkUranium> Still, 5MB!
<companion_cube> wtf
<fengb> How big is ir.cpp
<DarkUranium> It's not that uncommon to see 50k LOC for bigger projects either (also amalgamations, but those might be relatively worthless or even impossible depending on language)
<fengb> It's 3.5x ir.cpp D:
<DarkUranium> That's less than 135k, but still.
<DarkUranium> My point is: This needs to handle a random insertion at position `3` gracefully. Without a full re-lex or reparse (or re-semantic-analysis)
<companion_cube> question is, do you expect to open these in an editor and code on them :D
<companion_cube> a full re-lex should still be super, super fast
<companion_cube> checking is more expensive for sure
<companion_cube> (lexing is linear and normally very machine friendly)
<DarkUranium> companion_cube, that file was written manually.
<DarkUranium> I asked.
<DarkUranium> Which means that: yes, people have been doing exactly that.
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<companion_cube> :DDDD over time, I guess
<companion_cube> that's still kind of terrible, but well
<DarkUranium> I've seen 50k LOC C files that were not amalgamations (sorry, I forget what software it was)
<companion_cube> that's frightening, but indeed you need incrementality there
<Barabas> fengb windows networking doesn't work in zig std basically. I was trying to fix it along the way, but eh... apparently I'm doing something wrong. I managed to rewrite my test with more plain api calls and it works, so I guess I messed something up somewhere.
<DarkUranium> companion_cube, anyways, you also need incrementality in order to inform semantic analysis.
<DarkUranium> You can't just do all of it on an entire project (possibly millions of LOC)
<DarkUranium> But you can't do that incrementally if you don't know what syntax tree nodes are unchanged!
<Barabas> Just emit a warning: "File too large to parse, please refactor your code" xD
<companion_cube> DarkUranium: you could have a non incremental parser and an incremental checker
<companion_cube> it's not incompatible
<DarkUranium> companion_cube, but how will you know what parsed nodes are unchanged?
<DarkUranium> (so that you know what you *don't* need to recheck)
<DarkUranium> But to some extent, sure.
<companion_cube> I'd say some form of hashconsing
<companion_cube> (in any case, you want to reuse information from the previous version of the buffer; you can do that by either reparsing only part of the input, or by mapping what you parsed and didn't change to the previous version)
<companion_cube> (just like, say, git does)
<DarkUranium> They're the same thing, no?
<DarkUranium> I mean, if you reparse only a part, then obviously you have to somehow map *the rest*.
<companion_cube> one involves complicated parsing techinques, the other involves a hashmap :D
<pixelherodev> I think that this discussion is missing the point to a large degree
<companion_cube> possibly :D
<pixelherodev> It doesn't really matter if incremental lexing / parsing is *necessary*
<pixelherodev> The real question is, is there any reason *not* to support it?
<pixelherodev> Even on small files, a minor speedup is still very nice
<Barabas> It's complicated?
<pixelherodev> I was about to say that, yeah :P
<DarkUranium> ^ that's a reason. Not reason enough IMO, but *a* reason.
<pixelherodev> The *only* tradeoff is complexity
<DarkUranium> The core issue is that you have 100ms to do lexing, parsing (of the whole file, because you can't really avoid that there), *and* semantic analysis.
<pixelherodev> Complexity *can* be a good reason, but in this case I don't think it is
<DarkUranium> *and* display the result to the user, in GUI.
<Barabas> Could be a very good reason. The more complicated it is, the more bugs it will have and such.
<pixelherodev> The complexity of incremental lexing isn't that bad
<pixelherodev> Barabas: of course!
<pixelherodev> But this *isn't* that complex
<fengb> Some of us have been using zig-network in Windows. I dont' have a Windows box so I don't know for sure
<pixelherodev> It's more compmlex than *not* doing it
<pixelherodev> But it's still pretty simple
<Barabas> fengb yeah I could take a look at that. For now I'm just playing around :)
<companion_cube> DarkUranium: don't forget the LSP response in the 100ms :D
<DarkUranium> companion_cube, ah, true.
<companion_cube> including some jsonrpc, because… ugh
<DarkUranium> Yeah :|
<companion_cube> (why the fuck did they pick jsonrpc)
<DarkUranium> That's why Coyote won't have LSP support ... but will have an API that does the same.
<Barabas> I think I actually hit a compiler bug... but not 100% sure yet.
<companion_cube> (to transport *buffers*)
<DarkUranium> LSP support will exist, but as a separate/external project.
<DarkUranium> (official, but external)
<DarkUranium> And that'll be a wrapper. Basically a jsonrpc host that forwards calls, etc.
<DarkUranium> (and deals with LSP-related handshake stuff, like its weird way of exiting)
<DarkUranium> Barabas, the reason why I'm doing this this early is two-fold:
<pixelherodev> Hey, *I'm* the coypiler guy! ;)
<DarkUranium> lol
<DarkUranium> 1) It's *much* less of a problem if something as important as this is too fast, rather than too slow.
<pixelherodev> That's why it's crashing now! ;)
<DarkUranium> 2) If it *is* too slow, you're fucked architecturally.
<DarkUranium> lol
<pixelherodev> > Assertion failed: isptr (src/vm/vm.c: coy_op_handle_call_: 285)
<pixelherodev> :P
<pixelherodev> I'm going to just, uh
<pixelherodev> Ignore this for now :P
<pixelherodev> And focus on fixing the architecture first
<pixelherodev> I'll probably toss out most of the existing codegen anyways
<DarkUranium> pixelherodev, FWIW, I have a very good idea now w.r.t. how to deal with this up to parsing.
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<pixelherodev> #coyote ;)
<Barabas> OK
<Barabas> I actually hit a developer bug (:
<Barabas> Just my debugger was fooling my by pointing me at accept.
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<KoljaKube> I feel like I just forgot, but what's a C-compatible *void again?
<tdeo> *c_void
<tdeo> void is a zero-sized type, c_void is an unknown sized type
<KoljaKube> Thanks
<KoljaKube> I was trying [*c]c_void
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<KoljaKube> Mh, apparently the compiler does not like `[_]*c_void`s. Guess that's a good point to stop and continue tomorrow
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<ikskuh> KoljaKube: note that zig does pointer coercion only on the top level
<ikskuh> so if you actually need a c"void**"
<ikskuh> you need a zig `*[*c]c_void` type
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<ikskuh> which is an array of [_][*c]c_void
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<ikskuh> bug of the day:
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<Barabas> lol
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<klltkr> Anyone able to just restart this build for me, rather than pushing another commit:
<Nypsie[m]> A rebase will run the CI again as well
<Nypsie[m]> Or if there's nothing to rebase, closing and opening the PR will do it too
<klltkr> Closing and reopening isn't working. I'm going to use this as a sign that my PR needs improvement :)
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<klltkr> The sign was correct.
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<klltkr> A watched build never compiles.
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