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<andrewrk> thanks I'll take a look
<andrewrk> I might need to strategically merge it with the monster that is #6250
<pixelherodev> That's fine
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<mkchan> is there a linear algebra library for zig? something like numpy or openblas for neural network related stuff
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<andrewrk> mkchan, I'm not aware of one
<justin_smith> blas is usually fortran exposing a c api anyway, shouldn't be any worse to use from fennel than c
<justin_smith> err, from zig, sleepy brain
<justin_smith> 50% fortran, 25% assembly
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<ikskuh> hello people!
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<andrewrk> hi ikskuh
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* ikskuh is chasing the weird bug(?) that happened yesterday
<ikskuh> huh
<ikskuh> referencing stuff in a package will yield two spurious compiler errors in std.debug.???
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<ikskuh> the hell
<ikskuh> refercing a structure from the package will yield the following error log:
<ikskuh> copying the struct verbatim into my code and using that definition: no error message
* ikskuh is confused
<ikskuh> any idea what can cause this, andrewrk?
<andrewrk> not off the top of my head
<andrewrk> it's also late
<andrewrk> so my brain is not so sharp at the moment
<ikskuh> heh, okay
<ikskuh> i have no idea how to make an issue for that …
<ikskuh> i need to track it down further
<ikskuh> and make it smaller
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<ikskuh> ooof
<ikskuh> i cannot get a repro on smaller scale :(
<andrewrk> this bug sounds really frustrating
<ikskuh> yep
<ikskuh> tried to make a minimal repro, didn't happen…
<ikskuh> i might have found it! \o/
<ikskuh> yep, found it
<ikskuh> the behaviour is weird, but at least i can now explain what happens:
<ikskuh> i included all modules via _ = @import("bla.zig") in my library root
<ikskuh> this forces something into existence which uses std.debug.print
<ikskuh> now i made that part dependent of tests (if(std.builtin.is_test) { _ = @import("..."); })
<ikskuh> which removes the unwanted forced references
<ikskuh> ah i found the culprit!
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<ikskuh> ha, it works!
<ikskuh> it finally works
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<KoljaKube> What's the equivalent of a *c_void in Zig?
<ifreund> usize
<KoljaKube> So, @ptrToInt-ing the original pointer?
<ifreund> yeah
<ifreund> though there may be more idiomatic ways to do what you want to do
<KoljaKube> Now that you mention it, I might have seen usize used that way somewhere before... But I think it's a little weird
<KoljaKube> Well, I need to store a list of `fn Something(comptime foo: Foo) type`s
<KoljaKube> Or rather the function call results, so structs
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<ifreund> well at comptime you may be able to just ducktype it
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<ifreund> looks like someone posted a link to the statement on zen to lobsters
<betawaffle> and hackernews
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<ifreund> oh it's on the front page there, neat
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<bfredl> the only feature zen adds is mandatory payment?
<ifreund> apperently they've added some OOP antifeatures as well, but yeah that's the main one
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<betawaffle> the behavior of the zen people just seems bizarre to me
<bfredl> people is driven by the weirdest of motives
<leeward> The ducks are failing me. Link?
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<leeward> thanks
<ifreund> there are also links with comments on the front pages of hacker news/lobsters
<marler8997> hey, when I build on my 64-bit linux NixOS linux machine, the elf interpreter is set to the correct one in the nix store, but when I set an x86-64-linux-gnu target, I get an absolute path interpreter that doesn't exist on NixOS?
<leeward> WTF?
<marler8997> yeah anyone heard of this?
<leeward> Non-compete clauses in employment contracts are...controversial. Depending on jurisdiction, also sometimes illegal.
<leeward> Sorry marler8997, I was responding to the Zen thing. I don't know anything about NixOS.
<marler8997> oh ok, well I'll creating a reproducible issue
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<marler8997> As I'm filling out this issue, I have a feeling that there is no solution to this
<marler8997> I think the linker is setting the interpreter to /lib64/, because that is the most common one it can set...
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<leeward> I have noticed some hard coded paths in llvm. I wonder if you're bumping up against one of those.
<andrewrk> marler8997, I can explain this
<marler8997> ...
<andrewrk> there's no bug here, this is an advanced feature of zig working well for you
<andrewrk> when you compile for the native OS, zig figures out what your dynamic linker is, even if it's a weird one like on nixos
<andrewrk> when you cross compile, zig has to pick by default the "standard" dynamic linker path. if you want it to work on nixos then you have to override with the --dynamic-linker option
<marler8997> right I understand that
<marler8997> > I understand that a fix for this issue might prove difficult. There's no way to set an absolute path to a loader that will work on all distributions. The only fix I can think of is to never use an ELF interpreter. We we need dynamic libraries, we could compile the loader into the final executable...or maybe a better solution would be to include startup code that looks for the system loader that works on as many distributions as we
<marler8997> can support.
<andrewrk> ah I see you're trying to come up with an innovative solution to this. cool!
<andrewrk> I just wanted to make it clear that the behavior is working as designed so far
<marler8997> well I'm glad you confirmed what I thought it was
<marler8997> I did have to think about it for a bit before I realized that's what it was
<andrewrk> it is pretty neat how zig figures out the native dynamic linker path though right? that's a "just works" experience on nixos
<marler8997> does it do that?
<andrewrk> zig actually looks at its own dynamic linker to figure it out :D and if zig itself is statically linked then it looks at /usr/bin/env (which is highly portable because it's commonly used in shebang lines)
<marler8997> off the top of my head, I would try to go up my process tree and find the first ELF that uses it
<andrewrk> ooh going up the process tree is a neat idea
<marler8997> ooo, gotta run, thanks for the explanations though
<andrewrk> I think this issue is related to the one for video games that work on multiple distributions
<marler8997> I'm running into issues with illegal instructino because of unaligned access
<andrewrk> e.g. loading graphs drivers
<marler8997> I was thinking of using the generic target to see if that would make the final exe more lenient on unaligned access
<marler8997> (compiling the doom source code, thinking about porting it to Zig for fun)
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<andrewrk> it would be interesting to try to get `zig translate-c` able to do it :)
<andrewrk> I think it's mostly there
<marler8997> would be a cool test case, of course, I'd still do the port by hand for educational purposes
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<Barabas> Why does `struct{ usingnamespace OtherStruct }` not 'use'/transplant the fields of `OtherStruct` in the new struct?
<ifreund> why should it? fields are not decls
<ifreund> usingnamespace only "transplants" public decls
<Barabas> Ok, yeah that makes sense. Too bad.
<ifreund> not sure i agree on the "too bad," that sounds like it would get very confusing
<Barabas> Well, too bad that my idea didn't work out.
<ifreund> if you want to include all the fields of another struct in your struct just add it as a field
<Barabas> I thought I could inherit the fields that way.
<Barabas> Yes, but that struct is passed to another class which does a struct -> structure of arrays conversion and that only happens for the top level fields.
<ifreund> sounds complicated :D
<Barabas> It's this one and I want to use it from somewhere else where I need an extra field to store some metadata.
<Barabas> (I wanted to build a hashmap which can have more than one value tied to the key on top of that)
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<Barabas> I rolled my own solution and it works. I'm actually surprised. It both feels very hacky and kinda cool that it's relatively easy in Zig to do these things.
<andrewrk> :)
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<yorickpeterse> andrewrk: what are you using for presenting the Zig API docs? Is it something custom built?
<yorickpeterse> The latter
<andrewrk> I'm using this really nice framework called VanillaJS: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<yorickpeterse> It looks like it's loosely based on the documentation template Rust/Cargo uses
<yorickpeterse> heh
<yorickpeterse> Vanilla.js looks a little too 2010 though, you really need to use Reason, React, and Vue to get those stonks
<andrewrk> lol
<yorickpeterse> In all seriousness, did you ever consider Sphinx? I'm considering using it myself for generating some API docs, but it's been like 10 years since I last used it
<yorickpeterse> Ah thanks
<andrewrk> for our case I think a custom made code is the right tool for the job
<yorickpeterse> Ah gotcha, thanks :)
<andrewrk> part of the role that zig plays is to help your toolchain have fewer dependencies so that your projects are more portable
<andrewrk> so it helps when zig itself doesn't depend on too many third party projects
<yorickpeterse> Yeah that makes sense, which is why I'm a bit unsure about Sphinx: it's a bit of a beast
<yorickpeterse> This is a recurring issue with basically any modern documentation generator, sadly
<yorickpeterse> I thought about integration my documentation into the corresponding website (which is already about as vanilla as it gets), but that makes the docs less portable (e.g. no PDF output)
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<ccube> In the 0.6.0 documentation, tuples are not documented, var_args is still referred to, and the form tuples take in function calls is not as indicated in the issue discussion or stack overflow.
<daurnimator> ccube: I don't think tuples existed in 0.6.0
<daurnimator> they've been added since.
<ccube> Well that's the only way print works!
<ccube> And 0.6.0 is the most recent pre-built release
<torque> the master branch documentation also does not appear to document tuples
<torque> the only place "tuple" appears in that document is in the description of the "for" keyword
<ccube> Yep
<ccube> Kept trying print("{}: {}\n", [i, arg]) and got error: expected token ']' and found ',' --- finally guessed that you folks had silently changed the syntax.
<ccube> And changed it to .{i, arg} which worked.
<ccube> By the way, does this use of "." with no identfier on the left hand side have a defined meaning, an implied context perhaps?
<ifreund> it's the syntax used for anon struct literals and tuples
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<ccube> OK, what about "_" used as a variable on the left hand side have an explicit meaning, or just a convention for dummy variables?
<ifreund> it just discards the value yeah, though it is language level and not just a convention
<ccube> Is it documented somewhere?
<ifreund> zig doesn't let you ignore return values so this is needed
<ifreund> not sure :/
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<ifreund> I mean it's certainly used in the examples in the docs, and it's pretty intuitive syntax imo
<ccube> Yes, I guessed that they were dummy variables, but I've been programming for many decades.
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