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<tundrax> Hi. I'm new to zig and was curious about the syntax, particularly leading "dot" notation.
<tundrax> In async tutorial there is a line for switching io mode `pub const io_mode = .evented`. I found `@ifDecl(root.io_mode)` check inside std/io.
<tundrax> As "Feature Highlights" documentation stated "There is no hidden control flow" as a convention, this code above seems unconventional, because it is unclear where `.evented` is coming from. First I thought it was a symbol kind of something.
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<tundrax> Should io mode switching be tied to a constant/variable name?
<waleee-cl> is eg. the rust way with a separate async std-lib better?
<andrewrk> nah
<tundrax> I think zig is better in this matter, but the syntax could be something like `` more obvious.
<tundrax> If we can not change io mode throughout the program eg. set only once in main.
<andrewrk> that would not work because it must be set at compile time not at runtime
<andrewrk> the standard library needs to perform conditional compilation based on this value
<fgenesis> so this .evented is probably defined somewhere global
<andrewrk> the pattern of accessing the root source file like this should be used carefully - as you noted it can be surprising
<tundrax> I felt a little confused how constant binding is accessing the `io.Mode` enum value `.evented` in the root scope.
<andrewrk> it's not accessing it
<andrewrk> it's being type coerced elsewhere
<andrewrk> the other places this @import("root") pattern is used is for std.log and the default panic handler
<tundrax> Also in the `std/io` code there is `@ifDecl` check for `root.event_loop`, which can cause unexpected behavior if user names one of his variables `event_loop` not wishing to switch io mode.
<andrewrk> you would have to make it `pub` in your root source file (next to main())
<andrewrk> that would hardly be an accident
<andrewrk> plus the type would have to match
<andrewrk> I really don't think that is a concern
<fgenesis> does anything aside from main() and those magic config vars need to be public in the root src? i don't think so
<tundrax> I see. Just starting learning zig, these root declarations were not explained in the documentation.
<tundrax> Thank you for clarifying.
<andrewrk> docs are going to be rough until the language & std lib stabilize
<andrewrk> here is a handy resource:
<tundrax> Right, meanwhile reading stdlib code helps a lot.
<pixelherodev> @import("root") is also used for BYOS layer
<pixelherodev> BYOOS?
<pixelherodev> eh
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<ifreund> so, I think I've convinced myself this is not UB:
<ifreund> there's gotta be a better way to do this though
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<tdeo> ifreund: what is it trying to do?
<tdeo> handle enums? check for enums and use @TagType
<ifreund> convert from the array of wl_arguments to a struct
<tdeo> what would/would not be UB specifically?
<ifreund> it's the @bitCast() and @ptrCast() on maybe not the active extern union fields that are kind sketchy
<ifreund> but I think they're sound
<tdeo> i think extern unions can be used to reinterpret memory
<ifreund> yeah they can
<ifreund> but it feels like there should be a cleaner way to do this
<ifreund> still though, it's a lot more concise than the C version :)
<tdeo> that's for sure
<ifreund> I guess all that's left for the client bindings is to make the scanner output the code now that I've figured out roughly what it should look like
<ifreund> oh and hope that opaque{} gets merged :D
<tdeo> i think it completely makes sense to use expat, but i'll just mention i have a subset-of-xml parser in pure zig here:
<tdeo> if you want the build script to not depend on c
<tdeo> the parser is not very clean but it's short and works on non-complex xml
<ifreund> hmm, it would be very nice if the scanner was just part of the build.zig instead of an external program
<ifreund> I'll probably stick with the expat impl for now as it already works and was minimally painful, but that's definitely something to consider for the future
<tdeo> yeah
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<cahoots> does zig have an incremental linker/binary patcher for mach-o?
<ifreund> cahoots: it's very WIP, but work has been started on it
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<ifreund> Elf is the most developed at the momment
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<m4r35n357> can't find syntax in docs for specifying an array return value from a function (which creates the array). new to zig, any pointers?
<ifreund> fn foo() [5]u8 { ... }
<ifreund> this will return an array of 5 u8s by value
<ifreund> if you want to return a pointer to a heap allocated array, you probably want to use a slice: []u8
<m4r35n357> ifreund, I need it to be variable size (size is the parameter to the function), but []f128 and [_]f128 both fail
<ifreund> oh then make it [size]u8
<ifreund> though then the size passed to the function would need to be comptime known
<m4r35n357> error: use of undeclared identifier 'n'
<m4r35n357> no suprise there ;)
<m4r35n357> I am trying to port some existing c code, that mallocs thee array and returns a pointer
<ifreund> you want a slice then
<m4r35n357> so I am looking to make a function that takes the size, and does 'return [_]f128{0} ** n;'
<ifreund> a slice is like a struct { ptr: [*]u8, len: usize };
<m4r35n357> ok i'll look at slices . . .
<m4r35n357> I have used both arrays and structs at various times for this, so I think I can fit in with whatever
<ifreund> you can make a function that returns an array of the right size by value too, but then the size argument of the function must be comptime-known
<ifreund> if you want to create an array with runtime known size, you need to allocate it on the heap
<m4r35n357> that is unfortunately not how it needs to work :( the size is a command line parameter
<m4r35n357> OK is that what slices do?
<ifreund> slices are just a pointer and a length
<ifreund> they can point to dynamically allocated memory
<m4r35n357> OK cheers I'll investigate . . .
<ifreund> i think you probably want to use std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator and call alloc() which will return a slice
<m4r35n357> ifreund, cheers, still investigating . . .
<m4r35n357> hmm can't find that one in the std docs, just Arena... FixedBuffer.. and ThreadSafe...
<m4r35n357> perhaps I am being a bit premature with this . . . but I am so tempted by the 128-bit floats!
<m4r35n357> they must be native, so no MPFR/libquadmath, so I think it must be zig or Fortran
<ifreund> the online std docs aren't up to date unfortuneately
<Nypsie[m]> GeneralPurposeAllocated was introduced after 0.6.0,and since the master docs are a bit broken it doesn't show up there.
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<m4r35n357> ah, I "only" have 0.6.0 ;)
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<ifreund> on 0.6.0 they easiest way to get started is to just use std.heap.page_allocator
<ifreund> it's not efficient but it works :P
<m4r35n357> working is good ;)
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<m4r35n357> hmm, that one isn't there either . . . . :(
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<Rounin> Say... Has anyone else tried to compile bzflag v2.4.18 with zig c++? I tried that today, but the game segfaults upon startup
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<Rounin> Not that I'm in dire need of a C++ compiler, but it seemed like an interesting thing to try
<justin_smith> m4r35n357: you can check what's in lib/std/heap/
<alexnask[m]> Does it segfault with Illegal instruction Rounin ?
<m4r35n357> justin_smith, I am looking here:;heap
<Rounin> alexnask[m]: Good question... I was just about to run a debugger on it, but I realize I deleted it... I'll build it again and see if I can find out
<ifreund> Rounin: that's likely due to zig enabling UBSan by default
<Rounin> ifreund: Ah... A C++ application that's probably a couple of decades old... I wonder if there might be UB in there, hehe
<Rounin> Sounds like a great feature, though
<ifreund> if you'd like to disable it pass -fno-sanitize=undefined
<ifreund> and yeah, would not be surpried if there's UB there
<ifreund> m4r35n357: Its at the bottom of that page you linked
<ifreund> though honestly I'd recommend just grepping the std source code, it's surprisingly readable
<m4r35n357> ifreund, ah, excuse me, I didn't see it in plain sight ;)
<m4r35n357> got confused by the formatting . . .
<justin_smith> m4r35n357: yeah, things that exist are missing from the docs, the source itself is better as a resource
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<justin_smith> and the docs are hard to read...
<m4r35n357> justin_smith, yep, I think I need to take a few steps back, only been at this for about an hour ;)
<m4r35n357> but I have been doing TDD, so that is good ;)
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<Rounin> Hm... It seems to just give "Uknown clang option" when I use the options... Either -fno-sanitize-c or --release-fast
<Rounin> Is there a particular place where options should go so zig will pick them up?
<alexnask[m]> Can you try -fno-sanitize=undefined ? `zig cc` is literally clang so it uses clang options (we just parse them and add a few of our own)
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<Rounin> Ah, yes... Thanks, alexnask[m]
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<Rounin> Hmm.... Seems to not have been that... Valgrind first gives a lot of this: ==2357895== Mismatched free() / delete / delete []
<Rounin> Then ==2357895== Invalid read of size 8
<Rounin> ==2357895== at 0x478474: __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info::has_unambiguous_public_base(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_info*, void*, int) const (private_typeinfo.cpp:313)
<Rounin> Then ==2357895== Access not within mapped region at address 0x10
<Rounin> ==2357895== at 0x478474: __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info::has_unambiguous_public_base(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_info*, void*, int) const (private_typeinfo.cpp:313)
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<Rounin> Perhaps it's something that only works with GCC
<ifreund> might be worth trying clang as well
<Rounin> Yeah, why not eh... Might as well try eliminating some possibilities
<Rounin> I can watch the new video on the self-hosted compiler while I compile
<ifreund> heh
<Rounin> ifreund: It does work with stock clang! Hmm
<Rounin> The complaints from Valgrind are mostly different ones now as well
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<alexnask[m]> (the failure on #6441, that is)
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<andrewrk> alexnask[m], thanks for looking into this
<andrewrk> maybe valgrind can give us some tips
<andrewrk> alexnask[m], is your native development machine windows?
<alexnask[m]> Yes >.> (Not for long though)
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<andrewrk> alexnask[m], oh, I was going to say, that's great, we need more core devs who call windows home
<alexnask[m]> lol
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<bekwnn> anyone got any 3d model loading libs they'd recommend?
<bekwnn> (fbx would be best but obj would probably work for a bit as well)
<justin_smith> with this inline if I'm getting a segv because between the if and the lookup "live" becomes null - I'm surely doing this wrong: if (self.root) |live| else null
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<justin_smith> maybe this is a better question for the same problem: it surprises me that this second line can be an NPE, is there some other construction that would ensure the value wouldn't be nulled out in another thread? I suspect I'm using pointers wrong here
<justin_smith> is there a way to make "top_item" be a pointer to the same location as self.root, instead of being literally the same pointer, so that a change to self.root in another thread doesn't blow this up?
<fengb> I think the optimizer tried to inline this if you’re getting thread errors
<fengb> Might need an atomic operation?
<justin_smith> I naiively thought that I was doing this already, but this error makes me doubt that
<justin_smith> fengb: cool I looked at atomic ops and didn't find the right one, just being able to force the optimizer not to inline would be great
<justin_smith> like "no really I need a separate pointer and not an inline operation" type annotation
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<pixelherodev> I wonder how hard it'd be to redo the C header generation to use the CBE
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<andrewrk> btw I don't know if anyone noticed this in the tracy demo of but those two sections - analysis and writing to the ELF file - are parallelizable
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<pixelherodev> Though I suppose fixing generation of e.g. `struct struct:28:12` would be enough for me lol
<andrewrk> at 2:17 you can see, (1) AST parsing (2) semantic analysis and (3) linking is done one after another, but those 3 things can happen at the same time
<pixelherodev> How much locking would there be?
<pixelherodev> I mean, probably none, now that I think about it
<pixelherodev> Some bits of AST parsing would need to be finished before other pieces of sema could begin, but they simply wouldn't be queued, I assume...
<pixelherodev> Yeah, I think I can see how that'd work
<pixelherodev> That's pretty neat
<andrewrk> there are some contention points
<pixelherodev> Right, but not too many
* andrewrk nods
<pixelherodev> Where is the current .h emission done? I'd look, but i don't want to have to dig through the CLI parsing again :P
<justin_smith> fengb: doing an @atomicLoad in that if fixed it, thanks - I have another more rare race condition now but that one was hitting me on 7/8 of test runs :D
<pixelherodev> Is it self-hosted yet, at the least?
<justin_smith> now to make the next race condition happen more often too..
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, it will fully regress into non existence with the merge of 6250 and will need to be implemented from scratch in self-hosted
<pixelherodev> Ahh okay
<pixelherodev> That'll be my first post-6250 task then
<pixelherodev> Dibs
<pixelherodev> :P
<andrewrk> nice
<pixelherodev> I need it anyways, and I think I can use existing CBE stuff for it
<pixelherodev> And this helps with our prior discussion
<andrewrk> you'll have to take a slightly different strategy because it will have to cooperate with incremental updates, unlike the work on CBE so far
<pixelherodev> If we're using the same logic for headers and CBE, then it'll show whether or not it'll be easy to integrate with the standard pipeline
<pixelherodev> Then we'll just have to make CBE incremental
<pixelherodev> It won't have to actually be used incrementally for normal CBE work, but as long as it's *internally* incremental, it can be used that way for headers even if we don't expose it generally
<andrewrk> ha, sounds fun. ascii art comments ftw
<pixelherodev> Not necessarily
<pixelherodev> One option is to do it incrementally in memory, and rewrite the file on disk
<pixelherodev> That'll be a single buffered write, effectively
<pixelherodev> It could also rewrite only changed portions
<andrewrk> that's fine but keep in mind the goal of low memory footprint
<pixelherodev> Yep
<pixelherodev> It'd probably still be lower than what's needed for the other linkers
<pixelherodev> All it'd really be tracking is position and len
<pixelherodev> That's two usizes per decl
<andrewrk> that's fine
<pixelherodev> The "easy" option is to just rewrite the file from the first changed token onwards
<pixelherodev> I think it's reasonable to expect headers to be small, generally
<pixelherodev> Not small enough to keep them fully in memory, though...
<pixelherodev> It rewriting from the first changed token, it could just fully regenerate them and then do a single flush, I suppose?
<pixelherodev> The much worse option would be to read the file into memory, but at that point we might as well keep it there full time
<pixelherodev> Hmm, one other thing to note is prefixing
<pixelherodev> I'd want to be able to specify a per-package prefix for functions
<pixelherodev> So I don't need to do e.g. `export fn thor_deinit(self: *@This()) void { self.deinit(); }`
<pixelherodev> Hmm, but that'd mean renaming them in the binary, too.
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<pixelherodev> So... many... stupid... wrappers.
<pixelherodev> Hmm. Currently, writing Zig code for use with C feels fundamentally different from writing Zig code for use with Zig.
<pixelherodev> Fortunately, that's not an issue in reverse, but still...
<justin_smith> pixelherodev: that's inherent when we have features (eg. namespacing) that C lacks I would thin
<justin_smith> *think
<justin_smith> I'd rather explicitly put prefixes on things I export, rather than remembering implicit prefix rules
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<lunamn> also errors, i guess?
<justin_smith> I guess a package level setting for prefix to apply to exported functions (that's opt in), isn't so bad
<fengb> lol favicon
<pixelherodev> justin_smith: I'm actually thinking struct-level might be good, too
<pixelherodev> e.g. `const a = extern struct { export fn b() void {} }` it'd make sense for b to be exported as `void a_b(void);`
<justin_smith> pixelherodev: yeah, as long as it's configurable and opt in, the fewer special cases the better
<justin_smith> so make packages and structs have the same features, if the features exist, +1
<pixelherodev> For sure
<pixelherodev> That could be a nested struct thing instead of a package one, maybe?
<pixelherodev> The alternative option is to just require each Zig package to have e.g. a exports.zig file defining the wrapper explicitly
<justin_smith> why not make the mapping an optional config, with current behavior if it isn't defined?
<justin_smith> or, equivalently, a default prefix of ""
<justin_smith> in guile scheme, you can provide a function that takes the name of an exported function, and returns the replacement name to use instead, if comp-time string allocations aren't too tricky even that could work
<pixelherodev> what's the correct way to say "c string" in Zig?
<pixelherodev> Neither `[*:0]const u8` or the same with `i8` are making C happy.
<companion_cube> [*:0] const u8 or sth?
<companion_cube> erf
<pixelherodev> That works for Zig side, yeah
<justin_smith> companion_cube: yeah that looks right to me
<justin_smith> pixelherodev: on the c side it's just a pointer to a char, the rest is just user convention with no compiler enforcement
<pixelherodev> but the generated header then produces a func taking `const uint8_t *` / `const int8_t *`, *neither* of which are apparently implicitly castable from `char[]`
<pixelherodev> justin_smith: compiler rejects it.
<justin_smith> hmm...
<pixelherodev> `initializing 'const int8_t *' (aka 'const signed char *') with an expression of type 'char [2]' converts between pointers to integer types with different sign`
<pixelherodev> Weirdly, that's the case *regardless* of which sign is set
<pixelherodev> and not just with Zig, either
<companion_cube> what about the constness?
<pixelherodev> `const uint8_t *a = "h";` <- rejected; `const int8_t *a = "h";`, also rejected
<alexnask[m]> the signedness of char is implementation defined
<justin_smith> pixelherodev: perhaps that's because the signedness of "char" isn't defined, so both are malformed?
<justin_smith> yeah that sounds right
<pixelherodev> I'd think so, except for one thing
<pixelherodev> The uint8_t and int8_t in question are e - ahh wait
<pixelherodev> Yeah, no, that probably makes sense, I think?
<alexnask[m]> What compiler are you using?
<pixelherodev> Ahhh, okay, it doesn't allow *either* sign to be defined for it.
<pixelherodev> alexnask[m]: CCLS (aka libclang) :P
<pixelherodev> Language server lol
<pixelherodev> With GCC, same thing
<pixelherodev> `warning: pointer targets in initialization of 'const uint8_t *' {aka 'const unsigned char *'} from 'char *' differ in signedness`
<pixelherodev> Different message, but same result
<pixelherodev> (for both signednesses)
<pixelherodev> Okay, so I need a way to say "C char" in zig.
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<justin_smith> just a hunch, some ugly trick with @bitCast ?
<pixelherodev> There's no c_char type :(
<pixelherodev> justin_smith: that doesn't help.
<pixelherodev> I need a type that will explicitly result in "char" showing up in the header.
<pixelherodev> There's no fun "trick" zig-side that will work.
<justin_smith> pixelherodev: I bet using translate_c on a small program using char shows it
<pixelherodev> Nope
<pixelherodev> Pretty sure that uses u8.
<alexnask[m]> Yeah I think so too
<alexnask[m]> This sounds like a good argument for c_char to me tbh
<pixelherodev> `pub extern var c: u8;`
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: mind adding in your two cents on this?
<pixelherodev> alexnask[m]: I'm inclined to agree.
<andrewrk> here's my 2 cents
<pixelherodev> Huh
<pixelherodev> :P
<companion_cube> what does it mean for a char to be signed, anyway?
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: int8_t.
<companion_cube> is anyone doing addition of chars? :s
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: in light of #6250, is there a point in adding it to stage1?
<companion_cube> or `-c` where `c:char`?!
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: int8_t == signed char, uint8_t == unsigned char. Neither equals char.
<companion_cube> yeah but *why*!! :D
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, no
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: so, simply put it, I need to suck it up and manually rewrite the header for now? :P
<alexnask[m]> companion_cube: The C gods decided so ;)
<justin_smith> companion_cube: I'm imagining some terrible "encryption" lib that uses bit-shift on chars and breaks if the signedness is unexpected
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: because all of the `{u,}int` types are defined in terms of primitives, and char is *the* 8-bit primitive.
<companion_cube> 😱
<pixelherodev> I don't think it occurred to anyone to add a distinct primitive
<pixelherodev> Frankly, I'm of the opinion that all the stdint.h / stddef.h should *be* primitives
<justin_smith> pixelherodev: how can char be an 8-bit primitive when it's not even defined to be 8 bits?
<pixelherodev> justin_smith: it's defined to be *at least* eight, and on most platforms it is eight
<pixelherodev> This is why stdint.h exists, supposedly
<alexnask[m]> pixelherodev: stdint is not guaranteed to provide uintN_t, intN_t for any N
<alexnask[m]> : )
<pixelherodev> alexnask[m]: thanks for reminding me that standard C has stupid ideas. I never would have remembered otherwise.
* pixelherodev rolls eyes
<alexnask[m]> Actually it needs those: int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, mb :P