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<andrewrk> tdeo, looks like the "transfer issue" feature is working nicely
<tdeo> great
<tdeo> i support this trimming of the standard library :)
<andrewrk> haha you love deleting things
<andrewrk> that is a valuable trait for this project
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<andrewrk> af64fd2 is the one. I can feel it
<andrewrk> thx
<daurnimator> andrewrk: we don't (on e.g. linux x86_64) name normal -fPIC .o files differently to non -fPIC. Why different for wasm ones?
<andrewrk> .o and executables are both ELF. the .o is relocatable, the bin is not
<shachaf> You don't make relocatable executables?
<daurnimator> andrewrk: uh, can't you have relocatable ELF executables?
<pixelherodev> Not for wasm.
<pixelherodev> Ah wait
<pixelherodev> Yeah, ELFs *can* be relocatable
<andrewrk> you can have PIEs but you would't be able to for example `ld -o new_exe pie_exe`
<daurnimator> hmmm. why not?
<andrewrk> that's the wrong question
<andrewrk> the right question is, how can we make the tools to help people get what they want done and not make mistakes
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<pixelherodev> "Why on earth would you do that?"
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<andrewrk> oh my god I think the tests are going to pass
<lunamn> i hope #6250 helps when i (someday, in the far far future, maybe) attempt to integrate netbsd libc
<andrewrk> lunamn, well you'll get it implement it in zig rather than c++ :)
<andrewrk> is netbsd your home OS?
<lunamn> i lost tracking of what i was doing on the c++ after 5 mins so i'm excited to peek at selfhosted source
<lunamn> nah, but i run a server with it to experiment on
<andrewrk> it's a lot more organized, that's for sure
<lunamn> agree, i'm planning to put it on one of my laptops since trying it out on vms doesn't cut it sometimes
<nikki93> is there a way to declare an `extern fn` into a `struct` instead of at the toplevel?
<andrewrk> yeah did you run into a problem?
<nikki93> also would be nice if i can do it within the same file (like, not need to do it in a different file where i export a wrapper or sth)
<andrewrk> files are just structs
<nikki93> oh i can just say `extern` in a `struct`? i didn't even try
<nikki93> i should probably just try everything before i decide it's not possible, in zig :p
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<nikki93> lol yeah it works exactly as i would've expected it all to
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<nikki93> can you alias a name when saying `extern fn` without introducing the extern name into the current scope?
<nikki93> like, if i wanted to bring in `extern fn foo` but in that scope define my own `foo` that actually wraps that and is not that
<nikki93> i guess in this case i can have a `struct` of internals and then have my 'alias' just call it but
* nikki93 checks the docs
<andrewrk> nikita`, yeah just don't make it pub and then do pub const alias = foo; next to it
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<nikki93> thx
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<andrewrk> oops I mentioned the wrong person
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<andrewrk> when I press Ctrl+C in the windows terminal during msbuild it says "attempting to cancel the build..." and then just hangs
<andrewrk> my goodness how hard is it to kill a process
<nikki93> ;_;
<nikki93> i spent a good amt of time on windows in the past 2 years, and i'd basically use a weird hybrid of WSL and native .exes
<nikki93> like, WSL was basically my shell but i'd use cmake.exe (which would end up invoking actual VS compilers etc.)
<nikki93> i tried zig on windows rq recently and it was refreshingly easy to get running
<nikki93> gvim.exe's embedded terminal can actually launch WSL as a shell
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<nikki93> iteration speed with wasm zig is really nice. build is basically instantaneous so --
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<andrewrk> ha do you just have that on a timer?
<nikki93> andrewrk: nah i was using entr
<andrewrk> what's that
<nikki93> this is the command:
<nikki93> ls -1 *.zig | entr /bin/bash -c "echo 'building...' && zig build-lib -target wasm32-freestanding --release-small main.zig && echo 'built'"
<andrewrk> oh cool!
<nikki93> hope that was plaintext enough -- i'm on irccloud lol
<nikki93> yeah i run it in WSL on windows too xD
<andrewrk> I could use this as a nice shortcut when doing a live coding stream on trying to wire up hot code reloading into ELF compilations :D
<nikki93> yup :D entr is awesome
<nikki93> andrewrk: one thing to not is it just takes the name of a binary as its arg (plus rest args to send to it), so if you want to run multiple things you should do `/bin/bash -c "blah && blah && ..."`
<andrewrk> ok I *just* realized that somebody made std.testing.expectEqualStrings with proper diff printing and it is super duper useful
<andrewrk> using git blame to figure out who to praise
<andrewrk> ahh Vexu!
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<nikki93> if i have a pure compute c lib, zig can compile that to wasm and link with it right?
<nikki93> ugh the lib may use malloc and so on hmm
<nikki93> it's this lib: -- i think all code is basically in src/ and seems pretty just C
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<andrewrk> nikki93, yes
<andrewrk> zig can also provide some libc functions for C programs for the wasm target
<andrewrk> I don't think we have malloc implemented yet tho
<andrewrk> maybe you would want to contribute that? you could try wiring it up to GeneralPurposeAllocator backed by std.heap.page_allocator (which does support wasm thanks to fengb)
<andrewrk> you can see that we provide strcmp, strlen, and an interesting implementation of strerror
<andrewrk> you can even test your code without contributing it upstream just by putting `export fn malloc` in your code
<andrewrk> try it and see what linker errors you get. if it's only a handful of functions, chances are it would be quite reasonable to provide them!
<andrewrk> I believe the -target you want is wasm32-freestanding-musl
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<FireFox317> andrewrk, the windows failure is this flaky test case that we have been experiencing lately
<andrewrk> FireFox317, windows tests passed locally for me :)
<FireFox317> ah that would explain the weird randomness indeed
<FireFox317> because sometimes it does work and sometimes it doesn't
<FireFox317> andrewrk, nice! :)
<andrewrk> I found one issue on macos, should be an easy fix
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<nikki93> andrewrk: sweet thanks for the tips. hmm i've kinda wanted to have control over the allocations of this physics engine too so i'll think about how this could be wired up
<nikki93> like maybe i just wire some specific malloc/free that is eg. tied to scene duration in tbe game
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<andrewrk> interesting, good to know that's a use case
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<nikki93> yeah these thoughts are more nebulous but, in games it tends to be some entities that are static and stick around, while there are a few entities that tend to come and go more. and i've been wondering about having two diff allocators for the data of each kind
<nikki93> it was already kinda meh to me that (i use this physics engine in c++) that it does dynamic allocs for me like that while i keep most of my own actual game logic data more pooled and compacted. it does let u allocate kinda but it maintains pointers between the objs internally so i can't eg. just move them. i wish libs just parameterized over an id->data function (essentially a dereference op) and then spoke in ids and just
<nikki93> let you manage the data layout or sth (including moving objs around and compact)
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<andrewrk> FireFox317, oof, I got the file name pattern wrong
<andrewrk> it's libfoo.1.2.3.dylib, not libfoo.dylib.1.2.3
<FireFox317> ah, yeah annoying version numbers :(
<FireFox317> andrewrk, so you are running the tests locally on a mac now? :D
<andrewrk> yeah. ran into another issue, about to find out if my fix worked
<andrewrk> it did. tests are cruising along again now :)
<FireFox317> nice! its really nice we have so much coverage tho
<andrewrk> all tests passed locally :D
* FireFox317 really happy
<FireFox317> Hypeee! Andrew's big branch has been merged!!
<FireFox317> Congrats man! You deserve some beers and rest :P
<ikskuh> > Merged #6250 into master.
* ikskuh screams in excitement
<andrewrk> woo hoo!
<andrewrk> apologies in advance for the regressions that I didn't find before merging. at least fixing them will be in .zig code
<andrewrk> there are some breaking changes btw
<ikskuh> :D
<FireFox317> andrewrk, did you ever had 60 PR's open on zig hahah?
<andrewrk> no I think this is peak
<FireFox317> with a good reason tho xd
<andrewrk> ok now which issues do I get to close >:]
<alexnask[m]> :D
<andrewrk> oh yeah alexnask[m] so now with llvm-enabled builds, at the link flush() you will have .lib files available for all the DLLs that need to be linked
<andrewrk> you could also choose to work on self-hosted codegen into .obj files, and rely on LLD as a linker
<andrewrk> although I personally find it satisfying to go straight to executable :)
<alexnask[m]> That is amazing :) I will start working on imports and exports for PE
<andrewrk> probably a bunch of issues can get labels modified now too -stage1 +stage2
<andrewrk> I have 45 github issues to file
<FireFox317> its so nice to browse through the zig code now using zls + vscode 'Jump to definitions' <3
<ikskuh> andrewrk: you're on a issue killing spree, very nice :D
<andrewrk> I think that's it actually. and now I have to file 45 new issues
<ikskuh> dang
<ikskuh> this means i have to be careful now :D
<andrewrk> it's ok, they're much easier than the ones that just got closed
<andrewrk> not all issues are created equal
<ifreund> \o/
<FireFox317> andrewrk, #1344 can be closed?
<andrewrk> that issue wasn't really valid anyway, it didn't actually articulate a problem
<andrewrk> ifreund, oh that glibc issue is solved now
<FireFox317> andrewrk, i'm just looking through issues seeing which one can be closed :P
<ifreund> andrewrk: excellent, that will make sticking with 0.7.0 nicer :)
<ifreund> though my WIP libwayland bindings now make heavy use of tdeo's opaque{} so I may be tempted to switch to master if that gets merged post 0.7.0
<andrewrk> does that mean you're strongly in favor of opaque {} ?
<ifreund> very
<ifreund> it makes writing bindings far cleaner since you can namespace stuff without wrapping opaque pointers in a struct
<andrewrk> alright well I need to take that vacation I promised myself but at this point I'm feeling pretty inclined to accept it
<ifreund> the previous impl was basically const Foo = struct { const Impl = @Type(.Opaque); impl: *Impl, };
<ifreund> and then you have to deal with having a wrapper struct everywhere
<ifreund> yes definitely take that vacation! would appreciate you giving it a look when you get back :)
<andrewrk> FireFox317, I remember for the last release you were really helpful getting various builds of zig-bootstrap to work
<andrewrk> there's an issue right now in the upcoming release that I could definitely use your help with if you're interested
<FireFox317> andrewrk, yes that's correct :) I would love it to help you with that again
<andrewrk> actually it's an issue with master branch even. somewhere between 0.6.0 and now, we started tripping an llvm assert for ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall with the std lib tests
<andrewrk> the problem is that you can only detect it with a debug build of llvm so that it has asserts enabled which is reeeeeally slow. so that's why it doesn't get tested very often
<andrewrk> but it means basically that we're hitting UB in llvm code in ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall builds for whatever code is triggering this
<andrewrk> and as sonic sez, That's No Good
<FireFox317> I think i can test that on the arm server, if it is still alive
<andrewrk> should be
<andrewrk> it's possible that it might or might not trip the problem
<FireFox317> so this is not specific to for example an arm/raspberry-pi zig-bootstrap build?
<FireFox317> are you planning on releasing all these tarballs again for 0.7.0 btw?
<andrewrk> yep hopefully we didn't regress any of them
<andrewrk> I think llvm 11 is releasing in a couple days so we have about a month to figure it out
<ifreund> hmm, I think I already found a regression:
<ifreund> tips on how to debug?
<FireFox317> so what would you recommend building regarding this llvm assert? 10 or 11?
<FireFox317> ifreund, i would start with `--verbose-link` because it is an lld failure
<andrewrk> ifreund, so is generated by your zig code?
<andrewrk> FireFox317, they both repro it
<andrewrk> as long as you have a debug build
<FireFox317> andrewrk, thanks :thumbsup:
<andrewrk> ifreund, err sorry Ishould have just read the next line
<ifreund> no, this zig code linking expat and libc
<ifreund> building with the opaque{} branch rebased onto master
<andrewrk> oh I see. so zig built a glibc version that is too old
<andrewrk> does the output of the build-exe with `--show-builtin` look correct? with regards to the glibc version
<andrewrk> that should print the source of builtin.zig
<ifreund> nope, it has 2.17 while my system is 2.30
<andrewrk> ok well at least we're on the right track debugging here
<ifreund> I'll open an issue :)
<andrewrk> it gets it right on my system, so there's a clue
<andrewrk> this is also strange since this particular code was already self-hosted in master branch before the merge
<ifreund> nice, I can poke at it a bit to see if I can fix it
<ifreund> should also make sure the -femit-bin=foo thing solves that other issue I had
<andrewrk> yeah
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<FireFox317> ifreund, so did you check the `uname -a` output?
<andrewrk> I'm kinda confused why that worked before. the code I linked above is unchanged in the branch I just merged
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<ifreund> Linux trantor 5.8.12_1 #1 SMP Sat Sep 26 18:03:25 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<ifreund> doesn't show libc version :/
<andrewrk> the libc version is determined by readlink() on the path you get if you `ldd /usr/bin/env` and choose the one
<FireFox317> oh sorry, i thought it was about the linux version my bad
<ifreund> I think stepping through it in a debugger might be enlightening
<osa1> I'm trying to build zig from source. I have LLVM 10 installed but not in a standard location. Anyone know how to point cmake to that location? Currently I'm getting these errors:
<osa1> Perfect, thanks
<osa1> It failed at 100% with this error: any tips?
<andrewrk> your system llvm has a bug, it is reporting the wrong value for llvm-config --system-libs
<andrewrk> if you build from source it works, or you can work around the issue. details for workaround here
<ifreund> wow zig runs pretty slow in valgrind :P
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<bfredl> can zig into ASAN/UBSAN?
<bfredl> the llvm backend i suppose
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<ikskuh> wellp. my project broke with #6250 :D
<ikskuh> andrewrk: do you want to have issues for everything i find?
<ifreund> ikskuh: is it #6469 ?
<pixelherodev> fWoot nice work!!
<ikskuh> nope
<FireFox317> ikskuh, huh that's weird. how did it not build compiler_rt
<ikskuh> not sure
<FireFox317> Maybe a stale cache or something?
<ikskuh> maybe the caching system broke
<FireFox317> did you try removing all the cache dirs?
<ikskuh> i killed the local zig-cache
<ikskuh> now i'm killing rm -rf ~/.cache/zig/
<ikskuh> nope,still failing
<FireFox317> hmm
<ikskuh> i looked a bit at the source
<ikskuh> looks like the work item doesn't get queued
<FireFox317> ikskuh, `if (is_exe_or_dyn_lib and build_options.is_stage1) {` so for your project it is something else?
<ikskuh> yes, it's static lib :D
<FireFox317> well that explains the problem then :P
<ikskuh> error: unrecognized parameter: '--bundle-compiler-rt'
<ikskuh> dang :D
<FireFox317> i guess andrewrk changed the logic a bit
<ikskuh> yeah
<pixelherodev> Whelp, that probably breaks Thor too
<ikskuh> i'm tracking back the cause
<ikskuh> only explanation right now is that somewhere the propagation of the lib type is set to .Dynamic
<FireFox317> ikskuh, nah. It is just checking for an executable or a dynamic library. For a static library it just doesnt add the compiler_rt to the work queue
<ikskuh> yes
<ikskuh> but!
<ikskuh> the compiler_rt should be linked only if it's a dynamic lib or an executable ;)
<FireFox317> ahh, is that true tho?
<ikskuh> i think i found the error
<FireFox317> nice!
<ikskuh> the link mode passed to the File is determined differently from the one passed to the compilation
<FireFox317> which is maybe also causing #6469
<FireFox317> because that also looks at link_mode
<FireFox317> yeah so i guess when building zig, it uses the self-hosted code (which is incorrect) and thus it sets the builtin.link_mode to .Static (regarding #6469)
<ikskuh> FireFox317: yeah, it's building my static lib as a dynamic file
<ikskuh> i'll try debugging it later
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<mkchan> why can't a struct depend on an optional of itself?
<ikskuh> mkchan: the optional is "just" struct { value: T, is_null: bool }
<fengb> Because memory layout doesn't make sense
<ifreund> an optional pointer would be fine
<ikskuh> so an optional is "sizeOf(T) + 1 bit"
<pixelherodev> Root reason: ecause it'd be infinitely recursive
<pixelherodev> because*
<fengb> You need enough memory to store fields + optional + itself
<fengb> And itself == fields + optional + itself
<pixelherodev> `struct a { b: a }` <- it's impossible, fundamentally, for any object of type a to exist
<fengb> In theory... it can store itself if itself is a zero sized type :P
<fengb> Weirdest unit type ever >_>
<mkchan> yes, i ended up with an optional pointer, but now problem is that i can't create a compiletime-known instance of said struct: the highlighted line won't let it work
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<mkchan> obviously it's a *const MorseTree and not a *MorseTree, do i really have to use an allocator during comptime processing?
<mkchan> (ignore my lack of base case for recursion)
<pixelherodev> Pointers can be comptime known if they're pointing to comptime objects, I think?
<fengb> I think you can force it to be runtime by assigning a variable: `var tree = MorseTree{}; self.dot_suffix = &tree;`
<mkchan> won't it go out of scope?
<fengb> That's true regardless of you assigning a temp variable or not
<fengb> But at comptime, there's a garbage collector
<fengb> for stack variables
<mkchan> so if i were doing this at runtime, the obvious choice is an allocator because i'll just never free that memory until the end of the program. at comptime, it's really unclear
<mkchan> good news is that suggestion seemed to work, let me write some tests
<pixelherodev> mkchan: if you're never freeing the memory for the entire duration, then... why not just stack in main()?
<pixelherodev> Or, a global?
<mkchan> it is a global
<mkchan> line 43
<pixelherodev> Why does it need to be allocated?
<mkchan> no, you're misunderstanding what i'm saying
<mkchan> if it's an optional pointer, and at runtime, if i do this: var tree = Tree{}; ptr = &tree; the ptr will contain an invalid value
<mkchan> at runtime i'd have to allocate and use that in the ptr
<ifreund> it would only be invalid if the `tree` variable went out of scope
<mkchan> anyway, i updated the gist with working code, thanks fengb
<mkchan> ifreund: if you read the code in the gist, it does go out of scope
<mkchan> but at comptime apparently that doesn't matter
<ifreund> indeed, comptime works differently
<mkchan> so at comptime these things are effectively shared_ptrs
<ifreund> they are effectively garbage collected
<ifreund> they exact method isn't important
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<mkchan> so coming back to my initial question, "why can't a type depend on an optional self", isn't this a way to implement that feature?
<mkchan> oh but i suppose it's implicit allocation at runtime hmm nvm then
<tdeo> yeah no it would be a very big change
<ifreund> stucts must have a complie time known size
<mkchan> yeah it fails the basic tenet of no implicit allocation anyway
<ifreund> idk how it would be implicit allocation
<mkchan> but this was interesting, comptime implementation stuff sure is interesting
<mkchan> because the implementation i mentioned was basically implementing an optional as a ptr and assigning to the optional would be an allocation
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<ifreund> oh you were saying the compiler would do that for you?
<ifreund> yeah that violates a lot of what zig is about :D
<mkchan> yeah exactly
<mkchan> btw, do you guys maintain a "Zig by example" type thing? like a cookbook
<mkchan> the docs do a lot of it for the basic features but a repo for common use cases would be nice
<alexnask[m]> is the closest thing to this
<alexnask[m]> But this is more of a tutorial deal, not exactly the type of content you are talking about
<mkchan> yeah, like i imagine an example way to implement a linked list would be useful for people to learn this concept i just stumbled upon
<ikskuh> mkchan: then you're maybe searching for std
<ikskuh> the zig stdlib implements a lot of common patterns in a quite well-readable manner
<ifreund> lack of macros and overal simplicity make it the most redable std I've ever seen
<justin_smith> nikki93: that stuff about alloc lifetime could likely be simplified via ECS. Have a minimal struct of identifiers for the "game objects", then eg. a room can have a mapping from game-object id to resources that can be disposed when that room is out of scope or that object leaves that room
<mkchan> oh yeah, just a week or two back i was trying more comptime hackery and someone here mentioned the std.meta.fields function. i think it was fengb . cleanest, easiest to read metaprogramming i've ever seen
<justin_smith> and if a game object is destroyed / removed from the game, you can walk each of the contexts and free things that index to it
<fengb> :D
<dbohdan> Are there any scripting languages implemented in Zig besides
<dbohdan> Thanks!
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<FireFox317> andrewrk, i managed to hit the assert in llvm :) However weird thing is it only happends when i do `zig build test-std` but not when i do `for f in ../lib/std/*.zig; do if [ "$f" == "../lib/std/std.zig" ] ; then continue ; fi ; echo "$f" ; ./zig test -OReleaseFast "$f"; done`
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<FireFox317> I think we weren't hitting this before just because the amount of tests increased, thus at some point this single test executable gets to big and llvm doesn't like that
<fengb> Industry: write lots of tests! LLVM: but not too many 😭
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<FireFox317> I guess they dont like it that we put them all into a single binary haha
<ikskuh> FireFox317: i just know that zig wrongly assumes that my static lib is dynamic
<ikskuh> and i have no idea where this is introduced
<FireFox317> Do you have a small repro? Just `zig build-lib -static`?
<ikskuh> not yet
<ikskuh> will try next
<ikskuh> debug printing is the best printing
<ikskuh> just introduced some prints :D
<FireFox317> ikskuh, i see you were building c files right?
<ikskuh> yeah
<justin_smith> is it expected that the compiler wouldn't be able to do a floating point multiply at comptime?
<justin_smith> I want to populate a table for DSP when compiling, if possible
<justin_smith> I guess I can use an inline literal array, but it would be more elegant to just put my formula for making the array in the code
<FireFox317> justin_smith, floating point at comptime should be possible yes
<justin_smith> OK then I need to narrow why this is failing, thanks
<justin_smith> so breaking it up, the error doesn't happen on the floating point op, it happens in the array fill code
<justin_smith> I have an array of f64 called fade_in (a volume curve): for (fade_in) |*item, i| {
<justin_smith> using item.* to assign a value to an array index is failing
<FireFox317> justin_smith, hmm okay. Can you post a small snippet of the code on a gist/postbin or something?
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<justin_smith> FireFox317: absolutely
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<justin_smith> FireFox317: error happens on the item.* = scale line
<FireFox317> justin_smith, i think there is some context missing. Where is fade_in defined?
<FireFox317> and is this at global scope or function scope?
<justin_smith> it's an array pub var fade_in: [curve_length]f64 = undefined;
<justin_smith> global scope
<FireFox317> okay
<justin_smith> currently trying a while, instead of the fancy array pointer / index syntax to see if that helps
<FireFox317> you might be able to see why this is going wrong. So fade_in is defined as a `var`, which means that it is runtime known. It has to be defined as a `const`. One moment while I type up an example
<FireFox317> It basically comes down to defining it as const, and then using a block to initialize the list and break the value from the block
<justin_smith> oh, it was const at first and I think I misunderstood the error I got
<justin_smith> but using while instead of for gets rid of the if block, which I actually like...
<justin_smith> FireFox317: "error: cannot assign to constant" on the same pointer assignment
<FireFox317> justin_smith,
<justin_smith> FireFox317: oh, thanks much
<FireFox317> justin_smith, you are welcome! The code inside the block has to be executed at comptime because it is a constant global.
<justin_smith> great, that's exactly what I want (why use CPU cycles on startup filling in tables...)
<FireFox317> yeah zig solves that really nice with the comptime feature :)
<nikki93> justin_smith: i am literally using an ecs :) i was just talking about the physics engine in that case
<justin_smith> nikki93: yeah, I think I was mostly learning out loud how well an ecs could align with ownership / lifecycle management
<nikki93> the physics engine i'm use kinda mallocs and frees stuff on its own for its objects, but i just have a move-only handle on its stuff (in c++) so the lifetime is managed. but unlike the rest of the data in the ecs it's not compacted
<justin_smith> I've used something like an ecs before, but in a garbage collected language, but I'm seeing now how a well designed ecs could really simplify lifecycle logic
<nikki93> yeah for sure. it was more about the compaction than the lifecycle. bc. the physics engine internally uses ptrs vs some id system i can't move stuff around
<nikki93> for the rest of the "components" when something is removed, the last element is moved down into its place and stuff remains compact
<nikki93> which only works by only accessing things thru id and no pointers
<nikki93> i agree tho: in games lifetime is actually part of the gameplay logic. and having allocation hang off of that makes a lot of sense vs. gc.
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<nikki93> zig's reflection and comptime features can lend itself to some nice stuff here that i'm excited to try :o
<justin_smith> nikki93: now I'm thinking I can use some ECS concepts for properties of my synth DSP (instead of having to go add a pan to every object for a stereo version, I can have a panner table indexed to objects to make them stereo...)
<nikki93> yeah i think it's a good architecture for a lot of realtime system kinda stuff haha
<FireFox317> justin_smith, is your code available? DSP stuff is interesting :P
<nikki93> i'm curious about applying it to xplat ui apis -- like having a layout component and hierarchy component, and specific components for each concrete platform and xplat components they read from
<justin_smith> FireFox317: this is a very young project and my first time doing something other than example code, I do have a translation of the jack audio simple client though
<justin_smith> first time in zig that is...
<FireFox317> ah that was you too. Yeah i remember that example :)
<nikki93> justin_smith: is what my stuff looks like in c++ . in zig i'm just at the point of getting some webgl on screen, got a few more steps to go before trying the ecs stuff haha
<FireFox317> no problem man! I will wait when it matures :D
<justin_smith> FireFox317: this is set up enough (with one in and one out) to throw some other logic that generates floats into there instead of memcpy for quick experiments
<nikki93> but yeah it does that thing where data lifetime automatic stuff just "works." eg. the physics body is automatically removed from the physics scene when a component is dropped
<FireFox317> justin_smith, ah i see. So you can just create your audio at that point indeed
<FireFox317> cool stuff
<justin_smith> yeah, the hard part is making a signal that is not objectively offensive to the ear (with jack you can plug into a filter / limiter in another program instead of the speakers directly at least - or even just plug into a spectrum analyzer instead of the speaker)
<justin_smith> it's much more civilized than using the sound card directly
<justin_smith> especially when debugging (plug into my daw to see a trace of the waveform, spectrum analyze etc. etc. and it's all timestamped)
<justin_smith> if I have suspicion about an internal signal, I can put it into a debug outlet and analyze that in parallel, why not!
<justin_smith> nikki93: looking at that c++ code now...
<nikki93> i have a video of the game itself somewhere to give an idea. but one of the nice things is how the Walk component is enabled/disabled on the Player to have them walk around
<nikki93> will find and post that video soon :)
<nikki93> the poet of entt to zig also seems p good btw
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<Snetry> hey, it seems to me that the merge of stage2-zig-cc broke exe.addCSourceFile()
<Snetry> can anyone else confirm?
<fengb> I think explicit c source file is removed
<Snetry> dang
<fengb> Was replaced with something
<tdeo> zig build in test/stage1/c_abi works for me, and that uses addCSourceFile
<Snetry> doesn't work for me
<Snetry> error: unrecognized parameter: '--c-source'
<Snetry> hmm, seems to be related to something with the way I build it
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<FireFox317> Snetry, now zig just looks at the extension and figures out if it is a zig file or a c file
<pixelherodev> Neat
<pixelherodev> Okay, now that 6250 is merged, it's time for me to do more work on Zig :D
<pixelherodev> I think step one is fixing C header generation and any regressions I run into
<ifreund> sounds like a good plan
<pixelherodev> Especially because header gen is going to probably go through CBE now and I'm currently responsible for it
<pixelherodev> ... oh. Right. Stupid sunuva... gah.
<pixelherodev> I guess I'm finally going to get around to maintaining Gentoo ebuilds for Zig
<pixelherodev> Because seriously, BLEEP LLVM.
<ifreund> amen
<pixelherodev> I have a patched LLVM installed, at least
<pixelherodev> Just need clang and LLD
<pixelherodev> Ah wait, clang is good now :D
<pixelherodev> Was missing the option for it
<pixelherodev> Just LLD, then?
<Snetry> yeah llvm is a giant pain sometimes
<ifreund> s/sometimes//
<ifreund> at least it optimizes pretty well
<pixelherodev> That's not a good tradeoff IMO
<pixelherodev> I prefer stability to performance, frankly
<pixelherodev> I also tend to prioritize compile-time performance over run-time
<pixelherodev> It's one reason I'm using C99 over Zig for new projects until stage2 is a bit more fleshed-out
<pixelherodev> For any other gentooers, has usable LLVM + Clang ebuilds patched to work with Zig :)
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<ikskuh> FireFox317: debugging again
<ikskuh> finding: *something* sets our link_mode from .Static to .Dynamic in performAllTheWork
<pixelherodev> `gdb` `watch`?
<ikskuh> i need to learn gdb better D
<ikskuh> is gdb watch a data breakpoint?
<pixelherodev> Basically, yeah
<ikskuh> ah
<ifreund> or is that not related to what you're debuggind?
<ifreund> I haven't looked too closely yet
<ikskuh> i've found the mistake
<ikskuh> right now
<ikskuh> the logic enforced dynamic linking for static libraries
<ikskuh> when using glibc
<pixelherodev> Ahh
<pixelherodev> ... I assume that's meant for *binaries*?
<ikskuh> it's because i use ("./
<ikskuh> linkSystemLibrary
<ikskuh> which will cause if (options.system_libs.len != 0) to be true
<ikskuh> which enforces dynamic linking
<ikskuh> which should still be false for static libraries…
<ikskuh> i think the return value should be "break :dl (options.output_mode == .Exe);" then…
<pixelherodev> I think I've got LLD set up properly
<pixelherodev> Just need to test it, then I can work on a Zig ebuild :)
<pixelherodev> > [ebuild R ] sys-devel/lld-10.0.1::pixelherodev [10.0.1::gentoo] USE="shared-libs%* -test" 0 KiB
<pixelherodev> We'll see how well this works :)
<ikskuh> andrewrk: can you confirm the logic change here?
<pixelherodev> Woot
<pixelherodev> LLD is good :)
<pixelherodev> Got Zig stage1 building on Gentoo for the first time in months :D
<pixelherodev> and this time I saved the work!
<pixelherodev> ARGH
<pixelherodev> `: CommandLine Error: Option 'mc-relax-all' registered more than once!`
<pixelherodev> I *know* this is a known issue which has been solved before... but I have *no* idea how
<Snetry> its on the Troubleshooting Wiki page
<pixelherodev> Probably need to rebuild Clang :(a
<FireFox317> xq ah nice find! But can we build a static library and link libc together when using -gnu? Only with -musl right?
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<FireFox317> ikskuh, i mean ^^
<pixelherodev> FireFox317: no
<pixelherodev> Only with musl
<pixelherodev> *Technically* static glibc binaries can exist
<pixelherodev> But glibc sucks so they aren't really static and they remain largely dependent on the host system
<tdeo> andrewrk: not sure if it'll help, but it might be worth trying libgc on ci for stage1
<tdeo> nix uses it to reduce memory on evaluation
<FireFox317> ikskuh, pixelherodev, ah nevermind. I confused system_libraries with libc. Ofcourse you should be able to statically link system libraries
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<ikskuh> <FireFox317> xq ah nice find! But can we build a static library and link libc together when using -gnu? Only with -musl right?
<ikskuh> you can also create static libraries that require to be dynamically linked against libc later
<ikskuh> what the heck does --enable-websql?!
<ikskuh> seems to work…
<ikskuh> my workbench builds again
<pixelherodev> Nice
<pixelherodev> ... fudge it
<pixelherodev> Using a static build for now
<pixelherodev> I mostly do stage2 work anyways
<FireFox317> ikskuh, Nice! PR incoming? :P
<ikskuh> yeah :D
<ikskuh> i test it a bit more though
<pixelherodev> Wow stage2 is bigggg now
<pixelherodev> I wish stage1 could break down files within the cache
<pixelherodev> Cache by function instead of by file
<andrewrk> one final thing before I go on vacation for a few days
<ikskuh> andrewrk: please merge my PR :D
<ikskuh> well, after CI :D
<alexnask[m]> Nice!
<ifreund> \o/
<fengb> 🎉
<ikskuh> whooo! \o/
<Snektron> very nice
<pixelherodev> Nice!
<pixelherodev> They here to be pinged with congratulations?
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: enjoy your vacation!
<pixelherodev> I can't speak for the rest of us, but I'll certainly try to push that PR count higher for when you return ;)
<ifreund> hmm, -femit-bin=foo stops --enable-cache from causing the cache path to be written to stdout
<Snektron> yea enjoy your time off
<ifreund> this explains why my attempt to add -femit-bin=foo support to the bulid system earlier today failed
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: does the mailing list accept patches as an alternative to GitHub PRs? Or is it purely for discussions?
<andrewrk> Vexu, Alex, and Jakub are perfectly capable of merging PRs, especially bug fixes. I'm confident I can leave in peace and not block everyone from getting things done :)
<andrewrk> toodles
* pixelherodev waves
<pixelherodev> Enjoy your break!
<alexnask[m]> ciao : )
<ifreund> o7
<pixelherodev> o7
<pixelherodev> Uh oh
<pixelherodev> Now there's a double oh seven loose! *screams in terror*
<ikskuh> andrewrk, have fun!
<fengb> Have fun!
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<pixelherodev> Probably safest to stick to PRs for now, at least until I can confirm that anyone else uses the list enough to merge in patches from it
<ikskuh> whew
<ikskuh> what a write-up :D
<ikskuh> look at this repro build.zig *rofl*
<ikskuh> it's standalone :D
<pixelherodev> ` const we_are_testing_this_with_stage1_which_leaks_comptime_memory = true;` Haha
<pixelherodev> I think libgc might be a good call ;)
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<pixelherodev> ... MSVC CI is OOMing.
<pixelherodev> On all new PRs, I think.
<alexnask[m]> Hopefully 718a659773776de47e8ce6ba80da663539572056 will fix this
<pixelherodev> ~~Graveyard~~
* pixelherodev snrks
<pixelherodev> I wonder how hard libgc integration would be...
<nikki93> could u just use it as an allocator and have dealloc noop?
<nikki93> or i guess, have dealloc still free but you also don't need to dealloc
<pixelherodev> Drop-in malloc replacement
<tdeo> i already posted a patch above
<tdeo> no idea how well it works
<pixelherodev> not tested yet?
<pixelherodev> oh right, I wanted to ping you about something last night... uh
<pixelherodev> uhhh
<pixelherodev> what was it...
<tdeo> i mean it builds and runs, but i haven't measured memory usage
<pixelherodev> A PR!
<tdeo> pixelherodev: i saw you were talking about the varargs pr but forgot if you actually asked anything
<nikki93> pixelherodev: o yeah i'm familiar with libgc, was jw if it makes sense to actually use as an std.Allocator. like impl an allocator that uses it
<pixelherodev> Ahh, I remember now!
<pixelherodev> tdeo: does the va_list PR work?
<nikki93> i guess you were asking abt using it for zig's internal allocations too tho
<pixelherodev> nikki93: *specifically* for internal allocations, yeah
<tdeo> it works, the remaining issue is just how to use it portably
<pixelherodev> tdeo: work in the sense that it's usable on x64 POSIX systems
<pixelherodev> Ahh cool
<tdeo> yes it is
<nikki93> got it
<pixelherodev> tdeo: is it rebased onto master yet? :P
<tdeo> don't think so yet
<tdeo> what are you using it for?
<tdeo> it's rebased now, probably works
<pixelherodev> tdeo: I'm not anymore, actually :P
<pixelherodev> I redesigned the C API for my project instead lol
<tdeo> yeah that's probably better
<pixelherodev> Now it just does e.g. `thor_load_argument_int(thor, index, value)`
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<Piraty> is zig supposed to work on archs other than x86?
<tdeo> yes
<Piraty> building it on aarch64 just now
<tdeo> i'm not sure how well supported cross-compiling stage1 is
<Piraty> that template has nocross=yes
<pixelherodev> it's decently well supported, I believe
<Piraty> building on my pi3, stripping took ages
<pixelherodev> the official bootstrap repo for all supported targets is on hold until at least 0.8 IIRC, but it should still be possible
<pixelherodev> Piraty: ... why not cross compile th oh right
* pixelherodev facepalms
<Piraty> ?
<pixelherodev> Yeah no, cross-compilation is very well supported.
<Piraty> i don't maintain that template but i want to build zig on my pi, so i took a look and came here for quick reference
<tdeo> > It is not planned to ever support cross compiling stage1, which is what this pull request is trying to do.
<Piraty> let's see if i can make it crossbuild
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<pixelherodev> Ah. Huh.
<pixelherodev> ah right
<pixelherodev> I think the bootstrapping process doesn't support cross-compilation, only the produced compiler does
<ifreund> yeah there's no reason that template needs to be nocross or x86 only, I was just too lazy to fix that when updating to 0.6.0
<Piraty> hi ifreund
<ifreund> o7
<Piraty> what does that mean
<ifreund> that issue may be fixed by now, that zig version is fairly outdated
<ifreund> why is nopie set as well?
<Piraty> no idea yet, gotta do the crossbuilds first
<ifreund> there are static tarballs for aarch64 from the ziglang website by the way if you just want to get going :P
<Piraty> xbps will finish determining the runtime deps eventually
<Piraty> it slowly iterates over all files in there, which are about 8.5k
<ifreund> oof
<ifreund> yeah zig ships source code for a bunch of libcs to make the cross compilation magic work
<Piraty> i know and i like it
<Piraty> saves all the usual hazzle from making sysroots available to a build
<Piraty> ifreund: why's there no zig stage2 in Void?
<ifreund> stage2 didn't ship with 0.6.0, real work on it started just after that release
<ifreund> 0.7.0 will ship with an incompleted stage2, the goal is to have a complete stage2 for 0.8.0
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<ifreund> 0.7.0 should be released in the month after llvm 11 releases fyi
<Piraty> ok
<ifreund> so removing nopie didn't break anything afaik
<Piraty> so zig stage1 from cpp code is the best to get
<Piraty> ask duncaen, as the initial commits says it's his work
<pixelherodev> Piraty: stage2 is, uh, not exactly usable yet
<Piraty> so it built on aarch64-musl
<pixelherodev> There's some very *very* limited support in place
<ifreund> nah xtreme added the nopie afaik
<ifreund> so I guess we'll never know
<Piraty> so the template is correct in defining it to be nocross
<Piraty> pixelherodev: might be you misunderstood me earlier. it's about (cross) compiling zig , not using zig to crosscompie
<pixelherodev> Piraty: yeah, I got that
<pixelherodev> > I think the bootstrapping process doesn't support cross-compilation, only the produced compiler does
<Piraty> ok so we're on the same page
* pixelherodev nods
<Piraty> but it's not limited to x86 so that requires a fix
<ifreund> oh I totally saw an issue in void-packages about this recently
<Piraty> can you link it
<Piraty> that was fast
<Piraty> 1s
<ifreund> and there's a PR too :)
<Piraty> will look at it in a few days again, gotta go
<Piraty> good work @zig people
<pixelherodev> I believe the official term is "ziguanas" :)
<ifreund> take off every zig!
<jjsullivan__> Piraty, that PR was my doing if you wanted to know anything
<jjsullivan__> I also submitted the bootstrap patch upstream, just a little change to the cmake so you can use the llvm dynlibs on the target
<jjsullivan__> **sorry, not just me, ericonr pulled through for testing armv6
<nikki93> wondering if to try sth like indirect dispatch for opcode vm things using tail calls haha
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<qeeg_> hey, i've installed all the packages necessary to build zig from the arch linux repos (clang, lld, llvm, and llvm-libs), but cmake still can't find clang's libraries
<qeeg_> what exactly am i doing wrong?
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<ifreund> qeeg_: on arch you need a special cmake flag due to how they package llvm: -DZIG_PREFER_CLANG_CPP_DYLIB=ON
<ifreund> see the PKGBUILD for the zig package in the arch repos
<qeeg_> ah, okay, thanks
<ifreund> no problem! I don't even use arch, this just comes up fairly often :P
<qeeg_> okay, now when trying to build stage2 i get this "error: linking against dynamic libraries not yet supported"
<qeeg_> which... seems a bit odd
<ifreund> this is with master zig?
<ifreund> a very large branch porting linking among other things from c++ to zig was merged in the past 24 hours
<ifreund> stage2 seems to have built fine for me though
<qeeg_> yeah this is with master zig
<ifreund> so you built stage1 with cmake successfully and then ran zig build using it?
<qeeg_> yep
<qeeg_> should i have run zig build from the stage1 build dir or another directory?
<ifreund> from the root of the repository
<ifreund> though idk maybe it doesn't matter
<pixelherodev> I do it in build usually
<qeeg_> tried that too
<pixelherodev> Shouldn't matter
<qeeg_> same thing :/
<pixelherodev> What arch?
<qeeg_> x86-64 arch linux
<qeeg_> weird, removing the -Denable-llvm fixes it
<pixelherodev> LLVM is needed for stage1...
<pixelherodev> ah wait
<qeeg_> yeah this is stage2 i'm compiling :/
<qeeg_> *:p
<pixelherodev> Nah, I meant
<pixelherodev> there's three stages now
<qeeg_> i know
<pixelherodev> stage0, which is built as part of the stage1 process
<qeeg_> ah okay
<pixelherodev> stage1, which contains a lot of stage2 code
<pixelherodev> that's built by stage0, and links against LLVM I believe
<pixelherodev> then stage2 is built by stage1?
<pixelherodev> Unless... I think 6250 may have changed it
<qeeg_> for some reason stage2 can't compile itself though, gives me this error build_runner.zig:1:1: error: no entry point found
<qeeg_> attempt to use null value
<pixelherodev> so stage0 doesn't exist
<pixelherodev> Ah yeah, no, stage2 can't nearly compile itself
<pixelherodev> It's not close to ready for that
<pixelherodev> stage1 is needed for a reason
<qeeg_> ah
<pixelherodev> Stage2 has only been undergoing serious work since 0.6
<qeeg_> where can i start helping with getting it to compile itself?
<pixelherodev> it's intended to be released for 0.8
<pixelherodev> The first step is to get involved, which you already have :)
<pixelherodev> Maybe look for "contributor friendly" "stage2" issues on GitHub
<qeeg_> no, i mean like, where's the code i can hack on?
<qeeg_> ah okay
<pixelherodev> Might be a good idea to mention intent to work on it in here
<pixelherodev> I'm working on CBE stuff, and I know some others are working on the various linker backends
<pixelherodev> So it's a good idea to avoid stepping on each other's toes :)
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<qeeg_> cbe stuff?
<pixelherodev> C backend
<pixelherodev> Want me to give you a quick rundown of how the compiler works?
<pixelherodev> I have... enough time for that
<pixelherodev> Probably.
<ifreund> do we have something in the std that will tell me if a string is a valid zig identifier or not?
<ifreund> or should I just wrap all the identifiers I generate in @"" :P
<tdeo> <> is what i did but i don't remember if it catches predefined stuff
<ifreund> thanks
<pixelherodev> ifreund: why *not* just use @"" for everything?
<tdeo> ah right predefined stuff won't matter since it won't let you shadow it
<qeeg_> ah
<ifreund> pixelherodev: it's ugly to read, and people will want to read the generated code
<qeeg_> well, maybe i'll just start fixing tests that fail on stage2?
<pixelherodev> qeeg_: that's a lot harder than it sounds
<qeeg_> oh?
<ifreund> what part of the compiler are you interested in? Higher level AST stuff? x86_64 codegen?
<pixelherodev> You can't fix something if you don't understand why it's broken
<pixelherodev> ifreund's question is on point, too
<pixelherodev> ifreund: fair
<qeeg_> i'm not sure, i've never worked on a compiler before o.o
<qeeg_> i've tried to get into it, but i've never really understood any of it
<pixelherodev> qeeg_: want me to give that rundown? That might help you decide what you're interested in
<ifreund> me neither. My way to get started on stage2 was to start implementing a backend for wasm
<qeeg_> sure
<tdeo> i've been reading through stage2 and trying to understand
<pixelherodev> Do you know the basic terms? Actually, better idea: if you don't understand something, just ask
<ifreund> this involved reading and understanding a lot of the wasm spec, and then reading and understanding lots of the stage2 code before I could actually write any code of my own
<qeeg_> i uh, have NO idea how compilers work
<qeeg_> i know how emulators work!
<pixelherodev> Ah, okay
<qeeg_> but not compilers
<pixelherodev> Do you know what an AST is?
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<qeeg_> abstract syntax tree, but i have no idea what that actually means
<qeeg_> or how to make one
<pixelherodev> Basically, the *parser* reads in the Zig code and then produces an in-memory tree which maps to the source code 1:1
<qeeg_> or what to do with one once you've made it
<qeeg_> i'm a HUGE noob at this
<pixelherodev> We all were once
<bartwe_> o hi
<pixelherodev> AST is basically just a data structure which exactly represents source code
<qeeg_> okay
<pixelherodev> It's possible to take the AST and derive the original source - and this is basically how `zig fmt` works. It reads in the code into an AST, looks it over, adjusts it, and writes it back out
<qeeg_> but what do you do with it?
<pixelherodev> `astgen.zig` takes in the AST and produces "IR"
<ifreund> well, your end goal is machine code for a target cpu
<pixelherodev> IR, or intermediate representation, can be thought of (inaccurately) as abstract assembly
<pixelherodev> The IR undergoes semantic analysis - type checking, for instance - and is then passed on to codegen
<pixelherodev> codegen takes IR and produces machine code for a specific target
<pixelherodev> AMD64, aarch64, wasm, etc
<pixelherodev> (or, in the case of the C Backend [CBE], C code)
<pixelherodev> The machine code is sent through the *linker*, which produces a binary (ELF on Linux, .exe on Windows, etc)
<pixelherodev> I can direct you to a much simpler (and worse) compiler for a totally different language, if that helps get some idea - it's much smaller, and it's in C, if that helps
<qeeg_> the "it's in C" part doesn't really help much, plain C is often quite confusing for me :p
<qeeg_> honestly, i kinda wanna get into code optimization work
<qeeg_> since that can probably translate well into my emulator work
<pixelherodev> Optimization isn't really a priority right now :P