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<andrewrk> what kind of application is it?
<andrewrk> that's generally the model that node.js gives you and I found it quite comfortable for many kinds of tasks
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<pixelherodev> I see some nice work has been going on :)
<pixelherodev> I'm going to be offline for the next week or so, but I intend to have at least a couple CBE / SPU backend patches ready for review at that point
<pixelherodev> :)
<andrewrk> looking forward to it
<andrewrk> hmm I'm considering starting to ship stage2 along with stage1 hiding behind a subcommand like this: `zig stage2 build-exe hello.zig`
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<andrewrk> the only reason not to would probably be slower stage1 compilation and binary bloat
<andrewrk> adding 3.5 MiB onto 119MiB hardly seems like an issue tho
<andrewrk> so really it would just be resource usage to build it
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<companion_cube> is there a writeup of the general purpose allocator's design? or just livestreams?
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: personally, I think it's not worth it just yet
<andrewrk> companion_cube, check out the comments at the top of the file. also it's only a couple hundred lines of code
<pixelherodev> I think we should wait until at least it's somewhat usable for real projects to enable it properly, at which point it should be `zig stage2` (with associated functionality in build.zig, which I preemptively volunteer to handle), and once it's ready for general usage, it should become the default (with stage1 potentially remaining as `zig stage1` until all corner cases are handled)
<pixelherodev> For now, I think keeping it distinct makes sense. Until we have support for even basic projects (such that one can take 100 random Zig projects and have at least a dozen compiling for at least one backend), there's really no point in enabling it. It's not that it would cause problems, but that I don't see any real advantage to doing it now.
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<companion_cube> andrewrk: 👍
<companion_cube> andrewrk: fun, the hashmap being used to keep track of allocations… in the allocator
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<leeward> Looking at some recent changes to Allocator, I'm confused by ret_addr. Are allocators supposed to put their results in that address? And why is zero special instead of just making it a `?usize`?
<daurnimator> leeward: it's the instruction where the allocation should be considered to occur
<leeward> Why's it there?
<daurnimator> leeward: it's used to generate tracebacks for e.g. leaks
<leeward> ahh
<leeward> Seems like it should be an optional pointer to an instruction data type, instead of a usize that treats 0 as special.
<daurnimator> maybe. but it's intended to be used with `@returnAddress()`; so whatever proposal you have should be made for that too
<leeward> mm, I'll look into that
<leeward> had actual job work to do recently and stopped paying attention
<andrewrk> leeward, Allocator implementations can ignore that parameter
<leeward> Yeah, I gathered.
<andrewrk> it's pretty darn useful for GeneralPurposeAllocator tho
<leeward> I'd expect it to be useful for anything that wants to be able to point a finger at leaks.
<andrewrk> yeah the point is that it saves a few precious frames so that you can store less memory per trace. or rather a trace with N given frames will be more useful without all the Allocator interface & implementation noise in there
<leeward> That can probably be communicated better in the doc comments.
<andrewrk> agreed
<leeward> well, if nobody beats me to the punch I'll put together a proposal this weekend
<leeward> Huh, that's new. Trying to compile Zig on an arm64 system and X crashed.
<leeward> Ah, oomkiller
<leeward> naturally
<leeward> now to figure out how to add swap to this thing
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<andrewrk> things are going to get a little bit worse before they get better
<andrewrk> but then they will get much, much better
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<leeward> That is how these things go.
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<DarkUranium> also, hey scientes :P
<ifreund> andrewrk: this is a fairly simple daemon + pam_module to implement the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR of the freedesktop spec
<ifreund> I've recently dropped elogind for which has a much more minimal feature set so there are a couple of holes to fill
<ifreund> I don't really need async, but it makes the code much cleaner
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<ikskuh> andrewrk: uuuuh nice #6250. I thought i misunderstood you yesterday, but it looks like we're really getting somewhere with stage 2 :)
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<gonz_> ggVGc: `ggcG` works fine to do the same thing :D
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<ifreund> %c in kakoune :P
<ggVGc> gonz_:
<ifreund> sounds like you really would like kakoune, feedback before action is what it's all about
<ggVGc> I'm too set in my ways to leave vim
<ggVGc> I can't even bring myself to neovim
<ggVGc> I think almost weekly about what will happen when Bram dies
<ifreund> I really love that you have a domain registered for this
<ggVGc> well, it happened a lot... so I started linking a gist, but then I felt it was time to shorten it
<ggVGc> and people don't respond well to link shorteners
<ggVGc> there's a factoid in #vim too...
<gonz_> ggVGc: Huh, I was actually considering adding something like "Though there's something cathartic about marking it before changing as well"
<ggVGc> (I didn't create it)_
<ggVGc> wish I had the timestamps for this chat log though. It's something like 10 years old now I believe
<ggVGc> and I miss bairui, wherever he is
<gonz_> I have a special interest in code golfing, to be fair. The feedback is a bit secondary to the concision of the golfed version.
<gonz_> s/code/vim
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<KoljaKube> How could I accomplish this?
<ikskuh> i don't think it's possible
<ikskuh> execept when you use two different structs
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<Cadey> how do i get more information from a zig error?
<Cadey> i'm trying to run a subprocess and i get error: FileNotFound
<Cadey> which file isn't found?
<Cadey> oh
<Cadey> it's because /dev isn't mounted yet
<KoljaKube> ikskuh: too bad, but thanks
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<cr1901_modern> So if I understand the rules of comptime vars properly, the Zig compiler does something (loosely) like this >>
<cr1901_modern> If any vars in the current statement or expression are comptime, the zig compiler checks whether it can evaluate it now. If it can't, error out.
<cr1901_modern> Wait, no. That doesn't work
<scientes> cr1901_modern, no that is right
<cr1901_modern> But that definition doesn't work for: result = cmd_fns[i].func(result);
<cr1901_modern> b/c "i" is a comptime var, but the expression doesn't error out
<scientes> they are not consts
<scientes> and that example is not valid syntax
<cr1901_modern> >they are not consts
<cr1901_modern> What is that in reference to?
<scientes> a comptime var is not a const
<cr1901_modern> (Sorry, I need to take this one part at a time :P)
<scientes> it can change, but it will never be runtime
<scientes> cr1901_modern, nah, just play with it
<cr1901_modern> >and that example is not valid syntax
<cr1901_modern> It works in my compiler
<cr1901_modern> I can do something even more absurd that compiles and then panic at runtime with unreachable:
<cr1901_modern> I guess the reason it doesn't error out is that "cmd_fns[i]" _can_ be evaluated at comptime, even if "cmd_fns[i].func(result)" cannot.
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<KoljaKube> cr1901_modern: If you want the whole expression to be evaluated at comptime, you can use a comptime {} block. It will error out if that's not possible. Otherwise only what is possible will be evaluated at comptime
<cr1901_modern> >Otherwise only what is possible will be evaluated at comptime
<cr1901_modern> So, what dictates whether evaluating an expression will error out if it's not comptime versus deferring to runtime?
<cr1901_modern> Whether the expression has a comptime var in it?
<cr1901_modern> In my above example "cmd_fns[i].func(result)" is multiple expressions w/o whitespace in between (I _think_)
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<dec05eba> i see in the docs that @sizeOf(u24) returns 4 because of memory layout but is there any way to get 3 instead of 4? i have comptime T and i want to know what size the type passed is
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<cren> I'm creating sockets with zig-network and not closing them
<cren> so now I can't use the same port number again
<cren> is there a way I can manually free up the socket outside of zig?
<cren> or free up the socket before trying to use it in the program.
<ifreund> if you're on linux, delete the files
<cren> ifreund: I am. Do you know where they get put?
<cren> is it under /dev?
<ifreund> wherever you put them?
<ifreund> oh wait these aren't unix sockets i suppose
<cren> I don't know :/ the library provides an abstraction layer for crossplatform sockets
<ifreund> try fuser(1)
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<cren> will a `defer` run even if the program hits an error before the point where the defer should run?
<ifreund> yes
<ifreund> unless it's a panic
<cren> kernel panic?
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<dec05eba> no a zig panic, which happens for example when you hit "unreachable"
<dec05eba> or when @panic is called
<cren> ahaha the problem was nothing to do with the socket, the problem was that the program itself tried to connect the same socket twice *forehead slap*
<cren> dec05eba: ok
<ifreund> unreachable is only a panic in safety-checked builds
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<cren> should I put tests in the same file as the program, or a different file? (I'm aware that this is mostly opinion-based)
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<ifreund> depends on the nature of the tests imo
<ifreund> testing basic functionality of a data structure? same file. Testing input and output of a compiler? different file
<cren> that's kind of how I feel too ifreudn
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<cren> s/ifreudn/ifreund
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<cr1901_modern> andrewrk: So before I make a bug report... this compiles:
<cr1901_modern> Based on lang semantics, this should _not_ compile, correct?
<dec05eba> you mean empty struct?
<ifreund> why not?
<cr1901_modern> because comptime { var i = start; } and start is not comptime
<cr1901_modern> On the other hand, this does NOT compile:
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<ifreund> it is comtime
<ifreund> '5' is comptime known
<ifreund> try passing std.os.argv[0][0] or something
<ifreund> what error do you get for the second?
<cr1901_modern> ./comptime-test.zig:3:17: error: cannot store runtime value in compile time variable
<cr1901_modern> var i = start;
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<cr1901_modern> which is what I expect because I didn't declare start as comptime, thus zig can't assume all uses of KeyPad are comptime
<ifreund> no, but it's lazy
<cr1901_modern> I don't understand what that means... anyways should both the examples I link compile or not?
<ifreund> by my understanding it should let you do that as long as the value you pass to KeyPad is comptime known
<cr1901_modern> Then why do you need comptime in the function declaration if the compiler can determine that info for you?
<ifreund> by "lazy" I mean that the compiler doesn't assume that all uses of KeyPad are comptime, it just checks if it can compile it in the cases where it's actually used
<cr1901_modern> Then my second link should have compiled then, but didn't
<ifreund> well, stage1 is far from perfect
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<ifreund> and we can't really know the answer as to which example is right without a language spec, which is coming before 1.0
<cr1901_modern> So back to my original question, which example is miscompiling? Are the semantics for the two examples I presented effectively "undecided"?
<cr1901_modern> Meaning either/or can work, and stop working at any point?
<cr1901_modern> Which is fine! I just want to not be confused on how comptime vars interact with non comptime vars :P.
<ifreund> I'm not 100% sure what the intended behaviour is, though my gut says that the second should be fine if you only ever pass comptime known values to the function
<ifreund> My advice would be to place your focus on building useful software and contribute to zig/report issues found along the way.
<ifreund> zig is still pre-1.0 and there will be breaking changes
<cr1901_modern> Well I was going to open an issue :P
<cr1901_modern> Building useful software? Unfortunately, Idk how much doing old Advent of Code counts.
<ifreund> heh
<ifreund> advent of code is fun, but not code your're likely ever going to run again after you solve the puzzles
<cr1901_modern> I use it as a quick way to get up to speed w/ languages when I can't think of anything else I want to implement myself (that wouldn't require me to already have a decent grasp on the language)
<ifreund> well, with zig I just kinda jumped in and wrote a wayland compositor as my first project
<ifreund> you can't reall do that with many languages though, zig is special in that if you know C well you can be productive in a matter of days
<leeward> I think Zig took the least effort up front of any language I've learned in the last few years, but part of that is probably that Zig doesn't have any features I haven't encountered somewhere else.
<ifreund> leeward: what else has comptime?
<KoljaKube> Do C++ templates count? ;-)
<leeward> D's metaprogramming is similar.
<leeward> C++ templates do not count3.
<ifreund> D kinda repulsed me with it's kitchen-sink-ness, never did write any
<fengb> I wouldn’t say comptime is a new concept as much as a good implementation
<fengb> Returning types and stuff already exists. The seamlessness of switching contexts makes it novel, but not too hard to learn
<ifreund> yeah that's kinda the point of it as a feature over macros, same basic semantics
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<KoljaKube> Can I use @Type(.Opaque) instead of c_void or am I missing the point?
<KoljaKube> Seems to work for pointers, but not for function return values
<fengb> You can’t return non pointers because memory is unknown. It’s akin to a forward declared struct in
<fengb> C
<KoljaKube> I'm trying to assign a `?fn() callconv(.C) *@Type(.Opaque)` to a `const void* (*foo)(void)`
<fengb> That’s not right. Use a *c_void
<KoljaKube> Assigning a `@Type(.Opaque)` to a `void*` struct member works fine
<KoljaKube> s/@/*@/
<fengb> Opaque behaves similar to a “struct Bodiless;” declaration in C
<fengb> So any time the types don’t work in C, it also won’t work in Zig
<KoljaKube> What the pointers actually should point to is something not available at compile time
<KoljaKube> I thought I could use the Opaque pointers to differentiate the various actual types on the zig side
<KoljaKube> Am I mistaken there?
<fengb> You can, but the C function pointer expects a void* return
<KoljaKube> Would that be OK to cast?
<fengb> Changing that return value isn’t considered safe due
<fengb> Probably a manual cast is safe
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<KoljaKube> OK, good
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<KoljaKube> I guess I'll find out should I ever actually use the other rendering backends
<KoljaKube> OpenGL does not need any of that stuff :D
<leeward> ifreund: I stopped paying attention to D when D2 became a thing. I stopped being able to tell what made it better than C++, and C++ is below my threshold for languages I want to use.
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<leeward> My favorite feature from D is in Zig though, in the form of defer.
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<cr1901_modern> Unlike variables, the only way to make the variables in a for/while loop comptime is by using a comptime expr?
<cr1901_modern> e.g. for(foo) |comptime bar| {} will _not_ work?
* cr1901_modern tried it, and it doesn't
<Nypsie[m]> You can use `inline for` or `inline while` for that use case
<leeward> I believe inline for helps there.
<cr1901_modern> oops :P
<cr1901_modern> so comptime expr converts while to inline while and for to inline for?
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<Nypsie[m]> Sorry, I don't follow the question
<Nypsie[m]> You mean comptime { for .... } is automatically converted to `inline for`? Because I'm not sure about that actually
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<cr1901_modern> "inline for(foo) |bar| {}" is equivalent to "comptime { for(foo)|bar| {} }"
<cr1901_modern> Ahhh
<cr1901_modern> I only care b/c I'm trying to duplicate an error I saw, but only when "comptime {}" block was present wrapping the whole thing
<Nypsie[m]> Big chance you'll have to explicity put comptime in front of some variables to make them work within the comptime {} block
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<cr1901_modern> Docs say: "Within a comptime expression: All variables are comptime variables."
<cr1901_modern> Is this no longer correct?
<fengb> comptime { forces everything in that block to be comptime
<Nypsie[m]> Aaah ok
<fengb> inline for only unrolls they looping part
<Nypsie[m]> Aaah wasn't it you have explicitly set the type for Strings or something?
<Nypsie[m]> s/have/have to
<Nypsie[m]> Oh well, I'm a comptime rookie :P
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<cr1901_modern> comptime is kicking my ass
<Nypsie[m]> There's some great info about it here:
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<leeward> Also worth noting: comptime is not in its final implementation. The current one is held together with bailing wire and elmer's school glue.
<cr1901_modern> which is fine. But it doesn't help me get less confused about why certain code is working and why certain code isn't
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<cr1901_modern> Just so I can come back to this later... this compiles:
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<cr1901_modern> This doesn't (./comptime-test.zig:8:26: error: unable to evaluate constant expression
<cr1901_modern> inline while ( |row| {)
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<cr1901_modern> I suppose the answer is "you don't", but how do you emit llvm-ir for a test?
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