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<tpw_rules> is there newer software that works for those devices?
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<etrig> tpw_rules: possibly, it's way before my time- personally just interested for the sake of archiving as much as possible
<etrig> intel also removed all the quartus releases before 13.1
<etrig> except a few months earlier, before I noticed...
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<pie_> put it on some bootleg
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<Sprite_tm> Lo all. Got some issue in my FPGA design I need to debug. Is there an easy way to bring out a signal from deep in the Verilog hierarchy out to a GPIO easily, or do I need to add a debug output to all the modules in the middle?
<Sprite_tm> ECP5, Yosys and Nextpnr based flow, if it matters.
<whitequark> look into `hierconn` attribute
<Sprite_tm> Pfff, threw it into google, first hit is one of your tweets :P
<whitequark> the README explains how to use it i think
<whitequark> yosys readme
<Sprite_tm> Readme says 'Wires marked with the hierconn attribute are connected to wires with the same name (format cell_name.identifier) when they are imported from sub-modules by flatten.'
* Sprite_tm as some more grokking to do
<Sprite_tm> Am I right that I can just do 'assign my_debug_wire = module.submodule.subsubmodule.some_signal;'?
<whitequark> this used to not work
<whitequark> i think there was some very recent work to implement it? try it
<Sprite_tm> No dice... ERROR: Identifier `\qpi_iface.trans_end' is implicitly declared.
<Sprite_tm> My yosys is a week or so old, if it matters.
<whitequark> yeah, try hierconn instead
<Sprite_tm> Can you help me out with how that would work? I can't seem to find an example anywhere...
<Sprite_tm> Think I have it... I'm getting an error but that may be because the bug I'm trying to debug. Does this look OK?
<Sprite_tm> wire trans_end;
<Sprite_tm> Ugh, I can't copy/paste code.
<Sprite_tm> wire trans_end;
<Sprite_tm> // synthesis attribute hierconn trans_end "qpi_iface.trans_end";
<Sprite_tm> assign IO[0]=trans_end;
<tnt> Sprite_tm: no dot notation.
<Sprite_tm> Looks like it... can't get that hierconn attrib to work either.
<gatecat> Try using Verilog 2001 syntax: (* hierconn="qpi_iface trans_end" *)
<gatecat> I don't think Yosys supports hot comment attributes
<Sprite_tm> That doesn't make it happy either... top_fpga.v:239: ERROR: syntax error, unexpected TOK_ASSIGN
<Sprite_tm> Ah wait, I think I'm using that wrong...
<gatecat> oh yeah, it goes on the wire, and I don't think you need the assign at all
<Sprite_tm> gatecat: something like this: (* hierconn="top_fpga clk100m" *) wire dbg0; ?
<gatecat> I think so, yeah
<gatecat> I've never actually used this though, tbh
<Sprite_tm> No worries, I seem to be a bit in no mans land anyway :/
<Sprite_tm> Kinda unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be an example or testcase for this either.
<Sprite_tm> Nope, I give up. Back to adding debug outputs to everything...
<hell__> out of curiosity, is there an equivalent of "printf-based debugging" for FPGA stuff?
<Sprite_tm> Probably what I'm trying to do :P output a bunch of signals to GPIOs, have an external 'scope to see wtf is going on.
<Sprite_tm> Plus a quick edit-synth-upload-run loop.
<Sprite_tm> And yes, I swear I do sim and formal as well :P
<tnt> when IO (and IO delays) are involved, looking at what's really happenning is often the quickest way.
<Sprite_tm> Ahrg. Found the error. What idiot wrote the documentation for the ESP32 SPI interface?
<Sprite_tm> Oh wait, that was me, years back :/
<hell__> I know the feeling
<Sprite_tm> Tbh, I get why I fucked up... didn't ask the digital team for enough details. In SPI mode, 1 clock cycle is 1 bit, and the docs and api are perfectly fine then. However, in QPI mode...
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