<agg> does anyone know where i might find a bunch of svf files to test out a parser on?
<agg> the more cursed the better I guess
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<_whitenotifier-5> [libfx2] DurandA commented on issue #6: How to write a response in chunks (USB control read)? - https://git.io/JYP46
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<_whitenotifier-5> [libfx2] whitequark commented on issue #6: How to write a response in chunks (USB control read)? - https://git.io/JYXw8
<_whitenotifier-5> [libfx2] whitequark closed issue #6: How to write a response in chunks (USB control read)? - https://git.io/JYluC
<_whitenotifier-5> [libfx2] DurandA commented on issue #6: How to write a response in chunks (USB control read)? - https://git.io/JYXFk
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<sensille> i have been searching all day for a bug in my bug after porting it to nmigen. failed only in hardware, sometimes. now i double checked with the old code, also fails. for the move to nmigen i had to upgrade my system (newer python) and rebuild all tools. while being at it, i upgraded them also (yosys+nextpnr)
<sensille> now i see in the nextpnr.log that the design runs at max 46.5 mhz, while the clock is 48mhz. just a simple info line among others ...
<agg> you can tell nextpnr what your clock constraint is, and it will error the build if it's not met
<agg> in nmigen you can use the Clock attribute on a Pin, or you can do platform.add_clock_constraint(signal, frequency)
<sensille> it seems to already know what the clock is, "info: FAIL"
<agg> ah...
<sensille> but it continues nontheless
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<agg> that would normally also exit with an error state unless you have --timing-allow-fail
<sensille> if there is a switch to make it abort the build i have to set it
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<agg> the default behaviour is to abort, the switch allows it to continue
<agg> that said, i'd be quite surprised if you were actually seeing failures due to timing at room temperature and normal voltage at 48MHz for an fmax of 46.5MHz
<agg> I mean, I guess maybe, but it's really conservative
<sensille> not sure if that's the problem. the board also heated up, but isn't hotter faster for semiconductors?
<sensille> Info: Max frequency for clock '$glbnet$clk_48mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN': 45.62 MHz (FAIL at 48.00 MHz)
<sensille> no options
<agg> what's the exit code from nextpnr? did it output a new .cfg?
<agg> probably you'd notice if the board had heated up that much, i assume ambient conditions are room temp
<agg> you could try with a few different --seed arguments until you get one that passes timing
<sensille> board sensor said 80c, due to stepper drivers and missing fan control
<agg> but yea, my instinct is that you're probably not violating timing and the bug might lie elsewhere (but it's probably still worth making sure your build command does error out on timing fail and also try a few seeds because it's likely very quick to find one that passes timing when you're that close)
<agg> oh, that is pretty warm, maybe maybe then
<sensille> it did output a new config
<agg> :/
<agg> uh
<sensille> i'd really like it to fail if it sees timing problems
<agg> there's two fmax outputs: one before routing, one after
<agg> often afterwards is better
<agg> check the end of the output
<agg> perhaps the final output did actually pass timing
<sensille> *phew*, yes
<sensille> 61MHz
<agg> nice
<sensille> the main point of this for me is: always check your baseline
<sensille> after upgrading everything i should have built the design again before doing the port to nmigen
<sensille> now i'm going to go back to the previous version of yosys
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<mithro> Anyone know what the name for the behaviour were a software vendor requires a separate license + payment for some feature (such as advanced optimization) in the software? I think it's something like "market segmentation" or "feature stratification".....
<etrig> these are actually a class of software bugs called flexlm that vendors refuse to patch