ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901_modern> I have an overwhelming urge to make a MOD player after seeing a certain someone's Amiga photos. But not enough time :(
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<andlabs> cr1901_modern: make a mod file instead =p
<superctr_> MOD is an awful file format
<superctr_> the "canonical" way of reading notes is to read it as pitch value from the file, then convert back to note number and finally back to pitch again
<fseidel> having written a mod player years ago, I can confirm it absolutely fucking sucks
<fseidel> TERRIBLE format
<fseidel> wastes a ton of space
<fseidel> the pitch issue superctr_ mentioned
<fseidel> several bugs have to be emulated or MODs won't play correctly (there's a particularly pernicious one related to jump commands to certain targets)
<fseidel> notes being stored as frequencies means things sound wrong on hardware with a different clock rate than the song was written for
<fseidel> effects work in inconsistent ways (some latch, some don't)
<fseidel> and there's tons of different sources on the internet with variously true and untrue statements about the .MOD format. No one doc is 100% correct
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<Lord_Nightmare> i had an idea for an instrument format which used a small program written in forth or a similar language to produce a waveform; this could be used as a source waveform or an envelope
<Lord_Nightmare> and you'd link these together to produce instruments, then the compiler would optimize them as much as it could
<Lord_Nightmare> so it would compile to llvm ir, then do a final optimization pass
<Lord_Nightmare> its basically a modern version of CSOUND/MusicIV
<fseidel> that sounds really neat
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<cr1901_modern> That bad, huh?
<whitequark> Lord_Nightmare: why llvm?!
<Lord_Nightmare> because clang already exists and has an optimizer which can be leveraged
<whitequark> but you said "forth"
<whitequark> if you wanted to program instruments in c++, sure.
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<andlabs> Lord_Nightmare: LLVM for what?
<andlabs> whitequark: it can be convenient if you take the time to learn LLVM IR:
<whitequark> andlabs: i maintain an llvm subsystem
<whitequark> trust me i know llvm ir
<andlabs> oh
<andlabs> =P
<andlabs> you sounded incredulous is why
<whitequark> that's why i think it's utter overkill here
<andlabs> so what does Lord_Nightmare wan to do
<whitequark> you can write an optimizing compiler in less time it takes you to convert everything to llvm's data model and back
<whitequark> especially if you start from something like forth, which does not fit well into llvm's data model
<andlabs> oh Lord_Nightmare wants to write a forth compiler? ok
<andlabs> sure it won't fit into SSA models well but maybe you can create a stack-machine equivalent to LLVM? =P
<whitequark> llvm is a compiler from c to machine code at heart
<whitequark> if you compile from forth to some sort of bytecode there is zero intersection basically
<whitequark> you want... pretty much an optimizing compiler for your language? which isn't so hard. you can write one in as little as 100 lines
<andlabs> forth is probably as close to a "low level language" as C is tbh
<whitequark> sure
<andlabs> maybe instead of a stack machine equivalent to LLVM
<andlabs> a forth equivlaent to clang
<andlabs> that is, a clang-like thing that produces forth instead of llvm ir
<whitequark> clang is mostly parsing, diagnostics, and template expansion
<andlabs> I'm not sure what I'm sayign anymore
<Lord_Nightmare> whitequark: forth was just an example, if I decide to go with llvm the code format itself which each chunk of produces llvm ir would be in any language that compiles into llvm ir natively
<Lord_Nightmare> or can be coerced into doing so
<whitequark> Lord_Nightmare: that won't work
<whitequark> most languages that compile to llvm ir need some sort of runtime
<whitequark> (including non-freestanding c)
<whitequark> and most non-c languages that do this also require things like gcs
<Lord_Nightmare> hmm.
<Lord_Nightmare> i'm not really sure what the best way is then
<whitequark> can't say without knowing your restrictions/requirements better
<andlabs> Lord_Nightmare: what do you want to do?
<andlabs> sine I'm not sure what you said
<andlabs> OH
<andlabs> I didn't miss what you said after all
<andlabs> oops
<Lord_Nightmare> the idea is to have some way of producing what amount to self-contained or nearly self contained waveform producing units, which can be attached together in a non-feedback or controlled-feedback orientation
<Lord_Nightmare> csound/musicIV and cmusic/MusicV allow this, including graphical editors to do it
<andlabs> okay after reading what you said
<andlabs> I have no idea
<Lord_Nightmare> but they're known to be rather slow, though can be done in real time on a modern cpu
<andlabs> LLVM IR would be nice if you wanted to turn csound into native code for whatever reason, but it likely won't hlp you do general optimizations on math
<Lord_Nightmare> and done even faster onto a modern dsp
<andlabs> also look up Formant synthesis
<Lord_Nightmare> cmusic/musicV is unfortunately a dead language now
<andlabs> anyway afk
<whitequark> yes, llvm is unfortunately actually a bad ir for doing things like general loop optimization
<Lord_Nightmare> csound, which is based on musicIV, is very much alive though
<whitequark> this isn't even my opinion, chris lattner said so himself in a discussionr ecently
<Lord_Nightmare> so it sounds like it would be better to find or create an IR which is better for general stuff?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> i think you should design an ir specifically for this
<whitequark> 80% of the power of an optimizing compiler is in a correct choice of ir that makes desirable transformations easy
<linkmauve> Do you have documentation on the various directions you can make your IR? I’ve only ever written non-optimising compilers, or optimisations for existing compilers which already had their IR set in stone.
<whitequark> an IR isn't some sort of special data structure set in stone
<whitequark> it's just something that is convenient to work on
<whitequark> for compilers for most languages, this is a control flow and/or data flow graph
<linkmauve> (The compiler I added optimisations for was Cython, where even creating a new node could mess up expectations from passes much later given all were basically “Python objects”.)
<linkmauve> (Nowadays I wouldn’t work on a non-typed compiler.)
<whitequark> I would, but my Python code is extremely defensive
<whitequark> typechecks and asserts all over the place
<whitequark> if you ever branch on type of something, else: assert False
<linkmauve> Other people’s isn’t. :(
<whitequark> yea
<linkmauve> Do you have any document explaining the pros and cons of the general classes of IR?
<whitequark> i'm not sure what "general classes of IR" would even be
<andlabs> back
<andlabs> IR is an acronym for 'Intermediate reprresentation'
<andlabs> for a specififc discussion on what "LLVM IR" does, look up static single-assignment representation
<andlabs> LLVM IR is not the only SSA-based program representation; the official Go compiler uses a home-grown one
<andlabs> but asking "what other types of IR are there" is a very broad question
<andlabs> and in fact, if we're talking about purely mathematical sound waves, I'm not sure if ANY program representations would help here
<TD-Linux> if you want to see the maximally cursed version of this idea, check out MPEG-4 Structured Audio
<cr1901_modern> Apparently CSound is closely related, according to wikipedia
<TD-Linux> also fun fact the original versions of Ogg Vorbis (Ogg Squish) had a VM of sorts. there were a bunch of primitives like MDCT, codebook, etc
<TD-Linux> survives a bit even in the final version of Ogg Vorbis which has the codebook stored in the header
<TD-Linux> the main reason SAOL failed (much like the rest of MPEG-4) is it was solving a problem that no one had
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<andlabs> MPEG-4 failed?
<andlabs> or is 'mp4' really MPEG-2
<TD-Linux> mp4 is the container in MPEG-4 and it is the only successful part
<TD-Linux> (but it's a derivative of apple mov so MPEG couldn't screw it up too much)
<TD-Linux> H.264 is technically part of MPEG-4 too but it was only added after the original MPEG-4 codec bombed hard (ASP)
<andlabs> ok
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