ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
andlabs has joined ##yamahasynths
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<andlabs> does the MSX-MUSIC / FM-PAC split the individual channel outputs into alternating left and right channels
<andlabs> or is that a mistake the emulator core I'm using makes
<andlabs> it does say /* Note that all volume controls and filters are ignored. */
<andlabs> maybe I should use KSSPLAY_calc instead of calc_per_ch...
<andlabs> hm, it doe snot sound quite right
<andlabs> oh it was set to mono lol
<andlabs> yep that sounds a lot better lol
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<andlabs> [22:53:46] <+andlabs>Rhythm part of the track 9 and track 13 is wrong is a game bug.
<andlabs> [22:53:46] <+andlabs>Track 26 of loop is correct behavior, there is a full version is the only PC-9801 and Genesis/Mega Drive.
<andlabs> [22:53:48] <+andlabs>falcom please
<andlabs> [22:54:07] <+andlabs>if you're not going to care about a platform don't bother making the first version on that platform
<andlabs> [22:56:45] <+andlabs>next you'll tell me ys 1 had a crapton of unused tracks (including theme of adol!) on pc-88 because it was an unfinished beta
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<cr1901_modern> mofh: I am compelled to file a patent for the sine wave A4/440Hz after reading your tweets :P
<cr1901_modern> B/c why the f*** not. Nothing else makes sense in this world
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<ValleyBell> andlabs: IIRC the YM2413 outputs melody and rhythm channels on separate pins.
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<Foone> interesting. is that unique to the OPLL or does the OPL2/3 do that as well?
<andlabs> I think it's unique to the OPLL
<andlabs> I forget
<andlabs> either way the answer to my question was yes, that code was just an example and not how the output is iactually constructed
<Foone> aww. I was thinking if it was common to the OPL2 it might be interesting to have two separate amplification circuits so you could have analog adjustments for their volume levels
<andlabs> I know someone made a surround sound adlib thing with two chips if that's close enough
<Foone> I was more interested in the idea of being able to change volume levels of types of instrument, rather than by position channels