ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> sweet16 also isn't forth
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alva has joined ##yamahasynths
<cr1901_modern> alva: Welcome :P. I forgot that matrix had a first-class bridge to IRC. I thought it was a per-channel thing
<alva> cr1901_modern: yes, it's quite handy just as a bouncer. :)
<cr1901_modern> Not much going on right now, but please enjoy your stay. We talk about FM synths and floppy disks mostly (just run with it). CD-ROMs and how they work are also explicitly on topic.
<alva> I made a fixed point FM synth for my phone once upon a time. I wish I still had it. But I guess there's no shortage of them these days.
<cr1901_modern> If I were doing an FM synth that wasn't intending to emulate any existing one, I'd go floating point. Fixed point is one of those things that I use like twice a year and always manage to screw up.
<cr1901_modern> But "alas", the Yamaha chips are fixed point (understandably!)
<cr1901_modern> alva: Do you remember anything about your phone synth impl?
* cr1901_modern is about to head to sleep for a bit, but has one question
<alva> It was very basic. Just implemented the classic algorithms in fixed point. The editing UI was bad, just a long screen full of sliders.
<cr1901_modern> ADSR too?
<alva> Yeah
<alva> I had seen a picture of the Linnstrument and stole that note grid idea for the playing UI
* cr1901_modern googles
<cr1901_modern> Oh that looks beautiful, but I'd probably go nuts w/ a touchscreen UI
<cr1901_modern> since I can just lightly graze a capacitive touchscreen on my phone and I'll end up accidentally dialing someone
<alva> Yeah, it wasn't so good. And I had to do ugly hacks to get something like pressure sensitivity. I guess phones have APIs for that now.
<alva> But I don't want a new phone. Mostly happy with my sound module these days, for the kind of sounds I like to play.
<cr1901_modern> I have a lightly-used MPK mini. I love it, but I just don't have a space to ergonomically set it up
<cr1901_modern> I should've bought something smaller... ahh well
<alva> :)
<alva> I have a space problem too. We're 2 people in a small apartment. But once we move to the north there will be plenty of space for cheap.
* cr1901_modern should consider buying an LPK25 to keep the MPK mini company
<alva> I would like to have an MPC X so I can make full tracks without a general purpose computer. But they're still expensive.
<alva> And I'd have to wait until we have space, anyway. :)
<andlabs> [07:43:02] <cr1901_modern>alva: Welcome :P. I forgot that matrix had a first-class bridge to IRC. I thought it was a per-channel thing
<andlabs> then why doesn't mozilla use it :fist:
<andlabs> the bridge, I mean
<cr1901_modern> B/c IIRC the person who had the final say about closing IRC just really disliked IRC.
andlabs has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<Foone> someone got trolled too hard back in '99 in #!!!!!!!teenmp3z on dalnet, eh?
<cr1901_modern> Probably more like "no history without an external service", "netsplits", etc
<cr1901_modern> Convenience trumps the disadvantages of centralization each time
<alva> "Yamaha SY77/99 - 64 Ambient Analog Fm Sounds"
<alva> Don't know what "analog" is supposed to mean there but the sounds are nice.
<cr1901_modern> It's beautiful. Definitely bookmarking to possibly buy later
<cr1901_modern> WHat chips are in the SY77? I'm not familiar w/ it's internals.
<cr1901_modern> The "alive" patch- IF I'M HEARING CORRECTLY- sounds like a good example of key scaling... the lower notes have a markedly slower attack and/or decay (the pitch bends down to the final value) than higher pitched notes
<alva> Yes, it has both AFM and AWM (sample-based) capabilities.
<alva> So it's not a pure FM machine.
<alva> But it sure sounds nice.
<cr1901_modern> Hell yea!
<alva> I have an OfftopicBrand sound module that does most things I like. Uncanny valley physical modelling of real instruments, component-emulated fake analog stuff, and a lot of cheesy 90s/00s sample-based sounds. But no FM. :(
<alva> Other than specific sampled patches, e-pianos and such.
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andlabs has joined ##yamahasynths
<andlabs> wow my laptop wasn't asleep
<andlabs> dumb client
<andlabs> I can see why the mozilla guy is annoyed
<andlabs> but again, it just strand severyone
<andlabs> oh cool the pins and jumpers arrived; I'll try them later and if they don't fit I'll just buy those 24-pin dongles from amazon and hope I plug them into the 20-pin female end on the picoPSU the right way
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