ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901_modern> No idea how it works, but it's neat
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<cr1901_modern> Someone found a floppy disk of Sim Refinery.
<andlabs> lol
<andlabs> (the joke is starflight overwrites itself, saving via self-modifying code)
<fseidel> no fucking way
<fseidel> how long has that been lost?!
<cr1901_modern> early 90s?
<cr1901_modern> Just waiting till it gets uploaded- poster said they would upload it
<andlabs> LGR episode in 0, -1, -2...
<cr1901_modern> No comment
<andlabs> in b4 it's something very tailored and technical like SimHealth
<andlabs> and not SimCity but with OSHA violations
<andlabs> basically I wouldn't be surprised if it's less Microsoft Flight Simulator and more this
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<cr1901_modern> Foone: To get an answer to your question, I would read out the CIS of the PCMCIA floppy drive. One of the returned pieces of data should be the I/O ports the drive is expected to us
<cr1901_modern> e*
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Do you have access to your PCMCIA laptop, possibly this or next weekend?
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: hm, i sorta deconstructed the UART i've been using
<cr1901_modern> uh oh...
<whitequark> i just need a real rs232 level uart
<whitequark> and i lack one
<cr1901_modern> The UART is for the LAN connection, correct?
<cr1901_modern> wait, ignore that
<cr1901_modern> I remember now
<cr1901_modern> I used the PCMCIA Ethernet card to xfer files to/from the laptop, and then CTTY attached to one of your SBCs to get COMMAND.COM
* cr1901_modern _really_ should be sleeping. I'm like operating at 10%
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<futarisIRCcloud> Last time I ran DUMPCIS was on a HP 100LX... I've got one sitting in a box somewhere... Unfortunately the LCD screen broke sometime ago.
<whitequark> oh i have a HP95LX
<whitequark> i can provide that to cr1901_modern quite a bit easier
<whitequark> though i don't think the PCMCIA Ethernet works with it lmao
<andlabs> ooh cubase 7.5 is a 64-bit(?) Intel Mac application; that makes things easier to install
<andlabs> You need at least Mac OS X 10.6.0 to install this software
<andlabs> uhh
<andlabs> whitequark: but do you have one of those PCMCIA floppy drives
<whitequark> andlabs: nope
<andlabs> right
<andlabs> I think that's what cr1901_modern is more interested in =P
<andlabs> oh
<andlabs> wait I read that wrong
<cr1901_modern> My application was for PCMCIA in general, I was just answering the question Foone had.
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<andlabs> so cubase ai 9 works, since that's what this USB dongle has registered to it
<andlabs> seems to provide everything I need so far...?
<andlabs> may need to invest in a proper multi-channel audio/MIDI setup maybe
<andlabs> it does have one caveat which is standard with cubase it seems: only one hardware device can be used at a time
<andlabs> I may still try some of these other pieces of software I downloaded at some point
<andlabs> (the hardware device limit seems to have to do with ASIO)