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<Foone> microsoft was always pretty aggressive about moving their blogs around too, the URLs have changed many times, which means a lot of old links go to URLs that don't exist anymore
<Foone> annoyingly moving the blogs around required some manual intervention on the blog owner, apparently, because there was a very interesting blog about keyboards from the guy who did the microsoft keyboard layout utility, but he died, and now the blog is gone
<andlabs> michael kaplan?
<andlabs> er
<andlabs> his story is.... sadder.
<andlabs> and angrier.
<andlabs> and is also why the other bloggers stopped seeming so loose aroudn 2009 or so
<andlabs> or do you mean someone else
<sorear> sadder than having died?
<cr1901_modern> Uhhh, I seem to recall he was laid off and it was a rather ugly public split
<cr1901_modern> and that near the end of his life, he had a massive personality change- without speculating on his mental health
<andlabs> I can't confirm the last part
<andlabs> but that still isn't the whole story
<andlabs> again, I need to make sure Foone is talking about the right person first
<Foone> yeah, michael kaplan. I couldn't remember his name at the time I wrote that
<Foone> I know he had to sue microsoft to get some benefits they owed him. and he had known health problems (multiple sclerosis) so it wasn't super-surprising when I heard he died.
<cr1901_modern> There is at least one prominent non-MS forum he got banned from, and it was via that that I heard part of his story
<cr1901_modern> I only remember bits and pieces, but remember feeling he got really screwed over
<andlabs> so here's the part that's missing
<andlabs> a vendor found one of his blog posts and got very very angry
<andlabs> so they went *over the heads of the blog people* and demanded *the nuclear option*
<andlabs> this is the source of the bad fallout that has turned him into a damnatio memorie at microsoft
<andlabs> his blog was dcompletely deleted with no recourse and he was effectively kicked upstairs, then denied benefits when that medical stuff
<andlabs> and I'm going to bet employees couldn't even give him a proper farewell
<andlabs> but that' sjust me speculating
<andlabs> I want to say this was 2009 but I forget exactly when
<sorear> is there any useful information about the vendor / blog subject matter?
<cr1901_modern> I'm guessing it's possible andlabs was privy to info we weren't; I didn't know any of this
<sorear> is the last snapshot and doesn't have the patent
<cr1901_modern> Good catch. I completely missed that when looking at the same post
<andlabs> yeah, these are details you have to kinda piece together
<andlabs> anyway someone has a full archive of michael's blog posts + most of the comments somewhere
<andlabs> if only they would make it downloadable I guess