ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> but would it be just as expensive as a vectrex once all is said and done
<andlabs> and wouldn't every oscilloscope function differently
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<cr1901_modern> andlabs: Re: the expensive part, probably not. Re: function differently, it's ej5. I'm sure he's considered that (plus there are pots on the board for calibrating the analog parts)
<cr1901_modern> At least that's what I hope the 6 circular things at the top of the board are:
<andlabs> I meant including the oscillator =P but ok
<andlabs> *oscilloscope
<andlabs> the 2445 seems to start at around $75 on ebay
<andlabs> but most of them are over $150
<andlabs> IDK what I'm saying, I could be totally wrong
<cr1901_modern> oooooh... yea, well I assume that the target audience here paid that one time cost for an oscilloscope a while ago
* cr1901_modern didn't yet
<ej5> yeah it's mainly for folks who already have a scope
<andlabs> =P
<andlabs> I have my eye on Handek's three-in-one scopes/generators/multimeters that are digital and handheld if I ever need a scope
<andlabs> but I haven't needed one yet
<andlabs> while a real tektronix (analog) or keysight (digital) scope would be nice, I probably won't ever have the room for something that big that I won't use often =P
<andlabs> hm they make digital ones now too
<cr1901_modern> I would prob get a BK Precision scope, given a choice, b/c the multimeter I have from them is "old, but top notch"
<cr1901_modern> So I have some confidence in durability of their products