<waghanza> @RubyRebbe @vladfaust is working on `crystal` and trying to paid for that, that's why he launch this site ;-)
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<DoNotSpamPls> hey, I have a quick question
<DoNotSpamPls> I'm currently trying to contribute to an application using amber. However, my problem is that files in the public/ directory don't seem to be included when I do `shards build`
<DoNotSpamPls> nevermind, fixed it
<DoNotSpamPls> turns out i'm a moron
<Blacksmoke16> :p fair enough
<DoNotSpamPls> uhh, i'd like to ask, did anything change with how amber handles URLs between 0.9 and 0.11.1?
<Blacksmoke16> tbh dunno
<Blacksmoke16> maybe check out the changelog?