<dj911ice> Hello, I am getting this error when doing amber db create migrate command for the tutorial: Connection unsuccessful: postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/postgres
<dj911ice> I have tried some solutions but none are working
<Blacksmoke16> did you try connecting to pg using that string outsdie of amber?
<dj911ice> no I have not...not sure how, in rails I never encounter this issue
<dj911ice> thank you...if I can resolve this then we would be in the clear
<dj911ice> the issue seems like the db can not even be created for Pets in the demo due to the connection refusal, thus psql Pets USERNAME is not working properly
<Blacksmoke16> ok
<dscottboggs_gitlab> @dj911ice I ran into this problem, you need to define a password for the postgres user and include it in your URL. For some reason it won't work with no password/blank password (at least for me on Ubuntu 18.04(