<charleystran> No errors in the DB. I assume it fails to parse. What is the amber way of sending a date (not a datetime) through a form? I can't image I am the first person to try it. I just dont know what format the framework expects dates to be
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:
<charleystran> imagine
<Blacksmoke16> just parse the string that comes over the wire
<Blacksmoke16> i dont actually use amber so cant help with testing :/
<Blacksmoke16> more of the db guy
<charleystran> isnt this the amber room? Both Rails and Phoenix have standards to send dates from forms. I am just wondering what Amber expects for dates. I can send however is expected, but I cant image every create action should need to manually parse and reformat date objects. Does anyone else have any experience dates in amber?
<anamba> tbh the rails built-in way isn't good, i usually add Pikaday and parse the date myself anyway.
<charleystran> Thats for debate, but it at least supports A way. There is no documentation for Amber for how to support the date. Right or Wrong, good or bad.
<Blacksmoke16> lets figure it out
<anamba> the amber docs are... not too good. we agree on that. i do not use them, i just refer to specs and source.
<charleystran> in rails, I can pass a date in the format postgres expects. in amber it doesnt work.
<charleystran> I am happy to help and jump in but dont know where to start
<charleystran> which is why I am hoping to see someone who has done a date in the past and improve from there
<Blacksmoke16> got my amber up and running, now what hehe
<charleystran> to be basic and raw :) run an amber g scaffold mymodel start_date:date
<Blacksmoke16> i like how im getting a db connection refused error but i see the query in terminal...
<charleystran> did you get the db settings all setup in the config/environments/development.cr file
<Blacksmoke16> typo
<Blacksmoke16> ill keep you posted, semi afk watching tv too
<Blacksmoke16> yea tried all combos, nada
<charleystran> yea, its weird. I assumed someone had needed it or used it before, but I guess not :)
<Blacksmoke16> yea i figured it out
<Blacksmoke16> pg doesnt know how to handle `Time` type
<Blacksmoke16> setting date as string works fine
<Blacksmoke16> kinda
<Blacksmoke16> works on write but not on read
<Blacksmoke16> ill see if i can figure it out
<charleystran> cool I if you see anything I can help debug let me know. I may end up call it a night soon and will check back in the morning
<Blacksmoke16> yea maybe file an issue for it
<Blacksmoke16> prob on the granite lib
<Blacksmoke16> or see if you can recreate it outside of amber, just using granite with like 1 model and a crystal file
<Blacksmoke16> @charleystran ^
<Blacksmoke16> yea, granite model isnt getting initialized
<Blacksmoke16> would need to fix parsing out single date vs datetime, as its not matching the regex and gets casts as a string
<damianham> @charleystran there is a javascript function called toGranite that has been added to the Javascript Date object in src/assets/javascripts/main.js which formats the date according to Granite requirements
<damianham> @naiyt when I have implemented multi tenancy apps in the past I'm sure I just added a tenant ID field to each table and applied a default scope to all models using the tenant ID for the logged in user, request host domain or URI namespace. It worked fine and was easy to implement.
<damianham> @drujensen @elorest @eliajpr @faustinoaq PR 118 on amber docs needs merging at some point - recipes are now shard based so the documentation needs updating
<drujensen> @damianham done. thanks!
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<Blacksmoke16> @drujensen how does this make any sense