mnemoc changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
<xxiao> gooseberry?
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<whse> Yup
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<furan> can someone tell me where to find the code that maps a10 special phys addresses to va?
<furan> I realize it can be done individually but I am disassembling a driver and it is doing things like:
<furan> LDR R6, =0xF1C20000
<hno> furan, arch/arm/mach-sun4i/core.c sw_core_map_io()
<hno> #define SW_PA_IO_BASE 0x01c00000
<hno> #define SW_VA_IO_BASE 0xf1c00000
<hno> very simple mapping. VA f1xxxxxx == PA 01xxxxxx
<hno> you also have VA addresses of all I/O modules in arch/arm/mach-sun4i/include/mach/platform.h
<hno> Which driver are you looking at?
<furan> thanks
<furan> I've been working on the yinlips ydpg18a - they didn't open up their code so I'm having to reverse their gamepad driver
<furan> (which they just copied the ir driver to implement)
<furan> is there an easy way to search a codebase on github?
<furan> trying to find the definition of IR_SPLCFG_REG
<furan> nevermind
<ZaEarl> clone the repo and ack-grep it
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<hno> someone should make a lirc driver of that one. The CIR hardware is generic, but driver is hardcoded to one NEC format.
<hno> wonder if it also supports CIR transmit or if that's only for IRdA.
<WarheadsSE> mnemoc, specing :) all sorted on the eth/wifi etc.
<WarheadsSE> anyone have a cluse how to control this super-bright led? And, would I need to change it's gpio, since it is in a different spot on the A100 ?
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<Turl> mnemoc: the new branch killed my kitten apparently
<Turl> hipboi: hi
<hipboi> hi
<Turl> hipboi: any news on the mali libs?
<hipboi> lunch time
<hipboi> Turl: oh, sorry
<hipboi> Turl: i think there will be new lib soon
<hipboi> so let's just skip the r3p0
<Turl> ok
<Turl> I will revert my gralloc temporarily then, it uses a new 16x16 align I think
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<steev> ctyler! Fancy seeing you here
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<rz2k> Turl: whats that new 3.4 branch is about?
<Turl> 3.4
<rz2k> I mean wip/3.4/mem, I thought youre speaking about it
<rz2k> should I try it for my 3.4 hang issue?
<Turl> well it doesn't boot here
<Turl> the 3.0 /mem one
<Turl> no idea about the 3.4 one
<rz2k> oh crap, I misread it to 3.4. sorry.
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<Turl> cheap domains on namecheap (0.98USD) if anyone needs
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<WarheadsSE> ?
<Turl> WarheadsSE: they have a promotion going, 0.98USD for a .com/net/org
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<WarheadsSE> not seeing it
<hipboi> Turl: can you help me to regitser a domain?
<Turl> hipboi: sure
<hipboi> Turl:
<Turl> do you want me to register it?
<hipboi> and
<hipboi> yes
<Turl> there's a single coupon per person though
<hipboi> so only one?
<rz2k> guys
<rz2k> dont register that crap, you will get 98Euro for next year
<rz2k> go to normal registrar and get domain with transfer and everything, not some $1 stuff from god knows who
<Turl> namecheap is not $randoms
<rz2k> still you can sign for some ripoff
<rz2k> like, you buy $1 domain and pay $50 for next year without right to resign contract
<rm> nah, renewals are ~$10.6
<rm> and as it starts to expire you can transfer to whoever you like more, for free (I think)
<rm> still, I agree that first-year-only discounts suck
<steev> I tend to use, but namecheap is always spoken highly of. I have a friend who has roughly 3k domains with them.
<Turl> I always use, but namecheap is not on my shitty registrars book (cough godaddy cough)
<Turl> in any case, you were late with the warning rz2k, I already registered one :P
<rz2k> hipboi: whats new about cubieboard/box? is it a10?
* rz2k demands some news
<rz2k> Turl: lets hope then :p
<steev> Don't care what's in it, what's the price and when will you shut up and take my money (to steal from a meme)
<rz2k> lol, yeah.
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<ZaEarl> cubieboard better be sun6i
<lundman> back from the pools
<Turl> well, I'm gonna get some sleep, past 3AM over here :P
<Turl> see you later!
<lundman> woo my package is in narita
<lundman> 10 days in china, narita to tokyo should only be 1 day
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<Schnabeltier> is additional hardware needed to boot other os like ubuntu an an mele a1000/a2000 from the sd card? or just format the card, dd a image on it, put it in the slot of the a1000/2000 and reboot?
<RaYmAn> you don't need to format since the image will overwrite everything on there (including partition table), but otherwise, you're right.
<Schnabeltier> so no "TTL-to-USB-adapter" is needed, like mentioned on ?
<ZaEarl> that's for debugging purposes if there's a problem.
<Schnabeltier> ah okay ^^
<ZaEarl> expect lots of problems. :)
<Schnabeltier> 0o???
<Schnabeltier> why?
<ZaEarl> anything other than android is a work in progress
<rm> disagree
<rm> the premade images you would find (and there's a lot), just work
<mnemoc> rz2k: I made a non-wip 3.4 branch removing all the cleanup I had made, can you see if it still crashes on you after SYS: reserve?
<rm> never had a need for a serial console yet
<rz2k> sadly, yes
<mnemoc> Turl: did you enable the ignore atag mem hack?
<rz2k> I've tried 20 times with different power sources and fully reseting the board, its still there
<rz2k> just hang after sys
<mnemoc> rz2k: also with the new branch?
<mnemoc> :'(
<rz2k> yes
<rz2k> I think its something in script.bin and around
<rz2k> something that is different on mele and a710/a720
<mnemoc> reserve_fb reads the .bin
<mnemoc> and that's what comes after SYS:
<mnemoc> but it shouldn't make a difference with 3.0.36
<CIA-122> rhombus-tech: erix master * r1a1d47f1cd9b /allwinner_a10/orders/erix.mdwn:
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<Schnabeltier> is there a lightwight os for the mele a1000/2000 which supports firefox, thunderbird and libreoffice/openoffice/any other good office-replacement? want to get one of those things as an pc for my grandma...
<rm> debian with xfce or lxde
<rm> if you find that slow, there's also PuppyLinux
<mnemoc> rm: btw, the untested wip/3.0/mem branch only allocates the 64M for mali if mali is actually enabled
<mnemoc> no idea why it killed Turl's kitty.... it shouldn't :<
<orly_owl> rm: seen emdebian?
<rm> I don't care
<orly_owl> ok then
<rm> "embedded" is a cop-out for being crappy and limited
<orly_owl> lol
<rm> you don't have any right to call yourself embedded when you have 1GHz and 512 MB of RAM
<orly_owl> what do you call harder lower then that then
<orly_owl> hmm i misread
<mnemoc> embedded is mostly the oposite of "general purpose" these days more than about resources
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<gnexus> mnemoc: good morning.
<gnexus> guess everybody is having lunch ;)
<CIA-122> rhombus-tech: fastig master * r06cfa544879c /allwinner_a10/orders/fastig-a10.mdwn:
<mnemoc> in my case that will happen in 2h
<hipboi_> Quarx: i read your news in
<Quarx> my news?
<hipboi_> your website?
<Quarx> yes
<hipboi_> the news is moto defy runs jelly bean
<Quarx> :)) yes
<hipboi_> cnbeta is the Chinese version hacker new, though it's far from hacker news
<Quarx> for me is hard read this site:)
<Quarx> i still want fix my aurora tablet, but i don't know where is problem in kernel:(
<hipboi_> what's the problem
<hipboi_> there is a mail kept unread in my gmail for a long time
<hipboi_> the lcd problem
<Quarx> yes, thanks for lcd.. it works fine:)
<Quarx> device not sleeping..power drain in sleep 70% ~6h
<mnemoc> i haven't merged it because of the yuv/hdmi problem it brings :<
<Quarx> cpu always 60mhz.. but it really big battery drain
<Quarx> on ainol kernel no problems
<hipboi_> mnemoc: oh, i will find the changes
<Quarx> i dunno, but maybe some more changes for aurora in closed source tree,,
<Quarx> not only spi
<mnemoc> most probably
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<hipboi_> Quarx: you mean the device can only standby for 6 hour?
<mnemoc> many people has reported the devices to wake up on their own
<mnemoc> and so they start consuming power faster
<Quarx> hipboi_: yes, with ainol kernel it can be 24+h
<mnemoc> it might be the same problem
<hipboi_> the cpu freq is 60mhz when standby?
<mnemoc> 30
<Quarx> yes on low freq
<Quarx> i can post dmesg
<hipboi_> i think it's maybe the suspend and resume are not implemented in many drivers
<Quarx> hipboi_: in sleep log
<Quarx> suspend -> resume -> suspend -> resume ...
<hipboi_> can you test with gsensro disabled?
<hipboi_> do not insert the gsensor module
<hipboi_> it maybe the gsensor keeps reporting the input event
<Quarx> i already tested it, i disabled all modules.. problem exists
<Quarx> only mali worked
<hipboi_> i see there is a bug Suspended for 0.000 seconds
<hipboi_> so it actually did not really suspended
<DonkeyHotei> does the a2000 really have mic/cvbs-in pins somewhere on the board?
<mnemoc> DonkeyHotei: next to the sata power connector
<hipboi_> DonkeyHotei: i think there are mic pin, not sure about the cvbs-in
<gnexus> hipboi_: i have also noticed that modular cabability is not yet in many sunxi drivers
<DonkeyHotei> mnemoc: on the vga breakout?
<mnemoc> DonkeyHotei: no no... in the main board
<DonkeyHotei> there's nothing like that there
<DonkeyHotei> next to sata is vga
<mnemoc> two unpopulated 4pin connectors on the edge
<DonkeyHotei> on the edge of the board?
<mnemoc> yes, the connector place is even drawn on the board
<DonkeyHotei> hmm. any software support for either?
<mnemoc> the first (top) says mic, the next says cvbs-in
<hipboi_> gnexus: what is modular cabability
<hipboi_> gnexus: you mean build the driver as modules?
<gnexus> hipboi_: yes. build fails when some drivers are built as modules
<mnemoc> DonkeyHotei: it's probably about know what to write in the script.fex file
<DonkeyHotei> ok
<hipboi_> gnexus: this can be changed
* mnemoc builds most stuff as 'm'...
<gnexus> hipboi_: i will make a list of the ones that fail to build
<hipboi_> ok
<hipboi_> sorry, i need to go home now
<mnemoc> hipboi_: don't forget my mail :)
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<gnexus> mnemoc: big one for me right now that fails is ipv6
<gnexus> works fine built-in
<mnemoc> gnexus: that's thanks to android
<DonkeyHotei> hipboi_: did you check the F10 cable?
<mnemoc> they broke m support for ipv6
<gnexus> mnemoc: i'm glad to see that android is no longer in defconfig ;)
<mnemoc> sure, but the tree still androidized
<gnexus> yep.
<gnexus> really need two separate trees
<markvandenborre> hm, I just tried to boot the ubuntu image from
<markvandenborre> on my new mele a2000 (the previous one arrived DOA)
<markvandenborre> I can ping the thing, but not ssh into it as per the docs :(
<mnemoc> gnexus: I disagree. we don't have enough human resources to split the effort
<mnemoc> gnexus: just enable ipv6 as built-in
<mnemoc> actually it's 'y' in the defconfig
<markvandenborre> I plan to look into the contents of the image and see if the ssh daemon is started by default as mentioned in the docs
<markvandenborre> anyone else around who used this image?
<gnexus> mnemoc: true. it is not worth the effort to split it.
<gnexus> mnemoc: i already have ipv6 as built-in. works fine
<gnexus> menmoc: build #25 just finished. all have worked except one so far.
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<gnexus> menmoc: i'm down to 2.1 MB kernel size with all drivers & features enabled
<mnemoc> :)
<gnexus> mnemoc: runs really nice!
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<mnemoc> what device/branch are you using?
<gnexus> mnemoc:3.0.36+
<mnemoc> ande on what?
<markvandenborre> hm, gparted doesn't seem to recognise the image layout
<markvandenborre> (or the sd card layout, obviously)
<gnexus> mnemoc: a2000
<mnemoc> do you use mali?
<gnexus> mnemoc: mali is enabled
<mnemoc> do you *use* mali?
<gnexus> mnemoc: haven't tried yet. . .
<mnemoc> ok
<gnexus> menmoc: do you *use* mali?
<gnexus> my current goal is only to get a decent kernel config
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<mnemoc> nope, that's why I need someone else to test the wip/3.0/mem branch :)
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<mnemoc> works great mali-less, and *seems* to work for mali-ed systems too
<mnemoc> but only real runtime can tell
<gnexus> mnemoc: first i need a decent kernel config
<gnexus> i've been diffing with a debian arm kernel
<gnexus> that way the config will be like a mainstream distro config
<markvandenborre> what's a normal boot time for a mele a2000?
<mnemoc> in would be great to be able to provide and maintain (apt) .deb files for kernel, cedar, mali and x11
<gnexus> mnemoc: that should not be hard to do now
<gnexus> i'm fixing to release a newer tar kernel like they do here
<gnexus> that way people can get started with a decent kernel
<gnexus> would be nice to have an initramfs. anybody tried that?
<mnemoc> we can use too...
<mnemoc> there is a thread on the ML about initramfs
<gnexus> mnemoc: put a kernel dir there ;)
<markvandenborre> where can I find the most recent sd card image for the mele (preferably debian, but ubuntu will do too)?
<gnexus> maybe an SD image directory too ;)
<markvandenborre> gnexus: :)
<mnemoc> are you volunteering as maintainer?
<gnexus> markvandenborre: go to and use the debian SD
<gnexus> mnemoc: we'll see about that. . .
<markvandenborre> oh wow, thank you!
<mnemoc> gnexus: send me a mail with a "proposal" and an ssh public key to amery geeks cl
<gnexus> i'm having hard enough time just getting a decent kernel config done. . .
<mnemoc> :(
<gnexus> i wish we had more people helping.
<gnexus> first thing is just to get a decent kernel, rootfs etc that people can use that works well
<markvandenborre> maybe I'd have to add that to the rhombustech wiki too...
<gnexus> markvandenborre: in a few days i will put up newer kernel zip and hopefully a new sd image
<gnexus> mnemoc: no objections to using an initramfs then?
<gnexus> that would reduce the kernel size a lot.
<markvandenborre> gnexus: ok, won't add it to that page yet then
<gnexus> give it a few days. . .
<markvandenborre> this is nice
<markvandenborre> I'm planning to use it with gphoto for remote controlling cameras
<gnexus> it will be nicer when mali works ;)
<markvandenborre> (have some scripts running on an x86 box right now)
<markvandenborre> hm, is any kind of x running on the thing right now?
<markvandenborre> I don't really need it, but with all the gui tools included on it, I guess so...
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<rm> I wouldn't recommend Debian Sid
<rm> ugh, and it's with LXDE and
<rm> lots of crap preinstalled
<gnexus> rm: sid is the best arm distro
<rm> markvandenborre, use a Debian Wheezy image from there
<gnexus> rm: wheezy sucks!
<gnexus> rm: ancient crap
<rm> gnexus, if you are the kind of person who preinstalls Unrar and Apache2, I don't want to hear your opinion
<gnexus> rm: apache2 was a dependency
<rm> derpendency
<rm> whatever
<rm> I prefer a nice pristine empty image
<rm> to install exactly what I need
<rm> not a 4GB system with everything and a kitchen sink
<gnexus> rm: people can always remove what they need. that was an initial demo image anyway
<gnexus> rm: smaller images will be coming soon hopefully
<gnexus> rm: if you want small use debbotstrap. . ;)
<rm> mele_debian_armhf_minimal.cpio.gz 173M
<rm> this is perfect for my needs
<rm> debootstrap is more work
<rm> and according to reports it is often broken
<gnexus> rm: has always worked fine for me.
<markvandenborre> rm: ?
<rm> yes
<rm> don't know about your ubuntu, but this one actually does indeed start SSH after boot up
<markvandenborre> ok
<rm> personally verified :)
<markvandenborre> gnexus: I hope you don't take it personally, but the minimal thing will probably fit my situation better
<markvandenborre> I really do appreciate your effort though
<lundman> what about my efforts
<gnexus> markvandenborre: np. personally i would choose that one also right now ;)
<markvandenborre> lundman: all and every efforts to have debian run in more places!
<gnexus> lundman: hello! thank you very much for your kernel config
<gnexus> that got my hdmi working
<lundman> what the, I was joking, didn't think I helped anyone
<rm> lundman, regardign what, sorry?
<rm> ah :)
<lundman> it was purely accidental, I assume you
<lundman> s/assume/assure/crappy english
<gnexus> lundman: wait. that was Turl. sorry. I was your Mele Android dd image I need to thank you for
<lundman> I'm deleting that now!
<gnexus> never could get the PhoenixCard to work
<lundman> but seriously, whats up today everyone
<lundman> phoenix is pretty terrible
<gnexus> tried 3 times. never worked. . .
<gnexus> nice you have that dd image there
<gnexus> we still need an image with otg uart enabled, though
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<lundman> any better xbmc after that one binary?
<gnexus> i tend to avoid xbmc ;)
<lundman> good fun to try tho
<gnexus> too busy here to try
<lundman> but interesting to note they can do HD audio either
<lundman> so its not just a matter of tossing it there
<gnexus> i would be happy to see it if they had mali support ;)
<gnexus> lundman: how's your djmount working?
<lundman> worked rather well actually
<gnexus> i hate bubbleupnp
<lundman> yeah thats not good
<lundman> llink just showed up, mounted with utf8 so even japanese movies shows up
<gnexus> i will need to try it
<gnexus> nice!
<lundman> just get binary, run it, done
<gnexus> i need two meles now. 1 for android 1 for dev.
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<markvandenborre> hm, this cpio thingie is not strictly an image, right...
<gnexus> kernel is now down to 2.2 MB!
<lundman> cut out samba, that'll save you
<markvandenborre> can I dump it to sd without fiddling with bootloaders?
<gnexus> markvandenborre: never tried it and i never liked cpio
<lundman> cpio is the devils work
<markvandenborre> I just don't know it...
<gnexus> just an archive. . .
<markvandenborre> I vaguely remember this having been around for a very long time
<markvandenborre> gnexus: yes indeed...
<gnexus> cpio is ancient
<markvandenborre> I can extract files from it, but not an image if I'm not mistaken
<gnexus> i think that one is a rootfs
<gnexus> anybody tried ext4 for the boot partition?
<gnexus> i need to eliminate the built-in fat drivers. . .
<ManoftheSea> I seem to remember something about uboot not supporting ext4
<gnexus> ManoftheSea: i think we determined it works, but only with newer versions
<ManoftheSea> oh cool.
<ManoftheSea> That's good.
<gnexus> Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
<gnexus> Exception stack(0xd983bf58 to 0xd983bfa0)
<gnexus> not good. . .
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<gnexus> sun4i_cpufreq_initcall did not like my latest config :(
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<gnexus> i'm tired of compiling kernels. i think i'll give a rest for a while. last config is decent.
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<hno> DonkeyHotei (and mnemoc), there is some resistors & capacitors missing for MIC and CVBS-IN in Mele A1000/2000.
<hno> gnexus, there is patches for u-boot ext4 support. Not yet mainline, and sun4i u-boot can't move beyond 2011.09 or SPL breaks for some strange reason :(
<hno> actually SPL even breaks on some other very small changes that should not break anything, som something is fishy there.
<mnemoc> uh
<markvandenborre> rm: I just set up the minimal debian card (2 partitions+ writing boot loader)
<markvandenborre> it replies to pings too, but doesn't seem to allow ssh connectivity
<markvandenborre> guess that image will be easier to troubleshoot since I can actually mount it and see what errors came up
<markvandenborre> any suggestions?
<rm> markvandenborre, did you try waiting like 2 minutes
<rm> at least
<markvandenborre> yes, definitely
<markvandenborre> mucho more in fact
<markvandenborre> hm, I actually had it boot android just before, with a lease that probably hadn't expired yet
<markvandenborre> let's see if it actually acquires the lease again
<markvandenborre> it does
<markvandenborre> I guess I could nmap the device to find out if any other services are running...
<markvandenborre> any other suggestions?
<markvandenborre> (I have bought a usb uart/serial thingie to go with this)
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<markvandenborre> the thing seems to have port 5555 open only
<markvandenborre> in the router dhcp client list, it is mentioned as android_391f732c5f98e02f
<markvandenborre> (probably a leftover from a previous boot)
<markvandenborre> is there a way to make this debian system log what happens more extensively?
<markvandenborre> I wonder if it could have anything to do with file permissions...
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<markvandenborre> can anyone suggest me some basic reading on serial console so that I can troubleshoot this?
<WarheadsSE> markvandenborre: you will need a USB RS232/TTL serial adapter at 3.3v, FTDI or PL2303 (CA-42's have them, and are cheap)
<WarheadsSE> see the "UART" for the pinout
<WarheadsSE> That header, btw, is a JST
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<markvandenborre> WarheadsSE: hm, left my serial adapter 1km from here, be back later
<WarheadsSE> I know the feeling :)
<markvandenborre> if you have any suggestions where I should read up (where to connect what exactly, how to establish the serial connection, ...)
<markvandenborre> please post, and I'll read later
<WarheadsSE> thats the pins in that photo
<WarheadsSE> t's a JST header, and IT MUST BE 3.3V !!
<WarheadsSE> 115200,n,8
<mnemoc> and 2mm
<WarheadsSE> yeah, JST :
<WarheadsSE> Works perfectly for me, because I already had JST connectors rigged for my work on the PLX OX820s
<WarheadsSE> mnemoc: Is there anyting that might be safe to leave as a modules from this defconfig on 3.0.36?
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<mnemoc> WarheadsSE: probably a lot of stuff. I don't have any particular need of shrinking it, so I haven't reviewed it deeply.
<WarheadsSE> Alright mnemoc, I just figured I'd ask as I have seen a few mentions of things not comping up right if they don't load certain modules in the "right" order
<mnemoc> I only test that stuff compiles and `modprobe` doesn't panic
<mnemoc> for the rest I trust the community
<WarheadsSE> :)
<WarheadsSE> Oh, I understand
<gnexus> hno: so we should be using ext2 or 3 for the boot partition then. . .
<gnexus> WarheadsSE: basically anything that is sunxi cant be a module ;(
<CIA-122> rhombus-tech: amix master * r49fdc3a7fa51 /community_ideas.mdwn:
<mnemoc> gnexus: like?
<gnexus> mnemoc: sound, video, usb for starters. but wemac works as a module :)
<rm> markvandenborre, GNU/Linux uses a random MAC address on every boot
<rm> so if it got the same MAC, chances are it just booted Android
<gnexus> basically anything with sunxi i tried threw an error when tried as a module
<rm> can you check if there's video output on the screen (on HDMI, VGA, composite?)
<rm> and port 5555 sounds like something dumb that android would use
<WarheadsSE> and rm, it's a simple fix to set the MAC on these.
<rm> sure
<rm> but with a fresh image markvandenborre did not apply it I think
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<rm> so if it was GNU/Linux that booted, he should look for a random new MAC on his network
<rm> not the Android one
<WarheadsSE> No, that much I'd agree
<mnemoc> the common way is to set your MAC inside script.bin
<WarheadsSE> Another option is to set it via ifconfig/ip but, I'd say the script is easiest.
<rm> it's not
<gnexus> menmoc:i can't say vid doesnt work as a module. been afraid to mess with that now.
<rm> /etc/network/interfaces is easier than editing script.bin
<rm> considering you also have to find/obtain/compile a tool for encoding/decoding it
<mnemoc> rm: if you only run one userspace, yes
<WarheadsSE> bin2fex > sed > fex2bin
<rm> and then find out experimentally which one of the damn five variously named .bin's that someone helpful put into the boot partition you happen touse
<rm> to use *
<markvandenborre> hm, right... I'm trying to follow up on the serial console thing
<rm> is actually being utilized
<WarheadsSE> it's based on the uboot really
<markvandenborre> trying to set ttyUSB0 parameters
<WarheadsSE> minicom or screen?
<markvandenborre> 115200,n,8 you said
<markvandenborre> the first I know to be the speed with which the serial communication takes place
<markvandenborre> the last (the "8") has to do with the number of bits per character, right?
<markvandenborre> and I can set it with cs8?
<WarheadsSE> cs8 .?
<markvandenborre> and the n has something to do with parity?
<markvandenborre> I'm trying to read up on this, but serial communication is entirely new to me....
<markvandenborre> right now, i've just googled and looked at dmesg and learned that I probably need to
<WarheadsSE> Ok, which program are you using?
<markvandenborre> nothing yet, I am just using a generic Debian machine here to try and configure this serial console
<WarheadsSE> 115200 buad, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow
<WarheadsSE> see if screen or minicom are installed?
<WarheadsSE> maybe putty, if you so choose
<markvandenborre> screen I have installed of course
<WarheadsSE> K
<markvandenborre> putty is windows, I don't touch that
<markvandenborre> ah, perfect, thx
<mnemoc> microcom -s 115200 -p /dev/ttyUSB3 :)
<mnemoc> but BB's is nicer
<WarheadsSE> screen /dev/ttyS0 115200,N,8
<WarheadsSE> lol, of course that is copy-pasta on the dev name
<markvandenborre> ok, so now I get a completely empty console
<markvandenborre> that doesn't seem to accept any input
<WarheadsSE> Have you got the lines hooked up right?
<markvandenborre> please don't assume that I know a lot about what I'm doing right now
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<markvandenborre> what I did was take a look at the picture you gave me
<markvandenborre> and hooked the lines up to the corresponding pins on the board and on the usbttl thingie
<WarheadsSE> you need to cross tx/rx from one to the other
<WarheadsSE> tx on board goes to rx on dongle
<markvandenborre> ah, interesting to know, obvious if you think about it
<markvandenborre> right, so now I can type something
<markvandenborre> and it presents me with a password prompt
<markvandenborre> that's a win I think
<WarheadsSE> inded
<WarheadsSE> if it is asking for a password, its likely a linux
<markvandenborre> it says it is a debian
<markvandenborre> now I just have to look up what the password is
<markvandenborre> for this minimal root image
<WarheadsSE> or you could reboot it, change the bootargs temporarily to init=/bin/bash and just set the password :p
<hno> markvandenborre, putty is graphical ssh/telnet/serial for Windows & Linux X11.
<hno> markvandenborre, have you tried root or leaving it blank?
<markvandenborre> I found it
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<markvandenborre> getting this serial console may sound like nothing to you, but I'm really grateful for your help!
<WarheadsSE> not a problem
<WarheadsSE> I remember when i was new to ARM
<WarheadsSE> Wasn't that long ago.. Oct 2010
<markvandenborre> oh, that's not so long ago indeed
* markvandenborre is looking at why it wouldn't grab a dhcp lease in the first place, while /etc/init.d/networking restart from the serial console did give it one...
<markvandenborre> hm, this is strange
<markvandenborre> now when I reboot it the nic comes up perfectly
<WarheadsSE> "magic"
<WarheadsSE> (I dev Arch, so not sure why it would have misbehaved on Debian)
<rm> I haven't had any problem with that debian image
<markvandenborre> I didn't change a thing
<markvandenborre> can only see that it works where it didn't before
<markvandenborre> (didn't get a dhcp lease)
<markvandenborre> is there a way to install debian to the internal flash too?
<gnexus> mnemoc: does spdif work with 3.0.36?
<mnemoc> gnexus: it compiles...
<mnemoc> haven't touched it
<gnexus> mnemoc: dmesg - sun4i-spdif cannot find any using configuration for controllers
<mnemoc> those are usually related to missing stuff in script.fex
<gnexus> mnemoc: aha!
<mnemoc> grep for "fetch" in the driver to see what keys it expects
<gnexus> menmoc: why no ThumbEE is the defconfig?
<gnexus> mnemoc: in the defconfig
<gnexus> anybody tried Thumb2?
<mnemoc> i haven't played with anything of that, started from the defconfig in Qware's release
<mnemoc> try and see :)
<gnexus> i tried. I didn't see. . . :(
<gnexus> ThumbEE works fine though!
<gnexus> need that in there.
<mnemoc> gnexus: there is a ticket about defconfig improvements
<mnemoc> gnexus: can you comment there and hopefully add a patch?
<gnexus> mnemoc: yes. np
<gnexus> people will like this config ;)
<mnemoc> gnexus: split the diff into likable chunks :)
<mnemoc> sun4i_defconfig = linux, sun4i_crane_defconfig = android. but both generic and without controversial stuff
<gnexus> mnemoc: my current config would probably be controversial
<gnexus> it enables all drivers like a mainstream distro
<WarheadsSE> :)
<WarheadsSE> I'll be doing that soon
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<WarheadsSE> not the defconfig need though..
<gnexus> WarheadsSE: don't waste effort though. I'll get you a copy of my config. it is very stable and fast.
<xxiao> anyone intested in a minipc-like device: VGA+2USB
<gnexus> then you can use that as a template
<xxiao> replacing hdmi with vga, 2 usb for keyboard/mouse,
<xxiao> then you can hook to any computer screen and got a wifi-able computer?
<xxiao> or thin-client for schools etc
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* xxiao wants to buy one of that, if it exists
<WarheadsSE> There are several out there, varying boards
<xxiao> WarheadsSE: a pointer?
<WarheadsSE> Are you looking for something that is *only* vga, 2 usb and wifi?
<xxiao> WarheadsSE: i want to run ubuntu on it, small size, wifi/2usb
<xxiao> basically a small ubuntu pc for kids
<xxiao> A10 if it exists :0
<traeak> xxiao that's a hard one...personally everything i have here has digital inputs
<traeak> xxiao: but for kiosks, POS applications
<traeak> vga is probably still the way to go
<WarheadsSE> xxiao: sure, that A100 is tiny
<traeak> xxiao: vga, 2usb, sata, ethernet :-p
<WarheadsSE> There are also some HP thinclients that run Marvell
<xxiao> hdmi/dvi are good for home TV, but on many apps VGA-analog still prevail
<WarheadsSE> yeah
<xxiao> traeak: i don't need sata, i will let my kids using my server, so it will be like a thin-client
<xxiao> basically, they got a normal LCD, with a minipc-dongle, keyboard/mouse, that's it
<traeak> xxiao: sure...then you need the full ethernet
<xxiao> wifi ....
<traeak> i guess, then again these things aren't that blisteringly fast
<xxiao> it won't, but it should be fine
* xxiao wonders when quad-core arm minipc will come out...
<traeak> if the mips giuys lckl luke pointed to pulls off their SOC i want that to win
<traeak> i see the a1000 is toast now
<traeak> just a2000 left, which is fine
<xxiao> i got my a2000 last Fri, it's 2.3.4 android, not 4.x as advertised
<xxiao> will start hacking it 3 weeks later, too busy now
<WarheadsSE> heh
<traeak> xxiao: just download the newest android
<xxiao> traeak: from where, github or allwinner's site?
<traeak> unbearable from the mele site, and i'm not sure where the ICS link is
<xxiao> guess it's the latter
<traeak> neither
<traeak> mele if you dont' mind waiting 1 day or so for download
<traeak> someone else has it mirrored i forget where
<xxiao> v1.6 is there
<traeak> should be uploaded in another 10 mins or so
<traeak> Mele_HTPC_Android_4.0_V1.ddimg.bin
<traeak> probalby should zip that up, wait one
<xxiao> i'm downloading from
<xxiao> are they the same image?
<traeak> xxiao: yeah, it just was going to take 1+ days to download from there
<xxiao> add a md5sum plz
<traeak> for the internal?
<xxiao> traeak: i will download from your link
<xxiao> what's that v1.6 release, still 2.3.4?
<traeak> i'll generate the md5sum on the site when it's uploaded
<traeak> i believe that's true, the 1.6 i think is ...
<traeak> hostmonster isn't exactly fast
<traeak> i'll md5sum the gz file
<traeak> xxiao: okay
<xxiao> traeak: thanks. downloading, 800KB/s here
<xxiao> 10x faster than mele's site
<xxiao> 20x faster, just checked
<markvandenborre> xxiao: if you're into checksumming (good practice!), you might get a safer checksum
<markvandenborre> md5 collisions...
<xxiao> markvandenborre: i know...sha sum is better
<xxiao> but md5sum is good enough i feel
<traeak> just verifying the download rihgt?
<traeak> this is a "dd" image processed
<traeak> wait one
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<xxiao> traeak: done, checked for md5sum, thanks!
<Turl> mnemoc: no, I didn't change anything on my config
<markvandenborre> I'm trying to compile ptpcam on an allwinner a10
<markvandenborre> is the error I get
<markvandenborre> it's quite clear what's missing
<markvandenborre> but not from which package I should get it
<rm> libusb-dev
<markvandenborre> so that was what confused me a little
<markvandenborre> it all referenced specific armhf kernels
<mnemoc> Turl: `make` should have asked you for the new option. you need to set it to Y as you have 1GB and using the stock bootloader
<furan> anybody doing jtag with the a10?
<Turl> mnemoc: I don't build it manually though, if an option is set, that's what it uses, otherwise it defaults
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<mnemoc> Turl: when you have time please update the wip/3.0/mem branch and set the IGNORE_ATAG_MEM to Y
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<traeak> xxiao: sorry, here's the original place:
<xxiao> traeak: great!
<Turl> mnemoc: ok
<Turl> mnemoc: shouldn't the other one work but give me less ram though?
<mnemoc> Turl: depends on what info your bootloader provides
<gnexus> Turl: hey thanks for pointing me to your defconfig. that got my hdmi working.
<Turl> on what device?
<gnexus> a2000
<Turl> stock android?
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<traeak> mnemoc: did the forward branch get killt?
<mnemoc> traeak: yes
<traeak> which one is favored now?
<mnemoc> there is a top-level 3.4 now
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<mnemoc> without my failed script.h stuff
<traeak> k
<traeak> looks like that's essentialy the same as forward was
<mnemoc> yes
<mnemoc> I only removed some commits of doubtful quality
<mnemoc> the TODO still the same
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<RITRedbeard> I finally have all the correct dohickeys to connect my MK802 to Atrix Lapdock!
<mnemoc> kudos :)
<mnemoc> hno: /q ?
<RITRedbeard> The android distro seems to be slow :\
<hno> ?
<mnemoc> hno: hi, do you have some minutes?
<hno> sort of yes.
<hno> Only need to relocate a sleeping kid to her bed first. She fell asleep at the dinner table.
<mnemoc> hno: :)
<hno> back
<specing> hno: hahaha
<specing> hno: Did you compile her with -fpic?
<hno> specing, almost.
<specing> :S
<hno> mnemoc, what did you want to ask
<furan> is there a good tutorial somewhere for building android distros for the a10?
<furan> s/distros//
<ibot> furan meant: is there a good tutorial somewhere for building android for the a10?
<hno> furan, yes
<mnemoc> hno: on /q
<hno> ah
<specing> Oh no, another android distro
<furan> I just want to build for a specific device
<furan> and that device requires some special drivers/etc
<furan> not sure how to do that without starting my own branch or whatever
<specing> the gods kill a kitten every time a new android distro comes out
<furan> then tell me how to do it the right way :)
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<furan> overlay?
<furan> thanks
<mnemoc> hopefully at the end you can make a page for your device, and make the device tree public for others to use
<furan> will try
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<furan> how do .ko drivers that you can't build from source work with different android builds?
<furan> e.g. if the magic doesn't match/etc? how do you get around that?
<furan> looks like the copy proprietary files step does this somehow
<Turl> nah, that just copies mali stuff
<furan> how does mali work across distributions? does it have something that doesn't require the magic to match?
<Turl> it's an userspace library
<furan> oh
<furan> ok
<furan> for the device I'm working with all the kernel objects have sources apart from the keypad support, and it's based off an sun5ix_ir.c or something, so should be easy to RE
<furan> also why did you guys go with cyanogenmod and not linaro?
<Turl> because CM is better feature wise
<Turl> and as far as I thought, the linaro optimizations bring along a crapton of new obscure bugs too
<Turl> s/thought/saw/
<ibot> Turl meant: and as far as I saw, the linaro optimizations bring along a crapton of new obscure bugs too
<Turl> besides I'm naturally biased, being a CM contributor & device maintainer :P
<WarheadsSE> ? for many: How can I set the memory avaialble to mali ?
<traeak> 64mb or bust?
<WarheadsSE> yeah, going to do some compiling, would like access to more than 300M of the ram.
<mnemoc> WarheadsSE: try the wip/3.0/mem branch
<mnemoc> WarheadsSE: there if you disable mali you won't get that memory reserved
<WarheadsSE> mk
<WarheadsSE> Yeah, I need mali in a bit, so I guess I'll make due
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<mnemoc> yw
<j1nx> does anybody have documentation (or know where to find it) about the possible mali kernel parameters?
<j1nx> like "mali.mem=64M@128M" etc..
<j1nx> kernel boot parameters, I am talking about
<mnemoc> that won't work on our current implementation. but sure sounds like a nice goal
<j1nx> Nah, was just an example, but want to know if we can configure the framebuffer mode at the boot parameters
<mnemoc> the driver is designed to start from script.bin data and then be configured with ioctl()s
<j1nx> I want to load the kernel drivers quickly from initrd and then place the boot splash on the framebuffer, but I am failing in understanding the framebuffer parameters
<j1nx> and for that reason failing to get the boot splash drawed early in the boor process
<Turl> I don't think you need mali to have a fb though?
<j1nx> And we are not working with common stuff here, where I can just (mis)use a VESA driver
<j1nx> or can I?
<Turl> you can ioctl the disp thing some framebuffer to show it I think
<mnemoc> Turl: mali has references to the fb address, so i bet it needs it
<j1nx> (hmm, wonders how snowball is doing it)
<Turl> look at the video demo stuff, I think it's used there
<Turl> (cedar stuff)
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<RITRedbeard> recommendation for MK802 image?
<WarheadsSE> linux/android?
<mnemoc> you can mostly use any image for A10, the key is to use the right script.bin for your device
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<mnemoc> by rule, kontron = absurdly expensive
<fullofSheds> "DRAM Up to 2 GB DDR3L memory down" as opposed to memory up?
<fullofSheds> whoever decided than Android on this was a good idea should seriously consider a new line of work in the fast food industry
<fullofSheds> than/that
<fullofSheds> but the Windows key does come in handy
<mnemoc> the best part of android with keyboard is pressing enter and getting a 'q'
<mnemoc> (first character of the virtual keyboard)
<fullofSheds> the touchpad buttons make a nice loud snapping sound so you know that you have pressed them
<fullofSheds> oh joy Marvell
<WarheadsSE> :) aren't they fun
<fullofSheds> lets see, why don't I just waste my time belt sanding my nipples?
<fullofSheds> do any of their devices actually work as intended?
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<WarheadsSE> marvells?
<ZaEarl> Has anyone built a LiveSuit image? I think I'm going to try using this walkthrough:,
<WarheadsSE> I use a lot of devices based on their SoCs
<fullofSheds> every part is broken, they really don't want just anyones money, they even say they aren't set up to write drivers or anything software related
<fullofSheds> OLPC did manage to get the one SOC working well
<DonkeyHotei> ZaEarl: i'm going to be trying that after i have a working adb cable for the mele
<WarheadsSE> We've got several working well...
<fullofSheds> WarheadsSE, which ones?
<fullofSheds> old PXA?
<WarheadsSE> Most of the sheevas & variants
<WarheadsSE> armadas, etc
<WarheadsSE> "old" PXA you have to be a bit more specific
<WarheadsSE> We've got decent support for some of the PXAs, not a tonne of devices with those
<fullofSheds> nevermind, no real future with marvell anyway
<WarheadsSE> Some of their new SoCs arent bad. Yeah, the old old PXAs are shit.
<fullofSheds> DonkeyHotei, maybe he should check with Warheads?
<DonkeyHotei> no idea; i merely saw that in the archives and pasted to you
* WarheadsSE looks around
<WarheadsSE> I might have the stage1 docs somewhere..
<rz2k> some A10/A13 stuff on sale on aliexpress,100009909&storeId=102048
<furan> whoa
<DonkeyHotei> seems like all the ones that say sold out were allwinner
<rz2k> its 16 - 20 july sale, so probably restock will be available.
<Turl> 7 bucks and you get a kbrd case too
<Turl> but, as always
<Turl> they move the rest of the price to the shipping cost
<traeak> which 10" would you suggest?
<traeak> crap superpad is toast
<Turl> I'd skip the aluminium back ones
<Turl> they look good & all
<Turl> but they're not well isolated from the connectors or something
<traeak> seems like no more 10" ones available on there
<Turl> when you charge or use usb on your tablet you get shocked :P
<Turl> superpad lol :P
<Turl> x86 tablet
<traeak> no thx :-p
<rz2k> Turl: this is rather old tablet, I had it for review for some days.
<rz2k> I can say that its not that bad
<traeak> superpad you mean?
<traeak> OOS for that price
<traeak> sux
<rz2k> x86
<traeak> need one for my parents
<traeak> not intereted in MS tax
<Turl> chinese tab? ms tax?
* Turl laughs :P
<ZaEarl> My favorite OEM quote, "you don't need to pay for a windows license, it is a free software."
<furan> boo
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<Turl> is it me or is the nand ultra slow?
<Turl> I'd swear even my 2yo phone flashes stuff faster :|
<Turl> mnemoc: still killing my kitten
<Turl> even with that flag on
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<WarheadsSE> Interesting: compiled 3.0.36 from tag 23e5456, wifi = no more 0o
<WarheadsSE> and.. its back
<WarheadsSE> oy.
<WarheadsSE> lol, needed a reboot apparently
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<ManoftheSea> Turl: killing your kitten? Are you domo-kun?
<Turl> ManoftheSea: :P
<ManoftheSea> I don't want to hear about it.
<Turl> ManoftheSea: mnemoc's mem patch is domo-kun
<ZaEarl> DonkeyHotei, I give up. I can't build a working LiveSuit img.
<ZaEarl> The walkthrough says Windows in a VM won't work. The tools require native Windows, and all I've got is a VM.
<Turl> mnemoc: proposed counter-patch
<Turl> mnemoc: worksforme :P