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<tabemann> hey guys
<tp> hey tabemann
<tp> tabemann, how goes Zeptoforth ?
<tabemann> been duplicating matthias's code wholesale
<tabemann> specifically his math code
<tabemann> also, my new mouse came from amazon
<tabemann> to replace the one which would randomly double-click
<tabemann> and you?
<tp> dont blame you re the math, he *loves* math
<tp> just a couple of bugs left in my latest bluepill dev update to fix
<tp> XSLT bugs
<tp> Forth programmers use DOES> to make their words, I use XSLT ;-)
<tabemann> lol
<tabemann> okay, I'm gonna have dinner - bbl
<tp> cya
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<dave0> i am hacking away on a long division and multiplication for ARM :-)
<tp> 64 bit arm ?
<dave0> 32 bit cortex-M4
<tp> oh!
<tp> you dont like the inbuilt div and multiply ?
<dave0> i found an ARM simulator that runs in the browser
<tp> thats cool
<tp> written in JS ?
<dave0> i think so
<dave0> bit of a dodgy url
<dave0> i don't even have an arm cpu :-)
<tp> hahah, oh
<dave0> i'd imagine it would be easy to port the 32 bit stuff to 64 bit?
<tp> I couldnt say
<dave0> ah ok
<dave0> first i'll get this working
<tp> I imagine tabemann may appreciate your simulator find!
<tp> Im a tech not a programmer, thats why I can't say
<tp> I have no idea
<tabemann> back
<dave0> tp: ah no worries
<dave0> hi tabemann
<dave0> i'm trying to port my amd64 divide code to arm32
<tp> hey tabemann dave0 found a browser based M4 simulator
<tabemann> cool
<tp> it looks ok
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<dave0> it works!
<dave0> tabemann: i ported my multiply and divide functions from amd64 to your arm32
<dave0> not sure if it would be easy to port to arm64
<tabemann> nice
<dave0> it's my first arm assembly code :-)
<tabemann> actually, I'm using Thumb-2, and sorry to say this, but in Thumb-2 only registers r0-r7 are easy to use, and I've already got registers r6 and r7 allocated
<tabemann> personally I prefer to use just r0-r3 because these registers are caller-saved
<tabemann> in the standard ABI
<dave0> i don't know any calling sequences, i just did what made sense to me
<tabemann> oh it's a good first ry
<tabemann> *try
<dave0> ehehe thanks :-)
<tp> dave0, nice neat code!
<tp> dave0, you did that on the webpage assembler/sim ?
<dave0> tp: yeppers
<dave0> i don't have any arm emulators or anything so i searched for a web browser thing
<dave0> it worked out nicely i think!
<tp> that web page thing has a decent feel about it
<tp> nice find!
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> I probably would have used your code, with modifications of course, were it not for my shamelessly stealing Matthias's code :)
<tp> dave0, assembly wiz!
<tp> to is very happy, his delivery of food from the supermarket came today :)
<tp> to = tp
<tp> the Australian govt has been saying "Australia produced 3/4 more food than we eat, so no food shortage" but a lot of the more quality items are oddly 'out of stock' on the supermarket website ... hmm
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<tp> maybe the govt actually wrote "Australia produces 3/4 more hardtack biscuits than we eat, so no hardtack biscuits shortage"
<tp> ?
<tabemann> I'm just annoyed that the grocery stores here are out of the root beer I like
<tp> it's the little things we miss
<tp> I managed to but two 1kg bags of frozen Barramundi fish fillets which are really nice, (real fish), and they have been out of stock since I got them
<tp> but = buy
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<dave0> tabemann: i forgot to check for traps in my divide function
<dave0> divide by zero or oveflow
<dave0> hmm
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<tabemann> the code I'm using doesn't either
<dave0> tabemann: what do you think? should it check for divide by zero?
<tabemann> it's extra complexity, and it's an exceptional condition anyways
<dave0> hmm
<tabemann> in my code I don't test for div zero, and rather just let the MCU handle a processor exception
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<dave0> yeah i'm not sure how to raise an exception
<proteus-dude> until you find yourself in a situation where every cycle counts, division ops should always check for div/0. Saves you a LOT of headaches.
<dave0> my divide also fails if the quotient doesn't fit in a cell
<tp> dave0, you don't have to worry, the cpu will detect it and raise a exception all by itself I think
<tp> dave0, arm cpus raise exceptions for most things I think
<tp> hmm
<tp> 10 0 / ok. . 0 ok.
<dave0> heh
<dave0> gforth catches divide by 0
<tp> gforth is a monster
<tp> this is a 29kB Forth
<tp> 20kB
<tp> 35,37 C
<tp> 95,78 F gahh, hurry up ausie winter!
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<veltas> Z80 has an exception on divide by zero
<veltas> It's the "your computer will get stuck in an infinite loop trying to reduce the divisor"
<veltas> exception
<siraben> veltas: Haha I was wondering what you were talking about, I don't recall any traps!
<veltas> Shouldn't have recalled any division lol
<veltas> Or multiplication
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<veltas> Arithmetic is one of the few things I will bite the bullet and implement properly in assembly despite size because I want reasonably fast maths
<tp> nice!
<veltas> I want to see what Project Euler answers I can write on my forth to run in under a minute
<veltas> Probably very few
<tp> The STLINK-V3MODS is a small size debugging and programming probe for STM32 microcontrollers.
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<tp> crest, were you thinking of something like this ? file:///home/tp/projects/programming-languages/forth/mecrisp-stellaris/mecrisp-unofficial-doc/_build/html/vocabularies.html#voc-howto-registers
<tp> oops
<tp> better upload it I guess
<crest> tp: thx i will look into it. i have to work right now :-(
<tp> bummer dood3 !
<tp> .regs lr: 0000471F r0: 000028B8 r1: 00000000 r2: 000028B8 r3: 00000000 r4: FFFFFFFF r5: 20001F5C r6: 00000001 r7: 20000280 sp: 20000364 *>
<tp> ok.
<tp> :)
<tp> Mecrisp-Stellaris CPU register print
<tp> anyone here named "gustinian" on sourceforge ?
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<crest> tp: the voc example looks even better than my idea
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<tabemann> hey guys
<tp> hey fellow forthlings
<tp> a friendly Forth day to y'all
<Zarutian_HTC> utc wise it jus five minutes or so left of this day
<tp> yes, but would people in greeenland notice ?
<tp> I finally found out how to to this!
<tp> .regs lr: 0000471F r0: 000028B8 r1: 00000000 r2: 000028B8 r3: 00000000 r4: FFFFFFFF r5: 20001F5C r6: 00005000 r7: 20000288 sp: 20000360 *>
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: in danish because I do not know enough of the Inuit language: jeg kan ikke sige on dat men dat er et godt spørsmål
<Zarutian_HTC> s/dat/det/