But it is a shame to have a situation where I don't know how to use a page correctly because my screen is smaller and stuff gets deleted
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The "Code It Yourself" manifesto reads like a parody of the Agile manifesto, I wonder if that's intentional
crc: Is there a bit in the guide explaining [ and ] ?
veltas: no, but I will rectify that this weekend
I think the CSS for the sidebar should be working for 1024 width now
crc: It is
I am into the "Aim For The Bushes" manifesto
Okay nn, thanks for your support today crc hopefully I will play with retro at some point, was just trying to 'learn' the language a bit properly
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good morning Forthwrights (-_-)zzz c[]
hi rdrop-exit
hi crc :)
* crc
should write a bot to count the nunber of cups of coffee that appear in this channel
morning Forth Zen Guru!
hi Forth Master Tech (tm)
rdrop-exit, how goes Manilla ?
ok, more of the same
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what's new in the forth world?
rdrop-exit, I think Ive finished my stack comments, would you mind casting a eye over a short summary of my different auto generated words ?
the reason is all the bitfields MUST be words
a constant is a word
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ahhm you want to make every bitmask a constant ?
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that's what I would do
ok, I admit I had no clue there for a while
(whats new?)
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now a bitmask is just a particular bit(s) within a register
so currently in V3 our example is
: RCC_CR_HSERDY ( -- x addr ) 17 bit RCC_CR ;
* incedentally, that definition also makes the actual bit easy to find in the doc
as in it's bit 17 of RCC_CR
rdrop-exit, so using that definition, how would you make RCC_CR_HSERDY a constant ?
I'm still not visualising what you mean
<bitmask> constant <name>
the problem I see is that <bitmask> MUST be associated with RCC_CR it cant be used anywhere else
you can't have a 'floating' bitmask
and you cannot do it from memory
not with up to 17000+ bitmasks
well maybe YOU can, I can only remember up to 2 things at anyone time :)
that depends on the target, i.e. if some masks are the same across a subset of the registers
masks are NOT unique at all times, not even across the same register
that's what I said, it DEPENDS on the target
ask me how I know this ?
thew target is cortex-m
svd2forth only applies to cortex-m here
rdrop-exit, interestingly I see this same methodology youre proposing amongst the C programmer people
I don't think it's related to C or not C
they have no idea that the bitfield names must be associated with each register, and each register with each peripheral or there will be collisions
no, I dont either, I do think it's a programmer thing amongst those that dont do much embedded
it depends
yeah it depends on the target
you might have 3 identical peripherals that you access via different registers, but share the same register layout
I have ben meaning to write a program that examines any cmsis-svd file for collisions
thats true, but they have different constants
a good example would be the USARTS
there may be 6 of them, all the same except for the peripheral memory constant
but the register and bitfields are the same
however the timers, and there are about 7 - 12 of them have about 4 variations
so thats hard to say
and in a different model, they may have other variations, so this method could become error prone fast
thats why I do every register separately
i see where youre going there for once, and it's a great idea, I just cant see it working well due to all the differences
I use that as my starting point, where I go from there depends on the specifics
My starting point is always register constants, bitfield constants
you have once again given me a lot to think about :)
I have a bunch of words to extract, manipulate, and pack bitfields that I can use by having that starting point
the main thing to know is that bitfields cannot exit in isolation, they belong to the same register they are defined in withing the cmsis-svd files
of course we have been thru this before, your needs are quite different to mine. I need to define all 17000+ bitfields automatically
you will do all yours by hand
back again
hey tabemann
I always start with their spec
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I use a similar approach for protocols as well
(and their bitfields)
in the case of cortex-m, cmsis-svd IS the spec
it's made by the manufacturer of the chip
I prefer real specs :)
and their tech docs use it to make the tech docs
the tech docs use it, theyre one and the same
then I choose the spec that's a real document
paper you mena ?
as in a book ?
I mean the one that's designed for reading with my eyes
because the PDF specs are sourced from the cmsis-svd
no problemo, and thanks for the suggestions :)
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back c[]
off to get some lunch :)
bon appetit! :)
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: BOX ( w h -- )
R> 0 DO
." *"
R> 0 ?DO
2 10 BOX
any Idea why it enters an infinite loop?
oh the inner R> is called repeatedly, that's not correct
maybe try: : box 0 do dup 0 do ." *" loop cr loop drop ; or : box 2>r r> 0 do r@ 0 do ." *" loop cr loop rdrop ;
thanks, the 1st solution works, the 2nd one with 2>R R> R@ RDROP still infinite loops
do/loop may be doing something with the return stack, probably with the loop indices
* crc
can't test this currently as the only forth on my current system (an ipad) isn't a standard system
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Oh right c[] is a cup of coffee
That makes sense now
tp: "sometimes the numbers are so large, XSLT reverts to sci notation"
That is what I will focus on, use something else :)
Has anyone considered stack comments make more sense phantoming where the parameters would be in usage or as equivalent demo code?
Like why not : ( w h ) BOX
If you called BOX by hand you'd write the w and h there in front
Well because : doesn't care about comments
But another example, in code sometimes people write out what's happening on stack in different ways
But what I do atm is put comments with what's on the stack occasionally in front of the code that uses it
and that always seems to give me shorter comments
Like this code: : AT-XY ( x y -- ) ( y ) 0 23 CLAMP T-ROW C! ( x ) 0 63 CLAMP T-COL C! ;
You could do ( w h ) : BOX
veltas, whay do you want shorter comments ?
And ( n1 n2 ) : + ( n )
tp: If they make as much sense, they're easier to read
shorter everything is usually easier to read if it still makes sense
most of my comments are technical, very hard to shorten
c[] back
: RCC_CIR_CSSC ( -- x addr ) 23 bit RCC_CIR ; \ RCC_CIR_CSSC, Clock security system interrupt clear
veltas, thats a typical example
I'm talking about stack comments right now
what about them?
But if we're talking about your code let's talk XSLT
XSLT is everyones favorite Forth I know ;-)
people might sue us for being off topic
veltas, but we can discuss it all we like on my embedded ch #mecrisp
But I need to sue you for being off topic
That's how the courts work these days, instead of having reasonable rules about what you can be sued for they gave up and now you have to counter-sue over everything
hey it works for the lawyers!
lol tp come on it's not like judges are friends with only lawyers and other judges, therefore having an incentive to make law drag on for everyone else when it's pointless ;-)
no, couldn't be!
it's not pointless if you bill by the hour ?
but back to Forth before everyone puts you on ignore
they come here for Forth, I'm already ignored enough
veltas, what is your definition of CLAMP ?
without comments
are your x y signed or unsigned ?
( n1 n2 n3 -- n ) \ clamp n1 between n2 and n3
Well either really but I treat them as signed because the standard unsigned words tend to be more limited
I see
Here it really doesn't matter because the variables being modified are c-variable's
And if you were trying to set it to 32768 then your code was doing something wrong anyway probably
couldn't you achieve the same thing with 23 umin ... 63 umin ?
never mind
brain fart
I forgot you use signed coordinates
I always use unsigned coordinates
or linear offsets
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rdrop-exit: No I don't use signed coordinates
But if I had -1, 0 seems closer to the correct value than 63
Coordinates are between 0 and 63
if you're using unsigned coordinates than -1 is a very large number
so it would make sense to clip it to your highest valid coordinate if you're going to clip it anyway
But if you're using simple increments/decrements half the time and get it wrong by one you will get -1, or 65535, either way is *meant* to be something near 0 rather than 63
If I want to do it with modular arithmetic I could AND it, but I don't, I want to clamp it.
Or e.g. you are doing some bad geometry calculation and you want something off the side of the screen, my method will put it on the correct side of the screen at least
ya, I usually don't bother either way