[Glasgow] whitequark opened issue #97: Make both PLLs usable in theory - https://git.io/fhH6O
[Glasgow] whitequark opened issue #98: Export production files for revC0 - https://git.io/fhH6s
[Glasgow] whitequark assigned issue #98: Export production files for revC0 - https://git.io/fhH6s
[Glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #89: Use SB_GB_IO instead of SB_IO+SB_GB - https://git.io/fhH6c
[Glasgow] daveshah1 commented on issue #97: Make both PLLs usable in theory - https://git.io/fhHik
[Glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #97: Make both PLLs usable in theory - https://git.io/fhHiL
[Glasgow] daveshah1 commented on issue #97: Make both PLLs usable in theory - https://git.io/fhHim
[Glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #97: Make both PLLs usable in theory - https://git.io/fhHi3
[Glasgow] daveshah1 commented on issue #97: Make both PLLs usable in theory - https://git.io/fhHiZ
whitequark: I haven't done the diagrams, yet, but sourcing the if_clk from the ice40 doesn't seem to help much. with d_out0(0) d_out(1), that means you get the if_clk rising edge right in the middle of the data you output. So ice40 -> FX2 works great, plenty of margin for both hold & setup time. But ehn that means that compared to the internal clock of the ice40, the external ifclk is delayed by ~4ns (clk->out) + 16.6 ns (half period at 30 MHz). Then the FX2 needs
Only way I see to have it at the next cycle is to have the if_clk you output be 90 deg out of phase wrt to the internal version by using both PLL output.
hmmm that's bad
Which ... you can't do because the pin used for clk_if is in the same IOB as the one used for D6 and so have to use the same clock.
"Then the FX2 needs" < text was cut off here
I assume inverting the clock wouldn't work either?
Then the FX2 needs 15 ns to output the next data after detecting the rising edge.
That means that data becomes valid at t=35.6ns. (wrt to the internal version of the if_clk). Meaning your only hope to sample that is to sample it on the falling edge of the internal if_clk and resync it to the internal rising edge, and then
you again have the 2 cycle latency between outputing an edge and being able to get the value that the FX2 has output on that edge.
also, what about outputting the clock directly through the pin (without a register, just via global buffer) but outputting data via the DDR register?
If you invert the clock, then it's the iCE40 -> FX2 direction that fails.
wrt to directly outputting the clock ... I have no idea. Need to find the timing numbers for that.
The revC CLK_IF doesn't share an IOB with anything else so the 90deg would work there.
I don't want to spend a PLL on the FX2 interface though
Where is the 30M coming from ?
FX2. I can do 48M instead of 30M
48M wouldn't clear timing on revAB
oh righ it's clk_ref ?
whitequark: outputing the clock directly /might/ work.
icecube seems to indicated that doing that is 3.4 ns slower clock-to-out vs a DDR register output (for the rising edge ... falling edge numbers are different).
setup time for the fx2 is 3.2 ns.
_whitelogger has joined #glasgow
is that for UP5K or HX8K?
That was the UP5k
pke has joined #glasgow
bgamari: there is one "required" fix over revC0, adding two resistors. but they're trivial to tack on.
the problem if you build master is that it would be an "oddball" revision that we don't have a name for, other changes will likely go in before revC1
marcan, are they included in master?
they are, but that
the resistors just go between VIO and GND on the headers, so it's a trivial mod
(adjacent pins)
has any consideration been given to adding protection diodes to the LVDS bank?
it would no doubt be tricky to fit
it's deliberately raw FPGA pins because external hardware is required to use it for most purposes
it's not intended to be used as a general purpose I/O port for most people
it's there if you need it but you're in charge of all the details :-)
nevertheless, the header does pose an ESD hazard
you can just not mount it :-)
fair enough
admittedly I have no idea how you would fit them
yeah I don't think it's going to happen, realistically
also the FPGA might already have clamp diodes? it seems undocumented
marcan, it likely has something but they are likely pretty small
what is the time-frame for C1 to be tagged?
ask whitequark, but if I had to pull a number out of my ass, a month?
there's been some talk about messing with the FX2<->FPGA pinout for reasons related to the PLL
if there is a "big" change that will probably be it, assuming we validate the rest of the hardware and nothing major is screwed up