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whitequark: My scope can save waveforms to USB
whitequark: at some 30 kS/s
whitequark: Needless to say, saving all 280 MS takes a while
whitequark: But it's got ethernet, too, and that's much faster! I've seen rates of almost 100 kS/s.
and then the file is some (previously) undocumented memory dump with tons of extraneous shit, including random data (after booting) or partial data from previously saved waveforms (after the first one has been saved)
* apo
has spent ~25% of 35c3 revenging that format
mm, pre-fast ethernet
you'd really think that a 3 kilobucks device that can capture 4 GS/s and about a gajillion waveforms could also manage, I dunno, full speed USB data rates when writing to external storage or ethernet :|