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<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjtK6
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 444e4a8 - applet.audio.dac: allow changing modulation frequency.
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<marcan> < whitequark> and a special adapter that loops back the I/O bank pins <- so I was thinking about that
<marcan> and I realized that with the pulls we can actually do interesting testing with nothing plugged in
<marcan> using the pull ICs in input mode
<marcan> the only untested part is a single trace from a via to the connector in that case, which is pretty unlikely to fail
<marcan> not truly end to end, and we can't test e.g. high-speed performance, but it might be sufficient for some people
<whitequark> marcan: hmmmmm
<marcan> I want to extend the selftest to do a bunch of funky tests that way
<marcan> also we can measure pin capacitance with the pulls
<whitequark> yeah not bad
<marcan> which I was thinking would require, for repeatability, either the FPGA mastering I²C to set the pulls, or the FPGA snooping on the pull I²C comms to be able to synchronize an internal timer with the exact cycle the pulls toggle
<marcan> the latter is probably easier
<marcan> (just means having a "shadow" listen-only I²C implementation)
<whitequark> eugh
<marcan> this sounds like a generally useful feature though
<marcan> a module usable by applets that lets them trigger off of pull commands
<marcan> we abstract out the comms and just deliver, well, basically pull value and OE
<marcan> and the applet can use that as it sees fit
<marcan> davidc__: do you have more info on those "cup" pogo pins?
<marcan> I *may* be able to add testpoints for the IOs, but I'm not sure I want to, and obviously that wouldn't test the final solder joint, so those pogos sound better
<marcan> won't work for the LVDS connector though, but shrug, that can just be untested/not mounted
<marcan> whitequark: thoughts on that i2c thing?
<whitequark> using pulls to selftest: good
<whitequark> using pulls to measure capacitance by timing i2c: gross
<whitequark> you don't need to touch pulls for that? you can do it with the fpga
<marcan> whitequark: the pulls give you a nice 10K controlled impedance driving the pin
<marcan> much better than driving hard from the shifter
<marcan> it's not about timing i2c per se, the only purpose of interfacing i2c is to provide a trigger
<marcan> like, you pull the pins low, then switch the pulls to high, then time how long until the pins go high
<marcan> all you need is a signal synced to when the pulls toggle
<marcan> to measure absolute time instead of having some uncertainty
<whitequark> marcan: can't you enable pulls, drive them low, then release?
<marcan> whitequark: true
<marcan> I guess you could use the pulls to measure floating behavior more accurately though, if you can time when they drive :p
<marcan> like float the pin for a while, then pull either way and time
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> but
<whitequark> hmm
<whitequark> i just really don't want to make APIs for coordinating them, they feel fragile and finicky
<whitequark> and the use case is marginal anyway
<whitequark> i mean, i detect floating pins on revB
<whitequark> in the jtag applet
<marcan> fair
<whitequark> marcan: btw i'm thinking about actually using the ATECC chip right now
<marcan> heh
<whitequark> marcan: so each device would have a priv/pub key pair. on startup i would ask the device to sign a nonce (to avoid replays), then give me its public key and a certificate
<whitequark> a certificate is a counter (like a *real* serial number) that's hashed together with its public key and signed with the public key of the vendor's glasgow
<whitequark> (the ATECC has a monotonic hardware counter that tops out at 2 million, which seems well enough)
<whitequark> that's basically it
<marcan> wait how is the internal ATECC counter related to this?
<marcan> wouldn't the counter just be a manufacturer-side counter?
<whitequark> yep
<marcan> you mean using a glasgow unit as a counter? :p
<whitequark> yep
<marcan> lol
<marcan> well that's an implementation detail
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<marcan> what are you going to use for the certificate format?
<marcan> you could roll your own binary fixed form thing, but that seems rather non-extensible
<marcan> you could use x509 because lol that's what everyone uses
<whitequark> do we need to extend it?
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<whitequark> all we need is to sign a public key and a serial
<whitequark> and the ATECC can't even calculate the HMAC
<whitequark> for external values that is
<marcan> the only purpose of the ATECC is to hold a private key, no?
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<whitequark> yeah
<marcan> so for the certificates, since this is largely a vendor thing, extensibility *could* be useful (e.g. a richer form of serial number etc)
<marcan> you could just use JSON and https://github.com/google/jws
<marcan> which is a lot less puke-inducing than x509
<marcan> the vendor implementation is largely arbitrary; sure you could use a glasgow as an "HSM", but that's a massive SPOF.
<whitequark> mhm
<marcan> *realistically* given the threat model involved I would just do it on a PC or something
<marcan> and have, like, normal backups
<marcan> but really vendors can figure out their own opsec
<whitequark> i mean
<whitequark> if the SPOF fails nothing bad has happened
<whitequark> we just need to enroll another vendor key
<marcan> sure, but that sucks :p
<marcan> also having a single vendor key enrolled is desirable, but a single HSM does not scale
<marcan> so then you need either certificate chains, or duplicating a key into several units (which means it leaves the ATECC anyway)
<whitequark> i'm pretty sure we can have a keys.txt that's updated as needed
<marcan> yes but that exposes an implementation detail to the public repo, e.g. how many glasgows a vendor is using for production
<marcan> basically you want to not have to care about any of this
<whitequark> hmmmm
<marcan> you *could* implement single-level certificate chaining
<marcan> that would give more than enough flexibility
<whitequark> i could.
<marcan> you keep the top-level key secure in whatever way you deem suitable
<marcan> (a glasgow, a yubikey, a real HSM, and there are various backup schemes here)
<marcan> and then delegate to keys which could e.g. be part of a glasgow inside a production rig (e.g. that would allow you to deploy it to a less-trusted production environment and still reasonably expect the key not to be stolen)
<whitequark> so that'd be what... an intermediate pubkey, its signature, true serial, signature of everything before?
<marcan> I'm not sure if you want to nest the signatures or not (most implementations I know of don't)
<whitequark> i just mean you need to store all that on the atecc
<marcan> how much memory does the atecc have?
<marcan> I was kind of expecting to put the certs on spi
<marcan> and just have the atecc be a crypto chip
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<marcan> the current serial is on spi anyway, right? might as well put the certs there too
<whitequark> the atecc has 1208 bytes of memory
<whitequark> we don't have spi
<whitequark> we only have i2c eeproms
<whitequark> and these tend to get corrupted if there's a write and power fails
<whitequark> if we can stuff it all into the atecc we should just do that
<marcan> er sorry, I meant i2c
<whitequark> slot 8 is 416 bytes
<marcan> so let's assume that for efficiency we're doing a binary encoding version of the JWS compact encoding
<whitequark> large enough to store the certificate
<marcan> (normally they're base64)
<marcan> so it would be something like
<marcan> <u16 len><header><u16 len><payload><u16 len><signature>
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<marcan> JWS is normally base64(hdr) '.' base64(payload) '.' base64(sig)
<marcan> and the base64(hdr) '.' base64(payload) part is relevant as the to-be-signed value
<marcan> so this would be implemented as a "compression" of that format back into binary, which is trivial enough to do
<marcan> (and lets you use standard JWS libraries behind the scenes, don't reimplement crypto etc)
<marcan> (i.e. the only thing you have to get right is a reversible transformation into binary)
<marcan> whitequark: the ATECC does what, P-256 or something like that?
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<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> P256 ECDSA and SHA256
<marcan> which is common in JWS, so that's good, use the same algo for everything
<marcan> so that's 64 bytes for the sig, 6 bytes for lengths, 15 bytes for the header
<marcan> so 85 bytes + whatever you want to sign for a signed blob
<whitequark> mhm
<whitequark> what's the header
<marcan> or 108 bytes if you use the base64 representation instead of that binary versino I mentioned
<marcan> (if we have the space, we might just want to use the base64 version and keep it all standard)
<marcan> the header just specifies the algorithm
<marcan> we *could* omit it and force it to be hardcoded if we're *really* strapped for space
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjtX5
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark c515448 - support.chunked_fifo: simplify.
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<whitequark> marcan: so i'm thinking that each glasgow should have an identical atecc configuration
<whitequark> i.e. there's no difference between users and vendors and any user may become a vendor using any available glasgow
<marcan> you can just generate a manufacturing key in any free slot
<whitequark> you have to lock down the configuration before you can use most of the functionality
<whitequark> so the layout is fixed
<whitequark> "Any attempt to write the OTP and/or data zones prior to the configuration zone being locked results in the
<whitequark> device returning an error code. "
<marcan> whitequark: so the *bare minimum* for two certs is 256 bytes + names and identifiers
<marcan> using JWS and that binary compression thing I mentioned with some reasonable names I'm at 484 bytes, so that won't fit in slot 8
<whitequark> :S
<marcan> so if you *really really* want to stuff 2 certs into slot 8, you need a bespoke binary format
<marcan> can't really use anything standard with that size constraint
<marcan> it *could* just be a fairly simple structure of course
<whitequark> yeah
<marcan> like pchar rootkey_name[]; u8 sig[32]; u8 subkey_pub[32]pchar subkey_name[]; u8 sig[]
<marcan> er
<marcan> ignore that
<whitequark> a signature is 64 bytes and a pubkey is 32 bytes, right
<marcan> they're both 64 bytes
<marcan> well, uncompressed
<whitequark> oh, right
<marcan> actually +1 apparently
<whitequark> the datasheet says X and Y coordinates, 64 bytes total
<marcan> so you can compress that
<whitequark> mhm
<marcan> but the problem is compression is patented lol
<whitequark> i mean, 64 bytes root pubkey, 64 bytes intermediate pubkey, 64 bytes intermediate pubkey signature, 64 bytes serial number signature
<marcan> oh apparently it expired, ha
<marcan> yes, that's where my 256 earlier came from
<whitequark> so exactly 256 bytes is sufficient
<whitequark> right
<marcan> but apparently you can get away with 33 byte pubkeys
<marcan> you also need names though
<whitequark> do i?
<marcan> you need to identify which root key is used
<marcan> and you want to be able to at least have a vague idea of what you're dealing with if it's not in the database
<whitequark> mmmm
<marcan> it's also helpful to give the intermediate key a name
<marcan> and you need the serial
<marcan> so 256 bytes plus 3 pascal strings
<whitequark> the serial is inside the device
<whitequark> like the atecc chip
<marcan> so if the i2c gets fucked you get to bruteforce the serial matching the atecc data? come on
<marcan> you told me the whole point of putting this in the atecc is to not lose it
<marcan> :p
<whitequark> no the atecc already has an unique 72 bit serial
<marcan> oh you're signing *that*?
<whitequark> yes, it's completely separate from the serial you see in the UI
<whitequark> which could be any random string really
<marcan> ehh but you want to be able to tie those
<marcan> without having a database
<whitequark> i was thinking about leaving that user-programmable
<marcan> I mean the easy way to do this is to just sign the user visible serial too
<marcan> and throw it in the atecc
<marcan> anyway if you don't mind using EC point compression, the baseline is 194 bytes
<marcan> and really 100 bytes should be enough for all those strings combined
<marcan> it'll fit
<whitequark> mhm
<marcan> it just won't be extensible
<marcan> :p
<whitequark> marcan: so the problem with signing user-visible serials is they aren't unique
<whitequark> it's just a timestamp
<marcan> you can sign both that *and* the atecc serial
<marcan> also they should be unique
<marcan> honestly I think standardizing on a timestamp is limiting, let people make serials however they want.
<marcan> like having a timestamp is *fine* but it shouldn't be the *only* thing there
<whitequark> i actually quite like the idea of it being a *user* programmable serial
<whitequark> like if you want your glasgow to be called C1-LAB10-DESK5, why the hell not
<marcan> okay, so then the ATECC should hold a "factory" serial that is == the serial as it was sold
<whitequark> what's the point of that?
<marcan> that that's what the label will have
<whitequark> like the ATECC isn't enforcing correct serials or anything
<whitequark> the only thing it does is replacing trademarks
<marcan> it's useful to know *what* unit you have, not just that you have *a* unit from a given vendor
<whitequark> mhm
<whitequark> so you're basically suggesting signing a timestamp, right?
<marcan> and you should have some way of making that process unique
<marcan> I mean it's *entirely* reasonable to have two lines making glasgows under the same vendor
<marcan> and *entirely* reasonable for them to collide on the same second
<marcan> and *entirely* unacceptable for that to cause colliding USB serials
<marcan> so you have a problem you need to fix there
<whitequark> why is it entirely unacceptable?
<whitequark> just reprogram one of them
<marcan> because it violates the USB spec, for one
<whitequark> yeah but i'm not gonna make them longer
<marcan> and how do you distinguish those units then?
<marcan> at sales time
<marcan> this makes no sense
<marcan> what's the point of the timestamp then
<marcan> a manufacturing timestamp is a terrible serial
<marcan> part of a timestamp might make for a reasoanble part of a serial
<marcan> having just a timestamp *be* the serial is dumb, sorry
<marcan> those are different things
<marcan> maybe just ditch the whole timestamp idea and let manufacturers use whatever scheme they want within the current length?
<marcan> I mean this timestamp thing is cute for people making glasgows in small volumes, but it doesn't scale, and if we're thinking about "serious" manufacturing it doesn't really work any more
<whitequark> okay then let's do this
<whitequark> the first 8 bytes of the ATECC serial in hex are the serial, if there is an ATECC chip
<whitequark> if someone doesn't want an ATECC chip then it falls back to a random 8 bytes
<whitequark> (the ATECC serial is 9 bytes for some reason)
<marcan> you need an extra bit there to distinguish those two cases
<marcan> do we know what the atecc serial format is? are there any fixed bytes?
<marcan> I don't like the idea of blindly dropping a byte
<whitequark> the ATECC serial always starts with 0x01 0x23 and ends with 0xEE
<whitequark> so we could have serials starting with ECC and then 48 hex bits
<whitequark> and RNG and then 48 hex bits
<whitequark> or something
<marcan> ECA and RNA or something, so if we change to another chip or those fixed bytes stop being fixed in the same way we can go to ECB etc
<whitequark> sure
<marcan> sounds good
<marcan> and you could make user serials just start with U by convention
<marcan> like UC1-LAB10-DESK5 or whatever
<whitequark> UC1?
<marcan> 17:50:49 < whitequark> like if you want your glasgow to be called C1-LAB10-DESK5, why the hell not
<marcan> er sorry
<marcan> C1 is the rev, right
<whitequark> oh the C1 part is the glasgow revision
<whitequark> it's stored separately
<whitequark> as a byte 0xC1
<marcan> C1-ULAB10 or whatever
<whitequark> yeah
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> the manufacturing key should be password-protected, right
<marcan> I suggest putting that 0xc1 in the cert and signing it too. can't hurt, might disambiguate some special cases
<marcan> (like patching up c0 into c1)
<whitequark> sure
<tnt> Just picking this up in the middle, but what's the goal of all of this btw ?
<marcan> whitequark: btw the sample vendor name for any docs/code related to this should be "Fabulous Testing Doodads Inc"
* marcan hides
<marcan> tnt: traceability
<tnt> marcan: but why ?
<marcan> whitequark: let me run this scheme through bunnie before we commit, btw
<whitequark> sure
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<eddyb> oops I think I joined this in january when it wasn't registered yet and forgot about it eventually existing
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<tnt> "block protect bits are set to 0100, program/erase command might not succeed"
<tnt> is there an obvious command I'm missing to unprotect ?
<tnt> Damnit, I've been looking for 15 min why I was getting random corruption when talking to that flash chip .... until I realized I forgot to connect the GND between the DUT and glasgow ... doh !
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<davidc__> marcan: https://cdn.harwin.com/pdfs/Harwin_PC_Spring_Loaded_Contacts.pdf - concave, serrated, tulip styles can probe the protruding part of a soldered connector on the backside
<marcan> neat
<davidc__> so if you make other signals accessible, (and if the connector pitch is reasonable), you can probe everything from one side of the board
<marcan> davidc__: any preference for top side vs botom side? LVDS is only on the top side of course
<davidc__> marcan: more of a question for whoever will be fabbing the board
<davidc__> Also worth determining if that LVDS connector pitch is too tight for pogos
<marcan> it's 1.27mm, not sure if they make pogos that work with that
<marcan> I figure they probably do?
<davidc__> possibly. Not sure about the "cup" style ones. I know you can get "point" probes in that pitch
<davidc__> Also, re "LED" test, depends whether you want automated testing for the LEDs or human
<davidc__> probably at glasgow volumes, human will be fine (which means board must face up, which means probes from backside
<marcan> hmm
<marcan> I don't think LVDS is going to fly then though
<marcan> putting pads for that whole thing on the back is... impractical
<davidc__> marcan: why? drop a via on the trace and center the test pad on the via
<marcan> the traces are already on both sides of the board
<davidc__> stub length of a single via is probably not a big deal at the frequencies that FPGA can drive
<marcan> have a good idea for a reasonable testpoint diameter?
<marcan> right now we use 1mm
<marcan> but that's a bit tight
<davidc__> tight as in "hard to pack", or "hard to hit"?
<marcan> hard to pack
<davidc__> doesn't have to be in a linear row under the connector
<davidc__> just drop em wherever convenient
<davidc__> (but that might offend certain sensibilities ;)
<marcan> *cough*
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<davidc__> well, you can always get fancy and test everything from the front (including fancy optics to check each LED - but that part violates KISS in a rather major way)
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/fjtdp
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan e91c7a9 - revC1: add USB testpoints to the rear
<marcan> davidc__: https://mrcn.st/t/Screenshot_20190410_023301-1.png do I really have to do this? :p
<marcan> such a PITA
<marcan> need to shove half the diffpairs and re-tune them, sigh
<marcan> and now my GND vias are no longer neatly aligned
<davidc__> I mean, you don't have to :P
<davidc__> Its quite possible that the likelyhood of BGA assy errors is low enough at the fab that the LVDS header doesn't need to be tested
<davidc__> If the LVDS header is more for advanced users / experimentation, I'd just not solder the thing at all, and call it untested
<davidc__> Let people put their own header on (and hit the BGA with a hot air pencil if there's an open)
<marcan> https://mrcn.st/t/Screenshot_20190410_023859.png how's that for a fun squiggle :p
<marcan> (made using the tuner tool)
<Hellsenberg> bendy
<davidc__> What matters is "is this a feature we're advertising as functioning" and "is the probability of failure of the fab process >> than our acceptable failure rate"
<davidc__> Also, what is your match target :P
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<marcan> davidc__: something like +/-.5mm
<davidc__> marcan: have you calculated that or just decided on that? :P
<marcan> it's whatever kicad defaulted to? :p
<marcan> this all *started* as "hey kicad has a length matching tool, let's just use it because why not"
<davidc__> marcan: because if my memory of the rule of thumb is correct, you're more than an order of magnitude above what actually matters :P
<davidc__> (at the frequencies that the iCE40 could plausibly hit)
<davidc__> though, I'd want to actually check that with math
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<tnt> davidc__: if you use DDR IO and immediately 'deserialize' to N:1, the ice40 can go reasonably high frequency.
<tnt> I have logic running fine at 300 mbits.
<tnt> (and that's a up5k so the hx one is the high perf one)
<marcan> https://mrcn.st/t/Screenshot_20190410_032608.png yeah no this isn't happening
<hl> who is that?
<Hellsenberg> ohno
* marcan undoes this
<marcan> LVDS is not getting testpoints, sorry :P
<Hellsenberg> what are the test points connected to?
<davidc__> marcan: heh, as I said. Its all about tradeoffs. If the artwork is more important than testability for that connector, then no testpads! :P
<tnt> wasn't the lvds connector a 'DNP' ?
<marcan> davidc__: it clearly is :P
<marcan> tnt: yeah I think so
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjtb7
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan d571f7b - revC1: fix USB testpoint silkscreen/fab
<marcan> anyway, enough for today
<Hellsenberg> if they are connected directly to the LVDS connector's solder pads, I don't think those testpoints matter that much
<marcan> they are, but the idea was to be able to test it from the rear
<Hellsenberg> hmm
<tnt> marcan: then the footprint can be used as the test pads ?
<marcan> wrong side
<tnt> oh
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjtbA
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan 73b1b18 - revC1: simplify a trace
<davidc__> I mean, a jig can be built to probe both sides, just makes the jig more complex, ergo more expensive!
<marcan> davidc__: or just have a connector that is manually plugged in, for those who want to manufacture this with it populated
<marcan> (could be as simple as looping back all the pins in a pattern that cannot be caused by adjacent pins being shorted in any location)
<davidc__> marcan: yes. (as I mentioned above, perfectly acceptable to use a cable, as long as one recognizes that a) a human needs to do it, and b) the cable is a consumable, though for IDC pin headers, the cable usually can't harm the header)
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<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] whitequark closed issue #122: USB test points - https://git.io/fjtaf
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #122: USB test points - https://git.io/fjtxn
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