whitequark changed the topic of #glasgow to: glasgow debug tool · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow · logs https://freenode.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow
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<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] marcan closed pull request #123: Add ESD protection diodes for AUX pins too - https://git.io/fjtwq
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/fjmYl
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] electroniceel a0ddfdd - Add ESD protection diodes for the AUX header too
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<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] electroniceel opened pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmnG
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #125: Protection resistor for FPGA & level shifter on the sync pin - https://git.io/fjmnc
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<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] marcan commented on pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmCG
<electronic_eel> marcan: re moving the via to U24: what is the problem with that?
<electronic_eel> I think there is enough clearance between the via and the pad so that no solder is sucked into the via
<electronic_eel> or is it the beauty of the vias being in a line & symmetrical?
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<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] marcan commented on pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmCH
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] electroniceel commented on pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmCQ
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] marcan commented on pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmWf
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] electroniceel commented on pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmWI
<whitequark> marcan: esden: stupid idea
<whitequark> put two slots underneath the USB connector
<whitequark> this way if you tear it off, you can use a tiny nylon cable tie to attach your cable directly to the PCB so you wouldn't tear off the test points you solder to
<marcan> lol
<marcan> I'm not sure we want to add gratuitous slots just for that
<marcan> people can use hot glue :p
* marcan hides
<whitequark> hot glue doesn't actually hold on to a PCB.
<whitequark> at all.
<marcan> um, my experience is otherwise
<whitequark> i've never been able to usefully attach anything to a PCB with hot glue
<whitequark> or frankly, to most things
<marcan> huh
<electronic_eel> I suggest you use 2k epoxy to glue the usb connector to the board _before_ it tears of
<marcan> I've had lots of success with hot glue
<marcan> electronic_eel: ha
<whitequark> electronic_eel: yes but you pay for it
<electronic_eel> you mean the whol board is destroyed when it comes off?
<marcan> electronic_eel: btw, yeah it's a beauty thing. hope you don't mind me re-rolling your change. I'm just anal about such things (and I think wq appreciates it :p)
<electronic_eel> marcan: I don't mind, just move the via a bit up & right
<whitequark> if i couldn't get all the things nicely lined up, in board layout, code and schematics, i would rather not have the project at all
<whitequark> so that's how i do things.
<marcan> electronic_eel: lol, I just added a GND via up there because I flipped R10 to make it neater
<marcan> so I can't really do that any more
<marcan> but really I think it's fine
<marcan> solder's not going to wick down there
<marcan> it's not like the via actually overlaps the pad
<marcan> it's just closer than the DRC distance, but that's fine
<marcan> we've done closer than that (e.g. all the GNDs for the LEDs, though there's no good reason for those, they could be pulled out)
<marcan> and some of the caps on the Vio supply side
<electronic_eel> I think it slightly increases the chance of a bad solder joint. The more often you do it on the board and the larger the batch the larger the rate of failed boards
<electronic_eel> You can do it in a few places where there is no good other solution, but I'd prefer more distance over beauty
<electronic_eel> but in the end you are the ones doing a larger batch, not me...
<whitequark> marcan: let's tag revC1 on 16th
<marcan> I'll let esden pitch in :-)
<marcan> he gets the final say over DFM issues anyway
<electronic_eel> whitequark: I've seen you added testpoints for usb to the bottom
<electronic_eel> so you plan to use a bed of nails for testing on the bottom, correct?
<whitequark> electronic_eel: it
<marcan> that's the plan, mostly
<whitequark> *it's an option
<marcan> the LVDS connector still requires either a connector-based jig or won't be tested
<marcan> whitequark: oh btw, this may be a kicad update, but something broke about the art on the back
<marcan> I need to figure out what happened
<electronic_eel> I'd suggest to add a testpoint for 1V2 to the bottom too
<marcan> can't cut C1 until I figure out wtf is up with that
<marcan> actually somehow it looks fine in the 3D view
<marcan> if the gerbers come out fine I guess I don't care
<marcan> could just be a graphical glitch
<marcan> but I want to double check
<electronic_eel> marcan: can you show a picture of what you mean
<marcan> one of her eyes is missing, and the mouth and nose and eyebrows
<marcan> electronic_eel: I don't think we need 1V2 for any actual testing?
<electronic_eel> I see the silkscreen problem, but not on 3d - maybe a ordering issue
<electronic_eel> I always test all the voltages in production testing. It helps to quickly narrow down any problems
<marcan> yeah, might be a thing with the inner contours not being sorted properly
<whitequark> it does make sense to have 1V2 on a testpoint
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/fjmWw
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan 4bc3dee - revC1: add protection resistor to FPGA Sync pin
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] marcan closed pull request #126: Add protection resistor between fpga and the level shifter for the sync connector - https://git.io/fjmnG
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] marcan closed issue #125: Protection resistor for FPGA & level shifter on the sync pin - https://git.io/fjmTo
<marcan> electronic_eel: I'll leave the via as is right now, but if esden objects I can flip the resistor again and move it up
<marcan> (in that case it makes sense to adjust all the other instances though, they can also be improved)
<electronic_eel> marcan: ok, just ask him about it
<marcan> (we can do all of those in one commit if needed)
<marcan> electronic_eel: fwiw the silk art used to look fine, so I think it must've broken in a kicad update
<electronic_eel> marcan: re the silkscreen issue: might it be an incompatibility between the kicad versions? I use 5.1.0 and you checked in a change from me
<marcan> I just updated to 5.1.0
<marcan> I think it just stopped rendering properly in that version
<marcan> (in pcbnew, but not the 3D view)
<electronic_eel> Seems to be easily reproducible, so maybe something to create a bug report at kicad for
<electronic_eel> marcan: do you want to add the 1V2 testpoint on the back or should I do it?
<marcan> doing it
<marcan> already :)
<electronic_eel> ok, thanks. Now I'm slowly running out of improvement ideas
<electronic_eel> at least the feasible ones...
<whitequark> inb4 "put a kintex-7 there"
<electronic_eel> I'd go for an ecp5 first
<electronic_eel> more friendly toolchain there...
<whitequark> it was sarcasm. i would not use a xilinx device
<whitequark> completely uninterested in anything that can't do full synthesis and pnr cycle in less than 30 seconds for a minimal design
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/fjmWQ
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] marcan 3ea6df5 - revC1: add 1V2 testpoint to the rear
<whitequark> and vivado can't even do bitgen in 30 seconds because it's trash written by idiots
<whitequark> well, most of it, anyway. the core algorithms are ok, everything around is trash
<marcan> ok, gotta go. got a thing tomorrow morning related to the character on the back of the board :-)
<marcan> better get some sleep
<whitequark> nn
<electronic_eel> g8n
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<electronic_eel> whitequark: I'v just seen marcan used 33 ohms for the new resistor between fpga & sync level shifter
<electronic_eel> Isn't that a too low value for protection?
<whitequark> originally we added those resistors for termination only
<whitequark> while debugging the FXMA issues
<whitequark> it didn't work anyway
<electronic_eel> I think the traces are too short to profit much from termination
<whitequark> so the supposed problem was that too high a slew rate on one channel of FXMA would trigger other channels
<whitequark> but it appears that the FXMA just does that by itself, constantly, with no apparent way to prevent it
<electronic_eel> ah, crosstalk then
<tnt> electronic_eel: still help slew rate and emi
<whitequark> the resistors did absolutely nothing
<whitequark> i have the boards with/without resistors, and a susceptible DUT (hd44780 based display)
<whitequark> (that one has very simple cmos input buffers and edge triggered async logic)
<whitequark> zero difference on revA and revB
<electronic_eel> So this is fixed with the lvc1t45?
<whitequark> yeah, no glitches
<electronic_eel> so, should we repurpose the resistors for protection against contention?
<whitequark> i suppose. i'm hesitant to remove those RNs and populating them with 0R is as expensive as populating them with something proper
<electronic_eel> Something between 150 and 220 ohms should do it
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjmlY
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark e93ac12 - access.simulation.multiplexer: fix typo.
<whitequark> wait, where do you see 33 ohms?
<whitequark> still TBD in master
<electronic_eel> the new R45
<whitequark> ahh
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<electronic_eel> whitequark: do you change the resistor values or do you want me to do it?
<whitequark> still thinking about correct resistor values
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<electronic_eel> The abs max limit of the ice40 is 20mA (see https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow/issues/125)
<whitequark> no, i'm thinking about the resistor values for the *port* side
<electronic_eel> ah
<marcan> electronic_eel: IIRC 33 was what Greg mounted on our c0 boards and it works so *shrug*
<marcan> (yeah going to sleep now)
<marcan> (for the IO sides)
<electronic_eel> the abs max of the '45 is 50mA
<electronic_eel> at 5v that would mean 100 ohm to be safe
<marcan> fwiw I shorted the ice40 and saw 50mA or something like that IIRC
<electronic_eel> but was that pin still ok afterwards?
<electronic_eel> I've seen that pins had a high leakage current after some abuse
<electronic_eel> that was on STM32 microcontrollers mostly, but I don't think the ice40 ports are fundamentally different
<whitequark> so, well, my problem with the resistors on device side is i'd like to have at least some compatibility with TTL levels
<whitequark> 33 ohms at 25 mA is just under Vil(max)
<whitequark> 180 ohms at 25 mA is wildly over that
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<marcan> electronic_eel: I haven't done electrical testing, but the pin worked fine
<marcan> it was a brief short of course
<electronic_eel> whitequark: "device side" is the DUT or port side or between fpga and level shifters?
<whitequark> DUT side
<whitequark> in general, i think that contention between FPGA and shifter is not a huge concern
<electronic_eel> 180 ohms is too much there IMHO
<whitequark> it's one of the simplest piece of gateware in the system
<whitequark> i have no idea what's the point in protecting that and not protecting the FX2 bus, which is probably more fragile
<electronic_eel> just think about migen beginners like me trying out their code on Glasgow ;)
<whitequark> you can't screw it up
<whitequark> the applet code doesn't give you bare I/Os
<whitequark> instead it gives you a TSTriple and the OE is hard tied to the shifter OE
<whitequark> you *can* screw it up if you write your own bitstream completely from scratch in verilog or something, but like i said, in that case i would be more worried about contention on FX2 side
<whitequark> (i think the FPGA is actually stronger than the FX2)
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<electronic_eel> from what I've seen you tweaked the usb comm through the fx2 into the fpga quite a bit
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<electronic_eel> that part wouldn't be the one I'd first go at tweaking
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<electronic_eel> but nice to hear that there isn't immediate danger of destroying anything
<electronic_eel> but on the dut side it is a completely different thin
<electronic_eel> g
<whitequark> right, so the thing is, the footprint between FPGA and shifter is there to keep our options open
<whitequark> for revC i originally wanted to populate it with 0 ohm, actually
<whitequark> but... it's cheaper to put 33 ohm there
<whitequark> one less BOM line
<electronic_eel> ok, but now back to the DUT side
<whitequark> yeah
<electronic_eel> how about 100 Ohms there. That should protect the '45 as it allows 50mA.
<whitequark> 1.6 volt drop at very conservative 16 mA
<whitequark> so this will not work with TTL
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<whitequark> actually, now that i look deeper into this, what the hell *is* the source current spec for TTL?
<whitequark> i've seen at least five different values by now, from 4 mA to 32 mA
<electronic_eel> but doesn't 5v ttl specify high >= 2,4V?
<whitequark> 0.8 i believe
<electronic_eel> 0.8v for high?
<whitequark> so for example PS/2. 0.8 Vil(max), 2.0 Vih(min), 20 mA sink current
<tnt> 100 would deinitely be an upper bound, RC corner freq for 100 ohm vs 10p load is "only" 160 MHz.
<electronic_eel> yes, <= 0.8v for low
<marcan> yeah, I'm not too fond of the idea of >100 ohms for the DUT side
<whitequark> i think 100 ohms is too high already
<marcan> yeah
<whitequark> 33 is more like it
<marcan> agreed
<whitequark> even that might be on the high side
<whitequark> but it seems fine generally
<electronic_eel> 47?
<whitequark> that's 17 mA
<whitequark> okay for 16 mA TTL, not so much for 20 mA TTL...
<electronic_eel> you want glasgow to be safe and not break by some unexpected DUT behavior
<whitequark> i also want it to be useful
<whitequark> 47 miiiiight be okay
<electronic_eel> yes, of course. 47 ohms at 20mA is 0,94 volts - that is ok for ttl
<whitequark> that's over 0.8
<whitequark> so not in spec
<tnt> it's not a portable multimeter either ... I'm not expecting it to survive plugging it into mains while set to ohms ...
<whitequark> right now a shorted level shifter sources 90 mA
<whitequark> at 5V
<whitequark> so its internal impedance is 22 ohm
<marcan> that sounds like 33 is a good value
<whitequark> exactly
<electronic_eel> do you really pull 20mA when outputting a ttl zero?
<whitequark> electronic_eel: it depends on the specific kind of TTL
<electronic_eel> IIRC it is more like 2mA or so
<marcan> honestly we should just stress test this
<marcan> I did buy a bunch of shifters
<whitequark> also that
<marcan> let me just flywire a couple to shorted, bypassing the resistors
<marcan> and leave it on overnight
<whitequark> 'accelerated degradation' we can call it
<electronic_eel> marcan: good idea
<marcan> well, we have 100mA on the PSU anyway, right?
<marcan> so that's another safety
<whitequark> so, Modern TTL Circuits suggests Vil=0.8 but Vol=0.4 (!)
<marcan> whitequark: we're sure the 90mA sourcing isn't limited by vio?
<whitequark> marcan: hrm
<electronic_eel> whitequark: but at what current?
<whitequark> marcan: voltage sags to 4.95
<whitequark> so i'm thinking no
<whitequark> (from 5.05)
<electronic_eel> marcan: there is 150mA written in the schematics
<whitequark> yes but it's always good to check these things
<whitequark> electronic_eel: spec'd to have Vol=0.4 at 16 mA sink
<electronic_eel> ah, it is probably 10 inputs, 1.6mA each
<whitequark> yep
<whitequark> so to meet that we'd have to have 25 ohm total impedance, which means no resistor at all
<whitequark> which is a bit naughty
<whitequark> 0.8 V at 16 mA is just what we have now
<electronic_eel> ok
<electronic_eel> let's see if marcans shifter survives tomorrow
<whitequark> assuming marcan's test shows that shifters don't appreciably degrade i'd say keep 33 ohms
<electronic_eel> and the input impedance is still ok
<whitequark> people who do really hardcore TTL work can add an external buffer
<whitequark> the floppy interface is technically specced at 32 mA per pin, which is insane
<whitequark> why would you dissipate so much power doing nothing
<electronic_eel> i think they used so much power in old circuits to get rid of emi problems
<electronic_eel> use them more like current interfaces than voltage ones
<whitequark> the 400 mV between Vil and Vol are supposed to be a buffer for that, yes
<electronic_eel> i think that is more about wire & connector resistance
<whitequark> hmm, so i tried to use my multimeter to measure the resistance of a shifter turned on
<whitequark> that shows 43 ohms and not 55
<whitequark> interesting
<whitequark> it could be just that it's cold?
<electronic_eel> I guess the multimeter current output gets confused by the active output
<whitequark> why is it active? it's a turned on FET
<whitequark> that should look very much like a resistor
<whitequark> so i tried again but let it cool down
<electronic_eel> best way to measure output impedance is to use a known resistance before a fet and wiggle the fet on and off
<whitequark> that's a higher current than what i first measured
<electronic_eel> then use a scope to measure the voltage difference on the output
<marcan> whitequark: what's the easiest way to toggle pins on and off?
<whitequark> marcan: copy examples/boilerplate.py
<marcan> I'm shorting A0 to GND and B0 to +5V (yes +5V, not Vio)
<Hellsenberg> wait there's examples?
<whitequark> as of a few days ago, yes
<marcan> whitequark: to a random subdir of applets?
<Hellsenberg> owo
<marcan> whitequark: can it eat both ports?
<whitequark> marcan: yes and add that to applet.all
<whitequark> yes it can
<electronic_eel> wouldn't it be nice to have some gpio capability on the commandline?
<whitequark> maybe but i don't know what the interface should look like
<whitequark> so it's not there
<marcan> NameError: name 'GlasgowApplet' is not defined
<marcan> oh wait
<marcan> nvm
<whitequark> also i think my meter is lying
<whitequark> i mean it's the cheapest piece of shit so that would be unsurprising
<whitequark> uni-t ut33c
<marcan> sooo some USB power meter I have says I'm drawing 400mA
<marcan> that's like 180mA per pin plus extra
<marcan> (this is bypassing the resistors)
<Hellsenberg> I've seen meters measure stuff wrong when battery is dying
<marcan> in-line USB power meter
<Hellsenberg> usually voltages are measured higher than usual
<whitequark> that's quite a bit
<marcan> well, it's going to stay like this all night
<marcan> that's, what, 1 watt per shifter?
<marcan> deeefinitely over spec
<marcan> but hey, a torture test is a torture test
<marcan> it's staying like this all night
<marcan> if this doesn't kill them, nothing will
* marcan wonders if they will desolder themselves
<marcan> actually that could be kinda dangerous to the iCE40, lol
<Hellsenberg> poor thing
<electronic_eel> don't you want to try it with the 33 that are planned?
<electronic_eel> ohms i mean
<marcan> margin
<marcan> if they survive this, I don't need to try it with the 33s
<marcan> and we know we're waaay fine
<marcan> good night!
<electronic_eel> I hope you have a smoke alarm in your room ;)
<marcan> I do :-)
<marcan> if this kills my glasgow entirely, it went to a good cause (and esden can hurry up with revC1 :D)
<electronic_eel> wonder what urban fantasy fans think if they hear us talking about shifters
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<marcan> whitequark: btw, the side pulled to gnd still has vio at 4.98V, even though I think this should be pulling 180mA or so
<marcan> so we might want to double check that current limit thing
<marcan> (hard to say though)
<whitequark> interesting
<whitequark> it might be a sharp cutoff
<electronic_eel> i just looked at the datasheet of the tps...: current limit kicks in between 360mA and 500mA
<marcan> waaaait
<electronic_eel> and then it limits to 200
<marcan> whitequark: you confused the spec output with the actual limit
<marcan> limit is 150 to 500 mA, 360mA typ
<marcan> per datasheet
<whitequark> ah, crap
<whitequark> but i mean
<marcan> I mean this isn't *bad*, I might *want* to pull >150mA per port tbh
<electronic_eel> regulators with precise current limit are hard to find
<whitequark> yes, that's what i mean
<marcan> but we should document it properly then
<whitequark> 24mA*8=192 mA
<marcan> yup
<whitequark> btw I found a potential issue
<whitequark> if I short the LDO with my multimeter it briefly draws 700 mA
<whitequark> then, 300 mA and doesn't cut off
<whitequark> but the board is already dead
<marcan> dead?
<whitequark> FX2 not running
<marcan> oh, so there's an inrush issue
<electronic_eel> or is it frying the i2c bus?
<whitequark> why the hell would it do that?
<marcan> well, do we really care about guaranteeing glitch-free operation when you short outputs?
<whitequark> marcan: the PWR LED is off
<whitequark> but it's sourcing current
<marcan> er
<whitequark> which seems... suboptimal
<marcan> how?
<whitequark> i don't know?
<whitequark> oh
<electronic_eel> is it completely broken or does it work again if you replug
<marcan> oh, 5V below brownout?
<whitequark> yep
<marcan> so 3V3 reg doesn't kick in?
<marcan> yeah that makes sense
<marcan> but 300mA shouldn't do that
<marcan> if your USB PSU isn't crap
<whitequark> it's just my laptop
<marcan> ah
<marcan> 300mA, seriously?
<whitequark> my meter might be lying
<whitequark> lemme short 5V to ground
<whitequark> uh yeah it's showing the same 300 mA
<marcan> lol
<marcan> cable?
<marcan> I've some some absolutely amazingly shittacular USB cables
<electronic_eel> marcan: yes I had my dose of those too
<whitequark> it's some random ass braided cable by "VOXLINK"
<whitequark> mind you, my meter COULD be lying
<whitequark> lemme calibrate it against a lab psu
<whitequark> "calibrate"
<marcan> so, wait
<marcan> how is Vio on if the FX2 is off?
<marcan> EN should be low?
<whitequark> that's the question.
<marcan> measure EN?
<whitequark> i only have one meter...
<whitequark> oh i guess i can short it with something else
<marcan> spec says 0.5V vil 1.7V Vih
<whitequark> so the shitty meter is within 3 mA of the shitty lab PSU
<whitequark> i'm going to say this is not a coincidence and it doesn't lie that much
<marcan> well, that's measuring current
<whitequark> sure
<marcan> but it also probably has a high burden voltage
<marcan> you need another meter to check that
<marcan> well, you can use the psu
<marcan> watch the output *voltage* while measuring current through the meter
<whitequark> 0.3V at 1A
<marcan> hm, I guess that's not too horrible
<whitequark> 0.2V at 0.5A
<whitequark> anyway let me check EN
<whitequark> ... huh
<whitequark> meter says 0 V
<marcan> err?
<marcan> and you measured 300mA across vio?
<whitequark> yep.
<marcan> does not compute
<whitequark> yep.
<marcan> are you sure it's actually drawing 300mA now when vio is actually 0?
<marcan> er, en
<marcan> (also, seriously, you need two meters)
<whitequark> i just reproduced it again
<marcan> I mean you have two test cases here, one through the meter and one not
<marcan> they are not identical
<whitequark> oh I see
<whitequark> lemme check the voltage on Vio when shorting it with something else
<electronic_eel> btw, wouldn't it make sense to have leds for vioa and viob, so that you can see if they are enabled or not?
<marcan> kind of an issue at 1.8V
<marcan> could have leds for the enable pins though
<marcan> (or throw in some fets)
<marcan> but... I'm not sure we have the board space for that
<electronic_eel> if the enable pins actually work that would be ok
<whitequark> marcan: so, when Vio is shorted to GND, the Vio measures as 10 mV
<whitequark> very consistently
<marcan> maybe where the J2/J3 silk labels are now?
<whitequark> if I remove the short and let the output stabilize, it measures 0 V
<marcan> hm
<whitequark> lemme see what happens on 3V3
<marcan> really gotta go sleep now, but
<marcan> whitequark: thoughts about what electronic_eel said?
<whitequark> marcan: OH
<whitequark> i figured it out
<whitequark> lemme do one last check
<electronic_eel> marcan: then they would be near the ports they relate to. but a case would need cutouts there that you can see them
<electronic_eel> other position would be next to the other leds
<marcan> electronic_eel: nah, these have to be next to the ports
<marcan> hence where the J2/J3 silkscreen labels are now
<electronic_eel> ok
<marcan> it's either that or where the 3V3/5V testpoints are now (and the complementary side) and we move those to somewhere else, somehow
<electronic_eel> there are voltage testpoints on the back side now
<electronic_eel> so maybe these aren't necessary anymore
<whitequark> marcan: iiiinteresting
<whitequark> marcan: the board only brown outs if I short Vio with eg meter leads
<whitequark> if I enable LDOs into dead short it stays there
<electronic_eel> what do you mean with "stays there"?
<whitequark> doesn't reboot
<whitequark> responds over USB, etc
<marcan> whitequark: that makes sense, because the LDOs have a progressive current limit, so if the output is dead shorted at 0V the current will be low and it won't start up
<marcan> but what about EN going low on brownout?
<whitequark> they get super hot though
<electronic_eel> maybe contact bounce when touching with the meter leads?
<electronic_eel> could create emi
<marcan> well sure, it's a current limit, but it's not 0
<marcan> so they will be actually dropping a ton of voltage
<whitequark> it could be emi, but EN should be pulled low...
<whitequark> mhm
<marcan> anyway, I can test this myself after the shifter test
<marcan> seriously, nn!
<whitequark> yeah
<marcan> I have at least 3 meters so
<marcan> and a scope
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