whitequark changed the topic of #glasgow to: glasgow debug tool · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow · logs https://freenode.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow
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<marcan> whitequark: fwiw, current isn't going down, and this morning I briefly reset it and it isn't shorted either
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<whitequark> marcan: good
<marcan> I obviously need to characterize it properly once this is over
<marcan> and while I was looking at it earlier I had *some* evidence of shenanigans but it could've been a fluke
<marcan> so we'll see
<marcan> tonight I'll conclude the test and take a look
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<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] whitequark created branch wip-applet.interface.ps2_host - https://git.io/fhhGp
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to wip-applet.interface.ps2_host [+1/-0/±0] https://git.io/fjmaA
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 30e88a5 - applet.interface.ps2_host: new applet. (WIP)
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/fjmVn
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 06871ff - gateware.clockgen: more consistent units display in logs. NFC.
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark e3a88ae - gateware.uart: allow reconfiguring baud rate at runtime.
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark e9c5302 - applet.interface.uart: perform most baud rate changes at runtime.
<whitequark> gruetzkopf: the UART applet still supports 120 baud.
<whitequark> are you happy
<gruetzkopf> that looks good
<gruetzkopf> i should add TX/RX invert
<gruetzkopf> still haven't figured out what happens to the uart on the uplink board i'm poking
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjmVl
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 68664b5 - device.simulation: fix {read,write}_register APIs to match hardware.
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<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/fjmVh
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark c63d366 - applet.interface.uart: count and display receive errors.
<whitequark> gruetzkopf: ^ of interest
<gruetzkopf> !
<tnt> I'm wondering what would be the best way (if at all possible), to have Glasgow register itself as a spi/i2c/gpio provider to the kernel (so I can for instance, load a driver for a touch controller and use it as input device while it's connected to glasgow, or things like that).
<whitequark> tnt: needs an userspace gateway, IMO
<whitequark> like FUSE but for SPI/I2C/...
<whitequark> it's certainly possible to poke Glasgow directly from the kernel but that way lies madness, with driver conflicts and such
<eddyb> hmm FUSE is sort of "microkernel services but only for the VFS interface" isn't it? linux could benefit from more microkernel-like infrastructure
<eddyb> tnt: for touch specifically, I think X and libinput both support userspace input drivers, you could maybe look into that?
<whitequark> that doesn't help you if you want to debug an in-kernel driver for an SPI device
<tnt> eddyb: I don't want to re-implement the touch drivers ...
<whitequark> or reuse
<tnt> also that was just an example.
<whitequark> tnt: yeah I'd be super interested in a "FUSE for SPI"
<eddyb> oh sorry, right, this isn't a custom device necessarily
<whitequark> it would ideally go into contrib/ under the glasgow repo
<whitequark> and upstream if someone wants to bother
<eddyb> oh hey this could be a bridge to reimplementing device drivers in a less OS-specific fashion - like CDI/UDI but, well, better-designed (more like Fuchsia, but even that is not declarative enough IMO - and they do have some hacks in the kernel for device drivers)
<eddyb> (I was going to say "in Rust" initially but that's less important than "not C running in ring 0")
<electronic_eel> at least for i2c there are is i2c-tiny-usb in the kernel
<electronic_eel> one could probably implement the device-side of it in the fx2
<whitequark> no, i would really want to avoid that.
<whitequark> we have 4 kB free on the FX2
<whitequark> anything else that goes in it, has to pull its weight.
<whitequark> sdcc doesn't do any IPO and i use lots of small functions, so it could probably be optimized, at the cost of turning it into spaghetti
<whitequark> full of macros probably
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjmrg
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 5ab87fc - applet.interface.uart: implement auto-baud.
<whitequark> gruetzkopf: ^
<gruetzkopf> ooh
<Hellsenberg> a friend!
<Hellsenberg> very useful for undocumentium boards
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjmrr
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark b3a07eb - applet.interface.uart: implement auto-baud.
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<thaytan> whitequark, I just want to say - reading your twitter feed is fucking terrific. I'm so glad I stumbled across it
<thaytan> and I'm looking forward to Glasgow GA :)
<whitequark> :D
<eddyb> same, I think that if tiby ends up building any kind of 3+ axis machine, it's likely going to be driven by a Glasgow :D
<eddyb> oh and I'm much more comfortable probing problematic boards with a Glasgow than some random uC's I2C support or w/e (although for some things we might have to invest in a scope too)
<whitequark> oh i have a WIP branch with stepper motor support
<eddyb> <3
<whitequark> and yes, probing random boards is what glasgow is designed for
<eddyb> I've accumulated 2 laptops for which the screen doesn't turn on anymore and idk how broken they are, and a PS4 with a fried DP->HDMI converter chip (but the rest seems to boot as usual)
<eddyb> oh and some old PII or PIII (I can never remember right) PC, that's a fun one :P
<eddyb> whitequark: how versatile is the floppy driving stuff, btw? in terms of code that would be shared with an emulator? I think it could be neat to use Glasgow for providing the floppy contents via USB, to some retro machine, although PATA might be easier overall
<whitequark> there are existing devices that do this
<whitequark> glasgow would probably need additional memory, though you MIGHT be able to stream data just in time
<eddyb> right, sorry, you wouldn't need to bother for standard floppies
<whitequark> key word is might
<eddyb> (unless you wanted to, or had a defective host or some other unusual situation like that)
<whitequark> i mean, replacig floppy drives makes a lot of sense
<whitequark> good floppies are rare and they write slowly as heck
<eddyb> (my logic is floppies seem incredibly fragile and switching between them is unnecessary manual labor)
<eddyb> whitequark: I mean, you wouldn't need to bother if you could use an off-the-shelf device, like you said
<eddyb> but I'd still bypass actual floppies either way
<whitequark> glasgow is potentially better than an off-the-shelf device
<eddyb> <3
<whitequark> like you could make it an infinite floppy
<eddyb> omfg
<whitequark> i mean technically there's nothing preventing you from having infinite tracks
<whitequark> every OS would break
<eddyb> I had that thought in my head for half a second and dismissed it because switching disks is already a well-established thing
<whitequark> but what i mean is like, inverse FUSE
<eddyb> scott: ^^
<whitequark> you'd need to simulate switching disks
<whitequark> to flush cache
<whitequark> if any
<whitequark> even dos 6.22 had disk cache
<eddyb> right, and you could have different modes depending on what you need to support
<eddyb> (because Glasgow)
<eddyb> this is the last thing I'll say because I feel this is turning into hyperfocus: take some random board, desolder some chip, decap it, reverse engineer it, emulate it in-circuit in Glasgow, rinse, repeat
<eddyb> if you can emulate an ensemble of chips without needing external connections, even better, etc.
<whitequark> eddyb: RE of a simple yamaha chip can take hundreds of hours
<whitequark> like 500 for YM2151 iirc
<eddyb> I'm not saying it would be a fast process
<eddyb> but I could totally see myself doing this, or building tools to speed it up a bit here and there. it... sounds more fun than playing any game
<whitequark> reverse factorio
<whitequark> i mean
<eddyb> omfg :D
<whitequark> hang on
<whitequark> did you say building tools
<whitequark> we need tools for collaborating on chip vectorization
<whitequark> i have something based on leaflet
<whitequark> that needs to be upgraded
<eddyb> oh I was actually curious about how that stuff is done today
<eddyb> and what can be improved
<whitequark> it's done with sarayan's ad-hoc python scripts.
<eddyb> but never figured what to even ask about, it all seemed pretty opaque
<whitequark> it is incredibly opaque
<eddyb> hah
<whitequark> it's like
<whitequark> a step above tracing them by hand with a pencil
<eddyb> I almost tried to do this by myself from one of the publicly available die shots of... I forget what chip
<eddyb> like 2-3 years ago
<whitequark> 4004?
<eddyb> and just gave up, but I didn't know people with previous experience in any of this
<eddyb> it's been too long, I don't think I remember :(. I definitely looked at several chips
<eddyb> (also, what I described about in-circuit replacement is kind of like that hypothetical process in some sci-fi stories, where you measure the parameters of each neuron then replace it with a simulacrum, and repeat this until you've digitized the entire brain, online and in-place)
<eddyb> (except, vastly more doable :P)
<tnt> mmm, I posted a link to some chip reverse engineering sw that was going to be released some time ago ... but I can't rememberit now :/
<whitequark> eddyb: except glia
<whitequark> you're thinking with glia at least as much as you're thinking with neurons
<eddyb> SSL cert expired yesterday :( https://siliconpr0n.org/
<eddyb> whitequark: yeah, I mean, those stories barely scratch the surface
<whitequark> eddyb: i relayed the cert to the appropriate people
<eddyb> s/neuron/small units of the brain/ in what I said, I guess
<eddyb> anyway, "reverse engineering is my passion, and preserving/recovering semantics in older technology is my obsession"
<eddyb> if I could I'd spend all my time on that sort of stuff
<eddyb> s/in/from
<tnt> whitequark: does your irc logger archive have a search ?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> please take another look at the webpage..
<tnt> oh, right ... my mistake was to start from the page of a specific day (in which case you only get result for that day which is ... not so useful)
<eddyb> I think I've seen something like this before, but I remember different colors (more orange) https://vintageteardown.com/die-photo/intel-8080a/
<eddyb> or maybe not
<tnt> that's what I was looking for
<eddyb> the structure in the top-center is what I remember
<eddyb> and some of the more regular arrays (decoders?)
<eddyb> scott might remember this too, I think both of us were staring at it
<eddyb> whitequark: but I expect something like this is a much better candidate for vectorization http://visual6502.org/images/pages/8085_die_shots.html
<eddyb> or, like, test a new tool on the 6502 images and compare against their netlists
<whitequark> you can't do that
<whitequark> like
<whitequark> CMOS and NMOS die shots are super different
<eddyb> oh?
<eddyb> I mean, that fact makes sense, but I'm not sure what you mean. that you can't use the same tool for both?
<whitequark> we have automated tools for CMOS but they don't work for NMSO
<whitequark> and of course if you have standard cells like any modern tech it's totally different again
<whitequark> you don't want to trace each single cell
<eddyb> something I never asked is: do standard cells exist for yield and "we know this works so let's just repeat it" reasons?
<eddyb> I always assumed there's a good explanation but last time I tried to find more info about standard cells I think I hit only deadends
<whitequark> depends
<whitequark> SRAM standard cells are ~always heavily optimized and won't pass DRC
<whitequark> according to the manufacturer rules
<whitequark> i think logic standard cells are usually more optimized than what you can do yourself and pass DRC, but that's more recent i think
<eddyb> I guess transistor-level PnR would be a bottleneck, too?
<eddyb> but it would make sense to optimize some small structure and then make that the primitive for everything built on top of that
<whitequark> your synthesis tool doesn't give you transistors
<whitequark> it gives you gates
<whitequark> it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to synthesize to transistors because at that point you're no longer doing digital logic
<eddyb> sorry, I just mean that placing individual transistors would be even more work, if you had to do it
<eddyb> *more work for a tool
<eddyb> whitequark: I'm starting to suspect ASICs are fabbed without the designer ever getting to see the standard cells, unless they delayer the product
<eddyb> *many ASICs
<eddyb> or I might've read that somewhere and forgotten, lol. yeah I should stop here
<whitequark> no
<whitequark> this does happen sometimes
<whitequark> e.g. if you have SRAM or especially flash you put a placeholder in your GDS files
<whitequark> and the fab fills it in
<whitequark> because they're hella proprietary
<whitequark> but for logic it's not generally the case afaik
<eddyb> but still a good idea to base your design on standard cells unless you have weird requirements?
<whitequark> standard cells or vendor cells?
<whitequark> you could use your own standard cells so that e.g. your design is FOSS
<whitequark> no one designs without standard cells anymore
<whitequark> i mean, digital logic
<eddyb> aaaaah, that's a piece I was missing, makes sense!
<eddyb> whitequark: okay so coming back to more reasonable aspects: so the chips you're looking at are NMOS, and that makes it harder?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> well, some are CMOS
<eddyb> oh god I just double-checked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOSFET and yupp I was confused this whole time about metal-oxide meaning two things not an oxide of a metal /facepalm
<eddyb> whitequark: anyway if you have some samples, feel free to send it my way. I'll probably not do anything, but if I'm wasting time at some point, I might hack something together *shrug*
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<whitequark> i don't want something hacked together
<whitequark> i have a fairly specific idea of what needs to be done
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjm6D
<_whitenotifier-1> [GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 7fdac59 - applet.interface.uart: move auto-baud control loop to FPGA.
<electronic_eel> marcan: you there?
<Stary> hi - i've been thinking of assembling a couple glasgows and have some questions
<Stary> 1. does revc0 as released have any glaring issues apart from the level shifters needing to be replaced
<whitequark> yeah?
<Stary> 2. i can't find any values for rn1/3/5/4 on the schematic
<whitequark> I think it'd be best to wait a few days for C1, we're really close to it
<Stary> ahh cool
<electronic_eel> Stary: we talked about the RNs yesterday, will probably all be 33 ohms
<Stary> i'll wait for c1 to release lol
<Stary> well "release"
<vup2> :q
<vup2> sorry wrong window
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<eddyb> 20:56 <whitequark> i have a fairly specific idea of what needs to be done
<eddyb> whitequark: okay, I'm still interested, but as long as me failing to make anything wouldn't be a waste of your tiem
<eddyb> (i.e. if you wrote something up for someone else, I would be glad if you linked that to me, but don't bother otherwise)
<whitequark> eddyb: i need to write it down for myself, for one
<eddyb> heh, right
* eddyb needs to download stuff into text more often, but it's harder w/o stims
<_whitenotifier-1> [Glasgow] electroniceel opened issue #127: Add LEDs for status of port Vio - https://git.io/fjmPT
<eddyb> whitequark: finally found something relevant, I think? https://www.wdj-consulting.com/blog/nmos-sample.html
<whitequark> yes
<eddyb> I might screw around based on that
<eddyb> (like, I already have some ideas of using feedback loops to approximate the 2D layers and their 3D stacking, including letting you manually edit where it's not easily inferrable)
<eddyb> oh heh that stuff is https://github.com/cr1901/ym2151-decap
<eddyb> something something small world
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