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bits manipulation with python list semantic are just ... confusing. I have to write b[16:20] + b[0:16] when really I want to be writing b[15:0] + b[19:16] (yes, I know it's not "pythonic" but that's just how bit notation works)
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tnt: the problem is not that it's "pythonic" or not
the problem is that every single other container (including the bitarray we used before) does not work like that
also, i'm pretty sure you can write b[0:15] in verilog too
tnt: and actually it will simply not work if i did it, because overloading __getitem__ tells python this is a container
and things like list(bits) will iterate through it
from low to high
so you'd need b.slice(15,0)...
And it's as wrong in verilog too :p (just like in VHDL you can write std_logic_vector(0 to 15) as well instead of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)). And I'm not saying there aren't implementation reasons for which it's hard to do otherwise. I'm just saying it'd be more natural if it was the other way.
(at least for me)
tnt: i mean, it would be less confusing for you but more confusing for everyone else who touches that file
this is a clear loss overall
the same reason (n)migen use [low:high] indexing btw
yeah, and I hate it in migen as well :)
that's kind of just how life is, i guess
i mean, do you know just how much i hate python?
the only reason glasgow is in python is for collaboration. if i was doing it solely for myself i'd have used ocaml
Oh yeah that would probably have reduced the user/dev base for sure.
yeah. to one.
I think MLDonkey is the only ocaml app I ever did changes to :)
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So, to get the 430Xv2 under jtag control, you need to (among other) execute the ExecutePOR_430Xv2 macro, whose exact process depends if the device is FRAM or Flash based, and to know that you need the device ID, but to read that you need the device to be under jtag control.
tnt: classic
whitequark: the corsair force 1tb m.2 ssd is really cheap in comparison to all the others
is it any good tho
also 1tb ones aren't too expensive for me
it's more that 2tb ones don't even seem to be *imported*
the roommate hasn't noticed any problems
660p 2tb is half as fast as the others but also half the price
So ... there is a jtag instruction called IR_DEVICE_ID which you would think returns the device ID ... but no, it returns a memory pointer to where you can read the device ID from.
though, that's still useful, no?
make it a tiny bit future-proof
Sure. Excepts it's only on v2 devices which currently have all their ID at the same place. But yeah, I guess for the future.
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[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±5]
[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark abd4673 - applet.interface.jtag_probe: factor out run_tap() from derived applets.
[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark c8ebd6b - applet.program.xc9500xl: be more resistant to incorrect connections.