electronic_eel: revD should be "easy" to build in the sense that it's just revC1 with a different FPGA package, copypasta of parts, and one or two extra bits to make it work
so hopefully it won't take a year
tnt: not all of them (the PLL thing)
(revC0 has some restrictions on PLL usage that revC1 lifts)
(also the SYNC thing)
marcan: but we want a proper addon-interface for revD and come up with a i2c bus isolator solution for that
yes, that's basically the only new thing for revD
i2c shenanigans
Where are the ECNs ? I can't find them anymore ...
nm, found them ... I thought there were in the repo itself as markdown.
I'd also wait with revD layout until the production run of revC1 from esden is delivered and people had a bit of time to play with it, so any issues or improvement ideas from them could be incorporated into revD
I'm a bit confused as to what the PLL thing really is ... it seems to only restrict some very specific cases.
I mean, you have to want to use both PLLs both with clock inputs other than CLKREF, but you still want to use CLKREF for something else.
The fact you can't use both PLL outputs because CLKIF uses that IO site seems like a bigger limitation ...
esden: if you need a beta tester, ;)
happy to pay
jer__: getting cold feet after you saw the tiny footprints? ;)
well to be honest
im mostly concerned about the BGA
I normally use high bismuth solder for my prototypes
so all of my gear is set for much lower temperatures
but with the BGA the balls are provided, so I don't get to choose the alloy :(
i really need to finish building my vapour phase oven i guess
Ekho has quit [Quit: An alternate universe was just created where I didn't leave. But here, I left you. I'm sorry.]
11:10 < tnt> I mean, you have to want to use both PLLs both with clock inputs other than CLKREF, but you still want to use CLKREF for something else.
11:11 < tnt> The fact you can't use both PLL outputs because CLKIF uses that IO site seems like a bigger limitation ...
this is related
Ekho has joined #glasgow
in theory you can flip the direction of CLKIF so that you use both PLL outputs
then you'd use the other CLKREF input and route it to CLKIF as output through fabric
and use both PLLs unrestricted
jer__ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
"in theory" ... because that changes all the IO timings, so I'm curious to see if anyone would actually do that.
tnt: well, hardware is forever
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[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to travis-synth [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjpUM
[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 855262c - Travis: build Yosys and nextpnr.
aaah, wq twitter mentions always lead to followers...
is that bad
nah. they'll spawn anyways
(some of those people apparently also understand bad german ISDN jokes)
* hellsenberg
just remembered they were meant to upload a few things
whitequark: because of that thread i now got hit with nostalgia. thanks
those were fun times.
which thread
remember i have the attention span of a cat
whitequark: oh. the two sub-threads - one ending with me writing very bad C; one with devs at the same company making questionable, but somewhat understandable, design decisions about storing raw java objects, without any serialization, in database