AniSkywalker: I wouldn't put too much stock in the filecoin whitepaper.
frood it's not half bad :P it's just a few little issues
and I think I figured out what I was missing frood
tau is essentially a record (without the economic aspect)
there's some architectural stuff that I think necessitates a complete redesign
What I've found is that it seems disconnected from the PoR mechanism and the blockchain.
But the premise is fairly sound. frood, what would your architectural stuff comprise?
It's not too late for FileCoin spec 2 :P
PoW block grinding is likely more profitable than adding storage/bandwidth
the per-block piece bundle must be either too large to transmit, or too small to be meaningful
I agree w/ the second one.
For the first, I like the idea of proof of stake.
slow PoR encoding implies that uploads will be restricted to single-digit Mbps
proof of stake means more reliable peers make the calls.
frood is there a fast PoR encoding?
limited lifespan merkle proofs are pretty fast. or Sia style
frood how would that work in practice?
how Sia does it: create a merkletree from chunks of the file, embed the root in the blockchain. require nodes to post a merkle proof of arbitrary chunks every n blocks.
the data chunk + the proof is small enough to put on-chain, and it provides a strong probabilistic proof of retrievability after a few periods
plus Sia penalizes servers that fail scheduled proofs
So with filecoin the bundle is only comprised of new pieces frood
Shacham and waters seems to scale in linear time, while Sia-style merkle trees scale in log time.
So it's only whatever's been Put in the last block
That's the cost of hard proof of retrievability, no?
the bundle also contains the challenge pieces
Sure, so in a proof-of-stake model only the top 100 people actually need the bundle
I.e. in Tendermint
all validating nodes need the bundle
the proofs verify the chain, but the bundle needs to be dispersed to prevent scarcity attacks
Right, so the validating nodes in Tendermint are the top 100
Which in Tendermint would mean that established, reputable hosts are given more burden to validate.
are we expecting only 100 nodes to be storing pieces?
No, that's 100 nodes who need the bundle specifically for validation.
Other nodes can fetch it or parts at their leisure.
assuming the validating nodes are honest. the filecoin paper notes that the bundle exists because there is an incentive to hoarde pieces without sharing
and the bundle isn't needed for validation. the proofs suffice.
(otherwise you couldn't verify the chain from genesis without all pieces ever)
Right. OK, so you are suggesting a change from hard PoRs to what Sia does--what makes FileCoin unique?
no, I'm not suggesting that, just saying that I think it's a significant architectural problem to be overcome
Oh, for sure.
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What I was thinking was that instead of passing around the bundle, FileCoin could be built on IPFS, and it could simply be transferred individually that way.
Since there's no promise of privacy anyways (encrypt it :P ) that means not everybody needs every block--only the validators.
sure, you could have each bundle be an IPFS hash, but nodes still need to retrieve it to be sure that it's available.
Well, I mean that nodes wishing to host data / mine blocks download the parts of the bundle they want--i.e. to take a specific contract.
Not everybody needs everything.
But also, I'm wondering why the bundle is required for validation--is there a risk the record is invalid?
then you get into situations where filecoin promises existence, but not availability.
the bundle is not required for validation. it's required for preventing scarcity attacks via hoarding.
How would such an attack play out?
And why is it not resolved by peers hosting their content on IPFS until a few blocks go by and enough people to their satisfaction keep the data?
that assumes IPFS nodes behave altruistically
the attack is basically piece Qm...zzz is scarce in the network. I can prove Qm...zzz, and retrieve the reward, My incentive is to prevent others from proving piece Qm...zzz, so I will not make it available.
without the bundle, nodes are incentivized to hold pieces and prove them, without providing access.
Ah, I see. What if the fundamental promise of FileCoin is to publish something on IPFS?
I.e. to make it available to the network?
I suppose you'd have a time proving that.
IPFS is called the permanent web, but I've taken down 5 IPFS sites this week, because no other nodes bothered to retrieve the blocks.
filecoin needs to promise existence and availability in order to be useful.
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(and preferably a certain degree of performance)
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frood isn't that what FileCoin is trying to solve, is incentivizing nodes to keep blocks?
Why couldn't that happen over IPFS?
it could, but it can't rely on IPFS nodes behaving altruistically
Of course not, that's what the blockchain's for :P
and FileCoin for that matter
frood so the bundle only has to have the new pieces from the current block, correct?
it also has the k challenge pieces
which are randomly determined by the PoW element.
Ok, so how big can it get?
Is it semi-linear with the number of nodes storing?
Since the number of challenges would therefore rise?
k is a tunable difficulty parameter
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Oh yeah forgot about k :)
it's not detailed how big pieces are, or how many pieces are in the challenge bundle
frood what if k were the size of the previous bundle to reduce the size of the bundle if lots of challenges are being sent?
I'd guess k is tuned automatically like bitcoin difficulty, but this is getting into speculation
Well that'd make sense.
Alright, I'm off for tonight, great talking frood
I have data from 0.4.4 and after upgrade to 0.4.5 it requires migration
kenshyx: is that from launchin ipfs daemon --migrate
kenshyx: Not that it's actually fixing the problem; but if you have another machine (or VM/jail) you can light up a second instance and init/fetch into the new version
I don't start it with migrate
ahh; same difference I think
I have huge data store :/
kenshyx: Then kiil your exist repo; fire it up and migrate back/pin
are there any logs?
is there a particular block it wants but doesn't have or that's causing problems?
* MikeFair
has never looked; is just assuming there would/should be
ERROR: failed to convert flatfs datastore: remove /pinned/blocks-v4/CIQPM: directory not empty
does ipfs pin ls work?
I'm thinking capture the pinlist; upgrade; then put the pins back
that's so bad >_>
Or wait for these guys
google search?
(on the error)
You could manually make the directory empty probably to clear that error; but I don't know the consequences
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/msg AphelionZ For whenever you see this: I got the updateIPNS function working on my node; now that it's working it might not be necessary but it does provide a fixed point in space. the command to add the file and then publish it is: this.ipfs.add([new buffer.Buffer(index)])
Now I haven't seen how to provide a keyfile to update a separate ipns address dedicated to the user
like I can on the command line
I was able to import this into the DAG but it didn't work like I expected
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I think I know what needs to be done; but I think just working with files is fine for now
If added a "data" node to this object with the paste text; then taught your pastebin to load this file as a JSON object and select the data field; then I think you'd have a winner
You'd have the "history" references; and the "page data" referneces
So far I have not gotten ipfs js api to retrieve a file via ipns
MikeFair: your last ipfs get isnt working
Hmm I see some errors on ipfs daemon; I'm going to kick it
AphelionZ: ok, the original address is updated now
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Are there any plans for TOR integration ?
ntzor: I can't say; I'm only responding so the crickets don't chirp too long; but tbh, I'm not exactly certain what TOR integration would look like
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I know what TOR is; just not sure what the "integration" would be
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ntzor: You can certain hit ipfs / ipns dns nodes _from TOR_
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Well that explains it. @mikefair you should watch the IPFS videos where compatibility with tor, amongst other things, are explicitly discussed.
Some of your answers the other day didn't make much sense either. Thanks for trying nonetheless, check out the videos. Important we get these sorts of things right. Oh. And if you know of a link that describes how to create a permanent ID for a dynamic content group (ideally decentralised also) awesome.
ubiquitous[m]: I've been reading a lot of the GitHub docs; and do my best to tell ppl I'm not an expert here; and ask ppl to correct if whatever I say is off ; but I've found the channel tends to remain quiet for too long unless I say something that triggers them to respond
As for making a permanent ID to a dynamic content group; are you thinking something other than IPNS?
ipfs key gen nickname ; ipfs add [directoryofnewdata] ; ipfs name publish -k nickname hashofnewdatadirectory
(oh and recursive on the add)
ubiquitous[m]: I am very curious about what answers you saw that weren't making sense though :)
Is there tool/package to get ipfs hash of a file and that's it?
ipfs file stat --hash /local/file # if it's already in your local "files" bin
A124: or do you mean without adding it?
Yeah, without adding and being as small as possible.
correction: ipfs files stat --hash /local/file # "files" the s is important ;)
A124: I don't know of a way because the file has to be chunked out before it can addressed
A124: the ipfs javascript library is about 1.5MB
A124: should work with node.js to call its functions
is anyone working on IANA stuff?
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A124: There might be something but I don't know it ; [aside from ripping apart go-ipfs to strip out the add routine without actually writing anything]
afdudley: what's the iana stuff?
MikeFair: I'm not sure you can do TXT lookups from within tor
kpcyrd: I was thinking sites like ipfs.io
that's cool but not what afdudley was asking about
afdudley: Sure IPFS as DNS Resolver Cache
afdudley: So that's currently an IPFS file
(i think)
afdudley: And documentation of domain authority records
lgierth: is right, i'm talking more about adding blockchains to the OSI stack.
people have been adding all kinds of blockchain-ish data to ipfs and moving it around, ethereum, zcash, git
afdudley: you say blockchains I think distributed *coin ledger entries
and exposing all the different *sec protocols to the blockchain and from there, the end user.
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kumavis has been working on ethereum-on-ipfs and whyrusleeping has worked with zcash data
Yeah, i've talked to whyrusleeping in the past :D
where's the link between those and IANA?
be aware that you often don't even need registries or authorities
(blockchains are another kind of authority)
lgierth: sure; got it
e.g. for securing internet traffic, you don't need certificate authorities as in IPSEC or DNSSEC
lgierth: I do like "curated spaces"
lgierth: unpack that a bit.
please :D
lgierth: AFAIK DNSSEC isn't about security; it's about authrization
check out cjdns for example, it forms a p2p ipv6 network, completely secure and all, but without any IPSEC or IANA in there. your ipv6 address is the hash of your pubkey (= no need for address authority), and that pubkey is at the same time used to encrypt/sign packets (= no need for cert authorities) -- nodes just authenticate themselves
Dnssec is about security. Prevents DNS spoofing.
ubiquitous[m]: Spoofing is about updating privilege/authority
lgierth: ah, yeah, i'm aware of these projects. I think i'm coming at this from "the other side"
ubiquitous[m]: It's "Authorizing" who can make an update; I agree security is in the name; but it's not the same as security as in privacy or encypting data transmissions
like "how can infromation from BGPSEC (for example) help secure a blockchain?"
ubiquitous[m]: It's not trying to lock down data distribution
it's easy to move IP traffic over libp2p connections
and gain all these nice properties
then eat the internet one AS peering at a time
yeah, so this exactly the discussion i'm trying to avoid :D
yeah, I don't think network operators will like that idea.
(to put it politely)
we need new protocols with cryptography as a core part of the design, not just somehow bolted on top as with IPSEC and DNSSEC
oh god BGPSEC *is* a thing
I half agree with that.
network operators will be delighted how nicely it'll interoperate
Do you know any network operators?
but yeah word, i've had developers of more traditional routing protocols yell at me
Yes, I would expect them to. regardless of if I agree with them or not.
lgierth: I am very sad about IPSEC and DNSSEc
both those protocols are essentially useless
DNESEC is controlled by US gov
wait you reminded me of something
lgierth: I'll bet; do you calm them down ipfs is more a layer 5 protocol
and IPSEC was lobbied to be as insecure as possible
MikeFair: no, i'm after all layers
anyhow, gotta work
writing specs is more important than ranting :D
lgierth: enjoy :D
Any working on/proposing marking file blocks as temporary with a ttl like ipns registrations are?
blocks are inherently temporary until you pin hem
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lgierth: I was thinking of some kind of marking that would give these blocks a prefernce for purging
lgierth: after timeout
do it in your datastructure
lgierth: I'm expecting to generate a lot of intermediate files during a users web session
lgierth: I gues I don't follow what you mean there
For example; I plan on keeping some encrypted passkeys out there in a file; when this file changes; I'll unpin the current one and pin the updated one
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I'm not asking to actually purge the blocks; but it'd be great to say "hey nodes, if you'd like to reclaim some space; take this one first"
I figured I'd do that by readding it with a new TTL marker like an ipns registration has
How do I "do that in the datastructure"?
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The next event "IPFS All Hands Call" is in 15 minutes.
nicolagreco: did you write down your notes about the forum things we discussed? If so, I cannot find it anywhere
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daviddias: dignifiedquire: whyareyousleeping: lguierth: is there any work happening on the relay part? is that something you guys need help with? I was looking for something I can tackle... also if there is something else I can help with, let me know
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Came to IRC to ask if anybody's interested in debug dumps of a node that is currently using 7.9 gigs of ram
7.49 gigs*
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Mateon1: yeah, i'd take a look at them :)
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Cool, right now taking them
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Oh, I'm still running the prerelease
eh, still worth sending
The mem usage grew from 5 gigs to 7.5 in about 30 minutes while downloading a large dataset (peermaps)
QmXYBuXSH6qiyo6y4s4FLeU4x9UkntrGmA4p5z5WAn6y4c Get it while it's hot :)
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On another note, it's very likely that the republisher is stuck in that dump
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sooooo if i use ipfs on a btrfs volume will that de-duplicate added data effectively? or is that a naive assumption?
herzmeister[m]: ipfs already does dedupe on its own
i'm not sure if btrfs dedupe would improve upon that at all
if that were the case my .ipfs folder wouldn't contain gbs of data
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i dont mean the deduplication that is done internally, i mean the actual data that i share via ipfs; it is practically duplicated into the .ipfs folder
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you're asking if there's a way to ipfs add file.txt, and have ipfs serve it from its location in the filesystem, rather than make blocks in .ipfs?
herzmeister[m]: ah, i see
yeah, a btrfs dedupe might work for that
I've actually never tried
despite using btrfs *and* zfs on various machines of mine..
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depends on btrfs actually detecting the data is the same; dont know what the constraints for that are; and of course works only if ipfs doesnt scramble the data somehow
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it adds a thin wrapper around each 256K block
unless using --raw-leaves
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that indeed might break btrfs's deduplication
whats the downside of using --raw-leaves?
herzmeister: nobody likes salad.
i see ;)
herzmeister[m]: no downside, its just a newer feature
and older clients won't be able to handle data you create with it
(i guess thats a downside)
ah good then... dont give a shit, i'm not inclusive of old clients
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whyrusleeping: Are there any documents that describe how an IPNS node gets it link updated without changing it's address?
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I'd just like to understand how/why they are different from everything else that changes whenever their "contents" are changed
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Hello folks. Any good examples on using IPFS to exchange data between peers on a browser?
i just watched a talk on orbit which said that you could drag & drop things into orbit and share through there
works fine for file-sharing and serving static content to browsers via a local daemon
works fine for use as a package management tool for the whole go-ipfs codebase ;)
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also seems to work pretty well for peer to peer chat
though we're still working on getting latencies where we want them for that. doing things in the browser is hard
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for ipfs to be more useful for sharing large files vs bittorrent it needs anonymity as the default setting tbh. for serving static content like stylsheets or source code it is pretty decent at the moment.
bittorrent is not anonymous either
that is my point
at the moment, ipfs is effectively a slightly more useful bittorrent but not enough to make it obsolete.
ipfs is modular, so someone™ will write an onion- or turtle-routing extension for it
if someone™ does will it be merged into the mainline code base?
and if so, will it be the default setting for non servers?
i.e. short lived clients
__uguu__ onion routing has serious performance implications
tor is faster than people think
onion routing has improved a lot since 2006
I use it consistently
I know it's nowhere near the low latency people expect
Imagine someone in your house has a file, but you're routing through Tor. You have effectively undone any benefit in latency IFPS gave you.
when I used tor when i had RCN as my ISP it worked a little faster vs not
anonymity is overrated
very very important
SSL != anonymous
but not important enough to be on-by-default
that is very disapointing
anonymity is pointless if it's not the default setting
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we want to eventually have existing onion transport as part of go-ipfs, so you can flip a switch in your config
__uguu__ how so?
Tor is not the default browser. I think it's useful though.
probably will not be mainline IPFS because more complex, in many scenarios not needed. but that someone could easily provide a forked TIPFS project or the like
let's think for a second, what if the internet was built to have anonymity as the default ?
That's not possible.
herzmeister[m]: no, we want to have it in ipfs itself, behind a config option
for you
No, like the foundation of a bunch of sites is identity.
For example, Google makes their revenue via ads. Anonymous == no ads == no Google.
identity does not require your state issued id
does ipfs work in whonix
-me back to work
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I doubt anyone truly wants a world with google in full control
Banks need you to log in. Anonymous == no online banks == ??? == probably save more money but besides the point
__uguu__ Google will never be in full control.
Free market theory. But that's way besides the point.
I am trying to figure out how to get errors back while allowing the GC to continue if possible
I may be wrong, those asm files may be output
whyrusleeping: by self-requested a review does that mean you are looking at it now?
or putting on the queue for later?
kevina: looking at it quickly now, but will provide full review sometime later today
a full review will be a bit premature, still too much a WIP
caiogondim: The link from earlier didnt actually contain what i was hoping it would, Heres the thing i was meaning to send: https://kumavis.github.io/metamask-mesh/
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kevina: hrm... collecting errors that way is kinda confusing
what is your goal?
I think that its "enumerate all blocks, and report any errors encountered along the way" right?
whyrusleeping: Yes.
but that will require an API change
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I plan to push the collection as far up as possible without changing the API
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I am in the middle of eliminating the UnsafeToContinueError and will just send each error to the error channel
Hrm, okay
Using a channel seems like the right way to go
I would make sure to associate each error with the operation it came from
will do, also make sure the key that caused the problem is part of the error